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of friends. There are few writers of our day who could utilize such a plan as this without allowing the book to become either dull or essayish; but Dr. Mitchell carries out his plan with force, and the constantly occurring original turns and surprises keep the interest of the reader on the alert. Domestic Dramas. By Paul Bourget.


lated by William Marchant. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x74 in. 363 pages. $1.50. The author's social essays are always welcome and always have value. Those contained in the present volume are less elaborate and less analytical than some previously published, but perhaps they come closer than M. Bourget's strictly critical work to common human life and human troubles. They are in their expression essentially French in sentiment and form.

Droll Doings. Illustrations by Harry B. Neilson. Verses by the Cockiolly Bird. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 9x12 in. 63 pages. $2. A book of humorous intention, for the most part successfully carried out both in the text and the illustration.

Education and the Philosophical Ideal. By

Horatio W. Dresser. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. 5x7 in. 255 pages. $1.25. This volume stands in close relation to its predecessors. It is a series of educational suggestions toward the realization of the ideal life. It derives much from the author's own experience in an education of a quite unconventional sort. His idea of waiting to learn things till the time is ripe to learn them to creative purpose, though this may put Latin off till one is twenty-two, or attaching one's self to the church till the age of ripe discrimination is reached, may be taken as good for those who are "misfits," not for people in general. Much more generally one may agree with him that the educational danger is of a one-sidedly intellectual training, while the educational need is to insist that spirit shall be first and form secondary-the great lesson of life being in self-adjustment to the immanent Spirit of the universe. The most neglected branches of education undoubtedly are self-knowledge and self-control. He who best masters these is, as Mr. Dresser contends, the truly practical man, the man of inward resources for fit activity. To realize these educational ideals requires a new type of teachers, and especially of parents. These hints will serve to indicate the course of thought here taken. Mr. Dresser reproduces the Boston transcendentalism of sixty years ago, with the modifications it has received from the theory of evolution and the new psychology. His main thesis is that "life itself is educational; that the individual possesses instincts which, if freely followed, lead the way to fullest self-expression and the service of humanity."

Elementary English Composition. By Fred. Newton Scott and Joseph Villiers Denney. Allyn & Bacon, Boston. 5x7 in. 241 pages. 80c.

Elementary History of the United States. By Allen C. Thomas, A.M. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston. 5x71⁄2 in. 343 pages. 60c.

We have been particularly impressed by the judicious selection of the illustrations accom

panying the text. The personal interest attaching to the celebrated characters of the history is properly recognized, and a large part of the book is of a biographical character. Due prominence is also given to the social conditions of former times in points of contrast with the present. The book is intended for pupils of the earlier grammar grades.

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English Classics. Star Series. Tennyson's "Princess," 35c.; Goldsmith's " Vicar of Wakefield," 35c.; "The Merchant of Venice," 35c.; Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner." 35c.; Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America," 35c.; George Eliot's "Silas Marner," 35c.: Scott's " Ivanhoe,' 50c.; Cooper's "Last of the Mohicans," 50c.; "Macbeth," 35c.; Milton's "L'Allegro," 11 Penseroso, "Comus and Lycidas," 35c. The Globe School Book Co., New York. 434×7 in.

This series is based on the commendable plan of presenting to young people and students well printed and illustrated editions of standard English books at a moderate price. Each of the volumes is edited by a man or woman prominent in educational matters, and each has an adequate introduction and biographical sketch.

Eliot Memorial (The): Sketches Historical and Biographical of the Eliot Church and Society, Boston. By A. C. Thompson. The Pilgrim Press, Boston. 7x9 in. 503 pages.

English Flower Garden and Home Grounds (The). By W. Robinson. Illustrated. (Eighth Edition.) Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 6×9 in. 892 pages. $6.

A welcome addition to the reference library. It is arranged partly in chapters and partly in alphabetic or cyclopædic form. The first part of the book tells of various forms of flowergardens, and the pictures give a good idea of many existing English gardens of the choicest and most tasteful kinds. The chapters treat the subject both in broad outline and in minute detail, and the book, as a whole, may fairly be called exhaustive. Mr. Robinson is the author of that charming book, “The Wild Garden," which is known by many naturelovers.

