Imágenes de páginas

ed with the laws of punctuation; especially with tleness into the sources of thought and feeling. those concerning the comma. A neatly and cor- Are the showy pieces generally sung at the presrectly punctuated book-page not only appears bet-ent time destined to an extended existence? And ter but is more readily understood than a page will they be worthy of a life so real and so lasting bristling with ill-placed punctuation marks, ap- as those sweeter songs of a former day whose pearing, to one who notices such matters, like a sounds call up the deeper and calmer emotions of drawing well executed, but defaced by random the heart?

strokes from an unskillful hand.

For the Schoolmaster.

School Songs.

WITHIN a year or two, song books for the use

For the Schoolmaster.


COWPER, writing to Mr. Newton, April 20, 1783,

of schools have been greatly multiplied. Thus upon his studies, makes a very clear distinction there has been instituted an exceedingly varied between these two words:

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style of school music, unworthy a definite name, My studies," he says, "are very much confinconsisting often of selections from popular sheet ed, and of little use, because I have no books but music, interspersed with the easier pieces from glee what I borrow, and nobody will lend me a memobooks; sometimes of reprints of German songs ac- ry: my own is almost worn out. I read the Biocompanied by English paraphrases and again of graphia and the Review. If all the readers of the the silliest melodies affixed to words which none former had memories like mine, the compilers of but a little child in his simplicity would consent to that work would in vain have labored to rescue the sing. There is very little in all this miscellaneous great names of past ages from oblivion; for what material that is fitted to produce a right influence I read to-day I forget to-morrow. A by-stander upon children; little that touches and elevates the might say, 'This is rather an advantage; the book heart of a child and instructs him after the kindly is always new.' But I beg the by-stander's parmanner of Nature in the love and condescension don: I can recollect, though I cannot remember; of his Heavenly Father. and with the book in my hand I recognize those Every one of my readers knows that simplicity passages, which, without the book, I should never of style without puerility is a powerful instrument have thought of more." in accomplishing good, and that without it instruction to children would prove quite of no effect. Joining, then, the elements of true simplicity to a genuine religious spirit expressed in kindly words, school songs might be made to exert a lasting influence on minds easily impressed, and to lead them into channels of thought which all their lives they would delight to follow.



Written Examinations.

COMMUNICATIONS for this Department should be addrassed to A. J. MANCHESTER, Providence.


The child loves to sing of scenes in nature; of 1. Three times the difference of two numbers springing flowers on the green banks of rivers beneath the open sky; of the joyous warbling of equals 2908.679085 divided by .0005, and 1-7 the birds; the expansive beauties of spring; the sum of the numbers equals 800156908,69. What ial influences of summer; the generosity and are the numbers? bounty of the autumn season; and of winter, with its frosts and snows. Home is a favorite subject of song; sister and brother, father and mother

are delightsome words to him when skillfully employed by the song-makers.

And so the range of subjects is not narrow nor their character mean.

2. Get the L. C. M. of 63, 4 1-6, 11-20, 8 2-5, 3 3-10.

3. I have a garden 5 rds. long and 3 rds. 4 yds. wide; how deep must a trench, 6 ft. in width, be dug around it, on the outside, that the earth thrown upon the garden shall raise it 14 feet?

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8-15 .03-.00 4-5
5. What part of 3 roods is 73 sq. yds., 6 sq.

Neither are these themes new nor useless. The material is not now at hand for making this an illustrative article; but it could be easily shown ft., .0012 sq. in. that music and words combining simplicity with a pleasing naturalness are not rare among the singing books rather recently laid aside.

6. John can do a piece of work in 2-5 of a day, William can do it in of a day, and James in a day. In what time can the three working together do the work?

It is a suggestive inquiry whether the calm and quiet character of those excellent musical poems 7. A cellar is 40 ft in length, 25 feet in width, has not been succeeded by noisy, demonstrative and 7 ft. 9 in. deep; what is the uniform depth of pieces, rather fitted to awaken the ruder qualities earth that must be taken from the surface of 1 of mind and heart than to instill kindness and gen-roods to fill the cellar ?

8. Get the simple interest on $975.875 for the time between the dates of Feb. 13th, 1857, to Dec. 7th, 1861, money being worth 7 1-5 per cent.

