H. R. No. 290 H. R. No. 271- compensation for bailiffs and criers of the courts of the District of Columbia." - [By Mr. Cary.] Referred, 129. H. R. No. 272 To establish a certain post route. - [By Mr. Archer.] Referred, 129. H. R. No. 273 Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, and amendatory of existing laws in relation thereto. - [By Mr. Welker.] Referred, 208. ! H. R. No. 2910mous gaiblind asipagmas s 2920 For the adjustment of the claim of Nott & Co., under the treaty of 1858 with the Chinese Government. - [By Mr. Orth.] Referred, 208. cinnati who were engaged in putting down the Kirby Smith raid in 1862.- [By Mr. Eggleston.] Referred, 230. For the relief of Joseph Hill & Sons.-[By Mr. Higby.] H. R. No. 381 : :: To facilitate the payment of soldiers' bounties under the act of 1866. [By Mr. Washburn, of Indiana.] Printed and made special order for 6th of January, 295; called up, 333; discussed, 336, 340, 358; passed, 359; passed Senate with amendment, 1813; conference, 1818, 1904; report, 1960; agreed to by Senate, 1960; agreed to by House, 1960; enrolled, 1968; approved, 2026, In Senate: Received from House, 346; referred, 358; reported, 404; discussed, 650, 1622; referred, 1624; reported, 1787; passed with amendments, 1789; disagreed to by House, 1812; conference, 1812, 1886; conference report, 1940; concurred in, 1940; enrolled, 1948. H. R. No. 332-1 Granting the right of way over the public lands of the United H. R. No. 333 To amend the act of July 4, 1864, to allow the further time of two years for the filing of applications for pensions.-[By Mr. Stokes.1 Referred, 817, H. R. No. 884 To relieve vessels engaged in the coasting trade from filing manifests.-[By Mr. Pike.] Referred, 330. H. R. No. 335 In relation to appeals in equity.-[By Mr. Poland.] H.. R. No. 336 Reported and printed, 260; discussed, 287, 290; passed, 291; House, 886; enrolled, 838. In Senate: Received from House and referred, 299; reported, 434; called up, 537; discussed, 561; passed with amendments, 565; disagreed to by House with amendments, 678; referred, 703; reported, 721; House amendments disagreed to, 722; conference, 789; report, 818; concurred in by Senate, 818 enrolled, 818. H. R. No. 321 To provide internal revenue to support the Government, to pay For the relief of Lavina J. McIlvaine.- [By Mr. Koontz.] To establish a mail route from Mt. Carmel, in the county of Northumberland, Pennsylvania, to Danville, in said State. [By Mr. Miller.] 1 1 To incorporate the Washington Target-Shooting Association in the District of Columbia.- [By Mr. Ingersoll.] Referred, 331; reported and passed, 830; passed Senate with amendment, 3793; disagreed to, 3888; conference, 3967; conference report, 4004; agreed to by House, 4004; by Senate, 4061; enrolled, 4173; approved, 4422. In Senate: Received from House, 818; referred, 845; reported, 2594; passed with amendments, 3718, 3714; disagreed to by House, 3872; motion to recede, 3872; conference, 3916, 3956; conference report, 4025; concurred in by House, 4024; by Senate, 4025; enrolled, 4151. 11 Making a grant of land to the Territory of Dakota in alternate .sections to aid in the construction of a certain railroad in said Territory. [By Mr. Donnelly.] Referred, 331. H. R. No. 357 To amend an act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a arailroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river to the Pacific ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes," approved July 1, 1862.-[By Mr. Donnelly.] HOT-Referred, 831. H. R. No. 358 iFor the relief of settlers on the late Sioux Indian reservation in the State of Minnesota. - [By Mr. Windom: Jams Referred, 831; reported and passed, 538; passed Senate, 1633; enrolled, 1668; approved, 1806. In Senate Received from House, 520; referred, 552; reported, 786; passed, 1622; enrolled, 1657. H. R. No. 359 Amendatory of the homestead law. - [By Mr. Windom.] H. R. No. 360 To provide for a geological and mineralogical survey of the H. R. No. 361 To provide for the completion of the capitol of New Mexico, the building of a penitentiary, and the establishment of free public schools in each county in said State.