Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

2t. 2 4 8

2th. 3hth. 2hm. = 204302228.

21406171456. ааа a

Read, by inspection, the number equal to ten times each of the following; then read the number equal in value to one hundred times each the following numbers; then one thousand times; then the lowest denomination, which is units. ten thousand times.

For convenience, I commence the addition with

[blocks in formation]

.7 +6.+8. +7. = 28u. = 8u. and 2t.

I express the Su. under the column of u., and as there are no tens with which to add the 2t., I express them in the result.

8h. +4h. +6h. + 4h. = 22h. = 2h. and 2th., which I express in the result.

4tth.+9tth. +9tth. + 8tth. = 30tth. = 3hth., which I express as a part of the result.

3m. +8m. +7m. + 6m. = 24m. = 4m. and 2tm.

I write the 4m. under millions' column, and add
the 2tm. with the tm.

2tm. + 6tm. + 2tm. + 7tm. +3tm. = 20tm. = 2km.
ANS. 2t. 2h. 4m. 8u. 2th, 3hth. 2hm.

t. m. h. hth. tm. u.

What places must be filled with ciphers to ex- 8t. 2m. 4h. 5hth. 5tm. 3u. from 2t. 9m. 3hth. 4h. 7tm. press less than ten hs.? less than ten ths. ? more than nine and less than a hundred ths. ? more than ninety-nine and less than a thousand tths.? less than a ms.? less than a hths. ?

42t. 2t. and 4h. 39tth.=9tth. and 3hth. 40m.=4tm.






8 2 4


PROOF. 79300420. 52500483.

9th. 3 6 9 7 2

[blocks in formation]

As there are no u. expressed from which to take 37.-and-49h.=- ·51hth.—and — 46m.the 3u., I take lt. from the 2t. and call it 10u. 3u. 7u., which I express under the u. As 12u.-and-97hm.-and-88tm.――and—I cannot take St. from 1t.. I take 1h. from the 4k.,

[blocks in formation]


3u.+4t.+2u. + 5h. + 3t. + 4h. = 5t. +3th.+6u. + 6th. + 2t + lu. = 6h3u.+2h. + 4u. + 2t. + 1h. = 3t.+2th. +7u. + 8h. + 5th. +4t. = — 2h.+5tth. + 3u. + 4h. +7t. + 3tth. 7tth. +5u.+ 8th. + 6t. + 3u. + 2tth. = 3t.+9hth. + 7tth. + 9u. + 4t. + 1tth. = 9hth.+4h. + 3u. + 6t. + 7m. +5hth. = Add these numbers:

from 10u. =



and reduce it to t.=10t. 10t.+1t.=11t. 11t-8t=
3t., which I express under the t. 4h. from 3h. I
cannot subtract, therefore I take 1 from the next
higher denomination expressed, which is hth.
1hth. from 3hth. leaves 2hth. 1hth. 10tth. I take
1tth. from the 10tth. 9tth. 1tth. = 10th., from
which I take 1th., leaving 9th. 1th. 10h. 10h.+
3h. 13h. 13h. less 4h. = 9h., which I write in the
remainder. As I have no th. nor tth. to subtract
from the 9th. and the 9tth., I express them in the
remainder. 5hth. from 2hth. I cannot take, there-
fore I take 1m. from the 9m. and reduce it to hth.=
10hth. 10hth. +2hth. 12hth. 5hth. from 12hth.=
7hth., which I write under the hth. 2m. from Sm.
=6m. 5tm. from 7tm. 2tm.
Multiply 7tth. Su. 4h. 3t. by 6h.

[blocks in formation]

+4th. = 22th. = 2th. and 2tth. I write the 2th. MEETING OF THE RHODE ISLAND INStitue of and reserve the 2tth. 6h. times 4h. 24tth. 24tth. INSTRUCTION.- Saturday Nov. 22.-The Rhode +2tth. 26tth. 6tth. and 2hth. I write the 6tth. Island Institute of Instruction, in accordance with and reserve the 2hth. 6h. times 7tth. = 42m. As I previous announcement, met at the Union Meethave no hth. with which to add the 2hth., I expressing House, in Westerly, yesterday morning, at them in the product. 42m. = 2m. and 4tm., which 10 o'clock, A. M. The meeting was called to order by J. J. Ladd, Esq., of Providence. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Whitman, followed by an introductory address by the President. He spoke of the responsibilities of teachers and the advantages gained by coming together on occasions like this. He hoped there would be no formal speeches, but would have all take part in the discussions, the ladies especially.

