Imágenes de páginas
[ocr errors]

Son the deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1341), - 4024, 4164 on the bill for funding the national debt, of gostatr 4041, 4042 on the bill concerning the rights of Ameriant can citizens abroad... 4211, tage4233, 4353, 4354, 4445, 4446 10 on the credentials of Frederick A. Saw人人0.4312 Fessenden, William Pitt, a Senator from Maine...

petitions presented by....20784218, - 3181920, 1069, 1203, 1310, 1620, 2240, 2506, 2758, 2789, 8983, 4024

[ocr errors]

reports made by, 1910, 2009, 2504, 3274, 3607 motions made by....... 308, 721, 10 1039, 1243, 1945, 2068, 4213, 4275, 4451 incidental remarks by, 104, 128, 244, 308, 553, 6828722,880, 1060, 1204,1670,1744,1843, leau 2007, 2021, 2148, 2240, 2241, 2275, 2278, 2286, 2508, 2545, 2548, 2594, 2625, 2659, 2792, 8146, 3313, 3649, 10 3681, 8721, 8748, 8749, 3767, 3984, 4144, 4149, 4197, 4209, 4449, 4462

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

on the organization of the Senate as a court of impeachment... 1673, 1698, 1700 on the bill to facilitate the settlement of paymasters' accounts... 1695, 1696 on the invalid pension bill...............1720, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1725

won the consular and diplomatic bill, 1725, 1746, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1783, 1786, 1787 on the resolution providing tickets to the impeachment trial. 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 on the bill for the relief of the Navajo Indians......1189, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 on the bill for funding the national debt. ........1812, 3987, 8988, 3989, 3990, 3993, 3996, 3997, 3999, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4047

Fessenden, William Pitt, a Senator from

Maine Continued.. remarks on the bill for the relief of Asbury Dickins's heirs... 1863, 1864 on the bill granting pensions to the soldiers of 1812....

on the bill for the extension of the Capitol grounds. an the joint resolution relating to damages to the steamer Monitor... ...1910, 2068, 2241, 2242 on the bill to refund the duties on a bell, 2242, 2243, 2244

on the bill to extend the charter of Washington city, 2263, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2419 on the joint resolution for the relief of Beales and Dixon 2281, 2282 on the bill to amend the jail act....... 2275, 2625, 2626, 2627. on the resolution for printing report of the impeachment trial. .......2295, 2296 on the bill to incorporate the National Life Insurance Company......2515, 2516 on the bill to admit Arkansas to representation in Congress.. .....2518, 20002691, 2692, 2700 on the resolution for a recess until May 26..... ....... 2518, 2519 on the resolution to furnish the House with a copy of the impeachment proceedings......... on the resolution to investigate alleged improper influences on the impeachment triako 12549 2552, 2598 on the bill relating to Point Sal harbor, каплей 2559, 2560 on the impeachment trial personal explanation....... 2585 on the civil appropriation bill...2594, 3424, 8571, 3572, 8573, 8574, 8575, 12578576, 8577, 3578, 8579, 3580, 3608, 3635, 3637, 3640, 3641, 18642, 3643, 3644, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3686, 3687, 4035

on bill to admit North Carolina, &c., 2933 on the bill for the relief of certain contractors for vessels. 2963

on the Western Pacific railroad bill, 3076, 3077, 3673, 3675, 3676, 3677 on the supplementary bill concerning national banks. 3082, 3084,

3087, 3088, 3155, 3156, 3157, 3158, 3159, 3160, 3161, 3193, 3220, 3222 on the bill relating to contested elections in Washington city... 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125 on the bill for the relief of certain contractors.. .....3148, 3149 on the joint resolution for a register to the bark Golden Fleece. 3246, 3247. on the bill for the relief of exporters of spirits...... 3249, 3250, 3251 on the bill to admit Colorado... 3313, 3350 on the legislative appropriation bill, 3356, 3357, 3358, 3390, 3292, 38393, 1403430, 3434, 3436, 3437, 3438, 1783464, 3465, 3466, 3469, 3472, 3473, : 8475, 8506, 8507, 3508, 3609, 8511, 3518, 8514, 3515, 3516, 8518, 3519

[blocks in formation]

on the bill concerning the rights of Ameri-
can citizens abroad..

