Imágenes de páginas
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Adopted, 91.

That Robert T. Van Horn is entitled to a seat in this House as a Representative from the sixth district of Missouri. - [December 18, 1867.]

Reported, 257; discussed, 389, 399; adopted, 403.

That James H. Birch is not entitled to a seat in this House as a Representative from the sixth district of Missouri. - [December 18, 1867.]

Reported, 257; discussed, 389, 399; adopted, 403.

To provide for a new drawing

Read, 1043; adopted, 1044.

of seats.-[February 7, 1868.]

For printing three thousand additional copies of the articles of impeachment adopted by the House. - [March 5, 1868.]

Referred, 1681.

That George W. Anderson is not entitled to a seatas a Representative from the ninth district of Missouri. - [March 23, 1868.] Reported, 2071; notice, 3616, 3884; discussed, 4084, 4124, 4131; recommitted with instructions, 4133, 4172.

That William F. Switzler is entitled to a seat as a Representative from the ninth district of Missouri.- [March 23, 1868.] Reported, 2071; notice, 3616, 3884; discussed, 4084, 4124, 4131; recommitted with instructions, 4133, 4172.

Directing $2,500 to be paid to William McGrorty for expenses of contesting the seat of William H. Hooper, Delegate in the Fortieth Congress from the Territory of Utah.-[July 25, 1868.]

Reported and objected to, 4472.

By Mr. Polsley

Instructing Committee on Military Affairs to inquire whether the expenses of the War Department cannot be reduced by mustering out of service supernumerary adjutant generals and inspector generals. - [January 28, 1868.]

Agreed to, 805.

By Mr. Pomeroy

Allowing the Committee on Banking and Currency a clerk, and fixing his compensation.-[January 14, 1868.]

Agreed to, 507.

By Mr. Price

Calling upon the Secretary of the Interior for

communication, referred
a copy of his
to in his last annual report, in
reference to the central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad
Company.-[December 9, 1867.]

Agreed to, 95.

Directing Committee on Appropriations to inquire into the expediency of erecting a building at Albany, New York, for the accommodation of the United States courts, the post office, and custom-house at that place. - [December 12, 1867.] Agreed to, 153.

By Mr. Randall

Authorizing Sergeant-at-Arms to pay to the widow of Charles Denison, late a member of this House, the amount of compensation due to July 4, 1867, and the funeral expenses of the deceased. - [December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 155.

In regard to the discharge of employés in the navy-yards.[December 18, 1867.]

Objected to, 260; referred, 317; motion to reconsider, 333. Inquiring the number of vessels built, purchased, or chartered. for the War Department since April 1, 1861, their names and tonnage, cost, &c.- [January 27, 1868.]

Agreed to, 784.

Calling for certain information in relation to the national banking associations since their organization under the present national banking act.-[May 25, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2569; motion to reconsider, 2590; motion to call up, 2592.

By Mr. Raum

In reference to the complaints made of extortionate charges by the Washington Gas-Light Company. [March 5, 1868.] Agreed to, 1681.

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Permitting James Perry to resume his contract to keep the House restaurant.-[December 4, 1867.].

Referred, 27.

Instructing Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of requiring the Secretary of War to concentrate the offices of several bureaus in the city of New York at some convenient place within the harbor of said city.-[December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 158.


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Instructing Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of providing for the transfer of the Soldiers' Home at Washington to the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteers, and changing the name of the institution to "The National Soldiers' Home." -[January 8, 1868.]

Adopted, 388.

Calling for the record of the proceedings of the court-martial convened on the 2d day of October, 1867, at the navy-yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in the case of George F. Sawyer, second assistant engineer of the United States Navy.[January 27, 1868:]

Objected to, 665; agreed to, 783.

For printing extra copies of the annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. - [January 30, 1868.] Referred, 865; reported and agreed to, 1661.

Calling for certain information respecting the contingent fund of

the Department of State.- [February 18, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1256.

Rescinding the resolution passed authorizing the payment to John Young Brown of $2,500, for expenses incurred in p his claim to seat.-[February 25, 1868.]

Proposed, 1426.


in prosecuting

For the removal of the iron fence now in the old Hall of the House / of Representatives. - [March 4, 1868.]

Adopted, 1668..

