Imágenes de páginas

The Conveyancer's Guide; a Burlesque Poem. The second edition, considerably enlarged, with numerous Notes.

A Greek and English Prosodial Lexicon, with Synonymes and Examples, marked and scanned in the manner of the Latin Gradus. By Thomas Webb, author of Greek Prosody and Metre.

A Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol. By Mr Evans, printer, of that city.

In the press, the Eighth and concluding Volume of Howe's Works.

Dr Reade is preparing for publication a Treatise on Vision, founded on new and interesting experiments.

The Rev. Dr Evans, of Islington, has

in the press a small volume, entitled Re. creation for the Young and Old; an Excursion to Brighton; a Visit to Tunbridge Wells; and a Trip to Southend, with an Alphabetical List of all the Watering Places in the Kingdom.

A new edition of Neale's History of the Puritans, by Toulmin; 5 vols. 8vo. Care. fully Revised by W. Jones, author of the History of the Christian Church.

A Short Treatise on the Summation of Series by Increments. By the Rev. E. С. Tyson of Cambridge.

Happiness, a Tale for the Grave and the Gay, in 2 vols. small 8vo. Price 12s. boards.

Mary Nelson, a Narrative, in 1 vol.


Dramas of the Ancient World, by D. Lindsay, will appear in a few days.

Mr Stark is, we understand, preparing for press, a Biographia Scotica upon an extensive scale. It is meant to be printed in octavo, and published in volumes.

Sir Andrew Wylie, of that Ilk, by the author of Annals of the Parish, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. will be published before Christmas. In the press, and will be published about the end of November, a Treatise on the Covenant of Works, by John Colquhoun, D. D. minister of the Gospel, Leith.

A continuation of Sacred Harmony, for the use of St George's church, Edinburgh, is preparing for publica publication. In this continuation various alterations and improvements will be introduced. Besides the four vocal parts, accompaniments for the organ or piano-forte will be given on separate staves. Every tune will have appropriate words connected with it, taken chiefly from the Psalms, Paraphrases, and Hymns that are used in the church of Scotland; and while the first stanza will be engraven along with the music in the usual way, the whole passage will be presented to the eye of the reader on the opposite page in letter-press. The work will consist of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Sanctuses, Doxologies, Dismissions, and Thanksgivings; and great care will be taken to exclude every thing that is not recommended by real excellence. It is to be published in Numbers, for the convenience of subscribers. Each Number, price Three Shillings, will contain sixteen pages of music, and a proportionate quantity of letter-press. The first Number we appear in March next; and will be enriched with the productions of C. Bach, Beethoven, G. F. Graham, C. H. Graun, Handel, Haydn, Jomelli, Mozart, Rossini, R. A. Smith, &c.

Letters of Junius; with Preliminary Dissertations, and Copious Notes. By At

ticus Secundus. In one neat pocket volume, with Seven Portraits and Vignette Title.

In the press, and speedily will be published, the Sixth Number of Dr Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica; price L.1, 1s. in bds.

Johnson's Dictionary in Miniature; im. proved and enlarged by George Fulton, author of a Pronouncing Dictionary, Speling-Book, &c.: To which are subjoined, Vocabularies of Classical and Scriptural Proper Names; a concise Account of the Heathen Deities; a Collection of Quotations and Phrases from the Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish Languages; a Chronological Table of Remarkable Events from the creation of the world till the present time; and a brief List of Men of Genius and Learning, in one vol. 18mo.

The Philosophical History of the Origin and Progress of the European Languages. By the late Dr Alexander Murray, with Memoir of his Life, written by himself, is printing in two octavo volumes.


Colonel David Stewart has in the press Historical Sketches of the Highlands of Scotland, with Military Annals of the High. land regiments, in two octavo volumes.

The Works of John Playfair, F.R.S.L. and E., late Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh; with an Account of the Author's Life. 4 vols. 8vo.

The Works of John Home, Esq., Author of Douglas, a Tragedy, &c. To which is prefixed, an Account of his Life and Writings. By Henry Mackenzie, Esq. F.R.S.E. 3 vols. 8vo.