3901, 4213,

4331, 4352, 4357, 4858, 4359, 4360
on the Electoral College resolution...3923
on bill to provide for an American steam
line to Europe....4071, Europ 4072, 4347, 4848
on the deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1341),
4150, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4157, 4168
on the Ohio river bridge bill....4267, 4269
on the bill relating to the Columbia Deaf
and Dumb Institution 4270, 4271
on the Indian appropriation bill.......4275
on the resolution for a recess from July,
4276, 4277, 4327

on the credentials of Frederick A. Saw-
on the motion for an evening session, 4820
on the bill to increase the pension of Sarah
4351, 4352

on the bill in relation to California land

on the bill granting the right of way to the
Denver Pacific Railroad Company, 4436,
4437, 4439

on the resolution for lighting the streets of


on the resolution relating to the pay of
....4455, 4457
southern Senators.....
Field, M. B., Assistant Secretary of the Treas-
ury, letter of, February 15, 1864, relative
to the funds in which five-twenty bonds
will be redeemed.........


Filson, Margaret, bill (H. R. No. 1223) grant-
ing a pension to.

received from House and referred, 3119; re-
ported, 3900; passed, 4364; enrolled, 4443.
Filler, M. A., bill (H. R. No. 425) for relief of.
received from House, 2690; referred, 2701;
referred anew, 2759.
Finance, the Committee on.......
instructions to.............. 68, 372, 434, 1621
reports from.



145, 219. 318, 404, 491, 552, 722,
786, 921, 999, 1095, 1230, 1428,
1787, 1834, 1835, 1887, 1910, 1940,
2075, 2114, 2259, 2594, 2623, 2653.
2769, 2789, 2922, 2959, 3213, 3239,
3240, 3566, 3708, 8814, 4093, 4095,
4146, 4197, 4230, 4266, 4361,4467
.... 404,
adverse reports from......
1117, 1230, 2176, 3504, 8900
discharged from subjects........145, 219, 296,
950, 1117, 1257, 2176, 2959, 4093, 4197
Fines, bill (H. R. No. 735) to repeal an act
approved March 2, 1867, entitled "An act
to regulate the disposition of, penalties,
and forfeitures received under the laws
relating to the customs."

received from House, 2600; referred, 2622;
reported, 4264.

Finlay, John H., bill (S. No. 337) granting a
pension to-[By Mr. Van Winkle.]

reported, 1070; passed, 1841.
bill (H. R. No. 770) granting a pension to.
received from House, 1292; referred,
1308; reported, 1515; passed with amend-
ments, 3321; conference, 3688; con-
ference report, 3857; concurred in by
Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled,


[ocr errors]


First Presbyterian church-see Church.mikma
Fisk, Esther, bill (H. R. No. 1242) granting a
pension to.

received from House and referred, 3119;
reported, 3954; passed, 4366; enrolled,


Fitch, Louisa, bill (S. No. 359) granting a pen-
sion to, widow of E. P. Fitch, deceased-
[By Mr. Van Winkle.]

reported, 1162; passed, 1842; passed House,
3902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3984.
In House: received from Senate, 1859;
referred, 1869; reported and passed, 3892;
enrolled, 3948.

Florida-see Reconstruction.




credentials of Senators from, presented, 3598
Senators sworn in8607, 3672
remarks by-

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Anthony..3605; 3606, 3607
Mr. Conkling.....8599, 8604
Mr. Conness.


3603, 3604, 8605, 3606
Mr. Corbett.. 3605, 3606, 3607
Mr. Davis...

Mr. Doolittle...

Mr. Edmunds...



3601, 3602, 3604, 3605

Mr. Drake......3598, 3599, 8600,
3601, 3602, 3603, 3605, 3606, 3607
3602, 3603, 3604, 3605, 8606
3598, 3602
Mr. Ferry...
Mr. Fessenden 3598, 3600, 3602
Mr. Frelinghuysen...
3603, 3604, 3006
3601, 3606
Mr. Hendricks.
Mr. Howard......3598, 3599, 3600, 8603
Mr. Howe......... ....... 83598,
3599, 3600, 3604, 3605, 8607

Mr. Johnson.......

Mr. Morton....3599, 3600, 3603, 8607
Mr. Nye..............


Mr. Pomeroy................. 8599, 8607
Mr. Sumner.............


Mr. Tipton.........


Mr. Trumbull.....3599, 3601, 3602, 3606

Mr. Williams...

