Imágenes de páginas

Free and slave, populations of, com-
pared, 420. Relation of, to Confed-
eration, 427. Whether Constitution
could be ratified by governments of,
428. Voting by, history of practice
of, 460. Equal representation of, in
Senate, just, 464. Union desired by,
from different motives, 509. Com-
mercial legislation of, under Confed-
eration, various, 514. Revenue and
paper-money systems of, under Con-
federation, varions, 514. Rights guar-
anteed to, by Constitution, 517. Pow-
er of, over slave-trade, anterior to
Constitution, 517. Ports of any one of,
not to be preferred to those of another,
522. Compacts between, outside of
Articles of Confederation, 537. New,
temporary governments for, Madi-
son's motion respecting, 540. Admis-
sion of, number of votes requisite for,
540; by dismemberment of state, 540;
by junction, 541; difference in cases
of, 543; provisions for, general, 544.
Restraints on political power of, 547.
Issuing of bills of credit prohibited
to, 548. Laying of duties and im-
posts by, 550. Cannot lay duty on
tonnage, 552. Keeping of troops or
ships of war by, 552. Agreements
by, with another state or foreign
power, 552. When may engage in
war, 552. Governments of, how far
supreme, 557. May be multiplied
indefinitely under Constitution, 560.
Levying war against, not treason
against United States, 561. Certain
controversies between, proposed to
be tried by Senate, 586. Constitu-
tional restrictions on, 591. Laws of,
constitutionality of, how determined,
595. Courts of, not likely to admin-
ister justice to foreigners, etc., 597.
Different, controversies between citi-
zens of, 597; grants of lands by, juris-
diction of cases respecting, 599. One
of a party to a suit, jurisdiction in
cases of, 599. Foreign, jurisdiction in
cases of, 599. Full faith given to acts,
etc., of, 601. Have exclusive regula-
tion of domestic institutions, 603. May
exclude foreigners, 606. Republican
government guaranteed to, object of,
610. Domestic violence in, applica-
tion to general government in case
of, 610. Competency of, to abolish
constitutions, 611. Must have ex-

[ocr errors]

ecutive and legislature, 611. Protec-
tion of, against domestic violence,
613. Equality of, in Senate, forever
guaranteed by Constitution, 616. Re-
fusal of, to comply with requisitions
of Congress, 676. See New States.
State Constitutions, formation of, 80, 82.
State Governments, how formed, 25.
State Sovereignty, early assertion of,

Stop Laws. See Debts.

STORY, JOSEPH, views of, respecting
president's power to adjourn Con-
gress, 583.

Suffrage, Rule of, Governor Randolph's
resolution respecting, 335. Change
in, opposed by Delaware, 335. In
Continental Congress, 339. In Con-
federation, 339. In Senate, 343. For
House of Representatives, great de-
bate on, 398. According to Virginia
plan, 405.
Different in different
states, 425, 441. Not universal in
any state, 612.
SULLIVAN, General, president of New
Hampshire convention, 656.
SULLIVAN, James, governor of Massa-
chusetts, 656.

Superintendent of the Finances appointed,
Supremacy of United States, meaning
and scope of, 556, 557. Of states, ex-
tent of, 556, 557. Of Constitution, as
affecting national growth, 559.
Supreme Court, tenure of office of, 356.
Judges of, not removable by address,
357; compensation of, 357; by whom
appointed, 357. Judges of, proposed
appointment of, by Senate, 357, 457,
462, 577. Appointment of, proposals
concerning, 465. Sole interpreters of
Constitution, 558. Judges of, to be
nominated by president, 581; tenure
of office and salaries of, 585. One,
under Constitution, 585. Original and
appellate jurisdiction of, 586. Ap-
pellate jurisdiction of, ambiguity
concerning, 588. Doubts about con-
ferring power upon, to declare law
unconstitutional, 592.


TALLEYRAND, Prince, opinion of, re-
specting Hamilton, 276.
Taxation, right of, denied to Parlia-
ment, 14. How distinguished from
regulation of trade, 14. Inseparable

[ocr errors]

from representation, 14, 413. Diffi-
culty of applying combined rule of
wealth and numbers to, 414. Report
of committee of detail respecting,
501. By general government, Mason's
objections to, 666. See Colonies.
Taxes, odious to the people of United
States, 120. Power of Congress to
collect, 518.

dent's power to pardon, different
views respecting, 579.
Treasury Department, first established,

Treaty of Alliance with France, 104.
Treaty of amity and commerce with
France, Sweden, and the Netherlands,
188. Negotiations for, with the Neth-
erlands, 189; with Sweden, 190.

Tender, state laws respecting, restraint Treaty of Peace signed and ratified, 104,
on, 548.

