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seems determined either to rule or ruin, and is indifferent which. Self-complacent as the senator from Missouri is, and confident as he is that he holds the Agamemnon of our little band a prisoner upon the 49th parallel, I, too, declare with the senator from Michigan, that if this boundary can be proved by the Treaty of Utrecht, I will abide by it-nay, more-I will give up all of Oregon. Sir, the Treaty of Utrecht established nothing west of the Rocky Mountains. France and England could not conclude what Spain was a party to. I congratulate my friend from South Carolina that he has made a convert of the senator from Missouri to his "masterly inactivity; it is a proud intellectual achievement. Let me remind the senator from Missouri, that Agamemnon and Ajax were not the only actors at the siege of Troy. Achilles and Hector were there, and our Achilles (here Mr. H. put his hand upon the vacant chair of Mr. Cass in front of him) may yet drag his Hector as a glorious trophy of victory.

On the following day General Cass explained. He remarked, that in the course of his life he had been twice captured, once while fighting against British pretensions in time of war, and a second time whilst struggling against British pretensions in a season of peace. On the first occasion he had been liberated by his country; and now he had come to set himself free. The senator from Missouri had charged him with having made a studied speech; he acknowledged that this was true, and hoped he should never so far forget what was due to himself and this Senate as to appear before it on a grave question like this without proper

preparation. He complained slightly of the general tone which pervaded the remarks of Mr. Benton, which was not what their past mutual relations justified. But the senator had erected a fortification for him (Mr. Cass), and then battered it down with his own cannon. He denied having made the remark imputed to him with regard to the treaty of Utrecht; he did not say that, if the line of 49 degrees was the established boundary of that treaty, he would adopt it; he had expressed doubts about the establishment of this line; but the true question was, did this line extend west of the Rocky Mountains? Here was the issue. By stopping at the Rocky Mountains, the senator from Missouri stops just where our difficulties commence. Mr. Cass said he felt very anxious to redeem himself from the error into which he was supposed to have fallen, and by which it was thought he was made a prisoner for life; and if he did not prove to the satisfaction of every senator, and every one who heard him, that his vindication was complete, he would be content to come down to the 49th parallel, and there stay,an event which he should regard as the greatest calamity that could befall him. Mr. Cass then procceded to reiterate much of his speech already made, and to comment upon it, and to justify his doubts about the establishment of the 49th parallel under the Utrecht treaty.

Early in April, the following resolution was passed by the Senate relative to the notice to be given to Great Britain for the termination of the joint convention respecting the Oregon territory

"Resolved,-That by the convention concluded the 20th day of

October, 1818, between the United States of America and the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, for the period of ten years, and afterwards indefinitely extended and continued in force by another convention of the same parties, concluded the 6th day of August, in the year of our Lord, 1827, it was agreed that any country that may be claimed by either party on the north-west coast of America, westward of the Stony or Rocky Mountains, now commonly called the Oregon territory, should, together with its harbours, bays, and creeks, and the navigation of all rivers within the same, befree and open' to the vessels, citizens, and subjects of the two Powers, but without prejudice to any claim which either of the parties might have to any part of the said country; and with this further provision, in the second article of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827, that either party might abrogate and annul the said convention, on giving notice of twelve months to the other contracting party;-that it has now become desirable that the respective claims of the United States and Great Britain should be definitively settled, and that said territory may no longer than need be remain subject to the evil consequences of the divided allegiance of its American and British population, and of the confusion and conflict of national jurisdictions, dangerous to the cherished peace and good understanding of the two countries; and, therefore, that steps be taken for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827, in the mode prescribed in its second article, and that the attention of the Govern

more earnestly and immediately directed to renewed efforts for the amicable settlement of all their differences and disputes in respect to the said territory.

"And be it further resolved, that the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized, at his discretion, to give to the British Government the notice required by its said second article for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827."