Mr. Wilson........

Mr. Yates...




yeas and nays on the.......3602, 3607
ordinance of the Legislature of, ratif

[blocks in formation]




incidental remarks by, 10, 79, 330, 1987, 3645
remarks on the bill to repeal the cotton tax,
302, 351, 355, 356, 358
on the resolution relating to the rights of
colored persons in the cars...........1123
on the case of Hon. Philip. F. Thomas,
1174, 1176, 1210
on the rules for the court of impeach-
ment, 1517, 1524, 1525, 1532, 1583, 1594
on the resolution providing tickets to the
...1782, 2238
impeachment trial.....

on the bill granting pensions to the sol-
diers of 1812......

[blocks in formation]

on the bill to admit Arkansas to repre-
sentation in Congress 2628, 2743
on the resolution of thanks to Edwin M.

on bill to admit North Carolina &c., 8005
on the bill to relieve certain citizens of
North Carolina from disabilities....3183
on the civil appropriation bill, 3685, 3686
on the tax bill (H. R. No. 1284), 3742, 3819,
3824, 8825, 3841, 3865, 3866, 3867
on Electoral College resolution, 8918, 3914
on deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1341), 4156
on bill for the relief of Joseph Segar, 4410
Franking privilege, bill (S. No. 365) to pre-
vent abuses of the [By Mr. Ramsey.]
referred, 1204; reported, 1669.
Frauds, joint resolution (S. R. No. 82) for the
prosecution of, upon the internal reve-
nue-[By Mr. Morton.] "

read, 318. ratifying the

thirteenth and fourteenth amendments of
the Constitution of the United States, 8602
Ford, Robert, bill (S. No. 550) for the relief

of [By Mr. Howe.]
reported, 3146; passed, 3721; passed House,
4096; enrolled, 4096; approved, 4234.
In House: received from Senate, 3761;
passed, 4090; enrolled, 4133.
Foreign Relations, the Committee on...9, 4075
reports from, 491,518, 1775, 1910, 2958, 3073,
3074, 8146, 8146, 8176, 8882, 4145,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Fort Covington, joint resolution (H. R. No.
204) to provide for the sale of the site of,
in the State of Maryland.

received from House and referred, 2488;

reported and passed, 3347; enrolled, 3389.

404, 1117, 1870, 370.140 1403,
1461, 1486, 1669, 2293, 3814, 4346
bills introduced by

Fort Leavenworth-see Reservation.
petitions presented by,
Fowler, Joseph S., a Senator from Tennessee, 1

No. 157 for the repeal of tax on cotton, 1
No. 418-to rebuild the levees on the east
bank of the Mississippi river, and to
reclaim the lands of the Yazoo basin
from overflow.......

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

received from House, 1992; referred,
1992; reported, 2274; discussed, 2769,
8053; passed with amendments, 3058;
concurred in by House, 3316; enrolled,


remarks by-

[ocr errors]

Mr. Davis........

Mr. Drake...............

Mr. Edmunds.
Mr. Frelinghuysen.

Mr. Hendricks.

[blocks in formation]

3053, 3054, 3055, 3056, 8057, 3058

Mr. Howard


Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire, 3057,

Mr. Trumbull


2769, 2770

Mr. Wilson....2769, 2770, 8053, .........2769

dyeas and uays on the...............

[blocks in formation]

37, 195, 318, 518, 950, 1069, 1203, 1669, 1807, 1863, 1887, 2623, 2758, 2856, 3073, 3382, 3628, 3738, 4024

bills introduced by


No. 250-to restore the possession of lands confiscated by the authorities of the States lately in rebellion.......491 No. 306-for the protection in certain cases of persons making disclosure parties or testifying as witnesses.....845 No. 360-to prevent and punish the unlawful use of public money and property. 1163 No. 412 to promote uniformity of coinage between the moneys of the United States and other countries........1621 No. 436-for the relief of J. Hooper, 1863 No. 643-for the relief of W. A. Griffin,

joint resolutions introduced by



No. 118-for the appointment of a commission to select suitable locations for powder magazines...... 1670

No. 154-to admit certain persons to the Naval Academy.


No. 163-for the relief of Benjamin Cooley and James W. Boswell............4146

resolution submitted by

in reference to localities for powder magazines of the Government-[February 6, 1868]...........

reports made by....


