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Abstracts 4726 - 4733


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4726 L Jan. 31:3/2 - The hall of the Atheneum was again densely crowded yesterday and last evening, several hundred having been necessarily refused admission. The day was characterized by the same order of things of the previous days, and we are inclined to think were rather in excess. A very large number attended lunch, and those who did so speak in the highest terms of it. All the decorations and paraphernalia will be carefully preserved for the benefit of the children.

4727 L Feb. 1:3/2 The orphans bazaar was opened yesterday forenoon
for lunch and was well patronized. It was closed early in the after-
noon until nine p.m. in order that its patrons might attend the lecture.
It will be open again from ten a.m. until noon today for the benefit
of children who will be admitted for ten cents. A picture of the
bazaar was taken by the artist, Greene.

4728 L Feb. 3:3/2 The orphans bazaar was open yesterday from ten
a.m. until noon for the childen. The orphan asylum children under
the direction of Miss Townsend performed, in very creditable style,
an excellent program of songs. The proceeds of the bazaar will not,
we think, fall short of $4,000.

4729 L Feb. 3; ed: 3/3 We took occasion, when there seemed some
cause for apprehension, to assure the public that in attending the
bazaar they would be protected by the vigilance of the officers in
attendance there from any depredations on the part of pickpockets, and
though frequent attempts were made by these fellows, it gives us pleasure
to note that not a penny was lost.

4730 L Feb. 4:3/2 The managers of the orphans bazaar, cashiers, and ladies having charge of booths are requested to meet the trustees and board of managers of the asylum this afternoon. The object of the meeting is to settle all acounts, so as to render a final account.

4731 L Feb. 4:3/2 The receipts of the orphan bazaar were between $4,300, and $4,400, and the net proceeds will be $3,800. Very gratifying figures.







4732 L Feb. 6:3/2 - The statement of the treasurer of the orphans bazaar exhibits is as follows: Grand total received $4, 492.82; expenses, $450.93; net proceeds, $3,843.89.


4733 L Mar. 13:3/2 - The annual meeting of the members of the Cleve-
land orphan asylum was held last evening, and the old officers and
board managers were re-elected. The reports of the treasurer and
secretary were submitted and adopted. The treasury report shows the
permanent endowment of the asylum to have reached $14,000. For ten
years the asylum has depended upon annual subscriptions for support.


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This year it realized $3,843.36 from the bazaar. The managers thank the citizens generally for their liberal support and donations.


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4734 L Apr. 26:3/2 - The ladies of this city are cordially invited to spend Apr. 29 at the orphan asylum, to assist in the serving of the said institution. Mrs. Elisha Taylor, President.


4735 L Oct. 23; ed: 2/2 The anniversary celebration of the Cleveland
orphan asylum will be held Oct. 29 in the First Baptist church. It
is for the purpose of providing funds for those in charge of the asylum,
who say the 50 children need clothing, etc., and to provide a home for
a greater number. The occasion cannot fail to be one of interest and

4736 L Oct. 23:3/1 The anniversary of the Cleveland Protestant orphan asylum will be celebrated tonight at the First Baptist church. The exercises will consist of singing and declamation by the scholars, and addresses by other persons.

4737 L Oct. 30:3/1,2 The eleventh annual meeting of orphans of
the Protestant orphan asylum of Cleveland was held at the First Baptist
church yesterday with the president, the Hon. S. J. Andrews, presiding.
There were 45 orphans present. Mrs. D. P. Eells, secretary, reports
for the board of managers of the asylum that beyond the usual statisti-
cal statements, there is little of interest to communicate.
Twenty-two officers were elected.

4738 L Dec. 4; ed: 3/1 Thanksgiving, as observed at the Cleveland Protestant orphan asylum at the corner of Kinsman st. and Wilson ave. on Nov. 27 by the children of that institution, was a happy affair.

After a few remarks and a very short prayer of giving thanks, by a gentleman present, the children said grace, after which their little hands and mouths became as active over the good things contributed by kind friends, as they were in their favorite song which they sang at their happy festival.




The number of children in the asylum is 52, and all very small; not one of them sick, a very remarkable instance.


4739 L Dec. 10:3/2 City council met last night and passed a resolution appropriating $150 to the Cleveland orphan asylum as teachers' salary to March, 1862.


4740 L Dec. 16:3/1 - Atheneum hall was being handsomely fitted up yesterday in preparation for the benefit fair for the Catholic orphan asylum, which begins today. The fair will continue for three days and evenings.



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4741 L Dec. 31:3/2

City council met last night and received a petition from the St. Joseph's Orphan asylum teachers asking the council to allow them $150 as teachers' salaries for the year just past.

See also Civil War - Welfare; Hospitals & Infirmaries; Pensions; Relief

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Wholesale Fancy Goods and Yankee Notion House

"Stillson, Leek and Price, wholesale dealers of foreign and domestic manufacture, have recently removed their place of business, and now occupy the commodious four story building No's. 133 and 135 Water Street. The present is a most favorable time to call the attention of the trade to the advantages offered by this house, and to the superb stock they are presenting to purchasers....

The trade of this house is only in the very best articles to be found in the market, and their business exclusively wholesale."

Commission Houses

4743 L Dec. 2:3/1 The firm of Clark, Gardner, and Company, having been dissolved by mutual consent, Gardner has united with Thatcher, Burt, and Company.

The co-partnership is formed for the transaction of a general produce, storage, and commission business.

