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Mr. Adolphus. Did the prisoner leave your house at all from the time she first entered it until she finally left?-Lord Frankfort.She never went out on any occasion. Mr. Adolphus. Now, my Lord, will you tell us what took place when Miss Mitchell first came with the prisoner to your house?Lord Frankfort.-Nothing whatever was said.

Mr. Adolphus. Do you mean to say the name of the prisoner was not mentioned ?-Lord Frankfort. I do: Miss Mitchell is an actress, and she brought me some benefit-tickets to circulate for her, and I did so.

Mr. Adolphus.-Have you been in the habit of circulating benefit tickets for Miss Mitchell?-Lord Frankfort. I have done so three or four times.

Mr. Adolphus.-Then are we to understand, that when this strange young woman was brought to your house you made no inquiry who she was or what she was? Lord Frankfort.-I had not time: the whole transaction only occupied five or six minutes.

Mr. Adolphus.-Then you made no inquiry about her?-Lord Frankfort. I don't inquire who comes to my house.

Mr. Adolphus.-Then, whether she came from the Rookery or from Spring-gardens you were equally ignorant?-Lord Frankfort. - İ asked no questions, and she did not give me any information herself.

Mr. Adolphus. Was there any agreement as to what the prisoner was to have or receive from you? -Lord Frankfort.-No: I merely told her that I was not going to keep her to run about the streets; and if she left my house at all she was to keep away altogether. I told her, she was welcome to go out, but if she did so, she must stay out.

Mr. Adolphus.-Have you ever seen the prisoner wear a pair of diamond ear-rings that belonged to you?-Lord Frankfort-She did: I gave her some rings and brooches.

Mr. Adolphus. Has she not worn the miniature also?—Lord Frankfort. She has on some occasions.

Mr. Adolphus.-You have said that the prisoner had very few clothes when she came to your house will you tell us how she obtained them afterwards?-Lord Frankfort.-I ordered the mantuamakers and milliners to come to the house to measure the prisoner and I paid for the things; I di.. not go myself to order the things, and I have never said that I did.

Evidence was given that various articles had been pledged, some of them a month before the prisoner left Lord Frankfort's house; some by the prisoner, and some by two other women. For the defence, Mr. Adolphus maintained that the

things had been given to the prisoner by Lord Frankfort. He commented strongly on Lord Frankfort's calling no evidence as to what passed in his own house; himself being the only witness. "Could any one doubt that he was determined to get back the jewels, which he repented having given to her ?" "It had been proved, that for two whole months this young creature was kept almost a prisoner from the light of heaven; and he put it to the common sense of the jury, whether she would for two months have endured such a condition unless his Lordship had given her some equivalent." And for two months after the prisoner left his house, no steps were taken to apprehend her or to trace the property. Mr. Justice Erskine summed up, and after about ten minutes consultation, but without retiring, the jury returned a verdict of "Not Guilty." The verdict was received with shouts of applause in the court, echoed by the crowd without; and for several minutes order could not be restored. A second indictment was withdrawn; and Alice Lowe was discharged. She left the court in a cab; her appearance outside being greeted by loud shouts, and several well-dressed persons pressing forward to shake hands with her.



quies of the late Dr. Herschell, Chief Rabbi of England, were performed with great solemnity. Precisely at ten o'clock the corpse, in a plain deal coffin, covered with black cloth (in which it had been

deposited by the express desire of the deceased), was removed from his late residence in Bury-court, St. Mary-Axe, to the chief Synagogue, Duke's-place, supported by Sir Moses Montefiore and twentythree other leading members of "the Bethdin." During the progress from the door of the synagogue to the ark, an appropriate service was chaunted by Mr. Asher, the principal reader; and after the bier had been placed before the ark, an impressive ceremonial in accordance with the Jewish faith was gone through. The ark was covered with black cloth, the numerous windows were darkened, the Synagogue was illumined by wax tapers, and the whole arrangements had a sombre and most impressive effect. This portion of the religious observance having been completed, the procession was formed to convey the mortal remains of the much-respected and deeply-lamented deceased to their last resting-place, in the Jews' Burial-ground, Northstreet, Mile-end. The procession comprised the children of both sexes belonging to the Spanish, German, and Portuguese charity schools, the youths training up for the priesthood, the readers of the various metropolitan Synagogues, the hearse conveying the corpse, and the carriages of the leading Jewish laity.