Forbidden Paths in the Land of Og. By the Otherwise Man. Illustrated. The Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. 5x7 in. 258 pages. $1.25. A vacation trip by three missionaries, good fellows all, through the trans-Jordanic region of ancient Bashan, where Og reigned in Moses's time, is the subject of this entertaining book. The track taken is rich in localities of historic and Biblical interest, for which, and for the characteristics and conditions of its

people, these tourists have an open eye, and the ability to tell the story well of how they fared and what they saw.

Four Evangelists (The). Edited by Rachel A La Fontaine. Illustrated. Thomas Whittaker, New York. 5x8 in. 492 pages. $2.50,

A work reserved for later notice.

Girl and the Guardsman (The). By Alexander Black. Illustrated. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x8 in. 212 pages. $1.50.

After finishing this volume the reader queries whether the text were not written as an attempt to explain the pictures. If so, the effort was hardly successful. The pictures are clever.

Golden Legend (The). As Englished by William Caxton. Vol. VI. The Macmillan Co., New York. 4x6 in. 274 pages. 50c.

Gold-Seeking on the Dalton Trail. By Arthur R. Thompson. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 54×84 in. 352 pages. $1.50. Two New England boys, accompanied by their father and uncle, undertake a trip through Alaska, the northwest gold region, and into the Klondike. The tone of the story is that of personal experience. The reader gets an intimate account of long trips on snowshoes, the fording of rivers, and journeys over wild mountains, and is also told how to detect gold grains when come upon in unlooked-for places. Greek History. By Prof. Heinrich Swoboda.

Translated by Lionel D. Barnett, M.A. (The Temple Primers.) The Macmillan Co., New York. 334x6 in. 168 pages. 40c.

In the concise statements of this booklet the latest learning as to the prehistoric and earlier historic period of Greece finds adequate expression. An appendix outlining Greek history from the time of the Roman conquest until now adds a desirable feature seldom found in elementary books on this subject. Head of a Hundred in the Colony of Virginia, 1622 (The). By Maud Wilder Goodwin. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 5x8 in. 221 pages. $1.50.

A new edition in holiday dress of Mrs. Goodwin's carefully written and admirable story of colonial days and ways in Virginia. This volume is tastefully printed, contains five full-page pictures, and a frontispiece in color. Heroes of Our Revolution. By T. W. Hall. Illustrated by W. B. Gilbert. The Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 5x7 in. 317 pages. $1.25. This book begins by pointing out to boys and girls the various historic causes which lay back of the "Stamp Act," "Taxation Without Representation," and other familiar watchwords which led on to the Revolution. Then it acquaints them with the personal story of the various men prominent in the war between the Colonies and England. The style is clear and simple, the narrative concise and interesting.

House-Boat on the St. Lawrence (The). By Everett T. Tomlinson. Illustrated. Lee & Shepard, Boston. 4347% in. $1.50.

A story to delight the heart of the average boy. Mr. Tomlinson has the gift of the born raconteur. With the beautiful and historic river for a background, charming landingplaces, and divers games for a setting, and the deeds of the famous old French hero and adventurer Frontenac, for inspiration, what boy could help being entertained while following the group of young people with whom the author makes them acquainted?

Improvement of Perfection (The). By William E. Barton, D.D. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston. 42x634 in. 64 pages.

In Defense of the Flag. By Elbridge S. Brooks. Illustrated. The Lothrop Publishing Co., Boston. 5x7 in. 356 pages. $1.25.

The hero is the son of an American Consul in Spain at the breaking out of the SpanishAmerican war. By a series of natural events be finds himself on board one of Admiral Cervera's ships as it leaves Cape Verde, and

in the fight at Santiago. Two spirited Amer can girls also play parts in the story. Th feelings of the Spanish populace, and also th better sense of certain well-informed Spaniard are depicted in picturesque manner.

In Hostile Red: A Romance of the Monmout Campaign. By J. A. Altsheler. Doubleday. Pag & Co., New York. 5x8 in. 340 pages. $1.50. A lively tale of the Revolution, telling th adventures of two gay young American off cers who captured the uniforms and assume the personality of two newly arrived Britis officers, and enjoyed themselves very muc within the enemy's lines in Philadelphia. Inner Life (The). By Bishop John H. Vir cent. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Bosto 412X634 in. 72 pages.

