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ish nation, was reduced to the lowest ebb. Government, convinced that this force gives life and health to states, has paid it regularly, and has put some ships in repair to cruise upon the coast. Other vessels of various classes have been put in a state to render important service. Others are put in commission, to repair to our colonies, should it be necessary. The commercial navy occupies the attention of Government as the basis of a military navy, and as the surest means of promoting industrial and commercial prosperity. Since the restoration of peace the mercantile movement is reviving. To it the confidence of tranquility is necessary."

The Government, "sincerely attached to the representative system," was anxious to augment the guarantees calculated to secure stability and permanency to the constitution

"With this view, there will be presented to you a project of Ministerial responsibility, designed to act as a check on men invested with power, and to secure the political principles of the Spanish nation. The necessity for ameli orating the public administration, and for harmonizing with the constitution of the state the organic law which is legitimately derived from it, induces the Government to submit to the Cortes projects of laws on the organization and functions of the municipalities, the provincial deputations, and the political chiefs. There will also be presented to you a project of law on the liberty of the press, tending to suppress the abuses and check the licence under which defamation is pursued upon system, calumny promulgated on calculation, and conspiracy against the

constitution instigated by sordid interest. Desirous to establish uniformity to the administration of all the provinces, in a manner equally conformable to the welfare of the nation and to the public faith, the Government has thought it a duty to present a project of law to modify the Fueros, of the Basque Provinces. The good order of the administration requires a new division of territory, that shall remedy the defects pointed out by experience in the present one: for this purpose, a project of law will be submitted to you, for which the public advantage loudly calls. There will likewise be laid before you a project of law for the organization of the tribunals and of the magistracy, and another on the permanency and responsibility of the magistrates and judges."

"Gentlemen, Senators, and Deputies,-The nation contemplates you. Strong hopes are founded on your patriotism and justice. Your mission is serious, and tends to regenerate the nation, and the book of immortality reserves you a golden page. Depend upon my efforts and the honest heart of a soldier, who always fought for the liberty and glory of his country. Do not forget that certain impotent and criminal parties pretend, in their delirium, to combat the constitution and the throne, in order to discredit the sacred cause which we defend, and that they are endeavouring to excite Europe against us. Let us draw closer the bonds of a sincere and consolidat ing union, and let us consolidate the constitutional throne of a young Queen, whose magic name has always vanquished the enemies of liberty. I have no ambition for myself; my life belongs to my country and the glory of serving

it with honour forms my patrimony. May the existing constitution, the throne of the young Isabella, the national independence, and the Government framed according to the wishes of the nation, be the programme of our fidelity and the point of departure whence to direct the legislative labours towards the consolidation of a strong and just Government; which, resisting the snares of ambitious factions, may secure for ever the prosperity and happiness of the nation!"

The next day the Cortes proceeded in both chambers to the election of a president, vice-president and secretaries. In the senate the four following members were appointed secretaries:-Senors Torres Salanot, Onis, Mugnizo, and Chacon. In the Cham ber of Deputies Senor Acuna was elected President, and although he was a member of the opposi tion, his return was looked upon as a triumph by ministers, as thereby Senor Lopez was excluded, whose election might have been productive of much mischief to them. The vice-presidents were Senor Alcon, Senor Lills, Senor Saquarti, Senor Viadera. In the senate, the reply to the speech of the Regent was discussed on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of January.

On the first day, the principle commentators on the reply were Senors Campuzano, Marliani, and Ruiz de la Vega; while Senors Gomez Becerra, Gonzales, and Heros spoke in defence and explanation. Senor Campuzano complained of the omission of any explanation of the existing relations between Spain and Portugal, whose interests were so nearly allied, and of the apparent and tacit delivery of the latter country into the sole

guardianship of England. He criticised the policy pursued with respect to the powers of the north, and attributed their enmity to the want of a strong and stable government in Spain, which could make itself respected abroad, and unite the interests of the various provinces of the monarchy, so as to achieve power and solidity at home. The greatest sensation was, however, produced by Senor Marliani, who boldly impugned the reply on the point of its acquiescence in the asserted harmony existing between the Spanish Cabinet and those of neighbouring nations, a state of feeling which he decidedly declared did not exist on the part of that of France. He then entered into a comprehensive historical review of the policy of France towards Spain for the last 150 years, and contended that it had been uniformly an injurious one, arising out of the inimical dispositions of the reigning families of that nation. With respect to the revolution of September, 1840, he adverted to the fact, that the subsequent royal speech of the present King of the French had asserted that "the Spanish nation was in a state of anarchy"-going out of its way to libel its neighbour, and manifesting a spirit of hostility, in which the French nation at large had certainly no share.