Inquiring whether Edmund Cooper is now performing the duties of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, or has been since the 1 ...rejection of his nomination by the Senate, and, if so, by what authority of law. - [March 9, 1868.]

Adopted, 1771.

For printing five thousand copies of the opening address of Hon. Benjamin F. Butler, on the trial of Andrew Johnson, with ....the accompanying brief of law authorities, and forty thousand copies without the accompanying brief.-[March 30, 1868.] Referred, 2226; reported, 2228; called up, 2292, 2305; recommitted, 2308.

Supplying with certain documents the library of the National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers at Dayton.-[May 27, 1868.]

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Instructing Committee on Naval Affairs to inquire into the propriety of locating a navy-yard and naval depot at the city of Erie, Pennsylvania.- [December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 153.

Inquiring how many and what State Legislatures have ratified the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States known as the fourteenth article.-[January 6, 1868.]

Agreed to, 340.

Directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the truth of an alleged declaration of one of the justices of the Supreme Court in regard to the constitutionality of the reconstruction acts, and report whether the facts as ascertained constitute such a misdemeanor in office as to require this House to present to the Senate articles of impeachment against said justice. [January 30, 1868.].

Read and discussed, 862; adopted, 865.

In regard to the propriety of giving to the Erie Extension Canal Company a portion of the public lands to enable said company to enlarge their canal.-[February 4, 1868.]

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For printing the report of James W. Taylor upon gold and silver mines and mining east of the Rocky mountains.- [May 5, 1868.]

Referred, 2362; reported and agreed to, 2872. That George W. Morgan is not entitled to a seat in the Fortieth Congress from the thirteenth congressional district of Ohio.[May 25, 1868.]

Reported, 2571; notice, 2676; discussed, 2778, 2776, 2804; adopted, 2809.

That Columbus Delano is entitled to a seat in the Fortieth Congress from the thirteenth congressional district of Ohio.-[May 25, 1868.]

Reported, 2571; notice, 2676; discussed, 2773, 2776, 2804; adopted, 2809; Mr. Delano sworn in, 2810. h

On the subject of mineral oil. -[June 15, 1868.]
Objected to, 3174.

Directing the Clerk to present to the Secretary of State the act to admit the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida to representation in Congress.[June 26, 1868.]

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Calling for a report of the number of persons paying an income tax in each State, the aggregate amount so paid by States, the number of manufacturers in each State paying revenue tax, and the aggregate amount paid in each State.-[January 30, 1868.]

Objected to, 834; agreed to, 861.

By Mr. Shanks

Calling for copies of all orders and communications issued by the Navy Department in reference to the employment or discharge of soldiers and sailors at the Washington navy-yard and other places. [January 28, 1868.]

Adopted, 801.

Calling for a copy of all the evidence and of the report of the commissioners appointed under the fiftieth article of the treaty with the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians of 1866,

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Objected to, 184.

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Informing Senate of error in announcement of legislative appropriation bill.-[July 8, 1868.]

Agreed to, 3841.

Requesting Committee on Foreign Affairs to investigate the matter of the arrest and imprisonment of Daniel Fitzgerald by the By Mr. Washburn, of IndianaBritish authorities.-[January 6, 1868.]

Adopted, 334.

Instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire what further legislation is needed for the protection of soldiers and sailors from the frauds of claim agents. - [March 4, 1868.] Adopted, 1668.

Inquiring what extra compensation has been allowed to civil and military officers who were authorized by the act of July 20, 1867, to act as a commission to establish peace with certain hostile Indian tribes. - [May 21, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2544.

Calling for copies of all vouchers on file with the accounting officers for expenditures made by authority of the Indian Peace Commission under the act of July 20, 1867.-[June 22, 1868.] Agreed to, 3377.

Continuing the special Committee on Soldiers' and Sailors' Bounties.-[December 2, 1867.]

Adopted, 3.

In reference to an increase of pensions to the widows of deceased

soldiers.-[December 9, 1867.]

Objected to, 97.

Instructing Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of extending the bounty act of 1866 to the widows of those soldiers who have died since the passage of said act. [December 12, 1867.]

Agreed to, 154.

In reference to the propriety of requiring ex-members of Congress seeking admission to the floor of the House to take the testoath, [January 28, 1868.]

Agreed to. 806.

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