Institutional Work for the Country Church Compiled by Rev. Charles E. Hayward. Free PreAssociation, Burlington, Vt. 44x7 in. 149 page 50c.

The problems of the country church are her discussed from the point of view found i Vermont. The difficulties from sectarianism blind conservatism, social stagnation, etc., ar reckoned up, and the way out of them exhil ited. Granting the contention that the mai point is in the leadership of a competen minister, it seems to us that Mr. R. L. Hartt articles in The Outlook last winter on "Th Regeneration of Rural New England" pointe out the real difficulty attaching to this, viz how to keep the right man when obtained Such a sort of social settlement as he recom mended seems most promising for thisthough not regarded with favor in the bool before us. We think, however, that Mr Hartt was right in saying that the solution o the problem "is personal rather than institu tional; it is institutional only that it ma become personal."

In the King's Service. By Captain F. S Brereton, R.A.M.C. Illustrated. Charles Scribner' Sons, New York. 5x7 in. 352 pages. $1.50. Captain Brereton is no partisan. He merel pictures historic facts which no partisan ca blink. The story deals with an English royal ist and his son, who, dispossessed of thei estates in favor of a Cromwellian favorite cross over to Ireland to take refuge with kinsman. The invasion of Ireland follow speedily. We see town after town fighting heroically for king and country, often betrayed by English residents within, capitulating only when starvation threatened the people, alway asking for honorable quarter, which Crom well always promised-and always broke faith Once within the walls, every man, woman, and child was butchered in cold blood in town after town. Even the dazed creatures who knelt for mercy were despatched by bayone or shot.

In the Midst of Alarms. By Robert Barr
Ilustrated. The Frederick A. Stokes Co., New
York. 5x7 in. 316 pages. $1.50.

A new edition revised by the author.
Jack Among the Indians. By George Bird
Grinnell. Illustrated by Edwin Willard Deming.
The Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 5x7 in.
301 pages. $1.25.

This depicts the life of a white boy among the
Indians in the days when herds of buffaloes

roamed the Western plains and Indians lived by hunting them, when their flesh served as food, their skins for clothes, and the hide for houses. There are courage, daring, and adventure enough between cover and cover to delight the heart of any boy.

Jones the Mysterious. By Charles Edwardes. Illustrated. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x74 in. 207 pages. 75c.

The story of a little English boy sent from India to be educated in England. A Hindu servant who accompanies him-and adores him-uses occult "power" to make the lad invisible at times of danger or injustice from those about him. The story has humor and insight into child life. It is queer, clever, and well told.

Just to Help. By Amos R. Wells. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston. 484×71 in. 45 pages.

Kinkaid Venture (The). By Kate W. Hamilton. The Pilgrim Press, Boston. 5x7 in. 293 pages. $1.25.

A family of young people left by themselves and without money establish their home in a Western village. Through pluck and loyalty they triumph over obstacles, and prove the blessings that need for exertion and effort confers.

Knickerbocker's History of New York. By Washington Irving, Vol. I. (Cassell's National Library.) Cassell & Co., New York. 3x5 in. 192 pages. Paper-bound, 10c.

Loom of Life (The) and If Christ Were a Guest in Our Home. By Rev. F. N. Peloubet, D.D. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston. 444x64 in. 64 pages. Lorna Doone. By R. D. Blackmore. With

a Special Introduction by the Author. Illustrated. Harper & Bros., New York. 51x81g in. 560 pages. The notable thing about this new edition is the illustration, chiefly from photographs by Mr. Clifton Johnson. Many of these are of positive beauty, and the scenes are chosen fitly to bring to the eye the wonderful Devonshire country described in the romance. It is a pity that such a badly drawn picture as that representing the boy Jan by the side of the stream should be allowed a place with the admirable photographs of which we have spoken. In type and general form the edition is commendable. The cover design is, to our taste, over


Merry Little Visit with Auntie (A).

By Mary D. Brine. Illustrated American Tract Society. New York. 634x9 in. 94 pages. 75c. The account of a little girl's two weeks' visit in the country.

Mother Goose for Grown-Ups. By Guy Wet

more Carryl. Illustrations by Peter Newell and Gustave Verbeck. Harper & Bros., New York. 6x9 in. 116 pages. $1.50.

