In House: Received from Senate, 361; passed, 363; enrolled, 388. 豐 : 1 To provide for the publication of the medical and surgical history of the rebellion, and the medical statistics of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau.- [By Mr. Anthony.] Referred, 816; reported, 1230; discussed, 2595; committee discharged, referred anew, 4238; reported and adopted, 4452. S. R. No. 98 bet For the promotion of certain commodores on the retired list to rear admirals on the retired list of the Navy.-[By Mr. Cattell.] Referred, 950. A S. R. No. 1040088 : TAEK betrogen Relating to the ocean mail steamship service between the United bello States and China, authorized by act of Congress approved February 17, 1865. - [By Mr. Pomeroy.] Referred, 1071; reported, 4093; passed, 4282, 4283. In House: Received from Senate, 4334. FAST Authorizing the Secretary of War to cause surplus or condemned 8. R. No. 106-10 caitons sildeq ta ei od poisitodum A In relation to the Maquoketa fiver, in the State of Iowa.[By Reported, 1204; passed, 3506; passed House with amendment, bello In House: Received from Senate, 3535; passed with amendment, Relating to the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes.- Referred, 1204; reported and passed, 1461; passed House, In House: Received from Senate, 1478; passed, 1504; enrolled, S. R. No. 109 si sadw at bettiamos missilодя arejected, 32470, wat sdt ot noitaisi el S. R. No. 110 To further define the meaning of the act of February 19, 1867, in relation to the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims in cases of int claims for quartermasters' stores. - [By Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire.] To be add to ton edi reban quisita Referred, 1204. Went to see ποιες οὐς 8. R. No. 111-30 8091 1ο τοw naibal Providing for the issue of clothing to soldiers and others, to replace clothing destroyed to prevent contagion.-[By Wilson.] to 8. R. No. 112 To restore Alabama to representation in Congress. [By Mr. Hr Referred, 1644; reported and passed, 1669; passed House, 1843; enrolled, 1843; approved, 1887. In House: Received from Senate, 1693; passed, 1848; enrolled, For the appointment of a commission to select suitable locations In House: Received from Senate, 1693; réferred, 2028; reported To carry into effect Referred, 1864; reported and passed, 3074; passed House, 4400; In House: Received from Senate, 8107; discussed, 4301; passed, 104392; enrolled, 4422. Expressive of the thanks of Congress to Dr. Isaac I. Hays.-[By balloth Mr. Wilson.] Referred, 2030; committee discharged, 4264. 1.. 1 Excluding from the Electoral College the votes of States lately in rebellion which shall not have been reorganized. - [By Mr. Edmunds. Referred, 2760; reported, 3566; discussed, 3630, 3688, 3870, 3874, 3877, 3904, 3917; passed, 3926; passed House with amendments, 3966; concurred in, 8966; enrolled, 3938; vetoed, 4235; passed over veto, 4236; presentation to Secretary of State directed, 4236. In House: Received from Senate, 3967; referred, 3967; reported, 3974; discussed, 3974; passed with amendments, 3981; agreed to by Senate, 4002; enrolled, 4002; vetoed, 4258; passed over veto, 4259. Referred, 3218; reported, 3347. S. R. No. 150 Relative to the payment of certain claims to loyal citizens of the United States.- [By Mr. Chandler.] Referred, 3240. S. R. No. 151 S. R. No. 152 S. R. No. 153 Authorizing the sale at public auction of certain surplus books and documents now in the custody of the Secretary of the Interior.-[By Mr. Morgan.] Reported, 3607. S. R. No. 154 Referred, 3857. S. R. No. 157 i In relation to the Union Pacific railway, eastern division.-[By Mr. Drake.] Reported, 3900. S. R. No. 158 To extend the act establishing the Court of Claims to the claims arising under the act of the 2d of March, 1861, providing for the payment of the expenses of the Washington and Oregon Indian war of 1855-56. - [By Mr. Williams.] Referred, 3901. To refer the claim of George Chorpenning, under a former act of S. R. No. 159- S. R. No. 143 For the relief of George W. Doty, a commander in the United In House: Received from Senate, 2976; passed, 3524; enrolled, 3535. Authorizing the Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands to sell certain portions of public lands within the corporate limits of the city of Pensacola, Florida, for educational purposes. - [By Mr. Osborn.] Referred, 3984. By Mr. Anthony SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS. Reappointing the joint Committee on Ordnance.