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Calling for the instructions given to General Pope and General

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Authorizing the Sergeant-at-Arms to retain during the coming recess the special messengers, pages, and laborers now employed.[July 13, 1868.

Laid over, 3984.

By Mr. Morgan

For printing report of the Librarian of Congress.-[December 18,


Referred, 242; discussed, 492.

Inquiring the amount paid for rent of the public stores in the city If of New York, and whether a more suitable location for customs warehouses may not be obtained. -[February 3, 1868.]

Agreed to, 922.

Calling for an estimate of the expense of removing the three reefs known as Battery reef, Diamond reef, and Coenties reef, in the East river, New York harbor.-[February 4, 1868.]

Agreed to, 950.

Calling for the report of Commodore Case, United States lighthouse inspector, on the buoys of the harbor of New York. [March 28, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2176.

For printing report of Secretary of the Treasury communicating information in relation to laws regulating the carriage of passengers in steamships. - [April 8, 1868.]

Agreed to, 2275.

By Mr. Morrill, of Maine

Instructing Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire into the facts connected with the forcible ejectment of one of the ✓ employés of the Senate, on account of race, from the cars of the Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown railroad, and what legislation is necessary to protect the rights of passengers on said road.-[February 10, 1868.]

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Laid over, 1071; discussed, 1121; agreed to, 1125.. Making certain inquiries in regard to the number of military districts or headquarters established in the District of Columbia. [February 17, 1868.]

Agreed to, 1204.

Directing the funeral expenses and three months' pay of Noah
Smith, deceased, to be paid out of the contingent fund of the
Senate.-[February 25, 1868.]

Referred, 1404.

In reference to the issuing of new bonds by the Secretary of the Treasury, upon satisfactory proof of the destruction of any of the bonds of the United States in the hands of bona fide holders.-[July 23, 1868.]

Read, 4346.

Meade on their being assigned to the command of the fourth By Mr. Morrill, of Vermont-
military district under the reconstruction acts, or at any time

while in command thereof; also, copies of all minutes of the 14 opinions in Cabinet meetings respecting the construction of said acts.-[January 23, 1868.]

Agreed to, 703; reconsidered, 703; agreed to, 951.

›. For the appointment of a select committee to consider and report
on the message of the House of Representatives respecting
the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.- [February 26, 1868.]
Reported and agreed to, 1406; report of committee, 1431.
In relation to the impeachment of President Johnson.-[March

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By Mr. Sprague


In relation to the customs warehousing system. [March 18, 1868.] Reported, 1863.

Instructing the Committee on Agriculture to inquire into the expediency of procuring the best steam-plow and apparatus Fist for exhibition on grounds of the Department of Agriculture.

[June 27, 1868.]

Agreed to, 8552.

By Mr. Stewart

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To For printing report of the Commissioner of General Land Office for 1867, with an abridgment in French, German, Dutch, Swedish, and Spanish, for distribution in Europe.-[February 10, 1868.] Referred, 1071.

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Calling for information in reference to certain suits in New York, known as the Dennistown cotton suits.-[February 18, 1868.1 Laid over, 1142; agreed to, 1204.

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hit Authorizing the Congressional Printer to loan to J. Ross Browne : the stereotype plates of his "report on the mineral resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky mountains," with permission to print from the same. [June 1, 1868.] Reported, 2624; reported and agreed to, 2727. Calling for information in regard to an alleged contract of Pratt, Arnold & Walbridge for carrying the mail on route No. 15708, between Humboldt City, Nevada, and Boisé City, Idaho.-[June 13, 1868.]

Agreed to, 3116.

Requesting the Secretary of the Interior to suspend the execution of his order restoring to market the lands heretofore withdrawn by him for the use of the Southern railroad in California.[July 25, 1868.]

Agreed to, 4452.

For printing Land Office maps. [July 27, 1868.] Laid over, 4501, 4502.

By Mr. Sumner-b


Calling for correspondence between the United States and Great Britain relating to existing claims on each other.-[December 4, 1867.]

Agreed to, 19.


Instructing the Committee on the Pay of Officers of the Senate to inquire into the expediency of defining the duties of the Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms, and other officers of the Senate.[December 9, 1867.]

Read and discussed, 79; referred, 81.

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Jo Directing the Attorney General to inform the Senate the amount paid for special counsel to assist in cases before the Supreme Court for the years ending June 30, 1865, June 30, 1866, and June 30, 1867; and the amount paid for the years ending June 30, 1865, June 30, 1866, and June 30, 1867, for assistance rendered to the district attorneys. [December 16, 1867.]

Adopted, 196. omid ot pan

270 Calling for certain information in regard to captured and abandoned

Dicotton-[January 27, 1868[ 9

Agreed to, 765.

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Requesting the commissioners for the revision and consolidation 100 of the statute laws of the United States to report progress.[May 13, 1868.] 1195 38138109

Reported and agreed to, 2436.

For printing the report of the Smithsonian Institution for the year

1867.-[May 29, 1868.]

1190 Referred, 2668; reported and agreed to, 2687.)

That the appointment by the Secretary of the Interior of Louis V. Bogy as special agent for the purposes stated to the Senate of the 8th of April, 1867, and as explained in the letter of analbul the 18th of April, 1867, was improper and unauthorized. толі по June 26, 1868.110 mm

bo Reported, 35041199ς της τινάς το tromagn

In relation to the pay of southern Senators. -[July 21, 1868.] Proposed, 4266; discussed, 4454, 4459, 4460; amended and agreed to, 4462.

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By Mr. Willey in adt n


Calling for certain information in regard to the registration of voters under the reconstruction acts in the rebel States.

2046[December 5, 1867] ma bat stulitados Cove bind ता: Agreed to, 38.8 191 art орtеn Inquiring how many justices of the peace are now in commission in each ward respectively of the city of Washington. - [January 30, 1868.]

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