When this resolution was sent down to the House of Representatives, two Amendments were moved and carried, the object of which was to render it of a less conciliatory nature, by omitting all allusion to "an amicable settlement of the dispute, and making it imperative on the President to give the notice. The resolution as amended by the Lower House corresponded with that of the Senate, as far as the words “in the mode prescribed in its second article," and then proceeded, “and that the attention of the Government may be the more earnestly directed to the importance of a speedy adjustment of all their differences and disputes in respect to the said territory.

"2. And be it further resolved, that the President of the United States be authorized and requested to give to the British Government the notice required by its said second article for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827."

The Senate refused to concur in the resolution thus amended, by a majority of 29 to 22, upon which a Committee of conference was appointed by each of the two Houses, consisting of three members of ment of both countries may be the cach:-Mr. Berryer, Mr. Hey

wood, and Mr. Corwen, representing the Senate; and Mr. Ingersoll, Mr. Owen, and Mr. Hildyard, the House of Representatives.

The result was that they agreed to submit to their respective Houses the concluding part of the resolution in the following shape:

"And whereas, it has now become desirable that the respective claims of the United States and Great Britain should be definitely settled, and that said territory may no longer than need be remain subject to the evil consequences of the divided allegiance of its American and British population, and of the confusion and conflict of national jurisdictions dangerous to


cherished peace and good under standing of the two countrieswith a view, therefore, that steps be taken for the abrogation of the said convention of the 6th of August, 1827, in the mode prescribed in its second article, and that the attention of the Governments of both countries may be more earnestly directed to the adoption of all proper measures for the speedy and amicable adjustment of the difficulties and disputes in relation to said territory:

"Resolved, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized at his discretion to give to the British Government the notice required by its said second article for the abrogation of the convention of the 6th of August, 1827."

On the 23rd of April, this resolution was adopted in the Senate by a majority of 42 to 10; and in the House of Representatives on the same day, by a majority of 142 to 46. On the 27th, it was submitted to the President, and ratified by his signature. This

was a signal victory gained by the moderate party over their opponents, and led immediately, as will be seen, to a final and satisfactory settlement of the whole question.

On the 18th of April, a Bill providing for the occupation of the Oregon territory, passed the House of Representatives by a majority of 103 against 46. It was entitled "A Bill to Protect the Rights of American Settlers in the territory of Oregon, until the termination of the Joint Occupation of the same." The first section enacted "That the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the territory of Iowa, and the laws of said territory, so far as the same may be applicable, as they now exist, are hereby extended over all that portion of the territory of the United States which lies west of the Rocky Mountains ; and also over all that portion of the intermediate country west of the Missouri river, and between the 40th and 43rd parallels of north latitude. Provided, that this act shall not be construed nor executed in such a manner as to deprive the subjects of Great Britain of any of the rights and privileges secured by the treaty signed in London, October 20, 1818, and continued in force by the treaty of August 6, 1827."

On the 11th of May, the President transmitted to Congress a Message of great length, in which he entered fully into the history of the differences between the United States and Mexico; the result of which was a proclamation of war by him, on account of the "longcontinued and unredressed wrongs and injuries committed by the Mexican Government on citizens of the United States, their persons and property."

At the conclusion of the Message, the President said, "The most energetic and prompt measures, and the immediate appearance in arms of a large and overpowering force, are recommended to Congress as the most certain and efficient means of bringing the existing collision with Mexico to a speedy and successful termination.

"In making these recommendations, I deem it proper to declare that it is my anxious desire not only to terminate hostilities speedily, but to bring all matters in dispute between this Government and Mexico to an early and amicable adjustment; and in this view I shall be prepared to renew nego. tiations whenever Mexico shall be ready to receive propositions or to make propositions of her own."