A skillful adaptation of the morals and much of the manner of Mother Goose for older readers, with humorous illustrations in the key of the text.

Minor Writings of Charles Dickens (The).

By Frederic G. Kitton. A. C. Armstrong & Son, New York. 44x7 in. 260 pages. $1.25. This is of interest chiefly to the bibliographer and collector of first editions. So great a gulf separates the early attempts of Charles

Dickens from his later work that (looking at the subject from the literary point of view) it may perhaps be questioned whether the detailed examination of the history of the writing of the early sketches is really worth the while.

More Bunny Stories. By John Howard Jewett (Hannah Warner). Illustrated by Culmer Barnes. The Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 62×84 in. 195 pages. $1.50.

A sequel to "The Bunny Stories" reprinted from St. Nicholas" several years ago.

Nan's Chicopee Children. By Myra Sawyer Hamlin. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 5x711⁄2 in. 223 pages. $1.25.

An occasional false note mars this book, which is an account of a country home where, with a kind of co-operative housekeeping, some working girls and boys enjoy a pleasant and independent vacation.

Nella, the Heart of the Army. By Philip Verrill Mighels. R. F. Fenno & Co., New York. 5x71g in. 395 pages. $1.25.

This story enters a plea towards solving that ever-burning problem, domestic service, by organizing a sort of army of skilled female labor with love of one's fellow-being as its basis. The story is sensational to the core, and rich in imagination of a bizarre quality; it flashes out bright turns of thought, picturesque if coarse bits of diction. yet its whole effect is unreal and unwholesome. Newnham Friendship (A). By Alice Stronach. Illustrated. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x71 in. 288 pages. $1.25.

This is a story of girl life at Newnham College. It is a sympathetic study in girl friendships and early ambitions, which a little later find vent in college settlements and work among the people of London's East Side. The character contrasts hold the reader's interest; the story is well written and the moral purpose is high.

New Wonderland (A). By L. Frank Baum. Pictures by Frank Verbeck. R. H. Russell, New York. 8I1 in. 190 pages. $1.50.

Stories for small children of the ways of Phunnyland, where it rains lemonade and the pebbles are gumdrops.

Northern Georgia Sketches. By Will N. Harben. 305 pages. $1. North Carolina Sketches. By Mary Nelson Carter. 313 pages. $1. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago,

For each of these volumes the poor whites of the South furnish the material, and their dialect the expression. Mr. Harben's book is a collection of ten short stories reprinted from the "Century" and elsewhere, and quite worth reprinting. Miss Carter's is a series of character-sketches, delineating natives of the mountain region in their crude and narrow life with a sympathetic hand and a realistic effect.

Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America, 1861-65. By Thomas L. Livermore. Houghton, Mittin & Co., Boston. 6x9 in. 150

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Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts. By A. T.

Quiller-Couch. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x734 in. 384 pages. $1.50.

A series of ghost stories, or studies of persons who return to visit the scenes which they have left.

Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. By Samuel Adams Drake. Illustrated. (New and Revised Edition.) Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 54x8 in. 484 pages. $2.50. Sometimes new editions are little more than reprints with slight changes. This is not the case with Mr. Drake's "Old Landmarks." The book has been largely rewritten, much has been added, and in its new form it is really a new book. To all interested in the early history of Boston and Massachusetts, it will always be one of the most valuable and popular compilations accessible.

Old Lanterns for Present Paths. By Francis E. Clark, D D. United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston. 5x7 pages. 45 pages.

Oliver Cromwell. By John Morley, M.P. Illustrated. The Century Co., New York. 52×8% in. 486 pages. $3.50.

Reserved for notice hereafter.

Other Man's Country (The). By Herbert

Welsh. The J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 5x7 in. 257 pages. $1.