Tender Law of Massachusetts, 181. See

Territory, power of Congress over, un-
der the Confederation, 97. Authority
of Congress over, under Constitution,
532; purpose of provision respecting,
542; diverse views concerning, 544.
See Western Territory and Northwest-
ern Territory.

Territorial Governments, power to frame,

in Ordinance of 1787, 535.
Theory, danger of adhering too firmly to,

THOMPSON, CHARLES, secretary of first
Continental Congress, 8.

TICKNOR, GEORGE, cited for a saying of
Jefferson concerning the Revolution-
ary Congress, 44; for a saying of Tal-
leyrand about Hamilton, 276.
Tonnage, duty on, states prohibited to
lay, 551; proposed exception respect-
ing, 552.

Tories, how dealt with by Continental

Congress, 23; in New Hampshire, 45.
Washington's opinion respecting, 45.
Movements of, in the neighborhood
of New York, 45; how met by Wash-
ington, 46, 48. Steps taken by Con-
gress to disarm, 47. Misunderstand-
ing respecting, between Washington
and Congress, 49. Subject referred
to local authorities, 49. Relations of
persons and property of, to the Union,

Trade, inter-colonial, before the Revo-
lution, 5. Regulation of, by Parlia-
ment, distinguished from taxation, 14.
With colonies prohibited by Parlia
ment, December, 1775, 24. See Colo-
nies, Commerce, Continental Congress,
and Parliament.

Treason, definition of, in Constitution,
origin and purpose of, 561. Nature
of evidence of, 562. Punishment of,
to be declared by Congress, 562; how
limited by Constitution, 562. Presi-

125, 158, 160. Objects secured by, 168.
How violated by certain states, 171,
173. Southern boundary of the United
States fixed by, 210. Accompanied by
a secret article, 210.
Treaty Power under the Confederation,

Treaties, supreme law of land, 422, 553,

554. Proposition that Senate should
make, 457. Negotiation of, by numer-
ous body, embarrassing, 463. Making
of, proposals concerning, 465. Pro-
vision respecting, origin of, 468; how
modified, 579. Of peace, question re-
specting, 581. Rule of Confederation
respecting, 581. May be proposed by
Senate, 581. Jurisdiction over cases
arising under, 589. Cases arising un-
der, how settled, 596. Power to
make, under Confederation, 596.
Trial by Jury, of the vicinage, one of
the rights of the colonies, 14. Under
Constitution, 586. Provision for, in
civil cases, not in Constitution orig-
inally, 588; supplied by amendment,
588. Guarantee of, required by many
states, 589. For crimes, provisions re-
specting, 590. Omission to secure, a
strong argument with some against
Constitution, 628.

TUCKER, George, cited about Madison,

TYLER, JOHN, opposed to Constitution,


Union, origin of, 1. Unknown to the
colonial condition, 4. Proposal of, in
1754, 4. Power to form, a result of
the Revolution, 5. Proposed in 1773,
6. Virginia recommends, 7, 321. As
established by the Confederation, 98.
Saved by the proposal of the revenue
scheme, 126. Of the people, idea of,
252. Change in character of, 315.
Preservation of, essential to indepen-
dence of states, 319. Necessarily re-

publican, 320. Purposes of, at first |
indefinite, 321. Previous history of,
important, 321. "Exigencies of," 321;
how only to be provided for, 325. Ob-
jects of, embraced in two classes, 321;
how ascertained, 321; different views
respecting, 338. Proposed power in,
to protect and uphold governments of
states, 361. Dissolution of, Madison's
views respecting, 399; Hamilton's
views respecting, 399; at one time
probable, 402. General interests of,
power to legislate for, 422. Success
of, to what attributable, 558. Sover-
eignty of, and of states, no conflict
between, 558. Capacity of, for ter-
ritorial expansion, cause of, 559.
Theory of, respecting domestic insti-
tutions of states, 603.

"United Colonies,” term of, first adopted,

United States of America, title of, adopt-
ed, 36, 98.

United States, character of, at stake,
120. Laws and treaties of, supreme
law of states, 422, 554. Guarantee by,
of state institutions, 426. Became
proprietor of crown lands, 540. Title
of, to vacant lands, 543. Officer of,
not to accept present, etc., from for-
eign king, etc., 546. Resolutions re-
specting supremacy of government
of, 553, 554. Supremacy of, meaning
and scope of, 555. Government of,
unlike any other, 557; determines
its own powers, 557; safeguard of,
558; success of, to what attributable,
558; Constitution, no impediment to
growth of, 560. Treason against,
definition of, 561. Importance of
preserving federal character of gov-
ernment of, 566. Relation of govern-
ment to citizens of, 591. A party to
a suit, jurisdiction of cases of, 599.


