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Maintain the Gold Standard

To the Editors of The Outlook:

Admitting that it is true, as claimed by the believers in "bimetallism," that the measure of value is steadily increasing in purchasing power, it is yet demonstrable that this works to the benefit of mankind. There are two arguments in support of this theory-(a) the wages of the laboring man will purchase him more of the world's products; and (b) the appreciation of the value of money will enable the men who own money-the men who move the industrial world-to do very much more with that wealth which they possess. Men with money do not to-day lavish it on themselves. The Emperor Nero spent three millions of dollars for one royal banquet. Today, rather than that waste, our kings of finance would dam Niagara or tunnel the Rockies, or, perchance, build universities or libraries.

Money is spent for mankind to-day. The objection to the concentration of wealth is that the possessor of it may not be a man of wise planning for mankind in his enterprises, or may by his timidity withhold his wealth while production suffers for a way to the consumer, and labor is idle and destitute.

The cry of the farmers! It is doubtful if the farming classes will ever be satisfied with conditions, be they what they may. Farmers must learn to adapt themselves to the changing conditions. They must learn to employ less labor, and to pay less wages to what they do employ. It is absurd to upset the established systems of finance in order that the farmers should receive fictitious prices for their produce. The farming interests of the United States are not the very great proportionate interests that they once were. They no longer can justly demand primary consideration. What our farmers need to learn to-. day is to produce cheaply, to keep out of debt, and to live within their incomes, be they what they may. These are simple rules of business, and it is strange tthat the farmers cannot see it and adopt them.

J. E. W.

Some Questions About Silver

To the Editors of The Outlook:

On the silver question I would like to propound a few questions, which are perhaps the kernel of the argument we offer:

1. Is it not true that if two products have precisely the same uses, their relative value (commercial ratio) will depend upon their relative available 'quantities?

2. Is it not true that the silver and gold available 'for coinage in the world amounts to about four bill ions of dollars of each, coined at a ratio of 15% to 1 or 16 to 1?

3. Is it not true that for a period of seventy years, from 1803 to 1873, the ratio between gold and silver fluctuated very slightly, compared to the fluctuations since 1873 ?

4. During that period were not France and the United States coining freely at a ratio not less than 15 to 1 nor more than 16 to 1?

5. During that period were not the mints of England closed against the free coinage of silver? (As they are to-day.)

6. Admitting the statement first made, is not the fall in the price of silver due to the destruction of one of its uses, and not to its increased production, compared with gold?

7. If all the world should demonetize gold to-day, and make silver sole legal tender, would an ounce of gold buy as many ounces of silver as it now does ? 8. If not, why not?

9. Will a Mexican silver dollar not buy just as much of any given list of commodities to-day as it would when silver was worth $1.29 an ounce?

10. Will a gold dollar buy only as much to-day as it would ten or fifteen years ago?

The above is our defense. Now for our attack. 11. What rule of honesty requires the United 'States Government to pay gold for obligations calling for coin?

12. What rule of honesty is violated if the dollar I tender in payment of a debt will buy just as much as the dollar I borrowed?

13. If taxes are not payable in gold, and a few men wish to corner gold, where will the United States Government get gold to pay out when paper is presented for redemption?

14. If from the sale of bonds, just about how long will this bond-selling continue, and how many billons of debt will it load upon us?

15. If free coinage should bring a flood of silver to our shores, what will become of the silver after it is coined ?

17. If it is used to buy our commodities, will that make a panic? Did any nation ever go to disaster be cause it had too much specie?

18. The mine-owners are alleged to be making large contributions to the campaign fund of the Democratic-Populist party. I believe they are. But what will it profit them if silver does not go up?