9. A note for $$740.60, dated March 11th, 1861, and payable in 90 days, was discounted at a bank April 1st, 1861. The sum received was invested, after a commission of 1 4-5 per cent of the purchase money was deducted, in cotton at 25 cts. per lb. How many bales were purchased. each weighing 500 lbs. ?

10. John can do a piece of work in 5 days, William can do the piece in 64 days, James can do the piece in 4 1-6 days, and Charles in 10 days can do 24 times the work. In how many days can all working together do it? How much can all working together do in one day?


1. What are the vowel sounds of i?

2. Write the present and perfect participles of the verbs concur, filter, rear, and revere; why do you spell them so ?

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Mr. G. M. Bently, Pub. School. Hopkinton, 3. Write the plural of these nouns: Genus, Miss S. M. Lillibridge, Public School, RichLamina, radius, idex, army, ox. mond 4. Write the singular of vortices, oases, man- Mr. A. A. ners, morals. F. B. Snow, Bridgham School, Providence. 5. Give examples of the several classes of ad- M. A. Maynard, Dist. No. 2, Burrillville... jectives. George W. Spalding, Natick,..

6. Give examples of the several classes of pro- Miss Kate Pendleton, No. 11, Watch Hill,


7. Give the passive voice, indicative mode, future perfect tense, third person, plural of the verb: To teach.

8. Write a sentence containing a transitive verb, and the relative pronoun that in the objective case plural.

9. Correct the errors in the following sentence: "Danger, long travel, want, or woe,

Soon change the form that best we know."

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W. C. Peckham, No. 11, Burrillville....... 10. Correct the errors in this sentence, tell why Miss E. P. Cunliffe, Dist. No. 1, Warwick. Miss S. J. Bates, Primary, No. 11, do......

they are errors, and parse each word in it:

Give John and i what was lying on the table.

Editors' Department.

WE would call attention to the advertisement of

East District, Warren,..

Grammar School, Providence,........
Mary W. Armington, Graham Street Inter-
mediate School, Providence,
Mary E. Anthony, Benefit Street Interme-

H. M. Rice, High School, Woonsocket. Perley. Verry, Grammar School, do..... Miss A. Peck, Intermediate Miss B. J. Brown, Primary Miss E. Paine, Messrs. Bazin & Ellsworth, publishers of a set of Miss M. R. Brown, Readers. The Progressive Readers are too well Miss Lucy Smith, known in Rhode Island to need or even to profit N. W. DeMunn, Principal Benefit Street by a notice, editorially, in THE SCHOOLMASTER. With these Readers and a live teacher, the art of reading is imparted with wonderful facility to the young student. There is a marked appropriateness in the selection of the sentiment in the various numbers. The pupil reads them because he finds a special congeniality in the subject matter. In the higher numbers are not only gems of thought, but a judicious rhetorical arrangement of principles, making, from foundation to capstone, a series which need to be used in the school-room to be fully appreciated.

diate School, (one room,) Providence,. Lizzie A. Davis and Susan R. Joslyn, Benefit Street Primary School, Providence, J. H. Arnold. Portsmouth, District No. 5.. William L. Chace, Chepachet.....

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6 13


1 84


3 75



1 51



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$64 21

WE will furnish THE SCHOOLMASTER and the Atlantic Monthly or Harpers' Magazine for the subscription price ($3.00) of either monthly.

Military Training in our Schools.

win, the first assistant, has had many years experience in this department, to which, at the com

WE are pleased to notice that this subject is rapidly meeting with the attention which it de-mencement, she brought many rare natural and mands. Gov. Andrews, of Massachusetts, strongly recommends that the present legislature shall make provision by statute for the drill of their youth. Gov. Morgan, of New York, very emphatically calls the attention of the legislative body to the subject. The governors of several other loyal States, either have already or we doubt not will, advocate a military department in all our schools. Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, speaks as follows in relation to it:

acquired endowments. Her literary and moral influence over the pupils, especially the young ladies, is invaluable. Miss Ellen R. Luther, the second assistant, enjoyed a thorough normal training under the model educator, Mr. Dana P. Colburn, and has imbibed a desirable share of his enthusiasm in the work. Being familiar with the piano, accompanied with a commanding voice, she has exercised the school daily in the pleasing art of vocal music, now so generally introduced into our

public schools of every grade.

Thus is your Normal Department furnished with teachers whose united ability to do the work assigned them, we venture to say, is not inferior to that of any school of the same character in New England.