The cavalcade comprised upwards of 100 carriages. The deceased left orders that no mourning coaches should attend his funeral. The principal mourner was his grandson. On arriving at the ground in North-street, the body was carried into the Hall, and placed in the centre; and the reader taking his position at the head of the coffin, repeated the

usual burial service in a very impressive manner. At the conclusion of the prayers the corpse was borne to the grave. Several brown paper parcels, sealed with wax, containing papers and documents, were thrown into the grave, by order of the deceased; and a large box, containing one of the laws of Moses, written by himself on parchment, was also consigned to the grave, by special orders of the deceased. The shops of the trades men of the Jewish faith in the line where the procession passed were all closed. The ceremony lasted from ten in the morning until near three in the afternoon. The deceased had not been able to attend the Synagogue since he met with an accident about two years ago, on which occasion his thigh was dislocated. He was eighty-two years of age, and officiated as Chief Rabbi upwards of forty-two years, and was universally respected.

4. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN MANCHESTER. A shocking fire broke out at the extensive cotton mills of Messrs. Pooley, Mill-street, Ancoats, about two hours before the time at which the place usually closes for the night. The fire originated near the centre of the building called the New Mill, the only portion of the premises not fireproof, and such was the fearful rapidity with which the flames spread, that a portion of the hands had not time to escape. Hence, in addition to the destruction of property which followed the calamity, it was attended with a fearful loss of life. It may be ne


cessary to mention, that the fire broke out near the grand staircase by which access was obtained to the different rooms; and this will explain the reason why the escape of some of the workpeople was cut off. The fire speedily illuminated the whole town; and the town fire-engines were immediately at work, but a great portion of the New Mill was soon a mass of ruins; and the flames had spread along the roof of what is called the fire-proof mill, before its progress was arrested. Some of the hands whose escape was cut off, were seen clinging to the windows during the progress of the fire; and some attempts were made at rescue, but the risk was too great, and they were buried in the ruins.

7. THE TIMES TESTIMONIALA meeting of the Committee appointed by the public meeting to arrange the Times Testimonial, was held, to receive the report of the auditors of the accounts. Lord Mayor Pirie took the chair. Mr. H. Hughes, as Honorary Secretary, reported, that since the last meeting of the Committee, contributions to the amount of 367. 108. had been received, including ten guineas from the Chamber of Commerce of St. John's, Newfoundland, 57. from Mr. William Cotton, Governor of the Bank of England, and seven sums of two guineas, and six sums of one guinea each making the total amount subscribed 2,7021. 1s., every shilling of which had been received. He laid before the meeting the following summary of the subscriptions:

1 Sir John Pirie, Lord Mayor (Chairman) and Treasurer) 38 Public companies

Amount. £. s. d. 10 10 0 330 5 0


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Amount. £. s. d.

340 15


194 6 0

64 Magistrates, &c. of the City of London 58 London bankers, and joint-stock banks 518 9 129 London merchants, manufacturers, traders,

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790 1 0

429 10 0

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The subscriptions from "foreign merchants, bankers, public companies," &c. were from Alexandria, Antwerp, Cadiz, Calcutta, Cologne, Dantzic, Florence, Geneva, Hamburg, La Guayra (in South America), Macao, Malta, Messina, Naples, Newfoundland, Ostend, Paris, Venice, Vevay, and Wisbaden. And Mr. Hughes knew for a certainty, that they would have been much more considerable and numerous, but for the great losses (in many cases ruinous) sustained by firms all over the Continent of Europe, through the very conspiracy afterwards brought to light and exposed by the Times.

The sum of 2,000l. had been devoted to establishing two scholarships at Oxford and Cambridge, in connexion with Christ's Hospital and the City of London School. A tablet is to be set up in the new Royal Exchange, and another in the Times office. The report was affirmed, and thanks were passed to the several honorary officers of the Committee.

