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pensions.-[By Mr.


H. R. No. 1010Relating to Reported and recommitted, 2297; reported and discussed, 2874; passed, 2876; passed Senate with amendments, 4258; conference, 4340, 4375; conference, report, 4474; agreed to by Senate, 4472; by House, 4474; enrolled, 4495; approved, 4500.

In Senate: Received from House, 2001; referred, 2904; reported, 3146; discussed, 4228; passed with amendments, 4230; conference, 4321; conference report, 4403; concurred in by Senate, 4403; by House, 4501; enrolled, 4501.

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H. R. No. 1021-Continued.


reported, 2324; discussed, 2324; passed, 2328; passed Senate, 4474; enrolled, 4485; approved, 4498.

In Senate: Received from House, 2829; referred, 2820; reported adversely, 8213; called up, 4448; passed, 4449; enrolled, 4454.

H. R. No. 1022

Amendatory of the tenth section of the act of July 25, 1866, entitled "An act to further provide for the safety of the lives of passengers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam, and to regulate the salaries of steamboat inspectors."-[By Mr. Johnson.]

Referred, 2320.

H. R. No. 1023

To amend certain acts in relation to the Navy and Marine corps.-[By Mr. Pike.]

Reported, 2323; passed, 2324; passed Senate with amendments, 4088; referred, 4340.

In Senate: Received from House, 2329; referred, 2329; reported, 3671; recommitted, 3767; reported, 3857; discussed, 3896, 4069; passed with amendments, 4070.

H. R. No. 1024

To facilitate the settlement of certain prize cases in the southern district of Florida. - [By Mr. Dawes.]

Referred, 2830.

H. R. No. 1025

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Referred, 2331.

H. R. No. 1027

To authorize the construction of a bridge over Black river, in
Loraine county, Ohio. - [By Mr. Welker.]
Referred, 2331; reported and passed, 3556; passed Senate, 8705';
enrolled, 3722; approved, 3809.

In Senate: Received from House, 3551; referred, 3552; passed, 3672; enrolled, 3715.

H. R. No. 1028

Extending bounties to certain soldiers who were discharged on MDb account of disability incurred while in the service of the

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United States. - [By Mr. Niblack.]

Referred, 2331.

H. R. No. 1029

To repeal a portion of an act entitled "An act to revive and extend the provisions of an act granting the right of way and making 'a grant of land to the States of Arkansas and Missouri to aid in the construction of a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Texas boundary, in Arkansas." - [By Mr. Eckley.]

eto Referred, 2331; reported, 2457.

H. R. No. 1030

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H. R. No. 1037

Making a grant of lands to the State of Minnesota to aid in the
construction of a railroad from Taylor's Falls, via Saint Cloud,
to the western boundary of said State. - [By Mr. Donnelly.]
Referred, 2863.

H. R. No. 1038-
Concerning the district court of the United States for the district
of Iowa.-[By Mr. Dodge.]
Read and referred, 2368.

H. R. No. 1039

To admit the State of Arkansas to representation in Congress.

[By Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania.] Reported and recommitted, 2375; reported, 2390; discussed, 2390; 2399; votes, 2401, 2412, 2498; passed Senate with amendments, 2773; referred, 2776; reported, 2811; report not received, 2812; non-concurrence reported, 2836; conference, 2836, 2876; conference report, 2921; agreed to by Senate, 2910; agreed to by House, 2937, 2988; enrolled, 2943; vetoed, 3330; passed over veto, 3331; passed Senate over veto, 3881; votes, 3397; presented to Secretary of State,

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To admit the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia, and Alabama to representation in Congress. - [By
Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania.]

Reported, 2412; discussed, 2445, 2461; passed, 2465; votes,
2498; passed Senate with amendments, 3067; referred, 3078;
reported, 3090; discussed, 8090; Senate amendments con-
curred in 3097; enrolled, 3105; vetoed, 3484; passed over
veto, 3485; passed Senate over veto, 3488; presented to
Secretary of State, 3523.

In Senate: Received from House and referred, 2488; reported, 2759; discussed, 2858, 2861, 2895, 2901, 2904, 2927,2963, 2998,3023; passed with amendments, 3029; motion to reconsider, 3052; withdrawn, 3052; amendments agreed to by House, 3089; enrolled, 3089; vetoed, 3466; passed over veto, 3466.

Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in appropriations for H. R. No. 1058-
the execution of the reconstruction laws in the third military
district for the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1868.-[By
Mr. Washburne, of Illinois.]

Reported, 2400; discussed, 2411; passed, 2412; passed Senate,
2532; enrolled, 2535; not returned, become a law, 2776.

In Senate: Received from House and referred, 2417; reported, 2435; passed, 2509; enrolled, 2518.

H. R. No. 1046

Making appropriations for the repair, preservation, and completion
of certain public works. - [By Mr. Eliot.]
Referred, 2406; reported, 2611; notice, 2957, 3171; discussed,
3202; postponed, 3271; discussed, 3556, 3563, 3590, 3595,
3596, 3597, 3614; passed, 3615.

In Senate: Received from House, 3630; referred, 8632;
amendment, 3767.

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For the relief of Elizabeth Desmond, of the county of Washington,
State of Maine, widow of Patrick Desmond.-[By Mr. Pikc.]
Referred, 2407.

H. R. No. 1059

To relieve certain citizens of North Carolina of disabilities. -[By
Mr. Farnsworth.]

Reported, 2413; discussed, 2413; passed, 2415: passed Senate
with amendments, 3223, 3224; referred, 3226; reported, 3229;
conference, 3230, 3266; conference report, 3297; agreed to
by Senate, 3294; discussed, 3297, 8299, 3365; agreed to by
House, 3368; enrolled, 3444; approved, 3732.

In Senate: Received from House and referred, 2488; reported, 2802; amendments reported, 3089, 8176; passed with amendments, 3183; conference, 3228; conference report, 3254; concurred in by Senate, 3255; concurred in by House, 3359; enrolled, 3429.

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For the relief of the president and directors of the Terre Haute
and Richmond Railroad Company. - [By Mr. Washburn, of H. R. No. 1062-

Referred, 2406.

H. R. No. 1050

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To grant the right of way to the Whitehall and Plattsburg Railroad
Company. [By Mr. Garfield.]

Read, 2440; passed, 2441; passed Senate, 2532; enrolled, 2535;
approved, 2573.

In Senate: Received from House and referred, 2488; reported and passed, 2507; enrolled, 2518.

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[By Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts.]

In Senate:

Reported, 2466; called up, 2533; discussed, 2592, 2614, 2637, 2682, 2707; passed, 2712; passed Senate with amendments, 4175; conference, 4175, 4196; conference report, 4302; agreed to by Senate, 4302; discussed, 4302; agreed to by House, 4306; e enrolled, 4478; approved, 4498. Received from House, House, 2786; 27 referred, 2736; amendment submitted, 3389; reported, 3552; amendment, 3570; called up, 4050; discussed, 4075, 4097, 4113; passed with amendments, 4123; conference, 4148; conference report, 4271; discussed, 4271; concurred in by Senate, 4275; by House, 4346; enrolled, 4450.

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Amendatory of an act entitled "An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the public domain," approved May, 20, 1862, and the acts amendatory thereof, approved March 21, 1864, and June 21, 1866.-[By Mr. Donnelly.]

Referred, 2527.

H. R. No. 1089

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H. R. No. 1094

Granting a pension to Dean Addison Wills. -[By Mr. Holman.] Referred, 2527.

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