...999 950,

1670, 1863, 2084, 2144, 3115, 34603, 3504, 8629, 3671, 3671,409 4093, 4146, 4321, 4346, 4396

motions made by


2193, 3382, 3646, 4404, 4448 incidental remarks by, 2192, 2267, 2835, 2362,

2768, 3629, 3654, 3681, 3720, 4398, 4459 remarks on the joint resolution in relation to captured property


on the resolution of adjournment for the holidays....


on bill to repeal the cotton tax...206, 347 on deficiency bill (H. R. No. 313)......273 on the order of business..... 443, 2772, 3629, 8630

on the bill to suspend the further contraction of the currency.........500 on the case of Hon. Philip F. Thomas, 634, 635 on the supplementary reconstruction bill, 771, 776, 789 on the bill for the protection of persons making disclosures as witnesses.....845, 950, 951 on the resolution in regard to the rights of colored persons in the cars.......1125 on the rules for the court of impeachment......... 1528, 1592, 1570, 1574, 1585

Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., a Senator from New Jersey-Continued. remarks on the organization of the Senate

as a court of impeachment...1678, 1680 on the invalid pension bill...............1722 on the consular and diplomatic bill, 1728, 1787

on the bill granting pensions to B. and C.
1845, 1846

on the bill to exempt certain manufac-
tures from tax.....

1921, 1982,

1984, 1990, 1992, 2178, 2187, 2222 on the bill for the relief of the Navajo Indians.....

on the revision of the rules.

on the supplementary bill concerning national banks....



..2148, 2762

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

table showing the operation of the, towards the extinguishment of the public debt, 3960


Gabillan grant, resolution directing Committee on Private Land Claims to inquire into the propriety of restoring to the body of the public domain the tract of land in California known as the-[By Mr. Conness, February 7, 1868.]

agreed to, 1026.

Gaither, Mrs. Mary, bill (S. No. 321) for the
relief of, widow of Wiley Gaither, de-
ceased-[By Mr. Van Winkle.]

reported, 981; passed, 1840; passed House,
3902; enrolled, 3958; approved, 3984.
In House: received from Senate, 1859; re-
ferred, 1869; reported and passed, 3898;
enrolled, 3948.

2923, Gas Company, bill (S. No. 561) to incorporate the Citizens', of the District of Columbia[By Mr. Harlan.]


2924, 2960, 2961 on the bill regulating the conveyance of printed mail matter... on the bill to continue the Freedmen's Bureau...


on the bill relating to contested, elections in Washington city........... ...3125 on the bill for the relief of certain contractors....... .......8148

on the legislative appropriation bill...3474, 3475, 3507, 3521

on the bill to admit Colorado 3545 on the bill establishing rules for the government of the armies of the United States........ ..3582, 8585, 3586, 8587 on the credentials of the Senators from Florida...........8600, 3603, 3604, 8606 on the Electoral College resolution...8632 on the civil appropriation bill. 8642 on the bill for the relief of the widow of Colonel James A. Mulligan...........3646 on the Western Pacific railroad bill... 3678, 3679, 3680

on adjournment over Fourth of July...3710 on the bill regulating corporations in the District of Columbia. ......3717

on the bill for the relief of the Mount Vernon Association..


on the bill for the further issue of temporary loan certificates. 4029, 4031 on the bill for funding the national debt, 4046, 4048 on the bill to provide for an American steam line to Europe 4071, 4072, 4073, 4348

on the Indian appropriation bill......4102, 4106, 4115 on the deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1841), 4161, 4169 on the bill concerning the rights of American citizens abroad.... ...4211, 4349, 4359, 4360

on the Ohio river bridge bill......4290, 4292 on the credentials of Frederick A. Sawyer, 4313, 4318 on the bill relating to the removal of causes from State courts... 4321, 4404, 4405, 4462 on the resolution for a recess from July, 4325

on the bill in relation to California land claims....


on the bill for the relief of J. Segar, 4409 on the bill granting the right of way to the Denver Pacific Railroad Company...4438 on the bill relating to the central branch of Union Pacific Railroad Company, 4444

[merged small][ocr errors]

Gas-light Company, resolution instructing Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire whether the Washington, have forfeited their charter, and what further legislation is necessary to secure to the city the means of lighting it in a suitable manner-[By Mr. Thayer, February 6, 1868.1

agreed to, 999.

