H. R. No. 605-Continued. 3798; error corrected, 8841; conference report, 3981; agreed regulate the the construction of private buildings in Columbia.-[By For the relief of David Wright, late captain of company E, fifty. second regiment Indiana volunteers. - [By Mr. Eggleston.] Referred, 934. In Senate: Received from House, 1292; referred, 1308; H. R. No. 625- To establish a mail route from Cumberland to Caldwell, in the H. R. No. 627 1 .1. To abolish the post from Pequia, Ohio, to New Bremen, Ohio, and to establish a post route from New Bremen to Anna Station, via the Dayton and Michigan railroad. - [By Mr. Mungen.]. Referred, 934. Extending the provisions of the act of July 17, 1862, relating to the H. R. No. 635- In Senate: Received from House, 1292; referred, 1308. H. R. No. 617 H. B. No. 636 Making appropriations for certain harbors in the State of Mich igan. [By Mr. Ferry.] Referred, 935. Granting a pension to Christine Kinsel, widow of Erastus Kinsel, Referred, 934. H. R. No. 618 For the relief of Ward H. Burnett. [By Mr. Miller H. R. No. 610 Granting a pension to John H. Elgood.-[By Mr. Perham.] H. R. No. 638 و To regulate the charges and compensation of express companies.[By Mr. Loughridge.] Referred, 935. In relation to the taxation of the United States notes, Treasury notes, national currency, and fractional notes for State and Providing for dredging a part of the channel of the Potomac river municipal purposes. [By Mr. Loughridge.] by convict labor. - [By Mr. Koontz.] To establish a post route from Ottawa, Iowa, to Sigourney, Iowa.[By Mr. Loughridge.] Referred, 936. H. R. No. 641 To establish a mail route in the States of Iowa and Minnesota.[By Mr. Hubbard, of Iowa.] Referred, 935. H. R. No. 642 11 To promote the efficiency of the American commercial marine, to not provide for the orphans of soldiers and sailors killed in battle 110091 or deceased in the service of the United States, and to enlarge the asylum for disabled veterans. - [By Mr Johnson.] Referred, 985. Granting a pension to the widow and child of William Craft.[By Mr. Mr Perham.] Reported and passed, 1040; passed Senate with amendments, 3336; disagreed to, 3693; conference, 3694, 3732; conference report, 3988; agreed to by Senate, 8928; by House, 3938; enrolled, 4002; approved, 4255. In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, 1461; passed with amendments, 3319; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958. In Senate: Received from House, 1464; referred, 1486; reported, H. R. No. 6632623; passed with amendment, 2624; recalled from House, 3213; returned, reconsidered, and recommitted, 3243; reported, 3463; passed with amendment, 3505; concurred in by E 3872; enrolled, 3904. H. R. No. 651 by House, to by Senate, te, 392 ; approved, 4255. 3340; disagreed to, 3698; conference, 8694, 8732; conference report, 3938; agreed 3928; by House, 3938; enrolled, 4002; app In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, 1461; passed with amendments, 3319; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958. H. R. No. 66401 1 Granting a pension to the children of Charles Gouler. [By Mr. Perham.] Reported and passed, 1040; amended, 1092; passed Senate with amendments, 3340; disagreed to, 3693; conference, 3694, 3732; conference report, 3938; agreed to by Senate, 3928; by House, 3938; enrolled, 4002; approved, 4255. In Senate: Received from House, 1097; referred, 1098 ; reported, 1461; passed with amendments, 3319; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; ; concurred in by Senate, 8857 by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958. Reported, 1018; discussed, 1277, 1280, 1283, 1302, 1804; passed, H. R. No. 667 1308; passed Senate with amendments, 2057; returned to Senate, 2071; passed Senate with amendments, 2575; nonconcurred in, 2609; conference, 2609, 2643; conference report, 2872; concurred in by Senate, 2817; by House, 2872; enrolled, 2910; approved, 2937. For the relief of Mary Graham.- [By Mr. Perham.] In 3731. 781 375; approved, 37 Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, 1515; passed, 3321; enrolled, 3359. ; H. R. No. 668 Granting a pension to Elizabeth Butler, widow of Cyrus Butler.[By Mr. Perham.] Reported and discussed, 1041; passed, 1042; passed Senate, 3340; enrolled, 3375; approved, 3732. In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, 1461; passed, 3320; enrolled, 3359. H. R. No. 669 Granting a pension to the widow and children of Myron Wilklow. [By Mr. Van Mr. Van Aernam.] H. R. No. 677 Granting a pension to the children of James Heatherly. - [By Mr. Reported and passed, 1043; passed Senate with amendments, In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, 1515; passed with amendments, 8321; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958. Reported and passed, 1042 ; passed Senate with amendments, In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; 1 Making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending the 30th of June, 1869.-[By Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts.] Reported, 1045; discussed, 1335; passed, 1336; passed Senate with amendments, 1729; referred, 1769; reported and disagreed to, 1813; conference, 1813, 1904, 1998, 2006; conference report, 4131; agreed to by Senate, 4088; by House, 4131; enrolled, 4173; approved 4422. In Senate: Received from House, 1869; referred, 1371; reported, 1694; discussed, 1719; passed with amendments, 1725; disagreed to by House, 1812; conference, 1812, 1886, 1977, 2010, 2559; conference report, 4075; concurred in by Senate, 4075; by House, 4147; enrolled, 4151. For the relief of Mrs. Sally C. Nicholson. - [By Mr. Blaine.] In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, H. R. No. 679- H. R. No. 680 In Senate: Received from House, 1088; referred, 1068; reported, H. R. No. 686- H. R. No. 674 Granting a pension to the widow of William S. Hamlin.