Illustrations of the Geology, Antiquities, and Scenery, of the Shetland Islands. By S. Hibbert, M.D.F.R.S.E. In quarto, with a large Geological Map and other Engravings.

The Fairy Minstrel, and other Poems; by William Miller, Dumfries; in one vol. post 8vo, price 5s. to Subscribers.

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A Course of Lectures on Drawing, Paint↑ing, and Engraving. By W. M. Craig. With Plates and Wood Cuts. 8vo. 14s.




A Tour through North Wales; Describing its Scenery and General Character. Illustrated with 40 Select Views, engraved and elegantly coloured from the originals of Messrs Turner, R. A. £5, 5s.


A Picture of Ancient Times, and a Sketch of Modern History, in a most exact Chronological Order, forming a Pair of Maps for the Study of Universal History By S. E. Thomson. 8s. the pair.

A Concise History of the Kingdom of Hanover, from the Earliest Periods to 1813. By W. H. Reid, Esq. 4to. £3, 3s.

An Inquiry Concerning the Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland; Illustrated by Ptolemy's Map of Erin, Corrected by the aid of Bardic History. By Thomas Wood, M. D. 8vo. 10s. 6d.


Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws and Constitution of England; abridged for the Use of Students, and adapted to Modern Statutes and Decisions. By John Gifford, Esq. To which are now added,

the Laws and Constitution of the Athenians and Romans. 8vo. 15s.


A Practical Treatise on Gutta Serena; illustrated by Cases. By John Stevenson, Esq. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Jackson on Fever in Spain. 8vo. 8s. Johnson on Tropical Climates. 8vo. 168. Wilson on the Urinary Organs. 8vo.



Time's Telescope, for 1822; or a Complete Guide to the Almanack. Being the Astronomer's, Naturalist's, Botanist's, and Historian's Companion throughout the year. Interspersed with amusing Anecdotes, and Illustrations from our best living Poets. With an Introduction containing the Outlines of Conchology, and a Coloured Plate of Shells. 12mo. 9s.

Remarks on Mr Godwin's Inquiry Concerning Population. 3s.

The History of George Desmond, founded on Facts that occurred in the East Indies; and published as a useful caution to young men going out to that country. Post 8vo. 7s.

Third Report of the Committee of the Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the Reformation of Juvenile Offenders. 3s.

Pararmythia, or Mental Recreation; being Historical, Descriptive, and Humorous Anecdotes, collected during a long residence at the Court of Russia. 6s.

The Gossip; a Series of Original Essays and Letters: - Literary, Historical, and Critical; Descriptive Sketches, Anecdotes, and Original Poetry. 8vo. 4s. 6d.

Anecdotes, interspersed with Observations; intended to furnish Entertainment and Instruction for Leisure Hours. By J. Thornton. 12mo. 2 vols.


A General History of Birds. By John Latham, M.D. F.R.S. 4to. £2, 12s. 6d. Illustrations of the Linæan Genera of Insects. By W. Wood, F.R.S. &c. With 86 coloured Plates. 2 vols. royal 18mo. £1, 10s.

The Natural History of British Quadrupeds; accompanied by Scientific and General Descriptions. By E. Donovan, F.L.S. &c. With Coloured Plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo. £5, 8s.


Minstrel Love; from the German of the Author of Undine. By George Soane, A. B. 2 vols. 12mo.

Ancient Spanish Romances, relative to the Twelve Peers of France, mentioned in Don Quixote, By Thomas Rodd, 8vo. 2 vols. £1.

The Recluse; a Translation of Le Solitaire. By M. le Vicombe D'Arlincourt. 2 vols. 12s.

Conversation; or, Shades of Difference, a Novel. By Mrs Heron. 3 vols. 12mo. 16s. 6d.

The Hall of Hellingsley; a Tale. By Sir S. E. Brydges, Bart. 3 vols. 12mo. 18s.

The Festival of Mora; a Historical Romance. By L. S. Stanhope. 4 vols. 12mo. £1, 4s.