"I earnestly recommend to the legislature that provision be made for the military instruction of youth. The appointment of a military instructor in the normal schools would, in a short period, give teachers to the common schools, who would be competent to train the boys in attendance on them. It would, in my opinion, be wise also to provide for the purchase or leasing by the ComBelonging to the school is a well selected library monwealth of a building for a military school, and of 1906 volumes. These books are for the daily for employing competent instructors at the ex

pense of the State, requiring the pupils to defray use of the scholars, or for reference, or for such the other expenses. No pupil should be admitted general reading as the teachers and more advaneto this school without having passed a thorough ed pupils may need. The rooms are furnished with examination in mathematics, and all fitting sub

jects of instruction, except the military art proper. maps and charts of the most modern improvement. I respectfully urge this subject on your early con- A valuable apparatus has recently been obtained sideration as one of material, perhaps vital im- for the purpose of giving a more perfect demonportance." stration of the primary practical principles of chemistry, galvanism, and electro-magnetism.

His Excellency Governor Sprague, in his communication to the General Assembly, says:

During the past year, sixty-two different persons "My attention has been called to the subject of introducing military exercises and instruction into have been registered as members of the Normal our common schools. I can perceive no serious School, and have enjoyed its advantages for one or objections to such a change, but much that may more terms. A greater number of males has been commend it to your consideration and favor." in attendance the past year, than during any year Report of the Trustees of the Normal Shcool. preceding. It is worthy of note, as indicating the To the Honorable General Assembly: growing interest of the community in the Normal In compliance with the statute, the Trustees of Department, as the source from whence teachers the Normal School respectfully submit their Se-are to be obtained, that applications for male teachcond Annual Report. ers for this winter's schools within our State, have

The term for which Hon. J. J. Reynolds was exceeded our means of supply. Indeed, it is manelected having expired, and declining a reelection, ifest to your Board, that such is the growing popHon. Charles H. Denison was chosen by your hon-ularity of these modern institutions in the Northorable body to fill his place. Your Board, thus Eastern States, where common schools have atconstituted, have held their quarterly meetings for tained the greatest perfection, that the time is not business, and visited the school under their super- far distant when it will become an indispensable vision each term, as by law required. qualification in a candidate for the office of a teachThe school has continued through the year un-er, that he or she has been a member of a Normal der the government and instruction of the same School. And why should it not be so ? principal and assistants as during the year previ- The business of teaching and governing a pubous. Joshua Kendall, A. M., the principal, has lic school has already become a profession; comfulfilled the duties of his responsible office to the manding greater numbers, and in instances not a high satisfaction of the Trustees, and of such as few, greater salaries than some of the so-called have been associated with the school as patrons or learned professions. And since seminaries are pupils. By his untiring diligence, his amiable and founded specifically for these professions, such as courtly demeanor, winning the confidence and af- the Law, Theology and Medicine, why are they not fection of his pupils; by his ability to illustrate equally necessary for the qualification of those inand impress the various subjects of daily lectures to whose hands the training of the minds and morand remarks upon the apprehension and memory, als of our youth is to be committed during six or he has already accomplished among us a work in eight years of the most important portion of their the cause of education, which, we believe, will be lives? As it regards the peace of families, the felt throughout the State. Miss Harriet W. Good-social elevation of the neighborhood, the main

Our Book Table.

Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia.

We are indebted for the 38th and 39th numbers

springs of obedience to law, and reverence for the avil power, no office-bearer can claim superiority over the teacher of our children. Hence the origin and importance of Normal Schools. We see not how they can be dispensed with in any State and community where they have been successfully of Chambers' Encyclopædia. The more we see of begun, without producing a sad retrogression in this masterly work the more we feel its necessity, the present greatly improved system of popular and the more we realize the benefit conferred upon the American public by its enterprising publishers. A Rhode Island scholar says:


"I have examined with some care the numbers

The Institution under the patronage of your honorable body, is comparatively recent in its origin; and yet five hundred, averaging nearly sixty-three a year, have shared in its privileges; most of of your re-print of Chambers' Encyclopædia. If whom may be supposed to be living and active a judgment may be formed from these specimens, educators of the rising generation in some of the I consider it a timely and important addition to various departments of primary instruction. our means for rendering general knowledge accep

We are aware that the General Assembly, under table to the whole community. The articles are the pressure of the civil war with which our coun- well selected, the knowledge is brought down to try is now afflicted, will find it necessary to con- the present time, the plan is very comprehensive, sult the strictest economy in their appropriations and the work derives a peculiar value from the for the current year, that is compatible with the pictorial illustrations with which it is abundantly well being of the commonwealth. But we sincere- supplied. I think it will be found a capital book ly hope that the excinding knife, if it be necessary for reference in every family."-FRANCIS WAYto apply it at all, may not fall upon this essential LAND, D. D., LL. D. pillar of our educational system. This Board most earnestly commend this school to your generous patronage and continued support.