Valuation. See Land and Contribution.
Vermont, provision for admission of,

543, 544. Within asserted limits of
New York, 543.

Vessels, entry and clearance of, 522.
Payment of duties by, 522.
Teto, an essential power, 349. Bill may
be passed notwithstanding, 484. Of
president qualified, 485. Of king of
England absolute, 485; how signi-
fied, 485; in disuse since William the

Third, 485. History of, in Constitu-
tional Convention, 486. Meaning of
"two thirds" in provisions respect-
ing, 486. Power of, proposed to be
given to Council of Revision, 595.
Vice-President, ex-officio president of
Senate, 484. Has only casting vote
in Senate, 484, 568. Reasons for hav-
ing, 567. Ultimate election of, by Sen-
ate, 568, 571. When to act as presi-
dent, 568, 571. Changes in appoint-
ment of, 571. Qualifications for, 571.
Virginia, a provincial government, 2.
Advises a Continental Congress, 7.
Elects delegates, 7. Constitution of,
formed, 83. Effect of claim of, to
western lands, 91. Cedes the north-
western territory, 94, 199. Repeals
her act granting imposts, 117. Stop-
law of, 171. Action of, concerning
western posts, 174. Opposes the sur-
render of the Mississippi, 212. Action
of, leading to a general commercial
convention, 230, 231. Appoints and
instructs delegates to the Convention,
248. Measures of, respecting com-
merce, 229, 284. First to declare for
Union, 321. Plan of government pro-
posed by, 368; Hamilton's doubts re-
specting, 374; inconsistency in, 376,
377; reported to Convention, 381;
vote on, 381; chasm in, 397. Opposed
to election of senators by state legis-
latures, 398; to equality of suffrage
in House of Representatives, 400; to
equality of states in Senate, 403, 407,
418, 453. Had ten representatives in
first House, 408. In favor of census
of free inhabitants, 410; of execu-
tive holding office during "good be-
havior," 424. Vote of, respecting
citizenship as qualification for office,
448; money bills, 453, 454. Opposed
to each state having one vote in Sen-
ate, 460; to impeachments being
tried by Senate, 482; to taxing ex-
ports, 505. Vote of, respecting slave-
trade, 511. Cession by, in 1784, 534.
Strong opposition to Constitution in,
632. Statesmen of, 632, 633. Charac-
ter of people of, 632. Great influence
of Washington in, 632. Effect of ac-
tion of New Hampshire on, 636. Con-
vention of, meets at Richmond, 661,
662; parties in, nearly balanced, 636,
648, 673; anxiety respecting action of,
657, 661; eminence of members of,

662; responsibility resting on, 662;
discussion on Constitution in, 664.
Had ratified Constitution before news
from New Hampshire, 680. Conven-
tion of, final propositions of friends of
Constitution in, 681. Ratification of
Constitution by, how finally effected,
681. Form of amendments and Bill
of Rights proposed by, 682. Address
prepared by opponents of Constitu-
tion in, 682. Adoption of Constitu-
tion by, rejoicing at, 683.
Virginia and Maryland, efforts of, to
regulate the trade of the Potomac and
the Chesapeake, 230.

Virginia Reservation, note on, 199.
Voters, qualifications of, in different
states, 441.


War, power to declare, proposed to be
given to two branches of Congress,
463. To be declared by Congress,
527, 578. When states may engage
in, 552. Ships of, not to be kept by
states in time of peace, 552. And
peace, power of president to make,
577. To be prosecuted by president,


WASHINGTON, appointed aud commis-
sioned commander-in-chief, 21. Ar-
rives at Cambridge, 21. Mode of his
appointment as commander-in-chief,
27. Previous history and character
of, 27, 29. Embarrassments of, in the
early part of the war, 38. Opinions
and actions of, respecting Tories, 45.
Urges Congress to establish prize
court, 52. On the necessity for a
standing army, 63. Leaves Boston
for New York, 63. Compelled to aban-
don New York, 63. Retreats through
New Jersey, 67, 68. Complains of his
situation, 67. Asks for extraordinary
powers, 69. Dictatorial powers con-
ferred on, 69; apology for, 70. Proc-
lamation by, at Morristown, in 1777,
73, 74. Requires oath of allegiance
to United States, 74. Powers con-
ferred on, in 1776, jealousy respect-
ing, 73, 74. Opinion of, respecting an
oath of allegiance, 75. Third effort
of, to raise a new army, 76. Embar-
rassments of, 76. Thwarted by the
local authorities, 77. Adheres to a
plan for the campaign, 77. Anxious
about the falling off of Congress, 88.

