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Abbott, Joseph C., a Senator from North Carolina........ ...............4144 remarks on the resolution relating to the pay

of southern Senators...... 4458, 4460, 4461 Abbott, Lieutenant Commander Trevott, bill (S. No. 358) providing for the restoration of, to the active list of the Navy-[By Mr. Anthony.]

reported and passed, 1163; passed House, 2329; enrolled, 2488; approved, 2544. In House: received from Senate, 1180; referred, 1772; reported and passed, 2321; enrolled, 2475.


Abyssinia, joint resolution (S. R. No. 69) to preserve the neutrality between the Government of Great Britain and the king of-[By Mr. Chandler.] discussed, 88; indefinitely postponed, 3244. Accounts, concurrent resolution reappointing the joint Committee to Examine the, for Repairs to the Executive Mansion-[By Mr. Anthony, December 3, 1867.]

adopted, 9.

In House: received from Senate, 36; concurred in, 96.

bill (S. No. 179) to facilitate the settlement of the, of disbursing officers-[By Mr. Wilson.]

referred, 99.


joint resolution (S. R. No. 77) declaratory of the meaning of the act of March 3, 1817, entitled "An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public "-[By Mr. Fes Fessenden.] Fessende

Accounts, joint resolution (H. R. No. 154) Continued.


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received from House, 627; referred, 632; reported, 1486; passed, 3767; enrolled, 8770.

bill (S. No. 350) to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the prompt settlement of public," approved March 3, 1867-[By Mr. Conness.]

reported, 1117; passed, 1404; passed House, 2078; enrolled, 2078; approved, 2234.

In House: received from Senate, 1421; discussed, 1772; referred, 1774; reported and passed, 2078; enrolled, 2082.

bill (S. No. 353) to authorize the accounting officers of the Treasury to adjust the, of Ezra Carter, jr., late collector of customs at Portland, Maine-[By Mr. Morrill, of Maine.]

reported, 1142; passed, 3051.

In House: received from Senate, 3067; referred, 3476.

bill (S.

No. 376) to facilitate the settlement of paymasters'-[By Mr. Wilson.] referred, 1288; reported, 1567; discussed, 1695, 1702; passed, 1702; passed House, 1843; enrolled, 1843; approved, 1887. In House: received from Senate, 1711; passed, 1847; enrolled, 1859.

remarks by

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bill (S. No. 522) to authorize the Commissioner of the Revenue to settle the, of Andrew S. Core-[By Mr. Williams.] reported, 2922; passed, 3214; passed House with amendments, 3566; concurred in, 3570; enrolled, 3607; approved, 3771.

In House: received from Senate, 3236; referred, 3327; reported and passed with amendments, 3556; agreed to by Senate, 3594; enrolled, 8597.

bill (H. R. No. 39) authorizing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to adjust the, of Mark Howard.

received from House, 3748; referred, 3748; reported, 4093; passed, 4361; enrolled, 4443.

bill (S. No. 636) in reference to certain, on the books of the Treasury Departmont against John A. Dix, Richard M. Blatchford, and George Opdyke-[By Mr. Morgan.]

reported, 4230.

joint resolution (S. R. No. 172) to construe an act entitled "An act to authorize the accounting officers of the Treasury to settle the, of Andrew S. Core"-[By Mr. Williams.]

reported and passed, 4361: passed House, 4451; enrolled, 4459; approved, 4506. In House: received from Senate, 4395; passed, 4474, 4475; enrolled, 4492. Adjournment over the holidays, House con

current resolution for an.

received from House, 119; laid over, 128; not concurred in, 151; reconsidered, 165; concurred in, 169.

referred, 218;

committee discharged, 1117.

Mr. Howe.........

remarks by

Mr. Edmunds.


Mr. Sherman.........


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[blocks in formation]

remarks by

Mr. Grimes.........


Mr. Williams:...


Mr. Anthony

Mr. Buckałew.....

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Mr. Wilson ...........

1695, 1696, 1702

Mr. Cameron......

joint resolution (S. R. No. 78) authorizing

Mr. Conkling

and directing the Second Auditor of the

Mr. Conness.....

Mr. Davis.....

Treasury to allow certain credits in the adjustment and settlement of the, of a mustering and disbursing officer therein named-[By Mr. Morton.]

referred, 219.

joint resolution (S. R. No. 84) to provide for adjusting the, of acting collectors of internal revenue-[By Mr. Williams.]

referred, 343.

