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ter, they all sleep in yonder church-yard or wan

Now that we have each lived the days of rest, der in foreign lands. Flowers which a sister's we must again put on the harness for labor-work hand once cherished, now droop in neglected sad- is the word-labor, cheerful labor. It is true that ness. The old balls, where once laughed a merry the teacher's is a routine of similar duties, and group, are now dark and unfrequented, and as the these are tedious, they wear upon the physical footstep treads the threshold the echo comes back man, and cause us to reach an early old age. But like a chill to his breast," All gone!" The ag- what occupation is there but is full of labor, ined sires still tremble on the verge of life, weary cessant, tiresome labor. But there is a reward. and sad from the sorrows of time. The glory is not in the prize, but in the struggle.

"Go to thy home, rejoicing son or daughter,

Bear in fresh gladness to the household scene,
My spirit knoweth in its weary roving

That with the dead, where'er they be, is mine."

The qualities which are essential to the success of any occupation are by no means of an extraordinary nature. They are simply these, easily spoken and more easily comprehended, -common sense and perseverance. Says Rev. Sidney Smith: WE are pleased to notice a fine catalogue of the "The fact is, in order to do anything in this world "Buel Hall Family and Day School," Providence, worth doing we must not stand shivering on the R. I. This gives the names of teachers and pupils bank, and thinking of the cold and danger, but for the six years now past, ending July 11, 1862. jump in and scramble through as well as we can. Communications relating to the school should be It will not do to be calculating risks and adjusting addressed to Rev. R. F. Buel, No. 44 Williams nice chances. It did all very well before the flood, street, Providence, R. I.

when a man could consult his friends upon an intended publication for one hundred and fifty years, and then live to see its success for six or seven centuries afterwards; but at present a man waits, and doubts, and hesitates, and consults his broth

WE Congratulate the readers of THE SCHOOLMASTER upon the accession to its columns of a new contributor. We refer to the writer of the article on our opening pages upon "The Younger Days er and his uncle and his cousin and his particular of Gibbon." We hope to be treated to more of friends, till, one fine day, he finds that he is sixtythese interesting papers from the author's ready five years old."


more sacred Let the re

Let us go forth with a higher and respect for our calling as teachers. WE have the Water Cure Journal under a new sponsibility of our position nerve us on to greater name,- The Hygienic Teacher and Water Cure efforts, that we may, from year to year, see the cirJournal. This is a valuable and really interesting paper. It is edited with refined taste and ripe experience. This journal should be in every family.

HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE has always been a favorite of ours, and the reason we cannot now speak of its rare qualities, is that we have not been favored with an exchange for some time. Here's our hand, old friend.

OUR charming ladies companion and drawingroom favorite, Godey, has not reached us for two

or three months.

"We miss thee at home, yes, we miss thee."

cle of our influence widening and enlarging, as we send forth those into the community who shall bear our impress, and say to the world that though humble the sphere, it is one on which the world mainly depends for its welfare and ultimate elevation in moral and Christian influence.

Of the moral dignity of our profession thus speaks a Rhode Island man, the Rev. William Ellery Channing, who was born at Newport April 7th, 1780:

One of the sweetest signs of the regeneration of society will be the elevation of the art of teaching to the highest rank in community. When a people shall learn that its greatest benefactors and most important members are men devoted to the liberal instruction of all its classes-to the work

THE ATLANTIC FOR AUGUST is really the queen of Monthlies. It is fast taking root in the affec-of raising to life its buried intellect—it will have tions and interest of our wisest readers. Read it.

SEND for one of Ivison, Phinney & Co.'s Educational Circulars. You will get one for the asking. They are among our publishing princes.

WE shall be greatly obliged to our kind contributors if they will, in every case. favor us with the name of the author. The reason is apparent.

A HARD QUESTION.-One of the questions is: "Does the policeman take care of the city, or does the city take care of him?"

opened to itself the path of true glory. There is no higher office than that of a teacher of youth; for there is nothing on earth so precious as the mind, soul and character of the child. No office should be regarded with greater respect. The first minds in the community should be encouraged to assume it. Parents should do all but impoverish themselves to induce such to become the guardians and guides of their children. To this good all their show and luxury should be sacrificed."

A lady describing an ill-natured man, says, "he never smiles but he feels ashamed of it."


Written Examinations.

nine millionths. From this sum subtract five hun dred thousand and twenty-three and eight thousand seven hundred and nine millionths. Multi

COMMUNICATIONS for this Department should be ad-ply the remainder by four thousandths and divide dressed to A. J. MANCHESTER, Providence.