I write in the product.
Divide 9th. 3u. 7tm. 8t. 5hth. into 7 equal parts.
7) 9th. 3u. 7tm. St. 5hth.

2 61-7 1 2

7tth. 7h.

For convenience I commence the division at the highest denomination. Separating 7tm. into 7 equal parts, I have 1tm. in each part which I ex- The question, "How far is the teacher responpress. AI cannot separate 5hth. into seven equal sible for the constant and punctual attendance of parts and have as much as 1hth. in each, I reduce pupils," was then brought up for discussion. Reit to the next lower denomination. 5hth. = 50tth. marks were made by Messrs. Kendall, Foster, Separating, I find I can put. 7tth. in each part and Griswold, Woodbridge, Tefft, Greene and Whit1th, still remains undivided. 1tth. 10th. 10th.+man. The general opinion expressed was that pa9th. 19th. Separating, I find I can put 2th. in 5th. each part and 5th. remain undivided. = 50h. Separating, I can put 7h. in each part and 1h. remains undivided. 1h. = 10t. 10t. 8t. 18t. Separating, I can put 2t. in each part and 4t. main undivided. 4l. = 40u. 40u. +3u. Separating, I can put 6 1-7 in each part.


rents are more responsible than teachers for the absence and tardiness of pupils, and that written excuses were, on the whole, worse than nothing, as the evils resulting from deception outweighed the advantages gained. At the close of the disre-cussion the meeting adjourned till 2 o'clock, P. M. 43u.

Let those teachers who are troubled with work MECHANCIALLY performed, give a few examples like the above, and the pupil will be obliged to


Editors' Department.

We are happy to give our readers, in this number, a poetical effusion of a friend to THE SCHOOLMASTER, as well as a friend to his country. This poetic puzzle, so long a halting place for many a

Afternoon. The President being absent at the opening of the afternoon session, the Institute was called to order by M. S. Greene, of Carolina Mills.

The following question was then discussed: "What should be done to make the pupils of Rhode Island fair spellers?" The question was discussed by Messrs. Kendall, Griswold and G. N. Greene. The speakers thought there was not enough importance attached to this branch of education. It was a bad practice to mispronounce words for the purpose of aiding the scholar in spelling. Definitions should be required as well as correct spelling.

Next in order came the lecture of Mr. Kendall.

wearied Pegasus, a clog upon many a gliding dac- The lecture was delivered in the "familiar" style tyl, has now been unpuzzled! The knot has been for which Mr. Kendall has such a peculiar tact. The qualifications of the teacher, said he, should untied! No more clipped wings, no more weary be good judgment, good body, good mind, spiritpinions! The soldier has conquered; victory is ual nature, love, faith, aptness to teach and ex

inscribed on his banner. Hear him :

The rhyming clique among the learned
Have all their rhyming volumes turned,
And said, perhaps ten thousand times,
That month and silver have no rhymes.

A soldier heard the statement made
And ventured on a verbal raid;
Down on the sounding ranks he charged,
And with his captives thus emerged: -
From dusky mine the patient delver
Brings forth at last the shining silver;
And he who seeks a rhyme for month
Must win the poet's amaranth.

F. D.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN.-At a meeting of the School Committee of South Kingstown, Nov. 15th, John H. Tefft was appointed Superintendent of the Schools. Mr. Tefft resides near Kingston.

plain. Learning and intellect are no guarantees of success. In length of lessons, advancing, reviewing, government of the school, &c., the teacher should use his own, not another's judgment. He should never act under the influence of passion. Revenge not unfrequently grows up when one has been in error. A desire for the good of the pupils should er impress the heart of the teacher. A loving heart is one of God's best gifts; and may supply the place of many mental deficiencies, and make the most of what talent is given. A teacher without love for his pupils was an object he hoped was not often seen in Rhode Island.

After the close of the lecture, Mr. G. N. Greene raised the question, "How can a community best be educated so as rightly to appreciate good teachers and good schools and give them its hearty cooperation." This question was briefly discussed by Messrs. Tefft, Foster and M. S. Greene, after which the Institute adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock.