The Fate of Adelaide ; a Swiss Romantic Tale, and other Poems. By L. E. Lauder. 12mo. 7s. 6d.


Essay on the Present False and Unjust Standard of Value, with an Appendix. By the Rev. R. Cruttwell, LL. D.


An Exposition of the Relations of the British Government with the Sultaun and State of Palembang, and the Designs of the Netherland Government upon that Country; with Descriptive Accounts of Palembang, and of the Island of Banca. By Major W. H. Court. 8vo. 8s. 6d.

Analysis of the Talents and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte. 8vo. 8s.

American Slave Trade. By Jessey Toney, jun.; with Plates. 12mo. 2s.


A Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of Stenography; containing an extensive and interesting examination of all the Systems which have been published in Europe, from the first Invention of the Art to the present time. By J. H. Lewis. 18s.


Illustrations of Biblical Literature, exhibiting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings, from the earliest Period to the present Century; including Biographical Notices of Translators, and other eminent Biblical Scholars. By the Rev. James Townley. 8vo. 3 vols. £2, 2s.

Scripture Antiquities; or a Compendious Summary of the Religious Institutions, Customs, and Manners of the Hebrew Nation. By the Rev. John Jones. 12mo. 5s. Sermons adapted for Parochial and Do

mestic Use. By the late Rev. J. Hewlett, M. A. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Plain Discourses, Doctrinal and Practical; adapted to a Country Congregation. By the Rev. Charles Hardinge, A. M. 12mo. 6s.

A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of London, May 1821; with Dissertations and Collections Illustrating the same Subject. By J. H. Pott, A. M. 8vo. 9s.

An Examination of the Charges made against Unitarians and Unitarianism, and the Improved Version. By Lant Carpenter, L.L. D. 8vo. 14s.


Some Account of Kentish Town. 2s. 6d. The History of Christ's Hospital, from its Foundation by King Edward the Sixth; to which are added Memoirs of the Eminent Men educated there; and a List of the Governors. By J. T. Wilson. 8vo. With four Plates. 15s.


A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea and Bhering's Straits, for the purpose of finding out a N. E. Passage, undertaken in the years 1815-16-17 and 18, at the expence of his Highness the Chancellor of the Empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurie, under the command of Lieutenant Otto Von Kotzbue, of the Russian Imperial Navy. 3 vols. 8vo. £2, 5s.

A Voyage to Africa, including a particular Narrative of an Embassy to one of the Interior Kingdoms in 1820. By William Hutton, late Acting Consul for Ashantee. 8vo. 18s.

Travels in Palestine, through the Countries of Bashan and Gilead, East of the River of Jordan; including a Visit to the Cities of Geraza and Gamala, in the Decapolis. By J. S. Buckingham, Esq.; with Maps and Plates. 4to. £3, 13s. 6d.

Notes relating to the Manners and Customs of the Crim Tartars; written during a four years' residence among that People. By Mary Holderness. 12mo. 5s. 6d.

Journal of Modern Voyages and Travels. Vol. VI. Part II. containing Kotzebue's Voyage round the World. Part II. with numerous Charts and Engravings. 3s. 6d.


Address to Christian Parents on the Religious Education of their Children. By the Rev. Andrew Thomson, A. M. minister of St George's Church, Edinburgh. Third Edition. 18mo. ls. 6d.

Thomson's Sacramental Catechism. Eighth Edition. 18mo. 6d.

Edinburgh Christian Instructor. No. CXXXVI. for November.

New Edinburgh Review. Published quarterly. No. II. for October. Edinburgh Review. No. 71.

The Young South Country Weaver; or


a Journey to Glasgow. - A Tale for the the Radicals. By the Rev. Henry Duncan, Ruthwell. 12mo. 3s.

Letters on the Principles of the Christian Faith. By Hannah Sinclair, daughter of Sir John Sinclair. Fourteenth Eution. With her Life, by the Rev. L. Richmond. 12mo. 2s. 6d.

A Catechism on the Gospel according to St Luke. Intended chiefly for the use of Sabbath Schools. By the Rev. W. A. Thomson, one of the Ministers of Perth. 12mo. 9d.