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A Western View

To the Editors of The Outlook:

The silver advocates simply claim that an appreciated currency is as dishonest as a depreciated one, and that in so far as money has appreciated (and no thoughtful student of the question, denies that it has) by the demonetization of silver, in just so far is the present standard dishonest to him, her, or it who contracted his, her, or its debt before the change, or rather the effect therefrom was felt, which was not and could not be until the final repeal of the substitute acts for free coinage-viz., the Bland-Allison Act and the Sherman Law.

Since 1893 property in a large proportion of the West, except money and its equivalent, as well as our products, has depreciated from 25 to 75 per cent., measured by the present standard; or, in other words, the dollar has increased in its purchasing power 25 to 75 per cent.

The average farm in the central agricultural States consists of one hundred and sixty acres. Onehalf the product of such a farm prior to 1893 would ordinarily pay the interest upon the mortgage, the taxes, and possibly a little more. To-day the entire product of the whole one hundred and sixty acres is little more than adequate to meet the interest and taxes.

In Kansas, potatoes delivered at the depot, sacked and ready for shipment, are worth only twenty-five cents per hundred pounds, corn but ten cents per bushel, and oats twelve cents-less than one-half what they ordinarily brought prior to 1893; and this

part the crops were a failure by reason of the drought for the three years last past, and as a natural result this year the demand should be greater and the prices higher. There has not been an over-produc tion, and statistics will fully sustain the claim.

The time to correct a wrong which you admit has been done to the people of the South and West by the demonetization of silver is immediately upon the ascertainment of the fact, but, of course, in that way which will do the least possible harm to all concerned; but to postpone it is but to increase the in jury, for then the values will have again become fixed upon a different scale, and then the argument advanced by Dr. van Dyke as to honesty would become many times more potent, and it cannot now be made with any degree of grace on the part of [Continued on page 400]


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The Home Club

Domestic Training

The experiment of a domestic training school is being attempted in Chicago. Cooking will take up the greater part of the course, though all kinds of work will be taught. The plan to be followed is somewhat that of the trained nurses' schools. The pupils' uniforms-that is, dresses, caps, and aprons-will be provided by the school. The first six months no wages are paid; the students receive their board and lodging only. The second six months they are paid three dollars a month. The second year there will be a slight increase over the second six months in wages, and on graduation each student will receive one hundred dollars. A house near the school has been secured as the home for the students, in which they will do all the work. A home and training-school for young girls was established many years ago in Brooklyn. The system inaugurated there seems practicable. The students, or rather the inmates of the home, were girls placed there by their families because they could not control them, or girls who had lost their mothers; and in some instances the girls were committed to the home by magistrates. Doubtless it was this diversity in the class of inmates that prevented the home from being the success that its projectors hoped. The idea of training was sound, because every girl received an all-round training. She worked one week in the laundry, the next week in the kitchen, the next week in the dining-room, the next week in the chambers; and for the entire time that she was an inmate of the home her work was rotated in this way, so that a girl was supposed to become familiar with all kinds of housework. No attempt was made at turning out professional cooks. The idea was to develop the all-round housemaid. It is this class of servants that is the greatest need of the American households to-day, for in the vast majority of American households but one servant is kept. It is the misfortune of the American housekeeper that this one servant is usually untrained, and any system that will equip a girl to meet the requirements of this class of American households is a system that will meet with warm and hearty approval. It is worth the experiment to try the plan of paying small wages, but the inmates should never be incorrigible, never should be girls committed by a magistrate, but rather girls of from fifteen years up, whose mothers would prefer that they should be trained to domestic. service; and such mothers can be found.