Letters of, to the states, in 1782, 105;
to the president of Congress, 107, 109.
Situation of, 106. Warns Cougress
respecting the officers, 112. Painful
position of, 112. Proceedings of,
upon the Newburgh Addresses, 113.
On the want of a revenue power, 122.
Relations of, to the country during
the war, 135. Opinions of, at the
close of the war, 135. Address of, to
the states, on resigning, 135. On a
peace establishment, 147, 148. Re-
signs as commander-in-chief, 158.
Address to, 159. On the insurrection
in Massachusetts, 184. Plans com-
munications with Western settle-
ments, 209. Opinions of, respecting
the navigation of the Mississippi, 209,
212. Opinions of, in 1785, on the state
of the country, 224. Connection of,
with the plan of a general Conven-
tion, 230, 285. Pressed to attend the
general Convention, 246, 268. On the
idea of a monarchical government for
the United States, 250. At Mount
Vernon, 265. Views of, on public af-
fairs, 266. Declines to attend the
general Convention, 269; reconsiders
and attends, 270. Reception of, at
Philadelphia, 270. Placed in the
chair of the Convention, 270. Opin-
ions of, 270. Character of, as a states-
man, 272. Meets the Alexandria com-
missioners at Mount Vernon, 230, 285.
Failure of civil power to sustain, 322.
Difficulty experienced by, as presi-
dent, in preserving neutrality and
excluding foreign influence, 362. In
Convention, confined himself to du-
ties of presiding officer, 451. Sugges-
tion of, respecting ratio of representa-
tion in Congress, adopted, 451. In
favor of tax on exports, 497. Early
nominated for president, 565.
ceived no pay as commander-in-chief,
573. Practice of, respecting cabinet,
576. Leading man in Constitutional
Convention, 615. Tradition respect-
ing words of, before signing Consti-
tution, 622. Views of, respecting
consequences of rejection of Consti-
tution, 622. Unbounded confidence
of people in, 628. Great influence of,
in Virginia, 632. Copies of Constitu-
tion sent by, with expression of opin-
ion, 635. Opinion of, respecting ac-
tion of Maryland on Constitution,


657. Not a member of Virginia con-
vention, 662. Justifies course of Fed-
eralists in New York convention, 688.
Washington, City of, an object of affec-

tion and pride, 492. See Seat of Gov-

WEBSTER, DANIEL, compared with Ham-
ilton, 281.

WEBSTER, NOAH, recommends a new
government, 236.

general Convention, 236.


Further legislation respecting, and
further trusts declared, 199. Admis-
sion of states from, 200. Further
cessions of, urged, 201. Proposition
by Rufus King to exclude slavery
from, 201. Cession of, by Massachu-
setts, 201; by Connecticut, 202. Or-
dinance for disposing of lands in, 202.
Cessions of, by Virginia, modified,
202; by South Carolina, 202; by
North Carolina, 202; by Georgia, 202.
See Northwestern Territory.

Weights and Measures, standard of, fixed West Indies, trade with, 514.
by Congress, 524.

West Florida, secret article respecting,
in the Treaty. of Peace, 210.
West Point, academy at, suggested, 147.
Western Lands, claims of the states to,
90. Conflicting interests of the states
concerning, 91. Surrender of claim
to, by New York, 92. Cessions of,
urged by Congress in 1780, 92. Mo-
tives of the cessions of, 92, 93, 94.
Surrender of claim to, by Virginia,

Become the bond of the Union,
97. Power of Congress over, under
the Confederation, 97.

Western Posts. See Military Posts.
Western Settlements, position of, after
the peace, 208. Connection of, with
the Atlantic coast, 209. Alarm of,
about the Mississippi, 214.

Williamsburg, convention at, 7.
WILLIAMSON, HUGH, views of, respect-
ing rule of suffrage for House of Rep-
resentatives, 398; money bills, 454.
Proposition of, for a periodical cen-
sus, 410.

WILSON, JAMES, birth and career of,
308. Sent to the Constitutional Con-
vention, 308. Services of, 309. Made
a justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, 309. His defence of
the Constitution, 309. Death of, 310.
In favor of larger House of Represen-
tatives, 451; tax on exports, 497. One
of the ablest framers of the Constitu-
tion, 642. Position and arguments
of, in Pennsylvania convention, 643.
Views of, respecting Bill of Rights,

necticut convention, 648.


Western States, prospective character of, WOLCOTT, OLIVER, influence of, in Con-
508. Vast resources of, 514.
Western Territory, controversy respect-
ing, before the adoption of Articles
of Confederation, 196. Cessions of,
invited, 197; Congress declares cer-
tain trusts respecting, 197. States to
be formed in, 197. Cession of, by
New York, 197; by Virginia, 199.
Power of Congress to deal with, 198.

Yeas and Nays, one fifth of members
present in either House of Congress
may require, 483. To be taken on
passing bill over veto, 484.
Yorktown, Revolutionary Congress as-
sembles at, 79.


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