In conclusion he entered largely into the affair of M. de Salvandy's credentials, and enumerated the various circumstances connected with his appointment, his delay, and his subsequent arrival and departure, which sufficed to convince him of the continued systematic hostility of the French government, and of the imperative necessity of union amongst Spaniards and firmness in their government, and the

rejection of vain illusions of peace and harmony from the minds of all-to preserve them from the effects of a conspiracy even now brewing against the independence of Spain-a conspiracy more terrible still than that which had lately exploded in the capital and the Basque provinces.

This speech produced its natural effect on the national spirit of its auditors, and at its close rather unusual marks of sympathy and approbation were manifested in the assembly.

Senor Gonzales (Minister of State) appeared to feel its force, and rose immediately to remind the Chamber that in discussions of this nature the utmost latitude was allowed to individual opinion; and that it was rather the part of the Government to patiently hear and receive the opinion of the senate than to attempt to influence its judgment on such an occasion; that the duty of the Government was to attend to the actual well-being of the country, while individual senators had the privilege of making charges and accusations against them and their policy with the utmost latitude.

The only point which the Minister made in reply to Senor Marliani was, that he declared that M. de Salvandy had protested in the conference which he had with him (Senor Gonzales) that he had brought no particular instructions from Paris respecting the presentation of his credentials, and that his Government was animated with the most friendly intentions towards that of Spain. He (Senor Gonzales), in conclusion, prayed the Senate not to anticipate charges against the Government till they had had an opportunity of seeing the documents

connected with this question of credentials.

Next day the discussion of the reply to the Royal speech was resumed, and the first eight paragraphs were adopted the first without discussion; the second gave rise to a conversation respecting the promotion of native industry, in which Senor Ferrer complained of the prejudice experienced by the nation with respect to the contract entered into with the house of Rothschild for the working of the quicksilver mines of Almaden; and the Minister of State expressed his determination not to allow the nation to lose any advantage which might be fairly derived from them in future, for the sake of any immediate benefit which the contractors might offer.

The third paragraph, in which the rebellion of October was alluded to, called up the Minister for the Home Department, who made a long defence of the policy of the Government, founded chiefly on the excellent antecedentes of the troops which garrisoned Bilboa, Vittoria, Pampeluna, and Madrid. Senor Heros (the Intendent of the Palace) also bore testimony to the zeal and foresight of the Government in that unfortunate affair, declaring that Her Majesty and her sister were absolutely prisoners from the month of August till the insurrection broke forth; for the Government were so mucli alarmed for their personal safety that they were not permitted to drive outside the gates of Madrid.

The fourth paragraph, relative to Barcelona, gave rise to a long speech on the part of the Minister of War, in which he defended the imposition of the state of siege as a matter of necessity in the critical position of things in that city; and

Senor Gomes Becerra (at the invitation of the Minister of State) declared that the paragraph had not in the least been edited by the Committee of Reply in a spirit of hostility to the Government.

The remaining paragraphs of the reply were afterwards read and approved.

On the 13th of January M. Olozaga presented to the Chamber of Deputies the draught of the address in answer to the Regent's speech. This document was written in a spirit highly favourable to the Government; it approved of all the measures and general ameliorations announced by the Regent, but blamed the Cabinet for its improvidence and apathy at the time of the last insurrection, and for the proclamation of martial law in Barcelona. The following were the most important passages in that address:

"The Chamber of Deputies has experienced the most complete satisfaction at seeing your Highness open the Cortes by virtue of the power vested in you by the fundamental laws of the kingdom, and at seeing the solemn act enhanced by the presence of our beloved Queen, who so fortunately escaped the dangers to which the dearest objects of the Spanish nation were exposed during the interval of the session-a nation which has made so many sacrifices in defence of the constitutional throne now more firmly established since the suppression of the scandalous rebellion of October.