Scientific Housekeepers

It is not possible for every woman to take a course in domestic science before she becomes a housekeeper. Nor is it possible for every handicapped housekeeper to attend the lectures designed for her benefit. Many more could attend than do. Consciousness of ignorance is the mark of intelligence. There is not a shadow of doubt that if the economic value of a knowledge of domestic science were more fully realized by American housekeepers, the opportunities for increasing their knowledge would be seized by many more than now avail themselves of these opportunities. In no department of knowledge has there been the growth that there has been in the lines of food investigation, and yet this knowledge has not been used to increase the wage-earning capacity nor the bank account of families living on small incomes. Physicians are preaching constantly on the importance of foods to health, but they speak to deaf ears because the mass of the housekeepers in this country are not progressive, intellectually. The women who know how to preserve the health of the family are few. When sanitation and chemistry in relation to foods become a part of every girl's education, the waste by sickness and disease and death will be greatly lessened. The woman who cannot attend lectures on domestic science has no excuse for ignorance, for books are published at a small price representing the highest knowledge in this line. These books contain information in the simplest, most direct form. Among them is "Home Sanitation," a manual for housekeep

ers, edited by Ellen H. Richards and Marion Talbot (Home Science Publishing Company, Boston, Mass.). Drainage, ventilation, heating, lighting, furnishing, clothing, food, and drink are all treated in a way that will help the housekeeper of progressive mind. The following motto is given for every housekeeper: "Any invention intended to be a substitute for watchfulness will prove a delusion and a snare."

Reading for Girls

Will you kindly give me a list of books by the best authors adapted to little girls from eight to ten years old-those treating of history, poetry, or fiction of the best order? Can you tell me also of any book relating to the childhood of famous men and women? L. R. W.

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"The Life, Letters, and Diary of Lucy Larcom would offer many pages of delightful reading to a girl of ten. The series known as the "Types of Womanhood" and "Life of Girls who Became Famous," by Sarah K. Bolton, and "Historic Boys" and Historic Girls," by Elbridge S. Brooks, are designed for the younger readers. There are, also, lives of Miss Alcott that will, in part at least, prove interesting to young readers. "Dorothy Wordsworth" may be too old for these girls, but they should soon be introduced to her. There is a collection of poetry, "The Open Sesame," published by Ginn & Co., of Boston, which should be in every child's library; the first volume is for children from four to twelve years old.

For fiction it is most difficult of all to decide. Dickens and Scott should be read at the ages you mention; so should Louisa M. Alcott's books. "Betty Alden," by Mrs. Jane G. Austin, is fiction and history happily blended. Mrs. Ewing has written some charming stories for children. Mrs. Lucy C. Lillie's "Nan" and "The Colonel's Money;" Kipling's Jungle Stories; the "Tales from Shakespeare" and "Mrs. Leicester's School," by Mary and Charles Lamb; "Timothy's Quest," "The Story of Patsey," and "The Birds' Christmas Carol," are all excellent. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney is interesting to girls of twelve and older. "Alice in Wonderland," "Grimm's Tales," and the "Blue Fairy Book" will interest the younger girls. As far as possible keep the reading for the girls in right relation to school work.


Reading for the Young," compiled by John A. Sargent, is a valuable catalogue of books for young readers. This catalogue is published by the Library Bureau, Boston, Mass. We may add to the list above given: "Five Little Peppers," by Margaret Sidney; "Century Book for Young Americans;" "Black Beauty;" "Boyhood of Lincoln," by H. Butterworth; "Loyal Little Red-Coat;""" Donald and Dorothy," by Mary Mapes Dodge; "The Bodley Books," by Horace E. Scudder; Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper;" Hawthorne's "The Wonder Book."

Protect the Children

Summer vacation work is becoming more popular with every summer season. One of the serious mistakes that has been made in this world has been the encouraging of small children to set up stands in the street and sell knickknacks and lemonade to the neighbors. Small sums that children collect in this way sometimes prove a very great temptation, and recently three little girls were before the magistrate for having used the money that they had collected for the benefit of some

vacation fund for children. Not long ago a group of children engaged in this work were spoken to, and asked to whom they were going to send the money. The only answer any of them could give was, "To a lady up the street." When asked how much money they had collected that day, they said, "Fifty-five cents." Fifty-five cents is not a large amount of money, but if children learn that they can collect such sums of money by putting up a tag and then use the money for themselves without question, it is not the kind of training that should be encouraged. That children can be taught to make an effort to improve the condition of their own class we all know, but in order to do this teaching there must be a responsible head. Surely it is a pity that even one little girl

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should be sacrificed, even in a good cause. Every one knows, who stops to think of it, that no child of twelve years of age ever recovers her position in her social set who has once stood a condemned culprit before a police magistrate.