From the Massachusetts Teacher.

Examination Questions.---Normal School,
Boston, 1861.


1. What was the first permanent settlement in North America ?

2. When and where was the first settlement in Virginia ?

3. What effect upon America had the English revolution of 1688 ?

4. In what battle was General Wolf mortally wounded? When was it fought? What other distinguished general was mortally wounded in the same battle?

5. What causes led to the war of the Revolu


the product by thirty-five ten-thousandths.

3. What is meant by a common multiple? By a common measure? Give an example of each. 4. Find the superficial contents, in yards, of the walls and ceiling of a room which is 15ft. Sin. long, 14ft. 3in. wide, and 12ft. 2in. high.

5. How many yards of carpetingyd. wide will it take to carpet a room 30ft. long and 18ft wide? 6. Explain the rule for multiplying one fraction by another.

7. Reduce 5-7 to a fraction having 12 for a nu

[blocks in formation]

6. Give an account of the attack on Fort Moul- decimals. trie in 1776.

7. What was the Boston Port Bill?

8. What were the boundaries of the United States at the close of the Revolution?

9. What territory has been since acquired? Name the date of each acquisition.

10. Give some account of the Missouri Compromise.

11. What measures of John Adams's administration excited dissatisfaction?

12. Name three of the victories obtained by Gen. Scott in the Mexican War.

13. Name the first and the last State admitted to the Union since the original thirteen.

14. Name the Presidents who were elected from Virginia. What other States have given Presidents to the Union?

15. What Presidents have been elected by the

House of Representatives?

11. How many times will .5 of 1.75 be contained in .25 of 17)?

12. What is the amount of $8396.58 for 2 yrs. 10 mos. 22 d. at 6 per cent. ?-at 5 per cent. ? at 8?

13. What is the present worth of $475.64 payable in 1 yr. 8 mos. at 7 per cent. ?

14. Bought 50 barrels of flour at $9 per barrel; but a part of it having been damaged, half of it was sold at a loss of 10 per cent., and the remainder at $9.50 per bbl. How much was lost by the bargain?

15. What is meant by ratio?

16. The first term of a proportion is 81, the second 11, and the fourth 6 2-11. What is the third term?

17. If 12 men by working 9 hours per day, during 5 days of the week, can in 9 weeks dig a

trench 539 feet long, 64 feet wide, and 2 10-11 feet

16. How may it happen that a person may be deep, how many weeks would it take 9 men, workelected President of the United States by the peo-dig a trench 450 feet long, 34 feet wide and 23 feet ing 10 hours per day during 6 days of the week, to ple, without receiving a majority of the votes?

17. What is the object of the Fugitive Slave Law? In whose administration was it enacted?

18. What important events in the history of the United States have occurred since the last Presi

dential election?

19. Who was the first sole monarch of England?

20. In what wars has England been engaged since Victoria ascended the throne?


1. Express by words the following quantities:


18. A and B can perform a piece of work in 5 5-11 days, B and C in 6 days and A and C in 6 days. In what time would each perform the work alone, and how long would it take them to do it all together?

19. A square field contains 73984 sq. rds. Required, the length of one side.

20. What is the depth of a cubical cellar, the cubical contents of which are equal to those of an144, 36 and 9 feet respectively? other cellar whose length, breadth and height are


2000076540; 2304.05006; 1000000000.0000000001.
2. Add the following quantities: Eighty-two
thousandths; five and nine ten thousandths; three
million and five, and eighty thousand and thirty- divided. Define each.

1. Into what three departments is Geography

2. What is Latitude? Upon what is it mea

6. Give the plural of handful, talisman, who, sured? What is Longitude? Upon what is it scarf. quarto, erratum, emphasis, folio, cargo, commeasured? mander-in-chief.

3. What is the latitude of the North Pole? 7. What is Gender? Name and define the Tropic of Capricorn? Equator? Arctic Circle? genders. 4. On the 21st of June, which has the longer day, New York or London? Why?

5. When it is 11 o'clock P. M. at Boston, what time is it at London ?

8. Write the feminine of earl, wizzard, abbot, executor, marquis, hero.

[blocks in formation]

6. Name the principal gulfs and bays of Eu- pendent used?


11. How is the possessive singular formed? 7. What rivers form the Ohio, and what city is Give an example. Name some exceptions to the at their junction?

