To amend an act entitled "An act recording of ships or vessels Concerning land claims in the State of Arkansas.- [By Mr. Williams. Referred, 2857. S. No. 514 1 1 For the relief of Monroe Young.- [By Mr. Morrill, of Maine.] Referred, 2857. S. No. 515 : In aid of the Union Pacific railway, eastern division. - [By Mr. Drake Referred, 2895,SHAK S. No. 516 Granting a pension to Julia Whistler.- [By Mr. Van Winkle.] Reported, 2922; passed, 3324. In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported adversely, 3896. S. No. 517 Granting a pension to the widow and children of Henry Brown.[By Mr. Van Winkle.] 1 Reported, 2922; passed, 3324; passed House with amendments, 3902; conference, 3954, 3984; conference report, report, 4097; concurred in by Senate, 4097; by House, 4147; enrolled, 4159; approved, 4235. 1 In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported and passed with amendment, 3895; conference report agreed to by House, 4131; by Senate, 4182; enrolled, 4186. S. No. 518 10 Granting a pension to the widow and child of John P. Felty.[By Mr. Van Winkle.] Reported, 2922; passed, 3324; passed House with amend ments, 3902; conference, 3954, 3984; conference report, 4097; concurred in by Senate, 4097; by House, 4147; enrolled, :.14159; approved, 4235. In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported and passed with amendment, 3892; conference report agreed to by House, 4131; by Senate, 4182; enrolled, 4186. Granting a pension to the children of William M. Wooten, deceased.-[By Mr. Van Winkle.] Reported, 2922; passed, 8325; passed House with amendments, 3902; conference, 3954, 3984; conference report, 4097; concurred in by Senate, 4097; by House, 4147; enrolled, 4159; approved, 4235. In House: Received from Senate, 8345; referred, 3346; reported and passed with amendments, 3892; conference report agreed to by House, 4131; by Senate, 4182; enrolled, 4186. S. No. 522 N To authorize the Commissioner of the Revenue to settle the accounts of Andrew S. Core. - [By Mr. Williams.] Reported, 2922; passed, 3214; passed House with amendments, 3566; concurred in, 3570; enrolled, 3607; approved, 3771. In House: Received from Senate, 3236; referred, 3327; reported and passed with amendments, 3556; agreed to by Senate, 3594; enrolled, 3597. S. No. 523 To regulate the appointment and promotion of consular clerks.[By Mr Chandler.] Referred, 2922. S. No. 524 : To facilitate the decision of questions of conflict of jurisdiction between the United States and the States by the Supreme Court of the United States. - [By Mr. Davis.] Referred, 2922. S. No. 547- t 1 Granting a pension to John Sheets. [By Mr. Van Winkle.] In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported $. No. 548 In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3846. Referred, 3051; reported, 3074; discussed, 3116, 3120; passed, S. No. 549- In House: Received from Senate, 145; called up and discussed, La law, 3761. S. No. 535- Granting an increase of pension to Catharina Eckhardt. [By Mr. In House: Received from Senate, 3345; referred, 3346; reported To reward the services of Matthew Low, of Nassau.- [By Mr. S. No. 550- 1. Reported, 3073; passed, 3718. 1 1 For the relief of Robert Ford. - [By Mr. Howe.] In House: Received from Senate, 8761; passed, 4090; enrolled, Referred, 3382. S. No. 567- Relating to the Freedmen's Bureau, and providing for its discon- Referred, 3424; reported, 3566; discussed, 3954; passed, 3956; In House: Received from Senate, 3974; discussed, 4004; T To establish a new land district in the State of Nebraska.-[By Referred, 3540; reported, 3857; passed, 3860; passed House, In House: Received from Senate, 3885; passed, 4428; enrolled, 4468. S. No. 580- For the relief of Frederick Vincent, administrator of James Le S. No. 581- To provide for the election of certain territorial officers by the Referred, 3580. S. No. 582- To incorporate the District of Columbia Concrete Stone Company. - Referred, 3580; reported, 3671. Fixing the time for the next meeting of Congress.- [By Mr. nots Printed, 3671; called up, 3718. S. No. 58601 For the relief of Amos Sanford, of Prairie City, Illinois. -[By Mr. Yates.] Referred, 3672. S. No. 587- To provide for retrenchment and greater efficiency in the diplo- Reported, 3671. For a grant of land and granting the right of way over the public S. No. 588- Referred, 3504; reported, 3733; discussed, 4435, 4440; passed, 4442. For the relief of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Referred, 3681; reported, 3783; discussed, 8734; passed, 3869. 11. 3958; referred, 4491. S. No. 589- To establish certain post roads. - [By Mr. Ramsey.] In House: Received from Senate, 8967; passed with amend- Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to refund penalty, 1 S. No. 644 L interest, and costs illegally assessed and collected under direct. To amend an act entitled "An act to prohibit the coolie trade by tax laws. [By Mr. Cattell.2 American citizens in American vessels." - [By Mr. Sumner.] Reported, 4362; passed, 4452. Reported, 4228; passed, 4870; passed House, 4451; enrolled, S. No. 6474459; approved, 4506.02. In House: Received from Senate, 4395; passed, 4477; enrolled, 4492. For the relief of the heirs of Thomas Lawson, deceased.-[By Mr. Howe.] Reported, 4439. S.No. 6480lt. Respecting the organization of the militia in the States lately in rebellion.-[By Mr. Wilson.] Reported, 4467. |