[blocks in formation]

bill (S. No. 48) to authorize the settlement

of certain [By Mr. Cragin.]

** reported adversely, 1976.

joint resolution (S. R. No. 131) to authorize the settlement of the, of Robert L. Stockton, late Indian agent-[By Mr. Conness.]

referred, 2217; reported adversely, 4450. resolution requesting information concerning the practice in respect to the settlement of public, and the drawing of requisitions therefor by the Secretary of War upon the Treasury prior to the passage of the late act respecting the prompt settlement of public-[By Mr. Edmunds, April 6, 1868.]

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Mr. Hendricks....



4278, 4279, 4281, 4282, 4323


Mr. Howard...

4277, 4278

Mr. Howe...

4822, 4323

Mr. Morrill, of Maine......4277, 4281 Mr. Morton......

4324, 4325



Mr. Nye...4277, 4281, 4325, 4326, 4328

Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire, 4278
Mr. Pomeroy. 4276, 4282, 4322
Mr. Ramsey..
Mr. Sherman...





4279, 4280, 4281, 4293, 4322, 4328 Mr. Sumner.......... r4822, 4326, 4327 Mr. Willey..... Mr. Williams.... 4276, 4282, 4822 Mr. Wilson....4278, 4279, 4322, 4327 yeas and nays on the......4827, 4328 Cover Fourth of July, motion for an-[By Mr. ...3708, 3709


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remarks by

Mr. Anthony.

Mr. Conness....


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b.yeas and nays on the.

to the 16th of October, and thence to the

10th of November, 1868, concurrent resolution for an- [By Mr. Anthony, September 21, 1868.]

adopted, 4518.


[blocks in formation]

Alexandria, bill (H. R. No. 2) to repeal an act entitled "An act to retrocede the county of, in the District of Columbia, to the State of Virginia."

committee discharged, and indefinitely postponed, 4093.

Alexandria canal-see Canal. Allen, D. B., & Co., bill (S. No. 150) to provide for the payment of, for services in carrying the United States mails-[By Mr. Conness.]

reported, 145; passed, 1865.

In House: received from Senate, 1870; referred, 2029.

Allen, Edward B., bill (H. R. No. 1080) for the relief of

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read and passed, 4321. Alabama-see Reconstruction. credentials of Senators from, presented, Anthony, Henry B., a Senator from Rhode Anthony, Henry B., a Senator from Rhode Island-Continued.) lid concurrent resolutions submitted by reappointing the joint Committee on Re


Senators sworn in, 4459, 4466.

Alaska, bill (S. No. 447) to provide for a temporary government for the Territory of [By Mr. Williams.]

referred, 1911... resolution calling for information in regard to applications for privileges in connection with the fisheries in- [By Mr. Conness, April 14, 1868.]

adopted, 2297.

[ocr errors]


bill (H. R. No. 1096) making an appropriation of money to carry into effect the treaty with Russia of March 30, 1867. received from House, 4031; referred. 4031; reported, 4145; passed with amendments, 4159; conference, 4321; conference report, 4404; concurred in, 4404; by House, 4400; enrolled, 4450.

bill (S. No. 619) to extend the laws of the United States relating to customs, commerce, and navigation over the territory ceded to the United States by Russia, and to establish a collection district therein-[By Mr. Chandler.]

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No. 165-to authorize the conversion of registered bonds into coupon bonds...38 No. 182-declaring null and void, acts of confiscation or forfeiture passed by the late rebel authority......evates.. 120 No. 237-in relation to the promulgation of the laws of the United States..... 404 No. 358-providing for the restoration of Lieutenant Commander Trevott Abbott to the active list of the Navy........1163 No. 416-for the relief of John S. Cunningham, paymaster United States Navy........

joint resolutions introduced by

No. 79-to amend an act entitled "An act to expedite and regulate the printing of public documents," approved June 25, 1864 7242

No. 88-for the publication of the reports of the commissioner to the Paris Exposition........9)에 emo.....472