Water-Supply to Schools

Investigation into the conditions of the water-supply of the country schools in Wisconsin revealed five wells out of one hundred as yielding pure water. It is true that God made the country and man made the town, but it is equally true that man has done his best by greed and ignorance to spoil what. God has made. Imagine the effect on some school committeemen of demanding an investigation into the condition of the school supply of water! Imagine the presentation of a bill before the town authorities for the scientific care of the supply and waste of water at the school-house! It takes brains to see the relation between the loss through sickness and death and the sanitary conditions surrounding. the school-house.

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[Continued from page 398]

the creditor portion of the country, which has but so recently secured the legislation which has wrought the result complained of, and since which no debts, purchases, or investments of consequence have been made.

The argument of Dr. van Dyke, as well as the position assumed by you, could equally as well be used in the approval of legislation also refusing free and unlimited mintage to gold, and the consequent results of the appreciation that would thereby necessarily follow.

The Republicans of the West, I believe, are willing to attempt to re-establish bimetallism through international agreement, but most positively protest against the pledge of the Republican National platform to make that a condition precedent, for we believe that there are other ways in which the result can be reached, and that without injury to the honest creditor. The Republicans of this State do not believe that free trade and free silver are compatible, but do believe that under a protective tariff bimetallism is possible. In this State Republicans will vote for McKinley electors, with a declaration for bimetallism, which will be a protest against that portion of the financial platform above alluded to. Dr. van Dyke's letter condemning the Chicago platform, saving and excepting as it treats of the financial question, will be approved by the Republicans of the West. We are one people, under one Government, and must consider the interests of all, that justice may be done. T. F. B.

Silver in Other Countries

To the Editors of The Outlook:

I have been much interested in the letter of Mr. N. O. Nelson on the silver question, and the answers that several of your correspondents have made to it.

Before I visited Japan, two years ago, I was very pronounced in my advocacy of the gold standard, and in feeling that the argument for silver was founded on a complete fallacy. My experience of the conditions now prevailing in our commerce with the East and my studies since have led me to change my views to those of pronounced bimetallism.

In the general discussions of the question I believe some of the most important points are usually overlooked, and that they have been in the answers of your correspondents to Mr. Nelson. Permit me to state what seem to me to be some of the fundamental facts to be considered.

1. The present business depression arises principally from the extreme low prices of agricultural products, by which the purchasing power of their producers is so curtailed that they consume but a small amount of manufactured articles, so, in turn, depressing all lines of business.

2. The principal cause of this is the fact-for it is a fact that they come in direct competition with the producers of silver countries. The principal consuming nation is England. London merchants can take a certain amount of gold, and, with what will pay the American farmer but fifty-three cents per bushel for his wheat, can purchase sufficient silver to pay the Argentine or Indian farmer one dollar a bushel for his wheat.

3. This dollar in silver is just as good to the farmer of any silver country in payment of labor, or in purchase of native products, or in payment of debts, as it was when silver was worth $1.29 per ounce instead of the present price. This is a fact that every intelligent observer that has been in those countries knows to be true. Of course, it is not as good in purchase of goods from gold countries, but their agricultural classes do not buy imported goods to any


4. This brings out another fact-namely, that the metal which is used as a standard of value in any country makes a fixed point from which all other articles fluctuate up or down, according to the market or supply and demand. Thus, while in gold countries silver is a commodity and now low in price, in silver countries gold is a commodity and is now high in price. The coined silver of silver countries is of just as great money value there to-day as it was before silver depreciated in the markets of the world in payment of local debts or for native produce or labor.