-[By Mr. Reported and passed, 1043; indefinitely postponed by Senate, 1707. In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported adversely and indefinitely postponed, 1694. Koontz.] Referred, 1083. H. R. No. 687 : Reported and passed, 1043; passed Senate with amendments, report, 3937; agreed to by Senate, 3928; by House, 3987; 1 I For the relief of Rice M. Brown, of Indiana.- [By Mr. Hunter.] In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, H. R. No. 691 1515; passed with amendments, 3321; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 3857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958. H. R. No. 676 2 1 To grant relief to the soldiers of the one hundred and forty-fifth Indiana volunteers. - [By Mr. Hunter. Referred, 1083. Granting a pension to Thomas Connolly. - [By Mr. Van Aernam.] In relation to additional bounty. - [By Mr. Holman.] enrolled, 3981; approved, 4255. Referred, 1083. In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, H. R. No. 694 1515; passed with amendments, 3320; conference, 3688; conference report, 3857; concurred in by Senate, 8857; by House, 3954; enrolled, 3958, 3986. Granting a pension to Martha Ann Wallace, widow of Brigadier General W. H. L. Wallace. - [By Mr. Cook. Referred, 1093. For the enforcement of mechanics' liens on buildings in the Referred, 1084. H. R. No. 718 " Making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year ending 30th June, 1869.[By Mr. Washburne, of Illinois.] Reported, 1092; discussed, 1201, 1218, 1226; passed, 1228 ; passed Senate with amendments, 1813; referred, 1828; reported and disagreed to, 1858; conference, 1858, 1865, 1869; conferencu report, 1960; agreed to by Senate, 1960; enrolled, 2006. In Senate: Received from House, 1232; referred, 1256; reported, 1694; discussed, 1725, 1746, 1783; passed withi amendments, 1787; disagreed to by House, 1864; conference, 1864; conference report, 1944; concurred in by Senate, 1944; concurred in by House, 1976; enrolled, 1992. To establish a mail route from Toledo, Iowa, to Brooklyn, Iowa. - H. R. No. 719 [By Mr. Loughridge.] Referred, 1083. H. R. No. 702 In reference to the payment of pensions to drafted men. - [By Mr. Referred, 1083; reported adversely, 2907. For the surrender of persons convicted of certain crimes. - [By Referred, 1127 : 27; reported, 1273; passed, 1273.. In Senate: Received from House, 1260; referred, 1287; reported and discussed, 1429; recommitted, 1431. to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes and H. R. No. 723- Referred, 1083. H. R. No. 707 For the releif of Mahala Anderson. - [By Mr. Hubbard, of West Virginia.] Referred, 1083. H. R. No. 708 To create the collection district of Island Pond.-[By Mr. Eliot.] In Senate : Received from House, 1464; referred, 1486; reported, To regulate the disposition of lands that may be hereafter granted in the construction of railroads.-[By Mr. Donnelly.] aid Referred, 1161., To amend an act entitled "An act to confirm certain private land For an act to establish a new judicial circuit in the State of Illinois, own behalf in any court of the United States held in any Referred, 1083. H. R. No. 718-: To forever prohibit the system of peonage and Indian slavery in the Territory of New Mexico and other parts of the United States. [By Mr. Clarke, of Kansas.] Referred, 1178, H. R. No. 730 : To construct a wagon-road from West Point, in the county of Orange, State of New York, to Cornwall Landing, in said county.-[By Mr. Van Wyck.] Referred, 1217; reported and passed, 4051; passed Senate, 4088; enrolled, 4178; approved 4422. In Senate: Received from House, 4031; referred, 4031; reported and passed, 4075; enrolled, 4151. H. R. No. 762 To amend the act establishing the national banks.-[By Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts.]. Referred, 1248. H. R. No. 763 For the relief of American citizens abroad. - [By Mr. Starkweather.] Read, 1243; passed, 1244. In Senate: Received from House, 1232; referred, 1256. H. R. No. 764 For the relief of certain exporters of rum. - [By Mr. Schenck.] Referred, 1256; reported, 1513; discussed, 1518; withdrawn, 1514; reported back and passed, 1637; passed Senate with amendment, 3310; concurred in, 3311; enrolled, 3327; approved, 3731. In Senate: Received from House, 1657; referred, 1658; reported, 1835; discussed, 1835, 3249; rejected, 3251; reconsidered, 3251, 3275; discussed, 3275; passed passed with amendments, 3278; concurred in by House, 3816; enrolled, 3321. H. R. No. 765 To establish a law department.- [By Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio.] Reported, 1271; recommitted, 1273; reported and recommitted, 2480. H. R. No. 766 To revoke the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay percentage for the sale of Government securities or bonds, and repealing all laws or parts of laws authorizing the appointment of an agent for the purpose of negotiating or selling Government securities or bonds. - [By Mr. Logan.] Referred, 1286. H. R. No. 767 To regulate the disposition of lands that may be hereafter granted to aid in the construction of railroads.- [By Mr. Hopkins.] Reported and recommitted, 1293; motion to reconsider, 1818; discussed, 4428; reconsidered and passed, 4430. In Senate: Received from House, 4451; referred, 4458. |