1821. Monthly List of New Publications. Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic, Decisions of the First and Second Divi. Local, and Characteristic'; to which are sions of the Court of Session, from Noadded, Practical Details for the Informa-vember 1819, to November 1820, collected tion of Emigrants of every class, and some Recollections of the United States of America. By John Howison, Esq. 8vo. 10s. 6d. Letters on the Nature and Tendency of the Gospel. By the Rev. David Russell, Minister of the Gospel, Dundee. 12mo. 5s. Malte Brun's System of Geography. Vol. II. Part I. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

The Affecting History of Tom Bragwell, or ar. Antidote to Haggart's Memoirs. 2s.

by J. Wilson, G. Tait, R. Rollo, and M. A. Fletcher, Esqs. Advocates, Folio. 188. A System of Pathological and Operative Surgery, founded on Anatomy, illustrated by Drawings. By Robert Allan, F. R. S. and F. A. S. C. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, &c. Vol. 1st and 2d. 8vo. £1, 5s.

A Treatise on the Law of Sale. By M. P. Brown, Esq. Advocate. Koyal 8vo.


COMMERCIAL REPORT.-November 12, 1821.

Sugar. The Sugar market continues unsteady and depressed, particularly for the coarse descriptions. The stock in London is 2100 casks less than at the same period last year, and the average price about 6s. 6d. lower. The price of very fine sugar, compared to the inferior descriptions, is good; but the present state of the sugar market, taking it altogether, affords a very gloomy prospect for the planter. The accounts from all the different Islands, and in a more particular manner from Jamaica, are, as far as regards the ensuing crop, very unfavourable. Excessive dry weather, till a very late period in the season, has scorched the canes to a degree that they cannot recover; and in the Islands which had suffered less severely from that cause, severe gales of wind in the beginning of September have done great injury to many plantations. Provisions, also, are become very scarce in many places, and thus an additional expence, at a period when he can so ill afford it, is heaped upon the planter. The cultivation of the foreign colonies, from the increase of the slave trade, proceeds with great activity, and the French Government are now seriously turning their attention to a plan long since recommended to their attention, namely, to cultivate sugar and other colonial produce by colonies established in Africa.

Cotton. In the London market the inquiry for the home market has been limited, but has increased for exportation. In Liverpool, the market has of late been dull, and prices declined about 4 per lb. The sales are, however, considerable, and in general well attended.

Coffee. The market for Coffee, after a considerable decline, has become more steady, and a small advance has been maintained in the late sales. Havannah coffee is in request-St Domingo less so. The public sales in general go off briskly. In Liverpool, however, the coffee market is less brisk than in London.

Corn. The price of grain has declined to nearly the level at which it stood before the late speculations and unnecessary alarm raised the market. Vast quantities of grain were bought up in Russia, Poland, and the Austrian States, upon the first alarm of a bad harvest in Great Britain, and on these purchases there must be a very great loss. The harvest is now completely concluded, and although the crops in some places are short, and in others have suffered a little from the weather, still upon the whole the crop may be stated as a fair average.

Rum. The market for Rum is in a ruinous and depressed state. The stock in London is upwards of 35,000 casks, 15,000 more than at the same period last year. Sales can scarcely be effected at any price. Brandy has advanced considerably, and the market is more steady. Geneva is very flat. Indeed the immense quantity of this latter article smuggled into Great Britain has rendered the sales of the legally imported article altogether impracticable. Logwood remains steady. Pot-Ashes are in fair demand. The sales of Tobacco are limited. In Oils very little business is doing. Good Hides continue in demand. Palm Oil has declined in price. Dyewoods are steady. Carolina Rice is in limited demand. Other articles of commerce do not require to be particularly noticed from our quotations.

The advices from foreign markets are by no means cheering. The Mediterranean continues to be agitated by civil war and rebellion. Spain and Portugal, from prohibitory decrees, and a pestilential fever in the former, renders all commercial transactions doubtful, insecure, and unprofitable. Spanish South America is agitated throughout with political convulsions and changes; and in the Brazils the seeds of revolution are so Chickly sown, as to leave scarcely any room to doubt that these will produce the most fatal consequences, and a state of anarchy and confusion. The agricultural interests in Great Britain are suffering so severely as to keep the home trade in a depressed and unprofitble state. The troubles in Ireland are also most detrimental to the commercial pros

erity of that country.