5. This fact operates as a protective tariff of nearly a hundred per cent. upon the products of native factories that come in competition with imported goods. This explains the marvelous increase in manufacturing in Japan, Mexico, and other silver countries. They must take two of their dollars to pay for one dollar's worth of our imported goods. Japan has already begun to export goods that a few years ago she was importing. The flood of Japanese goods pouring into this country and sold at such low prices in every city of the country bears witness to the same truth as to the standard of value. Not only are the natives seizing upon the opportunity for

profits, but American and European capitalists, seeing the advantages in these silver countries for manufacturing at such low cost for labor and native material, are everywhere promoting manufacturing enterprises that soon will be in direct competition with the export trade of Europe and America.

6. These facts and the present condition of the commercial world, bound together as it now is by such quick, abundant, and cheap means of transportation, whereby every producing nation is made the direct competitor of every other producing nation, plainly show that the great need of the present time is that the whole commercial world be placed upon the same standards of value, so that these great differences of exchange, which is where it all comes, will no longer disturb commerce.

7. This can be done only by the adoption of bimetallism. All the great Eastern world, over eight hundred millions of people, know nothing of gold as money, and cannot and will not accept the gold standard. By keeping silver at its present low value we are giving them double their natural advantages wherever they come in competition with us, and also deprive them of their ability to purchase our goods. 8. It is clearly in the interest of an importing and creditor nation like England to continue such a condition, which means for her the purchase of the immense supplies she needs in the cheapest markets of the world, the Oriental, or in markets that compete with them, and gives her the advantage of the great difference which exists in the two standards of value, which makes the difference in the rate of exchange, whereby her dollar (or pound) is made two dollars (or pounds) there.

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9. It is just as clearly the interest of a producing Even in Shakespeare's

nation like the United States to do away with this condition which gives its competitors such undue advantage in the market to which they must both go. Only bimetallism can do this.

10. The fact that in the East and in some other silver countries wages of labor are low and the conditions of the masses deplorable has nothing to do with this discussion. Their condition has been the same for hundreds or thousands of years, and depends entirely upon other facts than that they use a silver currency. The low rates of wages they receive only accentuate the difficulty that their competition causes us, because, being paid in silver, even the low wages are reduced one-half when reckoned in terms of gold. In some gold countries, like Italy, the laboring classes are practically in as bad a condition as those of any silver country. V. P.


To the Editors of The Outlook:

I regretted to see Dr. W. E. Leonard's recent contribution to your columns on the subject of vivisection, because, from personal correspondence with Dr. Leonard, I am quite certain that he does not support the views or methods of the anti-vivisection fanatics, now so noisy. If the question of the propriety of vivisection were left to such men as Drs. Pepper, Bowditch, and Mitchell on one side, and Drs. Leonard and Leffingwell on the other, the best interests of society would not suffer; but Dr. Leonard does not appreciate that "anti-vivisection" is being championed by a body of fanatics, half baked in scientific knowledge, bitterly prejudiced, and intolerant of contra argument. Dr. Leonard surely is unaware that the creed of anti-vivisectionists is total suppression of its practice, giving as a reason that physicians cannot be trusted to confine themselves within legal limits. (See publications of the Illinois Anti-Vivisection Society.) Their methods and arguments are substantially those of the late Henry Bergh, of New York, the earliest champion of that cause here, who, in a lecture delivered before a joint committee of the New York Legislature on February 10, 1880, said: "As another proof of the profane extremes to which these dissectors of living animals will go, Robert McDonald, M.D., on being questioned, declared that he had opened the veins of a dying person, remember, and had injected the blood of an animal into them many times, and had met with brilliant success. In other words, this potentate has discovered the means of thwarting the decrees of Providence, where a person was dying, and snatching away from its Maker a soul which He has called away from earth!" This being a fair average sample of the methods of argument resorted to by anti-vivisectionists and by humanitarians generally (bar, perhaps, the extreme of blasphemy), I urge on such sincere men as Drs. Leonard and Leffingwell consideration of the question whether any evils that may arise from the practice of vivisection can equal those inevitable from the views and methods of antivivisectionists? It seems to me that laymen can decide for themselves whether advocates of vivisection deserve the charge published by the Illinois Anti-Vivisection Society, "The vivisector is less valuable to the world than the animal he destroys," or "The wretches who commit these infamous crimes"-by thinking what kind of man his family physician is, and inquiring of him what he thinks of the practice. W. WADE.

