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A Journal Devoted to Scholarly Investigation in the
Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures





Issued in January, April, July, and October. Subscription price, $2.00 a year; single copies, 60 cents postpaid. Contributions should not exceed 8000 words in length. Reviews will ordinarily be limited to 500 words. All communications are to be addressed to the Editor, Hardin Craig, Iowa City, Iowa.



Associate Editors

CHARLES BUNDY WILSON, Germanic Languages and Literatures
ROY C. FLICKINGER, Classical Languages and Literatures
THOMAS A. KNOTT, English and Comparative Literature
CHARLES E. YOUNG, Romance Languages and Literatures


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PERCY H. HOUSTON, Doctor Johnson. A Study in Eigheenth Century

Humanism (B.V. Crawford).-MARCEL HOc, Le Déclin de l'Hu-

manisme Belge, Étude sur Jean Gaspard Gevaerts, Philologue et

Poète, 1593-1666 (A.J. Dickman).—MARION Y.H. AITKEN, Étude

sur le Miroir ou les Évangiles des Domnées de Robert de Gretham,

suivie d'extraits inédits (Lucy M. Gay).-LOUIS ALLARD, La

Comédie de Moeurs en France au XIX Siècle (C.E.Y.).-T. AT-

KINSON JENKINS, La Chanson de Roland (C.E.Y.).—SIR SIDNEY

LEE and F.S. BOAS, The Year's Work in English Studies-1922

(T.A.K.),—H.W. FOWLER, The Split Infinitive. OTTO JESPERSEN,

Logic and Grammar (T.A.K.).—WALTER FISCHER, Die Briefe

Richard Monckton Milnes' an Varnhagen von Ense, 1844-1854

(T.B. Liljegren)

G.D. HADZSITS and D.M. ROBINSON, Our Debt to Greece and Rome
(Seneca, R.M. GUMMERE; Virgil, J.W. MACKAIL; Horace, G.
SHOWERMAN; Greek Biology and Medicine, H.O. TAYLOR) (B.L.
U.).—W.A. NITZE and E.P. DARGAN, A History of French Liter-
ture (C.E.Y.).-M.G. BACH, Wieland's Attitude toward Woman
and her Cultural and Social Relations (C.B.W.).-LANE COOPER,
An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy with an Adaptation of the
Poetics and a Translation of the 'Tractatus Coislinianus' (H.
C.).—B.A.P. VAN DAM, The Text of Shakespeare's Hamlet (H.
C.).-A.M. WITHERSPOON, The Influence of Robert Garner on
Elizabethan Drama (H.C.).-C.W. CAMP, The Artisan in English
Literature (H.C.).-G. MEHLIS, Die Deutsche Romantik (E.H.
Zeydel).-E.A. PEERS, Angel de Saavedra, Duque de Rivas (R.E.
House).-H. SCHOEFFLER, Protestantismus und Literatur (B. Tap-
per).-C.B. TINKER, Letters of James Boswell (E.N.S. Thompson)
N.C. ARVIN, Eugene Scribe and the French Theatre, 1815-1860 (C.E.Y.).
-P. STUDER and E.R.G. WATERS, Historical French Reader, Me-
dieval Period (C.E.Y.).-D.M. ROBINSON, Sappho and Her In-
fluence (Charles Heald Weller)

EMIL ERMATINGER, Gottfried Kellers Leben, Briefe und Tagebücher

(Erwin Gustav Gudde).—JOHN W. DRAPER, William Mason.

A Study in Eighteenth Century Culture (Bartholow V. Craw-

ford). WILLIAM EBEN SCHULTZ, Gay's Beggar's Opera. Its

Content, History, and Influence (Bartholow V. Crawford).—

NORREYS J. O'CONOR, Changing Ireland. Literary Backgrounds

of the Irish Free State (E. N. S. Thompson).-ARTHUR STAN-

LEY PEASE, M. Tulli Ciceronis de dir atione libri, with Com-

mentary (B. L. U.).-REMIGIO SABBA: I, Giovanni da Reven-

na, insigne figura d'umanista (13437-1, \) (B. L. U.).—T. K.

WHIPPLE, Martial and the English Ep im from Sir Thomas

Wyatt to Ben Jonson (E. N. S. Thomps

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Commentators are happily agreed, it would seem, that Chaucer's Doctor of Phisyk is possessed of sufficient erudition and experience to rank him among the foremost theoretical and practising physicians of his time. Indeed, he has no peer when it comes to speaking of physic and of surgery. He has "dronkyn of that swete drynke of Astronomye" so deeply that he is able to diagnose any malady with respect to both the ultimate or primary causes emanating from the stars and the immediate causes residing in various compoundings of hot, cold, moist, and dry humours in the blood; and having located the seat of trouble in the human system, he skilfully employs the principles of natural magic in the making of appropriate astrological images and in the compounding of medicines for the purpose of effecting cures. He has a wide acquaintance with the works of ancient and mediaeval authors upon medicine, having the distinction of being, perhaps, the only physician who has ever perused the writings of that mythical founder of medicine, Esculapius. For years he and his apothecaries have worked together in brotherly fashion-to their mutual benefit-against the ravages of the Black Death and other diseases; and such have been his thrift and temperance that he is blessed with superior physical comforts in the way of good health and distinctive wearing-apparel. His thinking is but little upon the Bible. It has seemed to me possible that Skeat, Morris, and others have not done justice quite to his learning and to the

1 Skeat, Oxford Chaucer, C.T., A, 410-444.

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2 Skeat, op. cit., V, 40-42; E. E. Morris, "The Physician in Chaucer,' An English Miscellany, pp. 338 ff.; Hinckley, Notes on Chaucer, pp. 31-36; Hammond, A Bibliographical Manual.

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