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2d,......33s. Od. 2d,......21s. Od.

2d,......16s. Od.

2d, .....15s. Od.

2d,...... 15s. Od.

3d,......32s. Od. | 3d,......188. Od. | 3d,......15s. Od. | 3d,......138. Od.

3d,......136. Od

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Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns receiued in the Weck

ended November 3d.

Wheat, 55s. 1d.-Rye, 24s, 4d.-Barley, 268. 7d.-Oats, 20s. 1d.-Beans, 28s. Id.-Pease, 31s. 10d.

Beer or Big, Os, Od.-Oatmeal, Os. Od.

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26 to 27 Wheat, per 70 lb.
28 to 29 Eng. Old 10 0 to 11
32 to 33 Foreign.. 4 6 to 60 Do. in bond 28 0 to 30 0

34 to 55 Waterford 6 0 to


Limerick 60 to 7 new28 to 30 Drogheda 70 to 7


48 to 55 Small Beans,
60 to 64 Ditto old
56 to 78 Tick, new.
-to-Ditto, old.
28 to 29 Foreign.
-to-Feed oats.
22 to 24 Fine.

24 to 26 Poland ditto

27 to 30 Fine.

52 to 62 Potato ditto

65 to 66 Ft.

Seeds, &c.

s. d.

30 to 33 Dublin 5 0 to 6
21 to 25 Scotch, 9 0 to 10
30 to 33 Irish Old. 90 to 10
Barley, per 60 lbs.


4 Sour do.. 38 0 to 40 0
4 Oatmeal, per 240 lb.
8 English 300 to 32 0
9 Scotch.. 26 0 to 30 0
9 Irish... 24 0 to 28 0
0 Bran, p. 24 lb. 10 to 1 1
Butter, Beef, &c.

17 to 20 Eng.. 5 0 to 60
18 to 22 Scotch.. 5 0 to 6 0 Butter, p.cwt. s. d. s. d.
20 to 22 Irish.. 3 4 to 3 6 Belfast, new 87 0 to 88 0
22 to 26 Oats, per 45 lb.

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Newry. 86 0 to 87 0

Cork, pie.2d, 77 0 to 78 0

• 22 to 25 Eng. pota. 2 10 to 3 2 Waterford. 790 to 80 0
27 to 30 Irish do. 2 9 to 3 11
Scotch do. 3 0 to 32
Rye, per qr. to-
Malt per b.



ast. Brown, 8 to 12 0 Hempseed.. White 5 to 90 Linseed, crush. 44 to ures, new,to-0 New, for Seed to "urnips, bsh. 30 to 36 0 Ryegrass,.. 23 to -Red & green-to-0 Clover, red cwt. 30 to -Yellow, -to-0-White Caraway, cwt. 50 to 60 0 Coriander.. 10 to Canary, qr. 50 to 60 0 Trefoil .... 16 to Rape Seed, per last, £23 to £50.

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3d dry 70 0 to

Beef, p. tierce.
- Mess 900 to 95 (

- Fine. 90 to 100- Middl. -0 to

s. -Middl.. 86 to 90 Pork, p. brl.

Beans, per qr.



Mess 52 0 to 54 (
Middl.. 50 0 to 52 (

0 Bacon, p. ewt.

50 English. 35 0 to 36 0
Irish 33 0 to 35
28 Rapeseed, p. 1. £30 to 31
66 Pease, grey28 0 to 33
90-White. 42 0 to 44
16 Flour, English,
27 p.240lb.fine44 0 to 46
40 0 to 43



Short mids. 300 to 32( 0 Sides 28 0 to 0 Hams, dry, 500 to 561 Green ..20 0 to 28 ( 0 Lard,rd.p.e.46 0 to 50 0 Tongue, p.fir.- 0to

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