-[By Mr. Clever.] Referred, 331. H. R. No. 362 H To establish certain post routes in New Mexico. - [By Mr. Clever.] Referred, 331. H. R. No. 363 T To place the name of Mahala A. Straight upon the pension-roll In Senate: Received from House, 1038; referred, 1068; reported, H. R. No. 374 To establish a system of schools for the District of Columbia which shall serve as a model for similar institutions throughout the Union. [By Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania.] ed Reported, 448; substitute printed, 537. H. R. No. 375 Relieving S. C. Lyford, of the ordnance department United States Army, from responsibility for money lost in the Government mail.-[By Mr. Pile.] Referred, 474; reported and withdrawn, 592. H. R. No. 392 To establish post routes from Saginaw to St. Louis, and from Isabella to Midland, in the State of Michigan.- [By Mr. Driggs.] Referred, 474. H. R. No. 893 Defining the act making appropriations for the repair, &c., of H. R. No. 394 Confirming title to Little Rock Island, in the Mississippi river.[By Mr. Price.] Referred, 474; reported and passed, 1703. In Senate: Received from House, 1702; referred, 1702; reported, 3566. In relation to taxing shares of national banks. - [By Mr. Blaine.] H. R. No. 395- Granting a pension to Rachel Floyd, widow of Joseph Floyd, late private in company B, twentieth Iowa volunteer infantry.[By Mr. Price.] Referred, 474, H. R. No. 396 For the relief of Samuel Tibbetts. - [By Mr. Loughridge.] Senate, 4498; enrolled, 4495; approved, 4500. H. R. No. 397 Regulating the use of the franking privilege. - [By Mr. Loughridge.] Court of the United States in order to pronounce a law-passed H. R. No. 398- Referred, 473; committee discharged, 668. Granting a pension to William B. Looney. - [By Mr. Dodge.] T Authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river upon the military reservation at Fort Leavenworth, and to provide for the reduction of said reservation. - [By Mr. Clarke, of Kansas.] Referred, 474.: Making appropriation for the improvement of the harbor of Port H. R. No. 401- Referred, 473. H. R. No. 388 : For the relief of John Whiteford, late captain in the first regiment of Arkansas infantry.-[By Mr. Clarke, of Kansas.] Referred, 474. Granting pension to John Hamilton, of Ohio. - [By Mr. Lawrence, H. R. No. 402of Ohio.] On: Referred, 473. H. R. No. 384 ני For the relief of Charles Butterfield, a Chippewa half-breed Indian. [By Mr. Clarke, of Kansas.] 1 To extend the right of citizenship to certain Mexican citizens residing in New Mexico.-[By Mr. Clever.] ! Authorizing the building of a railroad bridge across the Ohio river H. R. No. 403- H. R. No. 385 Referred, 474. T To facilitate and cheapen the transportation of military supplies in Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico. - [By Mr. Clever.] Referred, 474; reported adversely, 3943. To amend an act entitled "An act to extend jurisdiction of the H. R. No. 408 district courts of the United States in certain cases on the Referred, 473. Granting aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Union Pacific railroad to Idaho, Portland, (Oregon,) Montana, and Puget sound. - [By Mr. Holbrook.] Referred, 474. H. R. No. 421 For the relief of Susan V. Berg.-[By Mr. Coburn.] by House, Referred, 475; substitute reported and passed, 1040; (see bill For the relief of James Keenan. - [By Mr. Robinson.] H. R. No. 433 For the relief of Palemon John.- [By Mr. Mercur.] passed, 2540; passed Senate, 4434; enrolled, 4479; approved, 4498. In Senate: Received from House, 2545; referred, 2548; reported, 3462; passed, 8720; motion to reconsider, 3721; called up, 4406; motion withdrawn, 4439; enrolled, 4451. H. R. No. 434 101 To establish a post route from Shadesville, Ohio, to Genoa, Referred, 475. H. R. No. 435 To establish a post road and mail route in the State of Ohio.[By Mr. Bingham.] Referred, 475. H. R. No. 436 Declaring the fourteenth article of the amendment proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress duly ratified as a part of the Constitution.- [By Mr. Bingham.] Referred, 475. H. R. No. 437-feng To establish certain post Mr. Cavanaugh.] Referred, 475. H. R. No. 438 roads in the Territory of Montana.-[By Additional and supplementary to an act entitled "An act to provide Reported, 476; discussed, 510; amendment printed, 517; In Senate: Received from House, 652; laid over, 674; discussed, 699, 704, 722, 768, 789, 818, 848, 880, 923, 953, 984, 1001, 1071, 1098, 1873, 1406, 1431. H. R. No. 440 For the relief of James C. Jay, a detailed acting assistant surgeon of volunteers.- [By Mr. Shanks.] Referred, 507. H. R. No. 441 : Authorizing the Second Auditor of the Treasury to settle and pay |