A discussion of the Philippine question by one who in the preface thus states his point of view: "There is one sheaf of fine wheat outranking them all, to which all must make obeisance-it is the law of our duty towards our neighbor. In the Christian sense the Filipino is now our neighbor; and it is our duty to treat him, not as one from whom we seek to realize a selfish profit, but as a man whose rights of every kind we are bound to respect, and whose welfare, in due subordination to the law of our own being, we must first consider." It need hardly be said that The Outlook entirely agrees with Mr. Welsh's point of view. The question for this country is what is its duty toward the Filipino as "our neighbor." Our judgment as to the facts, and consequently our judgment as to our duty in view of those facts, differs radically from Mr. Welsh's. In our judgment, the official reports of the Commissioners who have been sent out to represent the United States, and to ascertain the facts and report them back to the people of the United States, are far more trustworthy than the reports of individual officers and reporters, on which to a very considerable extent Mr. Welsh bases his arguments. In short, with the highest respect for Mr. Welsh's moral purpose, we regard his book as belonging to journalism rather than to literature; and as in its nature ephemeral, because so largely based upon ephemeral reports.

Phebe, Her Profession: A Sequel to Teddy, Her Book. By Anna Chapin Ray. Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 5x7 in. 285 pages. $1.50.

The rather hackneyed theme of a girl who studies a profession and gives it up just to get married is enlivened by the doings of a large and interesting family, and especially by the character of Cicely Everard, a thoroughly natural and wholesome girl.

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5x7 in. 382 pages. $1.50.

It was in the Indian outbreak dignified wi the title of the Black Hawk War that Abr ham Lincoln had an early taste of milita experience, and he figures in Dr. Bartor story together with Jefferson Davis, also a p ticipant in that affair. The "prairie schoo er" was the picturesque name popularly giv to the emigrant wagons that traversed tho level seas of grass. This attractive title int duces a story no less attractive of the settli of northern Illinois by emigrants from Ne England. A story of love and a story hatred are interlaced; the enterprise a hardihood, the privations, pleasures, and per of the pioneers are sketched with the graph touch of a filial hand, and with large drama interest at the critical turns of affairs. Barton is one of the few clergymen who su ceed in fiction-writing. In his hands histo is treated with accuracy, and colored with t warm tint of real and vigorous life. Preachers and Preaching: Lectures Deliver


before the Maine Ministers' Institute at Co Divinity School, Lewiston, Maine, Septemb 4-12, 1899. Silver, Burdett & Co., New York. 5x1 in. 276 pages. $1.50.

Among many good books of recent date this general subject the present volume ran high in merit. It raises the question wheth better effect is achieved by a course of lectur given by a single expert, or a course like thi in which seven lecturers participate. Th two of the nine lectures are devoted to expos tory preaching seems to us significant of th change from former views which was to expected from the general revival of Bib study. If there be not a betterment in t average of preaching, corresponding to th multiplication of stimulating and instructi books for preachers, there must be some pr vision for circulating them among the mar whose purse is short. Especially will this the case with books designed, like this, pa ticularly for those who are "somewhat isolat from church centers and ministerial associ tions."

Psalms of David (The). By Louis Rhea Introductory Study by Newell Dwight Hillis. Il trated. The Fleming H. Revell Co., New Yo 71x 1014 in. 284 pages. $2.50.

A brilliant bit of writing is Dr. Hillis's insp ing introduction to King David's text, ar incidentally to the graphic pictures drawn Mr. Louis Rhead. The volume is a strikin one from every standpoint.

Queen Charlotte's Maidens. By Sarah Tytle Illustrations by Paul Hardy. Charles Scribne Sons, New York. 5x7 in. 208 pages. 75c. A story purporting to be told by one Charlot Venn, inmate of "The White House," a institution founded by Queen Charlotte, whe orphan girls of good family might live ar support themselves by fancy needlework pu chased by the royal family and nobilit Through a sprightly and engaging style v get the life-story of several girls, and see ho

love could enter even a sequestered spot like this. Incidentally we catch glimpses of several notabilities of that day. The volume is quaint and full of old-time leisurely charm.

Rafnaland. By William Huntington Wilson. Illustrated. Harper & Bros., New York. 5×7% in. 352 pages. $1.50."

Here is a story as novel in plot as it is romantic in the filling in. The author connects it with the disappearance in a balloon of John Heath Howard, of Kentucky, on a Derby Day in 1887, after which he was never again seen. Several years later, some Eskimos visiting a remote strip of land found the wrecked car of a balloon which contained the dead bodies of a young man and a girl, together with some written papers. From these the author purports to have constructed his story. Howard, waking up after wreck and unconsciousness, finds himself in a land which later computation shows him is beyond the North Pole. The people there are descendants of a forgotten band of Vikings. They still preserve their ancient life and the full worship of Odin and Thor. The imaginary social atmosphere of such a people is admirably well sustained. Physical prowess in personal combat is their cult, and fair play their highest ideal. The incidents move swiftly, and culminate in Howard and his bride-the king's daughtermaking their escape in the balloon.