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About People

acquired here. He afterward attended Amherst College, but left at the close of his


-Jules Verne's real name is Olchewitz sophomore year. It was then that he first He is a native of Warsaw.

-Dispatches from Constantinople state that the Sultan has conferred the Order of Nichau-i-Chefakat of the second class upon Miss Clara Barton, President of the American Red Cross Society.

-An old man who took part as a boy in the Irish rebellion of 1798 died recently at Clooney, in West Clare. His name was Conway. He was one hundred and eleven years old, and had been a bog-ranger on Lord Inchiquin's estate.

-France's Société des Gens de Lettres has a woman for its oldest member. She is Mme. du Bos d'Elbecq, born in May, 1799, who wrote a number of novels in the forties. She lives at Angers, and still writes vigorous letters to the newspapers.

-Americus Symmes, eighty-five years old, lately died at Louisville, Ky. He was a son of John Cleve Symmes, who was an Arctic explorer and maintained that the world was hollow and that the entrance to the interior could be found at the poles.

-Alphonse Daudet is a southerner, and the cold winds of Paris annoy him greatly. In his study in his house in the Faubourg SaintGermain a large fire is burning even when the weather is comparatively warm. Daudet is unable to work unless the temperature of the room is to his liking.

took an interest in the welfare of the colored race, which finally gained for him quite a reputation as an Abolitionist. He was one of the first signers of the declaration of anti-slavery in 1833, and is the only survivor of the more than sixty persons who were in attendance at that convention."

-A visitor to Wessex, says "Temple Bar," inquired of an old man if he knew Hardy, and received the following "delicious bit of depreciation" in answer: "Oh, the writen' chap! I've read some of his works. They says 'tis a gift. Seems to me 'tis just writen' just sitten' down an' writen', and not doen' nothen' at arl. What do 'e do, I ask 'ee? Here be I doen' more proper work than Hardy ever did, an' they don't tark about I, an' say, 'There's a great chap,' like they do about 'e."

-The Right Hon. Sir Edmund Monson, British Ambassador to Austria, who has been appointed to succeed Lord Dufferin as Ambassador to France, was born in 1834, and was educated at Eton and at Balliol College, Oxford. He served in the diplomatic service from 1856 to 1865. He was at one time stationed at Washington as the secretary to Lord Lyons. Later on he entered the consular service and served in the Azores and in Hungary. In 1879 he resumed his diplomatic career, and was appointed Minister Resident to Uruguay, and in 1884 he was promoted to the legation in the Argentine Republic as Minister Plenipotentiary; later he served in the same capacity in Paraguay, and then in Denmark. In 1888 he was transferred to Athens, and thence in 1892 to Brussels. He was made Ambassador at Vienna in 1893.

-Li Hung Chang is attended by a remarkably attentive servant, who lately was addressed by an English officer in public with "Goodday, commander." "I am no longer commander," he replied; "I am Li Hung Chang's boy." He had been a Chinese naval commander, but, having lost his vessel in the war with Japan, had been degraded and condemned to death. His reprieve was conditioned on his becoming the servant of some high state official. Li Hung Chang has taken him into his service

-The author of the beautiful song "Kathleen Mavourneen," Professor F. Nicholas Crouch, died suddenly last week, at the age of eighty-eight, in Portland, Me. None of his many other songs will be remembered; he is famous only as the composer of "Kathleen." His life was a singular and adventurous one. He was at one time and another composer, music-teacher, actor, concert singer, musichall singer, orchestra 'cellist, manufacturer (iron-mills), manager of opera and oratorio, choirmaster, lecturer, gold-miner, soldier in the Confederate Army, and gardener. His ability and versatility were equaled only by his many reverses of fortune.