Gause, Solomon, bill (H. R. No. 1244) granting a pension to the widow and minor children of.


[blocks in formation]



Globe, letter from the proprietors of the, in relation to deficiencies in the appropriation for printing the debates for the additional session of 1867.

Golconda, bill (H. R. No. 448) to change the name of the ship.

received from House, 2627; referred, 2628; recalled by House, 2857; returned, 2861; committee discharged, 2922.

Golden Fleece, joint resolution (S. R. No. 109) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue an [By Mr. Ferry.]

sue an American register

referred, 1204; reported adversely, 1311; discussed, 3245; rejected, 3247.

remarks by

[ocr errors]

Mr. Chandler............3245, 3246 Mr. Ferry.........

Mr. Fessenden.....3246, 3247 Mr. Morgan:

Mr. Sumner. 2010

yeas and nays on the room.....3247 Gold see Coinage.

Gold notes, bill (S. No. 154)

the issue of, in place of legal-tender notes, facilitate resumption of specie payCorbett. Jonsilia

and to ments [By Mr. indefinitely postponed, 4098.

Gold and silver mines, resolution for printing the letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, inclosing the report of James W. Taylor upon, and mining east of the Rocky mountains [By Mr. Ramsey, May 13, 1868.1

referred, 2436, 2569; reported and agreed to, 2958.

Goldsmith Brothers, brokers, bill (S. No. 151) for the relief of, of the cities of San Francisco, California, and Portland, Oregon[By Mr. Williams.]

reported and printed, 2067; passed, 2278. In House: received from Senate, 2289; referred, 2543; reported adversely, 8553.

Gorham, George C., elected Secretary of Sen-bills introduced byate, 2827; qualified, 2895.

Gorham, George F., bill (H. R. No. 518) grant

ing a pension to, late a private in company
B, twenty-ninth regiment Massachusetts
volunteer infantry.

received from House, 731; referred, 764;
reported, 1811; passed with amendments,
3317, 3318; conference, 3688; conference
report, 8857; concurred in by Senate,
8857; by House, 3954; enrolled, enroll 8958.
N., late quarter-
No. 251) for

Goulding, Captain Charles
of volunteers, bill (S.


the relief of [By Mr. Sherman.] referred, 519; reported, 2275; passed, 2283; passed House, 3551; approved, 8770. In House: received from Senate, 2289; ferred, 2459; reported and passed, 3554; 9) ગુતારુાવું enrolled, 3588. Gouler, Charles, bill (H. R. No. 664) granting a pension to the children of.Jadr received from House, 1097; referred, 1098; reported, 1461; passed with amendments, 3819; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 8954; enrolled, 3958.31

Governmental policy, resolution on [By Mr. Davis, January 27, 1868.]

read and printed, 765.

Governments see to Graham, Mary, bill (H. R. No. 667) for the

relief of B

received from House, 1088; referred, 1068; reported, 1515; passed, 8321; enrolled,


Grant, Albert, bill (S. No. 867) for the relief of [By Mr. Cole.] reported, 1204; passed, 1621; passed House, 3551; approved, 3770. In House: received from Senate, 1638; repassed, 3553; enrolled, Grant, General U. S., communication from, relating to test oath in Georgia. 1948 Graves, Esther, bill (H. R. No. 1167) grant

ported and

ing a pension to.

received from House, 2925; referred, 2935; reported, 3814; passed, 4363; enrolled,


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

instructing Committee on Finance to innaiba quire into the expediency of reducing Ed..... the duty on imports at the same time

9 that the internal tax on domestic manuTo o factures shall be reduced or abolished80. [March 12, 1868].............. 1834 reports made by да, Барди. 120, 703, To edger at g880, 1117, 1142, 1834, 1977 motions made by......79, 81, 122, shuleni bua 128, 151, 730, 1148, 1680, 1644, 1681, 1701, 1926, 1976, 1977, 2078

[subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

remarks on the resolution relating to Department expenditures. 1976 on bill for relief of Navajo Indians, 2012 on the Army appropriation bill........2031, 2032, 2034, 2036, 2037

on the revision of the rules.............2088, 2089, 2091, 2093 on bill to amend judiciary act, 2098, 2099 on the naval appropriation bill, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2248, 2249, 2250, 2251, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2257, 2268, 2270, 2271, 2272 col on the bill to extend the charter of WashCarington city. ...2268, 2264, 2265 UT on the bill for the relief of Captain G. H. IT



on the joint resolution for the relief of certain contractors.......... 1911, 1912 on the joint resolution relating to damages to the steamer Monitor.........2241, 2242 on the bill to admit Arkansas to representation in Congress.........



