Call of the house, when may be ordered to secure attend- .... Clerk, regulations as to clerk's desk.. to file "copy" bills with librarian...... when not to issue stationery to reporters....... on revision, duties of...................... to report by April fifth ....... Committees, list of standing, and duties of Committee of the whole, how matters committed to ..... ........... ..... 133 report of bills with enacting clause stricken out....... 21 speaker to appoint chairman.... ............. 134 22 ....... 134 2 124 on rules, when may report ....... 17 133 Contempt, when refusal of member to vote is........ none in order when person brought before bar of house bills reported from committee of the whole subject to, Inspection, "duplicate" bills to be subject to public. ...... 4 129 J. Journal, name of mover of questions, etc., to be entered, 47 to be read and corrected......... 143 ........ 48 143 55 145 3 126 M. Main question. (See Previous Question.) Member, if two rise, speaker to name one entitled to floor, may speak but once on appeal from decision of speaker....... not to speak or leave his place while speaker putting question.... ......... ........... if motion to adjourn carried, to keep seats and place ............ .... to entertain discourse while another is ........... not to proceed until recognized by the speaker how supplied with stenographer's notes.. Memorials, how presented how indorsed Motion for reconsideration not to be reconsidered........ to recall bill from governor for correction. on, to adjourn, members to keep their seats until 134 Previous question, not to apply in committee of the whole, 19 Reporters, privileges of floor........ when stationery not to be issued to...... Reports of committees to be indorsed and signed by chair- man ...... ...... Resolutions, what lie over....... for printing extra copies. referred............................................. Roll-call, to determine unanimous consent to advance bill, 49 143 I t w w w A 4 128 5 129 61 146 51 144 5 129 35 139 36 139 37 139 .... 52 144 S. Senate, messages from, to be referred.................................. when to remove member without bar of the house.... ex-officio member and chairman of committee notified if no quorum in committee of the whole...... 22 Speaker-Continued. may appoint a substitute not more than two days..... to decide who entitled to floor........... ............ to name chairman to preside in committee of the whole.................................. ........ to designate reporters.. 2 124 ... to order roll-call where unanimous consent asked to advance bill.. to take chair and call to order........ I 124 to preserve order and decorum to decide questions of order. appeal from decisions of....... may assign reasons for decision not required to vote except ....... Special orders, how made, rescinded or postponed Stenographer, duties of....... notes, to be filed with clerk.... clerk to furnish, with proper book... V. Vote, if house divided, including speaker's vote, question lost...... member not obliged to, unless within bar of house when name called...... request of members to be excused.. if tie, question lost Y.. Yeas and nays, not to be taken in committee of the whole, 19 ordered after roll-call to ascertain if quorum present.. when may be taken while called, no one to visit clerk's table.............. JOINT RULES OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY. [NOTE. -No joint rules have been adopted for several years. The rules here printed are as last adopted.] 5. In case of difference, committees to be appointed. 6. Matters of difference, how settled. 7. Bills, when deemed lost. 8. Joint committee. 9. Final reading of bills. 10. No bill shall create more than one incorporation. 11. Election of officers to be certified and reported by presiding officer. 12. Usual number of bills and documents to be printed. 13. Printing or purchase of books. 14. Documents ordered by both Houses. 15. Distribution of documents. 16. Superintendent of documents to receive printed matter. 17. Distribution of the bills and documents when printed, 18. Joint Committee on State Library. 19. Supply bill. 20. Bills introduced after fifteenth March not to take precedence of bill previously introduced. |