Evening. The Institute was called to order in with concrete numbers. His illustrations of the the evening by the President, who then introduced principles of percentage were very clear and inRev. Heman Lincoln to the audience. instructive. He thought the term per cent, was a Mr. Lincoln's lecture, on "Education out of bad one, as the child would always associate with School," was a decidedly interesting one, the il- it the idea of the currency called a "cent." Mr. lustrations being drawn from a large variety of Ladd thought the system of using postage stamps sources, and most happily chosen. Teachers could would help improve the difficulty. An hour was not create intellect, but they could cultivate and very pleasantly spent in discussing the question, improve the minds placed under their charge, and and was participated in by Messrs. Kendall, Fosif they could bring outside influences into harmo-ter, Ladd, Greene and others.⚫ ny with their own efforts in the school-room and Mr. Kendall then raised the question, “ How make them of service there they would reap rich can we best elevate the standard of schools in our benefits. The speaker enumerated some of the several districts, and how shall pupils be incited to more important influences that combine to make greater dilligence in study." Mr. Kendall thought up an individual's education outside of the school- that uniformity in text-books would help do this, room, among which were those derived from the and related incidents to prove its advantages. All home circle, from the effects of poverty or riches, departments of study should have equal imporfrom free intercourse with the works of Nature, tance-there should be no hobby pursued to the from books, and from the general intercourse with detriment of other studies. The teacher should mankind. endeavor to interest the pupils, and induce them to form habits of observation.

Mr. DeMunn also thought that the teacher should be familiar with the pupil, and that the female teacher had the power of exerting a thousand little influences for good which it was beyond the power of the male teacher to exercise.

Mr. Kendall then suggested that the teachers should tell in what way they proposed to ventilate Mr. Ladd thought that a free intercourse betheir school houses, as he was aware that many tween teacher and pupil should exist out of school. houses were deficient in this respect. No one, The teacher should learn to be familiar without however, gave any new ideas on ventilation save lowering his dignity. In short, he should carry the President, who spoke of an apparatus he had his dignity with him down to a level with the pu in his room, by which the temperature of the at- pil. mosphere was greatly improved. If Mr. Ladd's "evaporator" could be brought before the public it would doubtless go into use, not only in schoolrooms, but in many other places. He then gave an amusing description of the ventilation in the room where he first taught, and which was proba- Mr. Kenyon, a teacher of the "old school" bly not the only one of the kind in existence. stamp, related some of his experience in teaching, By a request of the President, those present ac- in a style peculiarly his own. His remarks were tually engaged in teaching arose, and the number equally amusing and instructive, and though not present was found to be eighteen. The Institute clothed in the polished language of the “latter then adjourned until Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. day" teachers, they were received by all present Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance has not, thus far, been as large as on former occasions, but the audience last evening was larger than was hoped for under the circum



At the appointed hour, (9 o'clock), most of the teachers attending the Institute were present at the Union Meeting House, when by common consent an hour was spent in friendly intercourse between the teachers present.

[ocr errors]

as lessons of wisdom.

Mr. Kendall then inquired what should be done with a dull scholar, which question was briefly discussed.

As the hour of adjournment was drawing nigh, Mr. Harrison, of New York, agent for Payson & Dunton, gave some illustrations on the blackboard on the principles of penmanship, which were well received.

Mr. Foster, of the Westerly Heights School, and Mr. Palmer, of Stonington, who had previously been appointed a committee on resolutions, presented the following, which were unanimously adopted by the Institute:

At 10 o'clock, the Institute was called to order by the President. The question, whether they should have one session or two, was then briefly discussed, and it was decided, in view of the fact Resolved, That a vote of thanks be given to Rev. that the 3 P. M. train was e only train going Heman Lincoln and Joshua Kendall, Esq., Principal east that would stop at way-stations, that there of the Rhose Island Normal Schocl, for their able should be but one session, to adjourn at 1 P. M. and instructive lectures before the Institute. The question, What is the best method of Resolved, That the Institute express its gratitude to presenting Decimals and Percentage," was then the Proviience and Stonington Railroad Company taken up. The President called on Mr. DeMunn, for the new and highly appreciated favor of half-fare of Providence, who presented the subject to the to its members. Resolved That the thanks of the Institute are due Institute by some excellent and instructive remarks, and illustrations on the black-board. to the citizens of Westerly for the cordial and Mr. abundant hospitality shown to them during the DeMunn thought that numbers should always be present ession. presented in a concrete form, and that the best mathematicians, though their expressions may indicate abstract numbers, their minds were occupied

Resolved, That a vote of thanks be given to the Corporation for the use of the Union Meeting-house, in which we have held our sessions,

Resolved, That our gratitude is due to the Presi- The mean for the month (43.4) is fully two degrees dent and other officers of the Institute, for their pre- above the average. The third quarter of the month sence and administration during the present session. Resolved, That no teacher, school officer or ra

:ent can effectually perform his educati nal duty,

was especially warm. Maximum and minimum regof temperature to have been 50 degrees, having risen istering Thermometers indicated the extreme range

without the aid of a good School Journal. to 74 on the 1st, and fallen to 24 on the 16th. The The Institute then adjourned to meet on Friday warmest night was that of the 20th, when the Therand Saturday, two weeks hence, at Wickford.-Eve-mometer did not fall below 57. On the average, the ning Press.

