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the bills, shall, under his supervision, be subject to public inspection during the regular office hours of the library.

Every bill, immediately upon its introduction, shall be printed and placed on the files of the members. It shall retain its original' printed number, when reprinted, together with its new number, thereafter, during all stages of its progress.

V. A report of a committee must be indorsed with a statement of such report, together with the name of the committee making the same, with the amendments, if any, adopted by the committee, to be signed by the chairman; a petition, memorial or remonstrance, with a brief statement of its contents, accompanied by the name of the member presenting it; a notice or resolution, with his name.

VI. Every member who shall be within the bar of the House when a question is stated from the Chair shall vote thereon, unless he is excused by the House, or unless he be directly interested in the question; nor shall the roll of absentees be more than once called. The bar of the House shall be deemed to include the body of the Assembly Chamber.


Of Order and Decorum.

VII. No member rising to debate, to give notice, make a motion or report, or to pre

sent a petition or other paper, shall proceed until he shall have addressed the Speaker from his place and have been recognized by him.

VIII. While a member is speaking, no member shall entertain any private discourse or pass between him and the Chair.

IX. While the Speaker is putting a question, or a count is being had, no member shall speak or leave his place.

X. When a motion to adjourn is carried, the members and officers shall keep their seats and places until the Speaker declares the House. adjourned.


Of Order in Debate.

XI. No member shall speak, except in his place, nor more than twice on any question, without leave of the House.

XII. If any member, in speaking, transgresses the rules of the House, the Speaker, or any member, may call to order, in which case the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, and shall not rise unless to explain or proceed in order.

XIII. All questions relating to the priority of one question or subject-matter over another, under the same order of business, shall be decided without debate.


On Committees and their Duties.

XIV. The standing committees shall be as follows, viz.:

To consist each of eleven members:

[blocks in formation]

Privileges and elections.

Trade and manufactures.

Indian affairs.

To consist each of five members:


Printed and engrossed bills.
Unfinished business.

XV. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897. XVI. The Committee on Revision shall examine and correct the bills which are referred to it, for the purpose of avoiding repetitions and unconstitutional provisions, insuring accuracy in the text and references, and consistency with the language of the existing statutes. It shall also report whether the object sought to be accomplished can be secured without a special act, under existing laws, or without detriment to the public interests, by the enactment of a general law (provided, that any change in the sense or legal effect, or any material change in construction, shall be reported to the House as a recommendation and not as an amendment). All bills shall be so referred prior to their third reading.


Of the Special Orders.

XVII. Any matter may be made a special order for any particular day by the assent of

two-thirds of the members present.

When so

made, a similar vote shall be requisite to rescind.

or postpone.

During the last ten days of the session a notice may be given requesting that any matter be made a special order, or that the rules be suspended for the purpose of reading a bill out of its order, which shall be referred, without debate, to the Committee on Rules. The member making the motion or giving the notice shall submit in writing the reasons for making such special order or suspension, and attach thereto a copy of the bill.

The committee may report at any time, and such report shall stand as the determination of the House, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, and the committee shall not be discharged from the further consideration of any matter pending, unless by a like vote.


Of the Committee of the Whole.

XVIII. Any matter may be committed to the Committee of the Whole by the assent of two-thirds of the members present.

XIX. The same rules shall be observed in Committee of the Whole as in the House, so far as the same are applicable, except that the

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