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Powers and Duties of Speaker.

1. To take the chair, call to order, and, if a quorum be present, proceed to business.

2. To preserve order, decide questions of order subject to appeal, appoint committees, except where otherwise ordered, substitute any member to perform duties of chair, name chairman to preside in committee of the whole, and designate reporters. Not required to vote except where his vote would be decisive. In case of disturbance may order galleries and lobby cleared. Exofficio member and chairman committee on rules.


Order of Business.

3. Reading and correction of journal; general order of business; not to be departed from, except, etc.; orders of the day specified; order of business after regular orders of any day concluded; orders of the day not finished, acted upon next day.


Rights and Duties of Members.

4. Petitions, memorials, etc., how presented; bills to be deposited in "bill box," in charge of Clerk, and box

kept locked; bills to be in duplicate and indorsed, etc.; original bills handed to Speaker; introduction of bills and reference to committees; " copy" bills to be filed with librarian, and open to public inspection.

5. Indorsements on reports of committees, petition, memorial, remonstrance, notice or resolution.

6. To vote, unless excused or directly interested;

what deemed bar of the house.


Order and Decorum.

7. Member to address Speaker, and be recognized by him before proceeding in debate, etc.

8. Private discourse forbidden speaking.

while member is

9. Member not to speak or leave his place while question is being put, or a count being had.

10. Members to keep seats until Speaker declares house adjourned.


Order in Debate.

11. No member to speak more than twice, etc., without leave.

12. When member may be called to order; to take his seat, except, etc.

13. Priority of business to be decided without debate.


Committees and their Duties.

14. Standing committees, list of, to be appointed. 15. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897.

16. On revision; duties; all bills shall be so referred prior to third reading.


Special Orders.

17. Any matter may be made a special order by assent of two-thirds; similar vote to postpone or rescind. Notice may be given last ten days making any matter special order.


Committee of the Whole.

18. Any matter committed to, by assent of two-thirds. 19. Rules to be observed in.

20. Bills shall receive three separate readings except by unanimous consent or special order.

21. Bills considered in committees, amendments. 22. Proceedings in absence of quorum.


23. How introduced.

24. Private, how introduced.

25. From Senate, with accompanying documents, to be referred.

26. After first reading, to be referred to committee; committee may report without amendment or adversely; proceedings after report.

27. Bills on second reading subject to debate before ordered to third reading to be considered section by section; time allowed in debate.

28. To receive three separate readings. 29. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897. 30. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897. 31. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897.


Motions and their Precedence.

32. When question under consideration, no motion received, except, etc.

33. Motion to reconsider.

34. Motion to reconsider not to be reconsidered; what votes not to be reconsidered; recalling bill from the Governor for correction; vote for amendment to such bill may be taken immediately upon its return.



35. Certain, to lie over one day.

36. Referring to printing extra copies, etc., to be referred to committee on public printing.

37. Calling for or leading to expenditures, to be referred.


Previous Question.

38. How put; to preclude amendments or debate; "main question amendments.


Assembly Chamber; and the Privileges of Admission to the Floor Thereof.

39. Use of, may be granted to State Agricultural and other societies; application not to be entertained without unanimous consent.

40. Who may be admitted to floor of house.


Miscellaneous Provisions.

41. Securing presence of members.

42. Call of house to secure attendance of members. 43. When less than quorum vote Speaker to order bar of house closed and roll called; if quorum present yeas and nays to be called; contempt to refuse to vote unless purged, etc.

44. Persons before bar of house for breach of privileges; Speaker to execute judgment.

45. House equally divided, question lost.

46. Division of question; motions to strike out or insert.

47. Entry of bill, order, motion, etc., on journal; name of member introducing same to be also entered. 48. Yeas and nays, when may be taken; to be entered on journal.

49. Roll-call on asking unanimous consent to advance bill.

50. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897.

51. Reporters; Clerk not to issue orders for stationery to, who are also reporters for Senate.

52. Standing rules not to be changed, suspended or rescinded, except on notice; what notice to contain and when given.

53. Persons privileged to use of Clerk's desk during session of house; no person except officers to be at Clerk's desk when yeas and nays are called.

54. Stenographer, duties of.

55. Questions of order and decisions thereon to be entered in journal; at close of session to be printed as an appendix to journal.

56. Request of members to be excused from voting, etc. 57. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897.

58. Not adopted in 1895, 1896 or 1897.

59. Sergeant-at-arms not to allow smoking in Assembly Chamber, and to enforce rules.

60. Committees shall make final reports on all matters on or before April fifth; no bills introduced after that date except messages from Senate.

61. Persons entitled to privilege of floor as legislative reporters; bills amending consolidation acts of New York or Brooklyn or Codes must state number of chapter and statute to be amended and quote title and chapter; amendments must be underscored.


Powers and Duties of the Speaker. I. The Speaker shall take the chair each day at the hour to which the House shall have

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