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Khan, has also arrived as Governor of Ghuznee, and as political agent. I received instructions to march, immediately on his arrival, for Cabool, from the late Sir W. Macnaughten, Bart. Abandoned as this garrison has been, in the very centre of the enemy's country, cut off from all communication with any quarter, and without a sufficiency of water, even at this season, with two hundred men detached to hold an out-post, which is destitute of water, and must have fallen in forty-eight hours, nothing but capitulation remained. From the out-post falling into the hands of the enemy, they would command our only well, and, commanding the fort, the whole garri

son would have been destroyed in a few days. The bearer has received only subsistence on the road, and is to receive a handsome reward on delivering this letter. We have upwards of 100 sick and wounded, and 137 casualties. The officers, including Captain Burnett, 54th, and Lieutenant Crawford, Shah Soojah's force, are all well. I have &c.,

T. PALMER. P.S. There is great reason to fear for our safety, as there are thousands of Ghazees in the city, whom the chiefs cannot disperse. The snow is still deep. No tidings from the southward, but report says the troops hold the city of Candahar and are daily fighting.



Peshawur, February 12, 1842. Sir, I hoped by this date to have been able to report, for the information of Government, my intention of moving forward immediately, but unforeseen circumstances have occurred, and which are likely to delay any active operations, though I hope not long.

I left General McCaskill's brigade three marches on the other side of the Attock, in the expectation of reaching Peshawur the following day, but on my arrival at the Indus, I found the Sikh troops encamped on the left bank under Rajah Golab Sing, accompanied by the prince, and the road on the right bank was occupied by the four Nujeeb battalions, who had so shamefully retired on the

occasion of Brigadier Wild's advance. I was thus compelled to remain at Attock until the Sikh troops moved away, which was effected after many urgent messages from Captain Lawrence, who had joined the Sikh camp with the view of hastening their advance to Peshawur. As the British troops arrived on the day the Sikh troops marched, I remained with the former to hasten them across the Indus. We unfortunately had very heavy rain, but I crossed the whole, and marched to Akora on the 4th. The next morning (the 5th), I again left the camp, and proceeded to Peshawur with Captain Lawrence, who returned again to the Sikh camp on the 6th. The day after my arrival, I was much

concerned to hear from Brigadier Wild that the number of sick in his brigade amounted to about 1000 men. I proceeded the next morning to camp, visited all the hospitals, to endeavour to ascertain from the surgeons the probable cause: several were suggested, such as the snow water, the attah, the inclemency of the weather, and the effects of the late exposure at Ali Musjid. I attribute it chiefly to the weather at this season, which is cold, with constant rain. I have ordered a special medical committee to assemble and report on the subject, for I regret to say that the number of cases now amounts to more than 1800; the disease, dysentery and diarr hoa. It is, however, satisfactory to know that no case has been fatal, and that almost the whole of them are slight, and I have little doubt of the complaint disappearing almost entirely when the weather becomes less severe. In the meantime, I have requested of Captain Mackeson to endeavour to procure for all the men the worsted gloves and stockings which I understand from Captain Ponsonby were granted to the other troops arriving here. I consider it the more desirable that these articles should be given to the men, as the late affairs in which they have been engaged, have, from some mismanagement or want of proper arrangement after Brigadier Wild was wounded, proved severe and trying. I shall visit their hospitals frequently, and by adding in any way to their comforts, show that I feel an interest in them. There has been some unpleasant feeling among them, which I hope has entirely sub sided.