Ramona. By Helen Hunt Jackson. With

an Introduction by Susan Coolidge. Illustrated by Henry Sandham. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 5x84 in. 2 vols. $6.

A number of old books in new form appear this year in time for the holiday trade, and chief among these works is "Ramona." Its author died more than sixteen years ago, and, as no record of her exists beyond two or three brief and inadequate biographical studies, the informative and sympathetic introduction written by Susan Coolidge is indeed welcome, as are the notes which Mr. Sandham publishes concerning his genuinely illustrative illustrations. Such helps to the enjoyment of a very notable novel, when furnished by those who knew its author well, generally bear with them the atmosphere of that author's personality and individuality and are keenly appreciated. In addition, the many admirers of "Ramona" will be glad to have a favorite romance in a new and delightful dress.

Rival Boy Sportsmen. By W. Gordon Parker.

Illustrated by the Author. Lee & Shepard, Boston. 5x7 in. 363 pages. $1.25.

This gives glowing accounts and spirited pictures of outdoor boy life. It shows how Grant Burton, the hero of some of the author's previous stories, organized a club and made himself leader in a series of friendly contests in amateur sports.

Road to Nowhere (The). By Livingston B.

Morse. Illustrated. Harper & Bros., New York. 5x7 in. 236 pages. $1.50. This story is dedicated to Alice in Wonderland, and it suggests that well-beloved child as Jack and Kitty search for the Island of Flowers, helped by the wonderful talking animals along the way, and learn in Cloud Land that to be "rattled" means to be afraid

of rats, and that "it is only a very foolish person who can't talk wisely about things which he doesn't understand," and many other things new and important.

Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. Illustrated by the brothers Louis and Frederick Rhead. R. H. Russell, New York, 6x9 in. 363 pages. A very attractive edition of this classic, printed from a large, clear type with many full-page illustrations, and a number of small pictures introduced into the text, the whole very happily expressing the atmosphere of the narrative.

Royal Navy (The). Vol. V. By William Laird Clowes. (Assisted by Sir Clements Markham, Captain A. T. Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, and Others.) Illustrated. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 7x 10 in. 623 pages. $6.50.

This fine quarto volume, with its many photogravures and scores of lesser illustrations, is the fifth of the six which will make up a work truly monumental in scope and elaborate and careful in execution; we hope to speak at some length of the work when completed. The present volume covers the extremely important period of the great British naval struggle with Napoleon I. from 1803 up to 1815. The history of the war between the United States and Great Britain is not included, from lack of space; it has been written by Governor Roosevelt, and will occupy the first place in the final volume. The interest in the present volume centers, of course, about England's greatest naval victory, Trafalgar.

Rue with a Difference. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 5x7 in. 428 pages. $1.25.

A love story told in Miss Carey's well-known style. The plot is well constructed, the interest long-drawn-out and sufficiently involved to suit the typical novel-reader. Óphelia's famous words, “You may wear your rue with a difference," give the keynote to situations too complex to be even outlined in a brief notice. St. Nicholas Book of Plays and Operettas.


The Century Co., New York. 5x7 in. 231 pages. A collection of the most popular shadow-plays and operettas which have appeared in "St. Nicholas" during the last twenty-five years, including the famous "Ballad of Mary Jane." Scouting for Washington. By John Preston

True. Illustrated by Clyde O. De Land. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. 5x7 in. 311 pages. $1.50. Another story of the struggling days of our Nation's birth. It is told with skill. Sermons on the International Sunday-School

Lessons for 1901. By the Monday Club. The Pilgrim Press, Boston. 5x7 in. 444 pages. $1.25. This series has long so commended itself to Sunday-school teachers as to require here only the observation that in the present volume it keeps well up to its mark.

Sketch Book (The). By Washington Irving.

The Macmillan Co., New York. (Pocket English
Classics.) 4x53 in. 371 pages. 25c.

The first volume in a series of pocket classics, presenting the masterpieces of American literature in a very convenient and tasteful form, with an introduction, biographical and critical, and notes.

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