"It has been likewise most agreeable to the Chamber to hear from your Highness's mouth the favourable state of our foreign relations, and that the occurrences of last year have been the subject of explanations as satisfactory as


the Chamber could desire. Chamber trusts that every incident which could disturb the harmony of two great nations may be terminated in a similar manner, and that those nations may respect their mutual independence and good name, and never to be unmindful of the immense and mutual advantages to be derived from drawing closer the bonds of political union."

The proceedings of the Cortes this year possess little general interest, and until the latter part of the year the tranquillity of Spain. remained undisturbed by any actual outbreak, although the opponents of Espartero lost no opportunity of intriguing against him and spreading disaffection. In the month of November a formidable insurrection broke out at Barcelona, the originating cause of which has not been clearly ascertained, but discontent amongst the cotton-manufacturers contributed greatly towards it. On the 12th and 13th an uneasy feeling displayed itself amongst the populace on account of the arrest by Juan Guttierez the political chief of Barcelona of some individuals connected with a republican newspaper-and as large crowds had assembled in the different squares and public places, the troops were ordered to disperse them, but the National Guard rushed to arms and drove back the soldiers. Next day a furious combat took place between the troops under the command of General Van Halen, and the National Guard aided by the populace, the result of which was, that the former were compelled to retire into the citadel, and the insurgents remained masters of the town. A supreme popular junta was immediately formed, which

ings; that the political chief should be removed; that General Zurbano-odious to men of all parties on account of his brutal despotism

assumed the conduct of affairs. Espartero finding that the insurrection did not subside, resolved to repair to Barcelona in person, and in order to prevent inflammatory should not enter the city; and, speeches in the Cortes during his in fine, that no person should be absence, he took the prudent step prosecuted for his conduct during of suspending the sittings of that the insurrection. The Junta like body by an order dated the 21st wise claimed a guarantee in faof November. The Catalan depu- vour of the cotton-manufacturers, ties had already began to palliate who had chiefly fomented the disand justify the revolt, and their content in Catalonia and the intreasonable harangues might have surrection of Barcelona. The Redone much mischief to the cause gent listened with patience and of tranquillity and good order. attention to the representations of Before he left Madrid Espartero the Junta. He replied in moderate harangued the National Guard language, but granted none of the who were drawn up on the Prado, conditions. He stated that the law, and loud "Vivas" rent the air at of which he was the organ and the the conclusion of his speech. The defender, admitted of no treaty Regent, on his arrival at Barcelona with illegality and revolt; that the confirmed the order given by Ge- battalions of factious operatives neral Van Halen to disband the should immediately lay down their newly raised insurgent battalions, arms, and that the National Guard but the republicans in their ranks should evacuate the citadel as well excited them to prolong the revolt. as the forts; that it was for the The Junta then determined to ar- guilty to save themselves, if they rest one of the principal leaders of could, from the sword of justice, the republican party, and impri- and not for him to guarantee their soned him in the fort of the At- safety; that no one had a right to torazanas, garrisoned by the urban dictate to the Government the militia, who had consented to sur- choice or exclusion of public funcrender to the Regent. The free tionaries and generals; that, in corps, however, would not lay fine, with respect to manufactudown their arms. Out of six bat- rers, the Cortes ought to deliberate talions three determined to resist upon the interests which concerned the orders of the pacific Junta. them, and that he himself would This Junta waited upon the Re- consider what was best for the ingent in the morning of the 30th terests of Catalonia. The Regent ult., and demanded as conditions, terminated his reply by a threat that the garrison to be introduced to bombard the city. The first into Barcelona should be composed visit he paid was to inspect the of other regiments than those which batteries of Montjuich. The city had been engaged against the peo- was now strictly blockaded by sea ple, in order to prevent future col- and land, and some ineffectual atlision; that the institution of the tempts having been made by the National Guard be maintained in Junta to obtain terms if they surthe city; that the Captain-General rendered, which Espartero refused Van Halen should be changed, on-they declared their resolution to account of his arbitrary proceed- resist to the last extremity.

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