Miss Barton in Armenia

The fact that Miss Barton has left Constantinople for a rest with friends in Germany has created the impression that she has closed her relief work for the suffering Armenians and is on her way to the United States. This is not the case. She is in readiness to return to Constantinople in the fall, and has left the relief work in competent hands. All reports from the interior indicate that the suffering and destitution will be very severe as the winter comes on. The experience already gained and the agencies for relief already established will make it possible to conduct the relief work on an increasingly thorough and satisfactory basis. In urging that there should be no relaxation in the relief work Miss Barton herself writes as follows:

-Professor Josiah Dwight Whitney, of Harvard University, died in New London, N. H., on Wednesday of last week. He was one of the greatest of American geologists, as his brother, Professor W. D. Whitney, of Yale, was one of the greatest of American philologists. Mount Whitney, in the Sierra Nevadas, now regarded as the highest mountain in this country, was named after Professor Whitney. He had made geological and topographical surveys of New Hampshire, California, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois. He also specially surveyed Lake Superior and the Yosemite Valley. He was an original member of the National Academy of Sciences, and had held his Harvard chair for over thirty years.

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-"Few men," says the Philadelphia " Rec ord," "at the age of eighty-six are as hale and hearty as Robert Purvis, the prominent Aboliitonist, and one of the leading colored men of the country. Mr. Purvis has helped to make history. He spent the early days of his life in Charleston, S. C., where he was born. His parents moved to Philadelphia while he was quite young, and so most of his education was

Dr. Dwight, of Constantinople, writes in regard to Miss Barton: "She has done a splendid work, sensibly and economically managed. Wherever her agents have been the missionaries have expressed the strongest approval of their methods and efficiency. The work done has been of great and permanent importance.

"It is expected that the relief work will become more truly international and official. The Europeans have at last been convinced from their own investigations that horrible suffering will be ushered in with the winter. France is waking up. Germany is going to open orphan asylums at Harpoot, Oorfa, and Cesarea, under the protection of the Government and the care of the Kaiserwerth Deaconesses. Switzerland has Relief Committees at Geneva, Zurich, Basle, and Berne. England is making strenuous efforts to keep up supplies, with a view to have means in the winter when the stress comes."

At least $300,000 has already been contributed by the people of America for the relief work, and about the same amount in Great Britain.

All funds intended for this object should be sent to Brown Bros. & Co., 59 Wall Street, New York, who are the treasurers of the National Armenian Relief Committee and of the Red Cross.

Chairman Executive Committee.

Are you Nervous?

New Art Embroidery Book

Entitled "Florence Home Needlework" for 1896. Just issued. It gives explicit instructions for embroidering tea cloths, center pieces and doylies in all the newest and prettiest patterns, including latest designs in the Rose, Jewel, Delft, Empire, Festoon, Fruit, Wild Flower and Leaf Embroideries. It contains full information as to the correct shades of silk to be used for each design, and how to work the piece. Also gives directions for knitting Infant's Shirt and Cap and crocheting a Baby's Bonnet. 96 pages. Over 60 illustrations. Sent for 6 cents in stamps. Be sure to state that you want" Florence Home Needlework" for 1896. NONOTUCK SILK CO., 86 Bridge St., Florence, Mass. Copyrighted 1896.


Take Horsford's Acid Phosphate Dr. M. C. GROPPNER, Holyoke, Mass., says: "I am prescribing it in nervous diseases, with the best result. It makes a delicious drink.

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"Sometimes," said Uncle Eben, "er man puts on er long face an' says he's discouraged when he's simply too lazy to try again."Washington Star.

