Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

time for holding terms of the circuit court in certain judicial

[blocks in formation]

limiting the power of municipal corporations to impose taxes,

[blocks in formation]


appropriations to pay


previous acts relating to, repealed, section 1

title to property to be transferred; to whom; when; duty of
trustees, section 2


appropriations for

contingent expenses


bond and oath of; to file affidavit; termination of grant of
administration, section 5




498, 499

537, 538

554, 575


to be appointed by the county court for purpose of selling
bonds of county, section 3


of life insurance companies defined, section 1
insurance commissioner to issue certificates to agents soliciting
life insurance, section 16



when certificate renewed, section 16


when insurance commissioner may revoke certificate issued to
agents, section 16

all contracts of insurance on property shall be made through
lawfully constituted and licensed agents, section 36 and 45
certificate of authority to be granted agents of fire and marine
insurance companies, section 36


certificate of authority to be granted agents of fire insurance
companies of foreign countries, section 45


305, 308



of insurance companies, not incorporated in this state, when
not permitted to issue policies, section 49



no person shall act as agent of any insurance company until he
has complied with laws of this state, section 52
when agent personally liable upon contracts, section 53
how long certificates issued to agents to continue in force,




every person, who in this state secures policies from or in any
insurance company, that has not complied with the laws
of state, subject to fine, section 57


license required of certain agents, under act relating to license,
section 2



state license for sale of required; also for any drink of like
nature, section 1

[blocks in formation]

also, to solicit or receive orders for, section 1
how license for sale of, obtained, section 10
application for sale of, to be filed with county clerk, when ;
amount to be paid for expenses; notice by publication; what
petition to show, section 12

for sale of at public watering place or public theater, for what
time granted and how taxed, section 40

license for sale of, at wholesale, section 78
person, firm or corporation carrying on business of, at wholesale
to make report to auditor, section 78

annual tax based on sales; when tax to be paid, section 78

[blocks in formation]


life insurance companies chartered by and doing business in
this state may grant and issue annuities, section 17



from decision of board of equilization and review on erroneous
assessment of taxes, section 129

[ocr errors]


how appointed to appraise estates of deceased persons; what
number may act, oath to be taken, section 12


[blocks in formation]


of the tangible personal property of deceased person, and how,
section 12

of real estate of such persons, when and how, section 12
oath of appraisers, section 12

list of intangible property belonging to estate, to be made by
appraisers, what must be designated in such list, section 12
how each note, bond or other evidence of debt must be signed,
section 12






no judgment to be rendered by any court upon such note, bond,
or other evidence of debt unless shown to have been listed
by appraisers, section 12


proviso respecting notes, bonds, etc., endorsed by appraisers, sec-
tion 12


appraisements and list of such property how disposed of, sec-
tion 12


effect of every such appraisement and list as evidence of value,
section 12


compensation of appraisers, section 12



no person permitted to avoid appraisement and listing of his
estate, section 12



for purpose of printing and distributing report of chief of de-
partment of mines, section 3


to pay expenses of equity suit of Virginia vs. West Virginia,
section 3


to pay expenses of joint committee to investigate Stuart and
Thomas mine disasters, chapter 47


to pay John C. Keister for injuries received while in the service
of the state, chapter 49


to carry out the provisions of act relating to the display of West
Virginia at the Jamestown exposition, section 8


to pay cost of suit pending in the supreme court of the United
States, Maryland vs. West Virginia, section 1

to pay for services and personal expenses of the commissioners
appointed by the governor to revise the school laws, and
for services and expenses of secretary of said commission-
ers, section 1



to pay for services rendered and expenses incurred by the com-
mittee appointed by the legislature of 1905, under H. J. R.
No. 6, to investigate each state institution, section 1
to pay for services and expenses of the commission appointed by
the governor to revise the mining laws, section 1

[merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

for the preparatory branch of the West Virginia university at

for the West Virginia colored institute

for the preparatory branch of the West Virginia university at

545, 565

545, 566

545, 566

for the Bluefield colored institute

546, 567

for the West Virginia asylum

for West Virginia colored orphans' home and industrial school..
for Storer college

for the West Virginia reform school

for the West Virginia industrial home for girls

for the Weston hospital for the insane

for the second hospital for the insane

for the miners' hospital No. 1

for the miners' hospital No. 2

546, 567

546, 567

546. 567

547, 567

[blocks in formation]

547, 568

547, 568

548, 569

548, 569

for the miners' hospital No. 3

548, 569

for state highway inspector

for state board of health (expenses)

for refunding county, district and municipal taxes

for delinquent taxes

for the state board of agriculture

for extermination of San Jose scale and other insects, etc.

for commissioner of banking and assistant

for the department of mines

for commissioners of pharmacy

for the bureau of labor

for vaccine agents

for institute instructors

for uniform examinations

for erroneous assessments

for insurance

for emergency fund

for state law library

for refunding erroneous payments into the treasury

for distribution of general school fund

for overpaid taxes

for game and fish warden (salary etc.)

548, 569

548, 569

549, 569

549, 570

549, 569

549, 570

549, 570

549, 570

550, 570

550, 570

550, 570

550, 571

550, 571

551, 571

551, 571

551, 571

551, 572

551, 572

552, 572

552, 572

552, 572

[blocks in formation]

for printing, binding and stationery

for assistant superintendent of public printing for the year be-

ginning October 1st, 1908

for capitol building and grounds

for governor's mansion and grounds


553, 574
553, 574


for civil contingent fund

for contingent fund, executive department
for contingent legislative expenses

for salary of governor's private secretary

for other clerk hire and stenographers

for salary of chief clerk of secretary of state

for salary to clerk to secretary of board of public works

for other clerk hire in office of secretary of state

for salary of stenographer of secretary of state's office
for salary of chief clerk in treasurer's office

for salary of stenographer for treasurer

for salary of assistant clerk in treasurer's office

for salary of chief clerk in the auditor's office

for salary of other clerks in the auditor's office

for salary of stenographer for auditor

for additional clerk hire in the auditor's office made necessary

by acts of the legislature

for salary of assistant in attorney general's office

for stenographer for attorney general

for salary of other clerk hire in attorney general's office

for salary of chief clerk in the office of state superintendent of
free schools

for salary of other clerks in the office of the state superintendent
of free schools

553, 574
553, 574


554, 575

554, 575

554, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 575

555, 576

555, 576

555, 576

555, 576

555, 576

for salary of stenographer of state superintendent of free schools
for salary of stenographer of commissioner of banking
for salaries of assistant clerks of the supreme court of appeals..
for expenses of tax commissioner's office
for contingent expenses of supreme court

[blocks in formation]

for law clerks or stenographers of judges of the supreme court..
for printing and binding supreme court reports
to pay criers and messengers of the supreme court
for salary of stenographer and typewriter for

[blocks in formation]

for salary of engineer at state house

for salary of night engineer at state house

for salary of night watchman at state house
for salary of night fireman at state house
for salary of day fireman at state house
for salary of six sweepers at state house
for salary of one messenger at state house
for salary of two charwomen at state house
for salary of assistant janitor for annex
for salary of three sweepers for annex
for salary of night watchman for annex

biennial report to be made to governor by head of department

for which clerk hire is allowed


556, 576

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

556, 577

557, 577


each county to constitute one district, section 6


to elect one assessor for each district, section 6
assessor's term of office; ineligible to re-election until when,


section 6


assessor to be a resident of county and a freeholder, section 6....
county court to provide assessor with an office in the court
house, section 6



number of assistant assessors to be appointed in each county;
qualifications, section 7


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