The term for which Hon. S. G. Arnold and Rev. T. P. Shepard were elected, will have expired before the session of May next. It will therefore devolve upon the Assembly to elect, during this present session, two Trustees to supply the vacancy in the Board.

THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Published by Olmstead & Co., School street, Boston. Does the little son or daughter wish a newspaper of their own? one that shall make the whole homestead glad when it comes? Then we say, take the Youth's Companion. It is one of the best little papers, if not the best, now published. It is, if we mistake not, the oldest one in the country of the kind. It

The following disbursements have been made is one of those juvenile papers which old as well

during the year, viz.:

Salaries of the teachers...

Silliman's Journal.....

Expenses of Trustees.......
George Loomis......

In behalf of the Trustees,

as young must love. A juvenile word well said $2,350 00 always gains the maturer attention. In the old homestead of our youth it has made its visits to each one respectively of five children, and now it still cheers the hearts of the lonely pair as its pages breathe forth sweet and gentle words. Parents, do you want a gem for your son or daughter, take the Companion to your hearthstone.

5.00 36 55 32 00 $2,423 55


THE PULPIT AND THE ROSTRUM. An Elegant Pamphlet Serial, contains the best Sermons, Lectures, &c. Twelve Numbers, $1.00, in advance. Single Number, 10 cents. E. D. Barker, publisher, 135 Grand street, New York.

We have received the February number of this

OUR EXCHANGES.-Among our numerous exchanges, we have many that deserve a frequent notice in our columns. Of these, we now speak of Godey's Lady's Book. We do not well understand how a lady can dispense with its valuable information. It is never meagre, it is never dry, or driven out at its appointed time by sheer necessity. It serial. It contains the great speech of Wendell goes forth to its ten thousand readers full, like the Phillips on the Southern Rebellion. In times like bee to the hive, from the "wild Thyme bed" lad- these we need to preserve the thoughts of our great en to overflowing, and therefore must go. It is men, and by publishing our best lectures in a pamhigly moral in its tone, and yet merry in its ring. phlet form they may be kept. The ability of the As to patterns, designs, crochet work, embroidery, publisher, in selecting from the mass of lectures recipes, fashion plates, and engravings, we think such as are worthy of preservation, is a sufficient it has no superior on the western side of the At- guarantee to the public.

lantic. You may depend upon what is said about THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY.-We have received the "cut" of a "yoke," or the length of a cloak, the February number of this magazine, for which or the shape of a hat. We say, then, let your ladies take Godey one year and you will dismiss your we do not feel established for the month until we we always have a hearty welcome ready. In fact, dress-maker the next, before you do the Lady's Book. Address L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa. have seen the Atlantic. If there are any of THE

SCHOOLMASTER's friends who do not take it we say on all current topics, and also devote abundant to them, read the prospectus for 1862. Its writers space to those racy specimens of American wit and humor, without which there can be no perfect exhave always numbered the brightest stars of our position of our national character. Among those literary firmament, but what a galaxy for the new who will contribute regularly to this department year: Longfellow, Lowell, Emerson, Hawthorne, may be mentioned the name of Charles F. Browne, Holmes, Whittier, Bayard Taylor, Mrs. Stowe, in the February number, the first of an entirely ("Artemas Ward,") from whom we shall present, Harriet Martineau, Rose Terry, and a host of oth- new and original series of Sketches of Western ers. Who would do without it, when for the tri- Life. fling price of its subscription, we may not only be admitted into communion with minds like these,

but have AGASSIZ for our teacher?




"The Continental will be liberal and progressive, grasp of the age; and it will endeavor to reflect without yielding to chimeras and hopes beyond the the feelings and interests of the American people, and to illustrate both their serious and humorous peculiarities. In short, no pains will be spared to make it the representative magazine of the time. the soldier on duty, the publisher will send the Appreciating the importance of literature to Continental, GRATIS, to any regiment in active service, on application being made by its Colonel or Chaplain; he will also receive subscriptions from those desiring to furnish it to soldiers in the ranks at half the regular price; but in such cases it must be mailed from the office of publication.”