The question of the propriety of riding a wheel to church will probably remain an open one until the Pope issues a bicyclical on the subject-Buffalo Commercial.

"I believe he had two sons; one of them was lost at sea and the other became VicePresident of the United States." "And, of course, neither of them was heard of afterward?"-Truth.

Rose-Couldn't we get up a lottery for the benefit of the church? Daisy-A lottery! Our minister is so opposed to lotteries that he has conscientious scruples about performing the marriage service.-Brooklyn Life.


"What have you named your boy?" iam-just plain William. My wife wanted to

name him after that lovely Mr. Bryan, and IA Quad Your Best Outing Companion

wanted to name him after McKinley, so we compromised on plain William, after both of them."-Indianapolis Journal.

The laziest man, the man who never did a stroke of work, who is quietly and uncomplainingly supported by his wife, is always the man who sits on the piazza of a Sunday morning and sings in vociferous tones, "Welcome, sweet day of rest."-The Examiner.

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I say, captain," said a young Englishman on board an American clipper, "that flag of yours has not floated in every breeze and over every sea for a thousand years, has it?"

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No, it ain't," replied the captain, "but it has licked one that has."- Youth's Companion.

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The infant of the household was in its cradle. The head of the house was at home, peevish and fault-finding. At length he became unendurable. You've done nothing but make mistakes to-night," he growled. "Yes," she answered meekly; "I began by putting the wrong baby to bed."-Answers.

The very positive man had alluded to somebody as "a crank," when his patient audience of one interrupted him with the inquiry: "What is your idea of a crank, anyhow?" "A crank! Why, a crank, sir, is somebody who insists on trying to convince, me, instead of letting me convince him."-Washington Star.

Sir Francis Scott, the commander of the British expedition to Ashanti last winter, addressing his troops expressed his disappointment that they had no chance to show their bravery in battle. "But," added he (and he is not an Irishman), "if there had been fighting there would have been many absent faces here to-day."-Pathfinder.

Dr. Kidd, the Professor of Hebrew at Aberdeen, once had a book presented to him on some very abstruse subject. He read it patiently for a long time,but could make neither head nor tail to it. "But I," he used to say, when he told the story, "I was a match for the fellow. I sent him, in return, a copy of my work on the Trinity."-Christian Life.

In the days when the Clyde was navigable to Glasgow for only very small vessels, a steamer stuck in the mud near Renfrew, and, as was often the case, the skipper was not sparing in strong language at the delay thus occasioned. While waiting for the rising tide, he saw a little girl approaching the river with a bucket to fetch some water. This was too much for the poor captain, and, leaning over the side, he thus addressed her: "If you tak' ae drap o' water oot here till I get afloat, I'll warm yer ear for 't."-Scottish-American.

False Economy

Is practiced by people who buy inferior articles of food. The Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk is the best infant food. Infant Health is the title of a valuable pamphlet for mothers. Sent free by New York Condensed Milk Co., N. Y.




It does the work of other Cameras costing two and three times as much, and a novice can operate it.

Size of Camera. 4% x 4% x 6 inches. Can be loaded and unloaded in daylight.

It is the only Camera using the new Quadruplex Plate Holder.


Is Fully Guaranteed

Ask your Dealer for it, or send us two 1-cent stamps for illustrated cataJogue, and sample of work.

From factory to family, Both $10.


The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

Our offer explained more fully in The Outlook, Nov. 16th, 23d, and 30th.

NOTE. We are personally acquainted with Mr. Larkin, of the Soap Manufacturing Company of Buffalo; have visited their factory; seen their goods and premiums offered, and we know that they are full value. The only wonder is that they are able to give so much for so little money. The Company are perfectly reliable.-The Evangelist. From The Churchman.-We have investigated the propositions in above advertisement, and are satisfied that the goods offered are worth more than price charged, and that the Company will do all they agree to.

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