The Sikh troops, under Rajah

Golab Sing, have not yet arrived, and I fear from the very unnecessary delay which has been made since I first met them at Attock, that I can expect little, indeed no aid, from them; it is unfortunate that it should be so, but it is better that I should expect no aid rather than depend upon receiving it, and afterwards be disappointed. The number of troops which I have now fit for duty, exclusive of cavalry, is scarcely equal to the strength of Brigadier Wild's brigade before I arrived. I could not therefore hope to advance and keep open my communication with Peshawur. This is quite evident from the circumstance of the communication being entirely cut off between Ali Musjid and Peshawur, while two regiments held possession of the former place, and the other two regiments were at the mouth of the pass. If, as I am led to expect from his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, another brigade, including the 31st Queen's and the 3rd Dragoons, is now on its march to join me, I shall have no difficulty in advancing, for I fully expect that the sickness which now exists will cease as the weather becomes milder. I have every reason to believe that with a force of about 10,000 men (which they would be, if the expected brigade joins in time), I should be able to reach Jellalabad almost without opposition. The chiefs of Lalpoora and Ghoosta are willing to, and desirous of aiding us, if we advance with a force sufficient to command respect, and the same may perhaps be said of the Sikhs; but unless the force is formidable, and we are able to make our way and keep open the communication, the tribes between this and Jellalabad will not only

not aid us, but will feel compelled to act offensively, to save themselves from the vengeance of the Cabul authorities whenever we may withdraw from the country. The chief of Ghoosta has written a letter, a translation of which I inclose; he has hitherto been friendly, and will no doubt continue so while we are in force. The late Lalpoora chief is still here, and feels fully confident of being able to regain his authority whenever we advance in sufficient numbers. In the event of Sir R. Sale requiring aid before any re

inforcement joins me, I should not hesitate to make every excrtion to join him; but as we are in communication, I do not expect any sudden or unexpected call from* him: he is, by the last accounts, well supplied for a month. Ali Musjid is still in possession of the enemy. I have made particular inquiry about it, and as I find it is commanded by two hills, I an ticipate no difficulty in retaking it, which I propose doing whenever I advance. I have, &c., G. POLLOCK.


Sulla Chunee near Ali Musjid,

April 16, 1842.

Sir, It is with feelings of much gratification I have the honor to report, for the information of the Right Honorable the GovernorGeneral in Council, the following detail of operations undertaken and carried into effect against the Afreedees.

2. Yesterday morning, at halfpast three, the troops were under arms, the camp struck, and, according to arrangements previously made, the treasure, ammunition and baggage placed on the road leading from Jumrood towards the entrance of the Khyber Pass. The enemy had for some days appeared in great numbers at the mouth of the Pass, which they had fortified with a strong breast work of stones and bushes. The hills on the right and left were rocky and precipitous, presenting great natural obstacles to the ascent of troops. To gain the summit of these heights, defended as they were by a numerous body of the enemy, was an

undertaking of considerable diffi culty.

3. The columns destined to accomplish this most important object, moved off simultaneously with the main column intended to assault the entrance, but were compelled to make a considerable detour to the right and left, to enable them to commence the ascent.

4. The right column consisted of the troops detailed in the margin,* under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, Her Majesty's 9th Foot, and Major Anderson, 64th regiment Native Infantry.

5. The left column,† under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel

Four companies of Her Majesty's jesty's 26th Native Infantry; four com9th Foot; four companies of Her Mapanies of Her Majesty's 64th Native Infantry.

+ Four companies of Her Majesty's jesty's 26th Native Infantry; four com9th foot; four companies of Her Ma panies of Her Majesty's 64th Native Infantry; 400 Jezailchees.

Moseley and Major Huish, commenced the ascent, led by Captain Ferris' regiment of Jezailchees. Both columns, after considerable opposition, which they overcame in a most gallant style, succeeded in routing the enemy, and gaining possession of the crest of the hills on either side. While the flanking columns were in progress on the heights, I ordered Captain Alexander, in command of the artillery, to place the guns in position, and to throw shrapnell among the enemy when opportunity offered, which assisted much in their discomfiture. As Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, from the opposition he had met with, and the extremely difficult nature of the ground, was some time in reaching the summit of the hill on the right, I detached a party under the command of Brigadier Wild, to assault it in front; it was however so extremely steep near the top, that notwithstanding the undaunted gallantry of the officers and men, they were unable to gain a footing on the summit, and I regret to say, the enemy were enabled to throw stones with fatal effect upon some of the leading Grenadiers of the 9th Foot. Finding the heights in our possession, I now advanced the main column to the mouth of the Pass, and commenced destroying the barrier which the enemy had evacuated on perceiving their position was turned; a portion of the right and left columns being left to keep the heights, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Moseley, and Major Anderson, respectively. Major Huish and Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor continued their advance to crown the hills in front

