Imágenes de páginas

4th. The same distance from the coasts of the Island of Puerto Rico; and

5th. The same distance from the coasts of Brazil.

Nevertheless, if a vessel of which, suspicion should be entertained, and which should have been chased whilst within the assigned limits, should succeed in passing them, it may be searched, provided that it has not been lost sight of during

the chase.

4°. A la misma distancia de las costas de la Isla de Puertorrico; y

5°. A la misma distancia de las costas del Brasil.

No obstante, si un buque de que. se tuviesen sospechas, y que hubiere sido perseguido dentro de los limites asignados, lograse salir de ellos, podrá ser visitado, con tal que no se le haya perdido de vista durante la persecucion.


The before-mentioned Treaty, and the present Convention, shall be respectively ratified by Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and by the President of the Republick of Chile; and the ratifications of both shall be exchanged within one year, reckoned from the date of the present Convention, or sooner if possible.

In faith of which, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed three copies of the present Convention in the English language, and other three in the Spanish language, and have sealed them with their arms.

Done in the City of Santiago, the seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-one.



El antedicho Tratado, y la presente Convencion, serán respectivamente ratificados por el Presidente de la República de Chile, y por Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda; y las ratificaciones de ambos serán canjeadas dentro de un año, contado desde la fecha de la presente Convencion, ó antes si posible fuere.

En fé de lo cual, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han firmado tres ejemplares en lengua Castellana de la presente Convencion, y otros tres en lengua Inglesa, y los han sellado

con sus armas.

Fecha en la Ciudad de Santiago, á siete dias del mes de Agosto, del año de nuestro Señor mil ochocientos cuarenta y uno.














Signed at Lisbon, October 22, 1842.

Presented to both Houses of Parliament, by Command of Her Majesty,




[Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, November 24, 1842.]

ADDITIONAL ARTICLE to the Treaty concluded at Lisbon on the 3rd of July, 1842, between Great Britain and Portugal, for the Suppression of the Traffick in Slaves.

Whereas the regulations in respect to the treatment of liberated Negroes, contained in Annex C of the Treaty between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and Her Majesty the Queen of Portugal and the Algarves, signed at Lisbon on the third of July, 1842, are, by the XIIIth Article of that Treaty, declared to be established for the purpose of guaranteeing the liberty of such Negroes:

And whereas within the British colonies in which, in pursuance of the said Treaty, Mixed Commissions have been established, there are already in force, or may be hereafter enacted, laws, or regulations having the force of law, better adapted for the purpose aforesaid, and the maintenance of such laws or regulations would therefore be more in accordance with the salutary end which the two High Contracting Parties have in view:

It is therefore agreed, that in the British colonies where such Mixed Commissions are established, and where the existing laws, or regulations having the force of law, on the subject of the treatment of liberated Negroes, are already better adapted than the Regulations contained in the Annex C, to guarantee the liberty of Negroes liberated under the said Treaty, the Mixed Commissions shall consider such laws or regulations as superseding the spe

ARTIGO ADDICCIONAL ao Tratado concluido em Lisboa aos trez de Julho, de mil oitocentos e quarenta e dous, entre a Gram-Bretanha e Portugal, para a Suppressaõ do Trafico da Escravatura.

Visto que o regulamento arespeito do tratamento dos Negros libertos, contido no Annexo C do Tratado entre Sua Magestade a Rainha do Reino Unido da Gram-Bretanha e Irlanda, e Sua Magestade a Rainha de Portugal e Algarves, assignado em Lisboa aos trez de Julho, de mil oitocentos e quarenta e dous, está declarado pelo Artigo decimoterceiro do dito Tratado, haver sido estabelecido para o fim de garantir a liberdade de taes Negros:

E visto que nas colonias Britannicas nas quaes, em execuçaõ do dito Tratado, se tem estabelecido Commissoens Mixtas, já existem em vigor, ou podem de futuro ser promulgadas leis, ou regulamentos com força de lei, mais bem adaptados ao sobredito proposito, e que a conservaçaõ de taes leis où regulamentos seria por isso mais conforme ao fim salutar que as duas Altas Partes Contractantes tem em vista:

Fica por tanto ajustado, que nas colonias Britannicas, aonde taes Commissoens Mixtas estão estabelecidas, e aonde as leis, ou regulamentos com força de lei, existentes sobre o objecto do tratamento dos Negros libertos, já sao mais bem adaptados do que o Regulamento contido no Annexo C, para garantir a liberdade dos Negros libertos em virtude do dito Tratado; deveraõ as Commissioens Mixtas considerar taes leis ou regulamentos como

cial regulations of Annex C, in as much as they may, either wholly or in part, be more beneficial to the said liberated Negroes.

It is equally agreed that the Mixed Commissions established in the colonial dominions of either of the two High Contracting Parties, in virtue of the aforesaid Treaty, shall be empowered with full authority to admit in future similar substitutions, in the case of any laws, or regulations having the force of law, being hereafter enacted in the colonies of Her Britannick Majesty, or in the colonies of Her Most Faithful Majesty, better adapted to guarantee the liberty and ensure the welfare of the liberated Negroes in the said colonies.

Any such laws, or regulations having the force of law, by which any of the regulations of Annex C shall be superseded under this Article, shall be duly communicated, as the case may be, by the one to the other of the High Contracting Par


The present Additional Article shall have the same force and validity as if it had been inserted, word for word, in the aforesaid Treaty of the 3rd of July, 1842.

It shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Lisbon, at the expiration of six weeks from the date of its signature, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Lisbon, the twentysecond day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.


substituindo o regulamento especial do Annexo C, em tanto quanto possam ser, no todo ou em parte, mais proficuos aos ditos Negros libertos.

Fica igualmente ajustado que as Commissoens Mixtas estabelecidas nos dominios coloniaes de qualquer das duas Altas Partes Contractantes, em virtude do sobredito Tratado, serao plenamente authorisadas para admittir de futuro similhantes substituiçoens, no caso de serem para o diante promulgadas nas colonias de Sua Magestade Britannica, ou nas colonias de Sua Magestade Fidelissima, quaesquer leis, ou regulamentos com força de lei, mais bem adaptados a garantir a liberdade, e a assegurar o bem-estar dos Negros libertos nas ditas colonias.

Quaesquer leis, ou regulamentos com força de lei, pelos quaes alguma das disposiçoens do Annexo Č fôr substituida na conformidade d'este Artigo, seraõ devidamente communicados, como o caso o pedir, por uma Alta Parte Contractante á


O presente Artigo Addiccional terá a mesma força e validade como se estivesse inserto, palavra por palavra, no sobredito Tratado de trez de Julho, de mil oitocentos e quarenta e dous.

Será ratificado, e as ratificaçoens d'elle seraõ trocadas em Lisboa, no termo de seis semanas a datar da sua assignatura, ou mais cedo se for possivel.

Em testemunho do que, os respectivos Plenipotenciarios o assignaram, e firmaram com o sello das

suas armas.

Feito em Lisboa, aos vinte e dous dias do mez de Outubro, do anno do Nascimento de Nosso Senhor Jesus-Christo de mil oitocentos e quarenta e dous.


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