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4744 L Dec. 2; adv: 3/2 M. B. Clark and John D. Rockefeller, late of Clark, Gardner and Co., will continue the Produce Commission business, under style and firm of Clark and Rockefeller, at the warehouse recently occupied by Clark, Gardner and Co., Nos. 39, 41, 43, and 45 River St.


4745 L May 1:3/2 - Dr. Newberry, in his address at Brainard's hall on April 29, said much which for want of time we were unable to notice in our report yesterday. Among other things, he remarked that at present at Pittsburgh Landing there are many strong minded women, and by way of an example drew a picture of one of these. This lady is Polish by birth, but has been a resident of New York for a number of years. She is very active and energetic, and her greatest ambition is to care for the sick and wounded. There are many others of the gentler sex there who act with an individuality not less amusing than remarkable; who will listen to no dictation, and will not permit themselves to be turned from the line of duties they mark out for themselves. They are nevertheless of great service and do much good.







JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1862

Abstracts 4746 4752

WOMEN (Cont'd)

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4746 L Aug. 14; ed: 2/2 - There are many men that should be in the
army and their present places filled by women. The wives and daughters
of soldiers should have more avenues opened to them for honest em-
ployment than they now have. Sewing machines are crowding the sewing
women out of the market. The demand for teachers is limited. Beyond
these two kinds of employment what is there that is left for them to
do? The community has a duty in this matter. It must say to the
deserving women who bravely ask for work: Come into our stores and
measure off cloths; come into our studios and practice photography;
come into our printing offices and set type; and come into our de-
partments as copyists and deputies.

It is time for this beneficent change, and we urge it upon all who would do a service to humanity.

4747 L Aug. 23:3/2 In a letter to the editor, "A Citizen" says: Some of the dry goods dealers are bringing in men from outside the city to replace enlisted men. Why not give these jobs to the women and force the male tape-measures into the field?

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4748 L Aug. 27:3/2 In a letter to the editor, "P" says: Many young ladies are willing to take jobs as clerks. They can't enter active military service; let them replace men.

4749 L Sept. 2:3/1 - In a letter to the editor, "A Lady" says: I wish to say to the merchants of Cleveland that for the last few days I have been hoping that you would make some move towards employing ladies as clerks in your stores. You need help and the country needs all its men.


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4750 L Apr. 18:3/1 The attention of all is called to the advertisement of W. M. Merriam, wood dealer, on the dock near the foot of Superior st. He will keep himself supplied with good hickory, beech, and maple.


4751 L Feb. 19; ed: 2/1 - Wool is now higher than it has been for
44 years.
This is due to the large demand for army goods and to the
advanced price of cotton. "It will not soon fall so low again as
it has been of late years, and we shall be surprised if the flocks
upon our hills are not greatly increased."

4752 L Apr. 19:3/2 - We spent a very pleasant hour a few days since in going over the woolen mills recently put in operation on the line of the Lake Shore railroad. These mills were projected and built by Amasa Stone, jr., and A. Pope and Son. The latter named gentlemen were formerly of Maine and have had long experience in woolen manufactures.









Abstracts 4753 - 4755

WOOL (Cont'd)

The building, which is just completed, is 60 by 175 feet in size, two stories in height, with a spacious attic. The machinery is put in motion by a beautiful steam engine, manufactured by the Globe works of this city, and has a large locomotive boiler, which also supplies the steam necessary to heat the whole building.

There are in the establishment what is termed five sets of machinery, all new and of the latest patterns and improvements. When in full opera

tion the mill will turn out daily from 600 to 800 yards of finished goods, the amount depending on the quality and the finish.

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The entire work gives employment to 75 hands men, women, and boys, and cannot fail to add to the prosperity of our city business. (22)

4753 L July 22:3/8 S. N. Goodale, state fair agent for the wool exhibition, announces to the merchants and growers who will have their wool not only on exhibition but for sale also, that cash will be advanced when shipped to Cleveland. All wools will be sold at a time when the owner's prices can be obtained. Samples should be sent as early as Aug. 1.

4754 L Sept. 24:1/2 - A letter from S. N. Goodale to John H. Klippart, secretary of the state board of agriculture, says: "The Awarding committee said the show of delaine wool was very fine, exceeding in quality and desirability any former exhibit. The cashmere wool from goats was recommended for its fineness and beauty. Wool for broadcloth, for doeskins, for casimeres.

Some of the wool would bring high prices from the manufacturers if supplied in sufficient quantity.

More effort to produce the wool to suit discriminating demands, by crossing the breeds, is desirable.

All styles of wool may be used imperfectly for felting goods, but only a healthy, and peculiar class of wool can be used for delaine, cassimere, and doeskins.

The manufacture of delaine goods must grow into an immense business in this country. At this time there are only three mills, consuming about 6,000,000 pounds a year, while that of cassimere and doeskins has grown into a business almost defying the competition of Europe.

"Allow me to commend an article exhibited in the Wool Hall, called 'Extract of Tobacco for Sheep Wash, manufactured by the Southdown Company, Boston! Growers who have examined it speak in favorable terms of its use to shepherds, as a preventive to flies and sheep ticks."

4755 L Dec. 24; ed: 3/1,2 The Cleveland woolen mills operated by A. Pope of Maine owes its success and the completion of its new two story building to Amasa Stone, president of the C. P. and A. railroad.

"We hope its success will induce capitalists to start other manufacturing enterprises in Cleveland."




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