The formal proclamation of war was dated at Washington, the 13th of May, and was as follows:

"Whereas, the Congress of the United States, by virtue of the constitutional authority vested in them, have declared by their act bearing date this day, that by the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Government and the United States:'

"Now, therefore, I, James K. Polk, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim to all whom it may concern, and I do specially enjoin on all persons holding offices, civil or military, under the authority of the United States, that they be vigilant and zealous in discharging the duties respectively incident thereto. And I do, moreover, exhort all the good people of the United States, as they love their country, as they feel the wrongs which have forced on them the last resort of injured nations, and as

they consult the best means under the blessing of Divine Providence of abridging its calamities, that they exert themselves in preserving order, in promoting concord, in maintaining the authority and the efficacy of the laws, and in supporting and invigorating all the measures which may be adopted by the constituted authorities for attaining a speedy, a just, and an honourable peace.

"In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents."

When official intelligence of the resolution come to by the American Legislature on the subject of Oregon reached England, Lord Aberdeen thought that a favourable opportunity had arrived for effecting a compromise; and he lost no time in transmitting to the British Minister, at Washington, a proposition which he hoped would put an end to the difference between the two countries. The event justified his expectations; for the offer made by Lord Aberdeen was submitted by the American Government to the Senate, and approved of by them by a large majority. The Presi dent immediately accepted the terms, and the Oregon question ceased from that time to be a cause of quarrel. This happy termination of the dispute took place in June, and Lord Aberdeen's proposals were embodied in a treaty consisting of the following articles :

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"Art. I.-From the point on the 49th parallel of north latitude, where the boundary laid down in existing treaties and conventions between Great Britain and the United States terminates, the line of boundary between the territories of Her Britannic Majesty and those of

the United States shall be continued westward along the said 49th parallel of north latitude to the middle of the channel which separates the continent from Vancouver's Island; and thence southerly, through the middle of the said channel, and of Fuca's Straits, to the Pacific Ocean; provided, however, that the navigation of the whole of the said channel and straits south of the 49th parallel of north latitude remain free and open to both parties.

"Art. II. From the point at which the 49th parallel of north latitude shall be found to intersect the great northern branch of the Columbia river, the navigation of the said branch shall be free and open to the Hudson's Bay Company, and to all British subjects trading with the same, to the point where the said branch meets the main stream of the Columbia, and thence down the said main stream to the ocean, with free access into and through the said river or rivers; it being understood, that all the usual portages along the line thus described shall in like manner be free and open.

"In navigating the said river or rivers, British subjects, with their goods and produce, shall be treated on the same footing as citizens of the United States; it being, however, always understood, that nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing, or intended to prevent, the Government of the United States from making any

of the Hudson's Bay Company, and of all British subjects who may be already in the occupation of land or other property lawfully acquired within the said territory, shall be respected.

"Art. IV.-The farms, lands, and other property of every description, belonging to the Puget's Sound Agricultural Company, on the north side of the Columbia river, shall be confirmed to the said Company. In case, however, the situation of those farms and lands should be considered by the United States to be of public and political importance, and the United States Government should signify a desire to obtain possession of the whole or any part thereof, the property so required shall be transferred to the said Government at a proper valuation, to be agreed upon between the parties."

In the month of July, a new Tariff Bill gave rise to an animated debate in both Houses. The object of this Bill was to effect a considerable reduction in the import duties upon all articles, except such as may be classed under the head of luxuries. The following instances show the nature of the benefit conferred upon the importer.

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Bar or bolt iron reduced from 73 to 30
Nail or spike rods..........
Cut or wrought-iron spikes ... 168
Blacksmiths' hammers and

Iron chains other than chain

regulations respecting the naviga- Wrought for ships, locomotive, tion of the said river or rivers, not inconsistent with the present treaty. "Art. III.-In the future appropriation of the territory south of the 49th parallel of north latitude, as provided in the first article of this treaty, the possessory rights

and steam-engines Salt Velvets, cotton Carpeting, treble ingrain ingrain. Cloths of wool, broad cloths, cassimeres, coatings, and padding

99 30




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