Meteorological.---Providence, R. I.

maximum temperature of each day was 50.0, and the minimum 37.4, giving a mean of 43.7, which is only 3-10ths of a degree different from the mean of the three regular observations. There were five days on which the temperature was lower at 2 P. M. than at sunrise. On one of these-the 6th-it was nine

The following table gives the result of three daily degrees. On the 21st the temperature fluctuated observations of the Barometer and open air Ther- considerably. Soon after sunrise it rose a degree, mometer, direction of the wind, and the quantity of and shortly afterwards fell again; subsequently it rain and melted snow in inches, for the month of rose five degrees, and afterwards fell four. November, 1862. The observations are made from Smithsonian instruments manufactured by James Green. The readings of the Barometer, therefore, N. to E., need no correction for capillarity, and are also re- E. to S., duced to mean sea-level, and to the temperature of S. to W., 32 Fah. W. to N., 16


2 P. M. 9 P. M. Month.
30.019 30.050


29.57 1.41 1.34

30.84 30.97 on the 16th.
29.62 29.56 on the 3d.
1.22 1.41


7 A. M. 2 P. M. 9 P. M. MONTH. NO. DAYS.









[blocks in formation]
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7 A. M. Mean, 30 056 Maxima, 30 97 Minima, 29 56 Range, The highest mean of the Barometer for any one day was 30 92, on the 16th; lowest 29.66, on the 22d. The Barometer, during the early part of the month, fluctuated considerably; but toward the midRain or snow fell on 14 days, giving a depth of dle, was somewhat regular in its movements. On the 15th, one of those extraordinary atmospheric above the average. This gives a total depth from water of 6.04 inches, which is more than 2 inches waves, experienced not more than half a dozen times January 1st to December 1st, of 47.80 inches, which perhaps in half a century, came over this region. is about 7 1-2 inches more than the annual average. Its crest was over us at 10 A. M. on the 16th, raising The prospects are, therefore, that there may be an the Barometer to the great altitude of 30 971. This was the highest point reached since the 12th of Feb- On the 7th, there was a severe storm of hail and excess of 10 inches or more at the end of the year. ruary, 1857, when it was a few hundredths higher snow, commencing at 7 A. M. and continuing till 6 than on this occasion, and was, it is believed, the bighest point ever observed. During the day, or inches, although but for the temperature being above P. M.. The depth on the ground did not exceed 2 the 15th, the Barometer rose somewhat rapidly, but the freezing point, especially in the early part of the throughout the succeeding night, the movement was day, it would doubtless have measured three inches very slow, and hourly observations showed that it or more. This was an early day in the season for so was quite stationary at alternate hours. Just before sunrise on the 16th, the movement increased some of some of an early commencement of a severe severe a storm, and led to apprehensions on the part what, but after 8 o'clock, till it reached its maximum winter season. Such a storm, however, is no certain height, it was scarcely perceptible. It remained at indication of what kind of weather may be expected. the highest point less than half an hour, and at noon

[blocks in formation]

On the contrary, the probabilities are that the storms lowed by the sudden fall in the temperature and the generally, during the present winter, will not be folheavy Northwest winds, which are the accompaniments of a severe winter. November 1827 was marked by a severe snow storm in the early part of the month, and was also colder than any since; but the winter which followed was milder than any which have succeeded. The snow storm of the 7th is worthy of attention in other respects than that of being early. Generally there are two sources to which our storms may be traced. Those termed Southeasters commence in the West or Northwest, nearly or quite a day sooner than at New York. The Northeasters have their source in the Southwest,

