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What will happen then? Oh, it will not hurt us. No. What about the next generation? Do we not owe them a responsibility to hold this country, its traditions, its constitutional government, the liberties and freedom, the right of self-government of our people for them? Are we not responsible for bringing them into the world? Do we not owe any sense of responsibility at all to them? That is my plea to you gentlemen of Congress. Let us not be strictly political. Let us be Americans first. Let us be men and exhibit courage. We owe that responsibility to those we have brought into the world. We owe it as Americans in honor of our patriotic forefathers to support and protect the Constitution. Keep this the most wonderful country in the world. This type of legislation has no place in an American Congress in this day and time.

Now, then, to bear out the fact—and I say the fact that these mass demonstrations, these boycotts and so on, are carrying out the pattern laid out by Stalin in his Black Belt conspiracy, and to prove it, I suggest to this committee that it have its staff check its records as to the Communist-front connections, activities, of the principal persons in the groups back of these mass action demonstrations and boycotts and put it of record of the hearing of this case so that Congress memory will be refreshed.

Let it be shown of record that the Congressional Record of February 23, 1956, pages 2805 and 2850, 45 pages of the Communist front record of the NAACP, with three-fourths of its directors, practically everyone of its national officials are members of Communist and Communist front organizations. I believe the total numbers about 2,000 memberships.

Next, and if I may, Mr. Chairman, here is a reproduction of what is in the Congressional Record, published under the title "Is the NAACP Subversive" by the Patrick Henry Group of Virginia. May I offer this as Perez Exhibit 3?

The CHAIRMAN. Yes, as an exhibit.

(The document referred to was marked "Perez Louisiana Exhibit No. 3" and is as follows:)

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The Patrick Henry Group is composed of American citizens concerned with the trend of our times.

As might be expected, most of us are Virginians, some of us are Democrats, some are Republicans every last one of us is a Conservative.

We support the traditional concept of States Rights and we advocate severely limited


We aren't incorporated, we are not deductable, we aren't anything but liberty-minded Americans who fight encroachment on the rights and responsibilities of the individual.

To that end we publish and disseminate literature we feel has patriotic merit._ We have done a number of such pieces, the most successful-by far-being Ripening Fruit. T. Coleman Andrews wrote this tract some two years ago and, to date, it has gone through more than 20 printings.


1. Ripening Fruit tells the story of what has happened and what is happening to this country; why we are threatened with falling, as Lenin reputedly predicted, like ripening fruit into the hands of the Communists without a shot being fired.

2. Another of our offerings asks the question: In the Supreme Court Pro-Communist? then goes on to detail every case of consequence the Court has decided that involved subversive activities. The little book carries a listing-a sort of box score-that shows how each Justice voted on each case that came before him, and the total votes of each. How many votes each cast in support of the position advocated by the Communists and how many times each voted against the Communist position.

3. A third Patrick Henry Group offering is called Why Rockefeller Can't Win, written by John J. Synon.

Why Rockefeller Can't Win is an in-depth study of the political situation as it pertains today. It proves conclusively, to a reasonable mind, why Rockefeller couldn't possibly win the needed 270 Electoral-College votes, if he were to get the Republican nomination.

Fulton Lewis, Jr. thought so well of this booklet he gave two consecutive broadcast to it. He recommends it highly.

Ripening Fruit and Is The Supreme Court Pro-Communist? each sells for 50 cents. in lots of 10, they are $4.00. Why Rockefeller Can't Win sell for $1.00; in lots of five, $4.00.


If The Patrick Henry Group seems to fit your turn of mind, if you would like to be a member, send $5.00, once a year. All you will get in return is a wallet-sized card attesting your membership, you will get free copies of our publications as they come off the press and you will help defray the expense involved in our effort. You may also derive a mite of satisfaction in knowing you are doing something, too.

We hope you like us. We hope you like our books.

-The Patrick Henry Group




Richmond, Virginia P.O. Box 217

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