Gr. Her Majesty' 9th Foot; six companies of the 53rd Native Infantry,

and on each side, which were covered with the enemy, who appeared determined to contest every inch of ground, but nothing could resist the gallantry of our troops, who carried everything before them. A position of considerable strength above the bridge now remained to be carried, and again the Jezailchees were conspicuous in forcing the enemy to relinquish their strongholds. Crowning parties having taken possession of their heights, all opposition on the part of the enemy may be said to have ceased, as no large body of them has since come in sight. The nature of the arrangements made for the protection of the baggage, will be best understood when I state that not a single baggage animal has fallen into the hands of the enemy.

6. It now remains for me to perform the pleasing duty of stating how much I feel indebted to the officers and men comprising the force under my command, for their zeal, devotion, and unflinching valour, in performance of the very arduous duty which they have so nobly executed.

7. From Major-General Mc Caskill, K.H., commanding the infantry division, and who was on this occasion commanding the rearguard, I have received every assistance; as likewise from Brigadier Wild-to Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, K.H., my warmest acknowledgments are due for the spirit, coolness and judgment with which he discharged the duties entrusted to him. Where officers and men, European and Native, have all so gallantly performed their duty, it is difficult to select the names of particular individuals, but I cannot omit the names of those who so admirably led the troops to

storm the heights, viz.: Lieutenant-Colonel Moseley, 64th Native Infantry, Major Huish, 26th Native Infantry, Major Anderson, 64th Native Infantry, and Captain Ferris, commanding the Jezailchees, whose conduct excited the delight and admiration of all who beheld them; indeed I consider much of the success of the day to be attributed to their gallantry, skill and perseverance in this most difficult description of warfare. I have also to express my satisfaction with the manner in which the artillery was served, by Captain Alexander commanding; the precision with which shrapnell was thrown, caused considerable loss to the enemy. To Captain Ponsonby, my Assistant Adjutant-General, Captain Codrington, Assistant Quarter-Master-General, Captain Macadam, Deputy-Judge-Advocate-General, and to Lieutenant Pollock, A.D.C., I am much indebted for communicating my orders at different times during the day.

8. I cannot conclude this dispatch without requesting that you will bring to the particular notice of the Governor-General in Council, the very great assistance I have received from Captains Mackeson and Lawrence; Captain Mackeson's knowledge of the localities was invaluable to me by enabling him to point out those heights which re

quired to be crowned. Both these officers came on to the ground which I now occupy. Captain Lawrence returned to Peshawur yesterday, and Captain Mackeson proceeds with the force. Captain Sir Richmond Shakespear volunteered his services to accompany Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, as his aide-de-camp, and took command of the men lately composing the garrison of Ali Musjid; his exertions throughout the day were most conspicuous and unceasing.

9. I must here observe that, from the character of the operations, and the very great numbers of the enemy, estimated at about 10,000, I found the force under my command numerically deficient, and in consequence the troops suffered severely from excessive fatigue.

10. There were some of the enemy's horse in the vicinity of Ali Musjid, but I regret they did not wait for Brigadier White, and his brigade, to make an example of them.

[blocks in formation]


Camp, Bootkhak, Sept. 14, 1842. Sir, I have the honour to report, for the information of his Excellency the Commander-inChief, that I marched from Seh Baba on the 11th instant, and ar

rived at Tezeen the same day, where I was joined by MajorGeneral McCaskill, with the 2nd division.

On the 12th I halted, in consequence of the cattle of the second division having suf

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