leave of absence granted to.. Griswold, Mathew C., bill (II. R. No. 1245) granting a pension to. received from House and referred, 3119; I reported, 3954; passed, 4366; enrolled,

Ger 4443.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Halstead, George B., joint resolution (S. R. No. 128) for the relief of [By Mr. Cole.] reported and printed, 2067, 2068; passed, 2279.

In House: received from Senate, 2289; referred, 2544.

Hamel, Edward, bill (S. No. 881) granting a pension to, minor child of Edward Hamel, deceased-[By Mr. Van Winkle.] reported, 1311; passed, 1842; passed House, 3902; enrolled, nrolled, 3958; approved, 3984. In House: received from Senate, 1859 ferred, 1869; reported and passed, 3893; enrolled, 3948.


Hamilton, Miss Ann E., bill (H. R. No. 1883) granting a pension to, of Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, aunt and adopted mother of James E. McKillip and Charles B. Me Killip, deceased, late soldiers in the Union Army.

received from House and referred, 3917; reported, 4145; passed, 4367; enrolled, 4443.

Hamilton, Cornelius S., resolution on the death of, late a member of the House of Representatives from Ohio-[By Mr. Sherman, January 23, 1868.]

adopted, 712.

Hamlin, William S., bill (H. R. No. 674) granting a pension to the widow of. received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 1694.


Hamstead, Charles, bill (H. R. No. 1251) granting a pension to. "received from House and referred, 3120; reported, 3954; passed, 4366; enrolled,


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Harbors-see Rivers and Harbors.



[ocr errors]

Mr. Cameron


[ocr errors]

Mr. Conkling.

4351, 4352

861 Mr. Conness


Mr. Fessenden..........

4351, 4352

Mr. Harlan


-Mr. Hendricks...............

4351, 4352

Mr. Howe


Mr. Morton..

4351, 4352

0301-Mr. Wilson

Mr. Van Winkle..............



Hallett, Jeremiah T., bill (H. R. No. 525) 20. granting a pension to.

received from House, 781; referred, 764; TTO reported, 1404; passed with amendments, 3319; conference, 8688; conference report, -8857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958.

Hall, Hinman L., bill (H. R. No. 1386) granting a pension to. received from House and referred, 3917; ay reported, 4146; passed, 4368; enrolled, 4443.

Hall, Z. M., joint resolution (H. R. No. 341)

[blocks in formation]

.2559, 2560 2561 2559, 2560

.2559, 2560

joint resolution (S. R. No. 95) authorizing the Light-House Board to place warnings over obstructions at the entrance of, or in the fair way of bays and sounds [By Mr. Morgan.]

referred, 789; reported and passed, 1142; passed House with amendments, 1464; concurred in, 1486; enrolled, 1497; approved, 1646.

In House: received from Senate, 1160; referred, 1451; reported and passed with amendments, 1470; concurred in by Senate, 1501; enrolled, 1512,

bill (S. No. 563) for the preservation of the, of the United States against encroachments-[By Mr. Morgan.] referred, 3316; reported, 3671.

Harlan, James, a Senator from Iowa...........1 petitions presented by.........10, 37, 62, 490, 649, 764, 786, 950, 1069, 1162, 1669, 1694, 1910, 2075, 2293, 2556, 2623, 3175, 3628, 3671, 3856, 3983

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

No. 532-to incorporate the Uniontown and Washington City Railroad Company, in the District of Columbia.........8051 No. 561-to incorporate the Citizens' Gas Company of District of Columbia, 3275 No. 570-for a grant of land and granting the right of way over the public lands to the Denver Pacific Railway and. Telegraph Company........... ..3504

No. 582 to incorporate District of Columbia Concrete Stone Company........8580 No. 605-to declare a part of the lowa river not a navigable stream.........3857 No. 637-to authorize the city of Washington to issue bonds for the purpose of paying the floating debt of the city, 4321

resolutions submitted by instructing Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the propriety of including previous service in the Marine corps in establishing relative rank in the Army[December 9, 1867].........

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