We have received from N. Bangs Williams, Westminster street, Harpers' Magazine, which now be considered one of the institutions of the country. It would seem useless to call the attention of any of our readers to its attractions. It is the magazine for the people, and has grown in favor from year to year, until its circulation exceeds that of any other monthly. The opening numbers of the year are unusually interesting, and promise THE INDEPENDENT. Joseph H. Richards, pubmuch for those to come. We hope to be remembered in this same way through the new year.

WHAT AN OLD TUTOR SAID.-An old tutor once charged a class in English composition, in all their productions, to "make a point. We think Potter & Hammond "made a point" hard to be beaten when they gave us those flexible pens, than which there are none better in Brother Jonathan's dominions. Don't take our word for it, but try them.

lisher, No. 5 Beekman street, N. York. Terms, by mail, $2.00 a year, payable in advance. "The Independent has now entered upon the fourteenth year of its existence, and is conducted by the same corps of editors who originated it, and with the same general principles and aims for which it was started. It is a religious newspaper of the largest class; Congregational, but not sectarian, in its denominational affinities; Orthodox, decided in opposition to Slavery, and every organbut tolerant, in its theological views; earnest and ic or social iniquity and wrong, yet Christian in its temper, and lawful in its methods of dealing with public sins. In the great contest now raging in our country, The Independent is uncompromising in hostility to the Rebellion, and earnest and resolute in upholding the Government.

CONTINENTAL MONTHLY. Published by J. R. Gilmore, 110 Tremont street, Boston; George P. Putnam, 532 Broadway, N. York; T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Terms: $3.00 per year, in advance, (post- "In addition to a weekly summary of secular age paid by the publishers); two copies for $5.00, and religious news, carefully prepared, The Indethree copies for $6.00, (postage unpaid.) pendent is enriched by a various and a wide-spread "To meet the wants of the present extraordina-correspondence from our own and other lands. ry times, the publishers have commenced, under In its selected religious articles and its original the editorial charge of Charles Godfrey Leland, contributions, it provides instructive reading for the publication of a new magazine, devoted to lit- the family. Every week it contains A Sermon by erature and national policy. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, reported expressly for its columns; and it numbers among its Special Contributors some of the highest names in the religious, political and literary worlds, viz:- Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rev. Robert M. Hatfield, Rev. George B. Cheever, Horace Greeley, Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler, Bayard Taylor, John G. Whittier, Charles L. Brace.


In politics it will advocate, with all the force at its command, measures best adapted to preserve the oneness and integrity of these United States. The early numbers will contain articles on this subject from Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Hon. Geo. Bancroft, Hon. Horace Greeley, and others of equal eminence.

"It will be the aim of its editors and proprietors to make The Independent for 1862 even more attractive and profitable to its readers, and more worthy of its mission for truth and righteousness, than in any former year.

"Among its attractions will be presented, in an early number, A New Serial of American Life, by Richard B. Kimball, Esq., the very popular author of " The Revelations of Wall Street," "St. Leger," etc. A series of papers by Hon. Horace Greeley, entitled, "Across the Continent," embo- "Any person who will send to the office of The dying the distinguished author's observations on Independent the names of five new subscribers for the growth and development of the Great West. one year, or of one new subscriber for five years, A series of articles by the author of "Through with ten dollars, (being two dollars a year for each the Cotton States," containing the result of an ex- subscription,) will receive as a gift a handsome tended tour in the seaboard Slave States just prior copy of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, pictorial to the breaking out of the war, and presenting a edition, containing fifteen hundred engraved illusstartling and truthful picture of the real condition trations. of that region. The lyrical talent of John G. "We also offer to any old subscriber a premium Whittier, the descriptive talent of Bayard Taylor, of a copy of Webster's Abridged Dictionary, conthe eloquent pen of the Rev. Henry W. Bellows, taining nearly five hundred pages, for the name of are all promised to its pages. every new subscriber for one year sent us with two "The editorial department will embrace, in addi- dollars. The price of the Dictionary alone, at the tion to vigorous and fearless comments on the book-stores, is $1.50. The book will be delivered events of the time, genial gossip with the reader at our office, or be sent by express, as desired."

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