and move with considerable regularity along the the other sex. They cannot, it is said, resist the coast, toward the Northeast, reaching Halifax about slightest compliment or flattery. The separation a day later than they do in New York. The storm of is intended to keep them strictly moral; but this the 7th does not seem to have partaken of the char- unnatural seclusion actually generates the very acteristics of either of these classes, but seems to principle desired to be avoided. We may repeat have approached broadside from the seaward, striking that it is imposssible to raise the girls as high, inthe whole coast almost at the same time; there being tellectually, without boys as with them—and it only an hour's difference between New York and is impossible to raise boys morally as high without Boston, while it did not reach Cleaveland untill the girls. The girls morally elevate the boys, and the following day. A comparison of November of this year with the boys intellectually elevate the girls. But more same month last shows the mean of the Barometer than this-girls are morally elevated by the presthis year to have been .180 higher, and the range ence of boys, and boys are also intellectually ele0 55 greater. The mean temperature was 5.6 degrees vated by the presence of girls. Girls brought up higher and the range 6 degrees greater than last year. with boys are more positively moral, and boys The depth of rain this year was 2.64 inches more brought up in schools with the girls are more posithan that of last, which was 3.40 inches. tively intellectual, by the softening influence of The elevation of the Barometer on the 16th seems the female character. In the Normal Seminary, to have been greater in New England than in other at Glasgow, the most beneficial effects have resultparts of the country from which we have heard. In ed from the more natural course. Boys and girls, Boston its greatest height at mean sea-level was from the age of two or three years to that of four31.055, at a temperature of 50 degrees. This would teen or fifteen, have been confined in the same give, reduced to the freezing point, 30.998, or an ele- class-room, galleries and play-grounds without imvation of .027 of an inch higher than was observed propriety, and they are never separated except at needle-work." here. With so small a difference, it is difficult to judge at which place it stood highest, without know The following iuteresting remarks respecting the ing the comparative readings of the two instruments eclipse of the Moon are from the Boston Traveller: when together, there being almost always some TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON.-Early in the slight correction to be made from such differences. morning of Saturday, Dec. 6th, the Moon throughout In New Jersey, it appears from the Newark Adver- the United States will be "totally" eclipsed. The tiser, the greatest elevation was 30.786, indicating Moon will not, however, wholly disappear, but will that the mercury did not stand 'as high by some twelve hundredths of an inch as it did in this city; as, according to that paper, their standard read by Green's, to have given the same elevation, would have stood 30.918.

In the comparison of Barometrical readings in different places it is often difficult to come at satisfactory results, both on account of the difference in the readings of the instruments and the omission on the part of observers respecting the corrections to be made for temperature and altitude above the


December 3d, 1862.

continue faintly visible, rayless, and in color and appearance resembling a tarnished copper disc. Indeed, it has been estimated that only about ninetenths of the light of the Moon is intercepted when our satelite is wholly immersed in the shadow of the Earth.

At those places in the United States, &c., whose longitude exceeds 86 1-2 degrees West, this eclipse will begin a little before midnight, or late in the evening, of Friday, 5th. Thus at Chicago and St. Louis, whose longitudes are 87 1-2 and 90 1-4 degrees, it will begin at 11h. 55m. P. M. of 5th at the former city, sea- in this country happens at midnight or soon after, the and at 11h. 44m. P. M. at St. Louis. As the eclipse Moon will be high bere, and in Cuba near the zenith.


SEPARATING THE SEXES IN SCHOOL.-On this point Mr. Stowe, a celebrated Glasgow teacher, uses the following language:

This will be the last "total" eclipse of the moon visible in this country within several years. One will occur on the 1st of June next, the whole of which can be seen in Europe and part in the island of Newfoundland, but even at Eastport, the most eastern point in the United States, the moon will not rise that day until after having begun to emerge from the

"The youth of both sexes of our Scottish peas-shadow of the earth." antry have been educated together; and as a whole, the Scotch are the most moral people on PAPER MADE FROM CORN LEAVES.-The Lonthe earth. Education in England is given sepadon Mechanics' Magazine states that excellent paper is now made in Europe from the leaves of Inrately, and we have never heard from practical dian corn. There is one paper-mill in operation men that any benefit has arisen from the arrange- in Switzerland, and another in Austria, in which ment. Some influential individuals mourn over the paper is made from such leaves exclusively. The husks which envelop the ears of corn make the prejudice on this point. In such, a larger number best quality. As we are dependent upon Europe, of girls turned out badly who had been educated in a great measure, for our supply of rags to make in one until they attained the age of majority, our paper, if we can obtain as good qualities from Indian corn leaves, we may yet become the manuthan those who were otherwise brought up. The facturers of paper for the whole world, as the separation of the sexes has been found to be inju- greatest supply of cheap raw material is found ja rious. It is stated on the best authority, that of America. This is is a subject worthy of deep atthose girls educated in schools of convents, apart tention, as we import rags to the value of about one million dollars annually, and paper manufac from boys, the greater majority go wrong within a tures to the value of about one million dollars.month after being let loose in society and meeting Exchange.

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