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The House of Delegates was called to order by THOMAS W. OzLin, Speaker, at 12 o'clock.

Prayer by Rev. Wm. S. Golden, pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia.

The following communications were received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth:


RICHMOND, March 16, 1927.

To the Honorable the Clerk of the House of Delegates:


I transmit herewith a copy of the Proclamation by the Governor calling a special session of the General Assembly, to convene at 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, the sixteenth day of March, 1927.

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In accordance with the provisions of section 73 of the Constitution,

I, Harry Flood Byrd, Governor of Virginia, do hereby summon the members of the Senate and House of Delegates, constituting the General Assembly, to meet in extra session, in their respective chambers in the Capitol, at Richmond, at 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, the 16th day of March 1927.

In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and caused the seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be attached, at Richmond, this 24th day of January, 1927, in the one hundred and fifty-first year of the Commonwealth.

Governor of Virginia.


(SEAL) B. O. James,

Secretary of the Commonwealth.


RICHMOND, March 16, 1927.

To the Honorable the Clerk of the House of Delegates:

As required by law, I herewith respectfully transmit the following names of members elect of the House of Delegates who have been elected to fill vacancies in that body, as ascertained and determined by the board of State Canvassers at their

meetings held on the fourth Monday in November, 1926, and the second Monday in March, 1927, the official record of which is on file in this office:

Albert S. Bolling, for the city of Charlottesville, and the counties of Albemarle and Greene, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. Lemuel F. Smith. W. W. Bird, for the county of Russell, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. John W. Stuart.

George M. Warren and P. L. Cole, for the city of Bristol and county of Washington, to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of Hon. W. Y. C. White and S. Bruce Jones.

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Albert S. BOLLING, delegate-elect from the counties of Albemarle, Greene and the city of Charlottesville;

W. W. BIRD, delegate-elect from the county of Russell;

GEORGE M. WARREN and P. L. COLE, delegates-elect from the county of Washington and city of Bristol; presented themselves at the Clerk's desk and took and subscribed the oaths prescribed by the Constitution.

The roll was called and the following members responded to their


Messrs. Adams, Allman, Barton, Bear, Bird, George T., Bird, W. W., Boliing, Bolton, Booker, Boschen, Bowles, Boyd, E. T., Boyd, I. C., Breneman, Brewer, Brown, Bruce, Carter, Cato, Coiner, Cole, Coleman, Davis, Diggs, Doosing, Dovell, Fain, Folkes, Fuller, Gary, George, Gordon, Graham, Graves, Hailey, Hall, Hamner, Hanes, Harman, Hicks, Horner, Jeffreys, Jesse, Johnson, Jones, C. A., Jones, E. B., Jones, J. P., Jordan, Keezell, Kelly, Lyon, Malbon, Mason, Massenburg, Milstead, Moffett, Moore, Mugler, Nickels, Norris, Page, Parker, R. R., Parker, W. A., Pierce, Price, Ramey, Rew, Rodgers, Saunders, Savedge, Sebrell, Shepherd, Shrader, Sinclair, Smith, C. H., Smith, H. T., Smith, J. S., Snead, Speers, Stickley, Taylor, Topping, Tuck, Vellines, Waller, Warren, C. R., Warren, Geo. M., Warren, L. E., Watkins, Watts, Weeks, Wesson, Williams, Witten, Wood, Wright, E. H., Wright, J. W., Wright, W. A., Young, Mr. Speaker-100.

There were one hundred delegates present.

Ordered that MR. SMITH, of Alexandria, inform the Senate that the House is ready on its part to proceed to business.

A message was received from the Senate, by MR. HOLT, who informed the House that the Senate was ready on its part to proceed to business.

MR. BREWER offered the following resolution:

Resolved by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That a committee be appointed, composed of five on the part of the House of Delegates and three on the part of the Senate, to notify the Governor that the General Assembly of Virginia is duly organized, and ready to receive any communication that he may desire to make; which was agreed to.

Ordered that MR. BREWER carry the joint resolution to the Senate and request their concurrence.

A message was received from the Senate by MR. HOLT, who informed the House that the Senate had agreed to the joint resolution.

THE SPEAKER appointed MESSRS. BREWER, BARTON, JEFFREYS, HARMAN and KELLY, the Committee on the part of the House.

The committee subsequently reported that they had waited upon the Governor who stated that he would be pleased to address the joint assembly.

MR. SMITH, of Alexandria, offered the following joint resolution: Resolved by the House of Delegates (the Senate concurring), That the General Assembly meet this day at 1:05 o'clock P. M., in joint session to receive the Governor of Virginia and such communications as he may desire to make, and that the rules for the government of the Senate and House of Delegates when convened in joint assembly for such purposes shall be as follows:

At the hour fixed for the meeting of the joint assembly, accompanied by the PRESIDENT and Clerk of the Senate, the Senators shall proceed to the Hall of the House of Delegates and shall be received by the delegates standing. Appropriate seats shall be assigned to the Senators by the sergeant-at-arms of the House. THE SPEAKER of the House shall assign an appropriate seat for the PRESIDENT of the Senate.

2. THE SPEAKER of the House shall be President of the joint assembly. In case it shall be necessary for him to vacate the chair, his place shall be taken by the President of the Senate, or, in his absence, by such member of the joint assembly as the SPEAKER may designate.

3. The Clerk of the House shall be the Clerk of the joint assembly, and shall be assisted by the Clerk of the Senate. He shall enter the proceedings of the joint assembly in the Journal of the House and shall certify a copy of the same to the Clerk of the Senate, who shall enter the same on the Journal of the Senate.

4. The sergeant-at-arms, the doorkeepers and pages of the House shall act as such for the joint assembly.

5. The rules of the House of Delegates, so far as practicable, shall be the rules of the joint assembly.

6. In calling the roll of the joint assembly, the names of the Senators shall be called first, in alphabetical order, then the names of the Delegates in like order, except the name of the SPEAKER of the House shall be called last.

7. If, when the joint assembly meets, it shall be ascertained that a majority of each house is not present, the joint assembly may take measures to secure the attendance of absentees, or adjourn to a succeeding day, as a majority of those present may determine.

8. When the joint assembly adjourns, the Senators, accompanied by the PRESIDENT and Clerk of the Senate, shall return to their chamber and the business of the House shall be proceeded with in the same order as when it was interrupted by the extrance of the Senators; which was agreed to.

Ordered that MR. SMITH, of Alexandria, carry the joint resolution to the Senate and request their concurrence.

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