-[December 3, 1867.] Adopted, 9. In House: Received from Senate, 36; yeas and nays ordered, In House 37; discussed, 55; concurred in, 56. Reappointing the joint. Committee to Examine the Accounts for Repairs to the Executive Mansion. - [December 3, 1867.] Adopted, 9. In House: Received from Senate, 36; concurred in, 96. Reappointing the joint Committee to Revise and Fix the Pay of the Officers of the two Houses. - [December 3, 1867.] Adopted, 9. In House: Received from Senate, 36; concurred in, 96. Reappointing the joint Committee on Retrenchment. - [December 3, 1867.] Adopted, 9. In House: Received from Senate, 36; tabled, 37. For the adjournment of Congress to the 16th of October, and thence to the 10th of November, 1868. - [September 21, 1868.] Adopted, 4518. Giving the consent of Congress to the acceptance by Hon. Anson By Mr. Wilson- civil appointment as he may have received from the emperor of China.-[January 15, 1868.] Referred, 519. For the suspension of the sixteenth and seventeenth joint rules. [July 25, 1868.] Adopted, 4442; resolution of House on, 4451. In House: Received from Senate. 4434; non-concurred in, 4472. [March 17, 1868.] Referred, 1911; reported and agreed to, 1976. For printing three hundred copies of the edition of the report of the impeachment trial published at the Congressional Printing Office, and five thousand copies of the entire work, with an index.-[March 21, 1868.] Referred, 2045; reported and agreed to, 2068. Authorizing the Presiding Officer to admit to a seat on the floor the reporter of the New York Associated Press during the trial of the impeachment. - [March 25, 1868.] Laid over, 2084; discussed, 2234. For printing extra copies of the report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey for 1867.- [May 18, 1868.] Adopted, 2505. Instructing the Committee on the District of Columbia to inquire what legislation is necessary to secure safety and convenience to those who ride in the street cars of the Metropolitan Railroad Company.- [February 5, 1868]. V. Agreed to, 981. Inquiring as to the condition of the appropriation for the medical and surgical history of the war. -[July 3, 1868.] Agreed to, 3710. Calling for the proceedings and findings of the board appointed to investigate the circumstances of the robbery of Major George E. Glenn, paymaster at Fort Boisé, Idaho Territory. [December 5, 1867.] Agreed to, 38. Making inquiries relative to the appointment of the American minister at Pekin, Hon. Anson Burlingame, to a mission in behalf of the Chinese Government by the emperor of China. 1 [January 13, 1868.] Agreed to, 471. 1 Directing Committee on Private Land Claims to inquire into the propriety of restoring to the body of the public domain the tract of land in California known as the Gabillan grant. [February 7, 1868.] Agreed to, 1026. Calling for information in regard to applications for privileges in connection with the fisheries in Adopted, 2297. Alaska, April 14, 1868.] Discharging Committee on Foreign Relations from the further consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 768) concerning the rights of American citizens in foreign States. - [June 22, 1868.] Laid over, 3347; withdrawn, 3389. In relation to the promulgation of the law recently enacted limiting the hours of labor.-[July 1, 1868.] Agreed to, 3629. Inquiring whether a commission has been issued to James Coey, nominated and confirmed as collector for the first internal revenue district of California. - [July 11, 1868.] Agreed to, 3954. By Mr. Corbett Instructing Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of a new loan and issue of five per cent. bonds for the purpose of redeeming five-twenties as they mature. [December 6, 1867.] Agreed to, 63. Calling for a statement of the amount of money paid on account of the new jail in the District of Columbia, and to whom paid.-[January 14, 1868.] Agreed to, 491. In reference to the expediency of securing to Indians the right to testify in cases of murder, murder, rape, &c., as Indians. [June 28, 1868.1 * Adopted, 3382. For printing tax bill.-[July 18, 1868.J between whites and Referred, 4197; reported and agreed to, 4199. |