8. INSTALLATION OF THE NEW LORD MAYOR. Mr. Alderman Humphery was sworn into the office of Lord Mayor, with the usual ceremonies, at Guildhall.

9. BIRTH-DAY OF THE PRINCE OF WALES.-The first anniversary

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2,702 1 0

of the Royal heir-apparent's birth was marked by manifestations of rejoicing bell-ringing, cannonfiring, and some illuminations at night, in Windsor and London. There was a review in the Home Park; and the Duchess of Kent went to the Castle to pay a congratulatory visit. Her Royal Highness composed a piece of music in honour of the day, which was performed by the band of the Grenadier Guards in the evening.

10. VISIT OF THE QUEEN TO WALMER CASTLE.-Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Royal children, left Windsor for Walmer Castle, near Deal, the official residence of the Duke of Wellington as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. They were loyally welcomed in the several towns through which they passed, particularly at the City of Canterbury. Her Majesty arrived at the Castle in a close travelling carriage and four, with outriders, accompanied by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and escorted from Sandwich by a detachment of the 7th Hussars. The Duke of Wellington, who had met Her Majesty at Sandwich, and escorted her to within a short distance of Walmer, arrived at great speed at the Castle a few minutes before the Queen,

for the purpose of receiving the Sovereign upon alighting at the fortress. Her Majesty was driven over the drawbridge, when the Duke who wore the riband of the Garter and several orders, received the Queen, and handed her from the carriage. Her Majesty looked remarkably well, and appeared in excellent spirits as she ascended the grand staircase, leaning upon the arm of the Duke. Soon after the Queen's arrival, Her Majesty (it being a moonlight night, and the rain having ceased), walked out upon the ramparts, and enjoyed for some minutes the fine view which presented itself. Upon Her Majesty arriving within sight of the Castle, the battery outside of the moat, consisting of eight 36-pounders, fired a Royal salute. This was immediately returned by the Thunderer man-of-war, then lying just off the Castle. In the carriage which immediately followed that of Her Majesty were their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal, attended by the Dowager Lady Lyttelton.

12. DEATH OF THE BISHOP OF CASHEL-IRELAND.-The Bishop of Cashel, who had for some time been in a very precarious state of health, died, in his sixty-fourth year. Dr. Sandes was for many years a senior Fellow and burser in the University. In 1836, he was consecrated Bishop of Killaloe, whence he was translated to Cashel, in 1839. He met with a severe accident whilst travelling in England some years ago, by the upsetting of a coach, from the effects of which he never entirely recovered. He enjoyed the esteem of all parties.


East Indiaman was wrecked in a dreadful storm on the coast of France about thirty miles to the west of Boulogne. She was bound to London from China, with a cargo of 27,000 chests of tea; having left Canton on the 7th May. There were on board 122 persons: seven seamen only were saved. The ship came on shore at two o'clock in the morning, during a tremendous gale; and was driven with such impetus as to be at once firmly imbedded in the sand. It is supposed that the light near the port of Boulogne was mistaken for that of Dungeness. Another supposition is, that the haziness of the weather prevented any lights being seen; and that the gale and current both setting towards the French coast, the vessel made more way than was at all suspected, and was on the coast when she was supposed to be many miles from it. The boats were hoisted out

the long-boat was immediately swamped, and the others, being overloaded, went down within a short distance of the vessel, which broke up at four o'clock. Many of her crew had been washed overboard before; and now there was the final sweeping away. The names of those saved were Robert Dixon, the carpenter, W. O'Neill, of Kingston in Ireland, Johan Anderson of Lauzry in Norway, Charles Batts of Dantzic: the remaining three are Malays. Mr. Green, the commander, is said to have been a careful and intelligent officer; and the three mates, Mr. Walsh, Mr. T. Green, and Mr. Griffin, who perished, are also described as steady and experienced sailors. The ship was owned by Messrs. Mann and Tomlyn, of Swan-alley, Cornhill. Upwards of 2,000 chests of tea were colN

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