No. 89-providing for the representation of the United States at the International Maritime Exhibition at Havre........518 No. 97-to provide for the publication of the medical and surgical history of the rebellion, and medical statistics of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau...816 No. 124-for the distribution of certain public documents abroad..... ....1911

concurrent resolutions submitted byreappointing the joint Committee on Ord

nance [December 3, 1867] ......... reappointing the joint Committee to Examine the Accounts for Repairs to the Executive Mansion - [December 8, 1867]


reappointing the joint Committee to Revise and Fix the Pay of the Officers of the two Houses-[December 8, 1867]......9


for the adjournment of Congress to the dat 16th of October, and thence to the 10th of November, 1868-[September 21, 1868) ......4518 resolutions submitted by LonЯН) Hid na notifying House of the organization of the Senate [December 2, 1867].............1 to wait on the President-[December 2, 1867] ..............sothon

for printing three thousand additional barrocopies of the message of the President, 40 with the reports of heads of Departments-[December 3, 1867]..........10 for printing five hundred extra printing copies of the Navy las 10, 1868]

Register for 1868-[January

for printing two thousand additional q copies of the President's message of the disha317th of December, 1867, relating to the international monetary conference at Paris in June and July last-[January 23, 1868].

for printing four thousand copies of the d108 ed Patent Office Report of 1866-[January 29, 1868]. Hamlin..816

rol for printing extra copies of the report of
onthe Secretary of State on the Alta Vela
hermagelaim of Patterson and Murginendo-
10TD [March 17, 1868]..........1911
poo for printing three hundred copies of the
Te edition of the report of the impeach-
MDOHment trial published at the Congres-
sional Printing Office, and five thousand
Autbivccopies of the entire work, with an in-
TO 30 dex-[March 21, 1868].....and... 2045
authorizing the Presiding Officer to admit
lede to a seat on the floor the reporter of the
New York Associated Press during the
12661 trial of the impeachment [March 25,
math for printing extra copies of the report of
the Superintendent of the Coast Surveyron qirestions relating to impeachment pro-

1881 For 1867 [May 18, 1868]...100... 2505 calling for correspondence with persons

in the diplomatic service relating to the dntact of March 27, 1867, prohibiting them: from wearing any uniform not previously authorized by Congress - [May 28, 1868]..

Bale for printing the report of the Commissioner
1888 of Education-[June 2, 1868]
R& rescinding so much of the resolution passed
March 19, 1868, as suspends the print
ing of the report of the commissioner
to the Paris Exposition- [June 13,
aire..... 3115

for printing additional copies of House @bill No. 605-[June 18, 1868].....3243800 on the naval appropriation bill. 2244 988 for printing Navy Register for 1868- 01 on the Indian appropriation bill....... 2041 [June 19, 1868]. 3275300 on the resolution for printing report of the 885 for printing Army Register for 1868-boulimpeachment trial, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2297

[June 19, 1868] ........3275 8 for printing Land Office report-[July 1, 一容器1868] 08 for printing the report of General T. W. Raynolds on the exploration of the Yellowstone river-[July 17, 1868].....4147 reports made by, 163, 242, 872, 434,625, 787, ИИН 816, 1142, 1168, 1280, 1311, 1461, 081OL 1621, 1669, 1976, 2068, 2293, 2435,800 on the resolution providing for an index If το επίο 2687, 2727, 2856, 2958, 3051, 3074, 3115, 3608, 3628, 3817, 3954, 4093, 2016-4146,4147, 4199, 4346, 4467, 4501 motions made by...........1, 9, 122, 164, 242, 1] 1282, 490, 765, 1033, 1125, 1177, 1288, 1311, 1830, 1535, 1628, 1701, 1746, 1809, 1834, 1976, 2010, 2021, 2094, 2234, 2827, 3051, 8901, 4238

Incidental remarks by. 38, 122, 164, 169, 282,

[ocr errors]

on the tax bill (H. R. No. 1284)......3743, ↑3828, 3862, 3863, 3864, 4199 on the bill concerning district judges, 3770 on the deficiency bill (H. R. No. 1341,) 4150, 4164 ash on the bill to reduce the military peace establishment......... 4243, 4244 anib on the resolution for a recess from July, 4276, 4277, 4322 on the Ohio river bridge bill...4286, 4287 on the motion for an evening session, 4328 on the bill concerning the rights of Amer4331, 4333, 4358, 4359, 4360

adican citizens abroad...

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anibeas nib cases out to me ei to
received from House, 2633; referred, 2659;
808 reported, 4098.
Appropriation, joint resolution (S. R. No. 85)
bo appropriating money to defray the ex-.
881: Ordnance-[By Mr. Howard.]
brreferred, 484
bill (H. R. No. 1121) to prevent an. therein
mentioned from lapsing because of delay
in adjustment.

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received from House, 2857; referred, 2860.

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