8. What States are bounded in part by the Mississippi river?

9. What bay is there between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and for what is it remarkable ? 10. What are the Trade Winds?

11. What countries border on the Mediterranean sea, and what are the principal islands that lie in it?

12. What mountains and what rivers would you cross in going in a straight line from Paris to Florence?

13. Through what waters and near what countries would a vessel pass in going from Odessa to Bristol, England, thence to St. Louis ?

14. Describe the situation of Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Charleston and New Orleans, and give the distance of each from New York.

15. What are Llanos? - Pampas ? — Selvas? 16. What are tides? How are they caused? 17. What are the northern and southern points of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America?

18. Name the countries you would pass in following the coast from Portland, Me., to San Francisco, Cal.

19. Sketch a map of Maryland, distinguish its latitude and longitude, and mark the location of Washington and Baltimore.

20. Sketch a map of England, distinguish its latitude and longitude, mark the situation of its principal mountains, the course of the Thames, the Severn, and the Mersey, and the position of London, Liverpool and Bristol.


1. What are Rules of Grammar, and how are they formed?

2. Analyze the following sentence: "Is it not strange that ever his stout heart should now and then have sunk, when he reflected against what odds and for what a prize he was in a few hours to contend."

general rule.

12. How is the possessive plural formed? Give examples.

13. When are words declinable? Give an example of a declinable and of an indeclinable word. 14. Decline in the singular and plural, which, I, John, lady, man, life.

15. Define the degrees of comparison.

16. Of the following words, compare such as admit of comparison: far, same, narrow, French, thin, circular.

17. What is a Verb? How are verbs divided in respect to their signification and use? How in respect to their form?

18. Give the principal parts of to write, to dare, to flow, to fly, to flee, to knit, to eat, to set.

19. Represent and name the principal marks used in punctuation, and tell their use.

20. Correct the errors in the following senten


Where was you when I come to the house and set down to rest?

He done the work very easy.

I havn't got but two pens and I cannot tell certain which is the best.

The enemy whom I saw and told you was there, flew at our approach.

Going towards his house, he come out to meet me with a person whom I expect was a friend.

Our Book Table.

THE NEW GYMNASTICS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. With a translation of Prof. Klos's Dumb Bell Instructor and Prof. Schreber's Pangymnastikon. By Dio Lewis, M. D., proprietor of the Essex street Gymnasium, Boston. With three hundred illustrations. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. 1862.

Those who have enjoyed the personal instruction in the New Gymnastics" of Dr. Lewis will

3. Parse the italicized words in the above sen- eagerly grasp the new work just published. It is tence.

4. What is a Noun? What are the properties of nouns, and into what classes are they divided? 5. What is the general rule for forming the plural of nouns, and what are the chief exceptions to the rule?

profusely illustrated, and so plainly written that it may almost preclude the necessity of a teacher in the art. A fine article in the Atlantic Monthly sets forth some of the leading principles of this work. We hope it may become a text-book in all our schools. Don't fail to send for one.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Care for the Eyes.

PRESCOTT, the historian, in consequence of a disorder of the nerve of the eye, wrote every word of his "Historicals" without pen or ink, as be could not see when the pen was out of ink, er from any other cause failed to make a mark. He used an agate stylus on carbonated paper, the lines and edges of the paper being indicated by brass wires in a wooden frame.

Crawford, the sculptor, the habit of whose life had been to read in a reclining position, lost one eye, and soon died from the formation of a malignant cancerous tumor behind the ball, which pushed it out on the cheek.

There are many affections of the eyes which are radically incurable. Persons of scrofulous constitutions, without any special local manifestation of it, often determine the disease to the eye by some erroneous habit or practice, and it remains there for life. It is useful, therefore, to know some of the causes which, by debilitating the eye, invite disease of it, or render it incapable of resisting adverse influences.

Avoid reading by candle or any other artificial light.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

In looking at minute objects, relieve the eyes But why does he substitute 0 for a in this last operation, he has not done so in either of the oth-frequently by turning them to something in the

ers? If he had done this thing at first, he would have obtained for his second equation,


3-1=1 x axa x 0 = 0 = a2;


Let the light, whether natural or artificial, fall on the page from behind, a little to one side.

Every parent should peremptorily forbid all sewing by candle or gas-light, especially of dark ma

al but this is evidently wrong. If he is reasoning by terials. analogy, he must have for his last equation,

[blocks in formation]

If the eyes are matted together after sleeping, the most instantaneous and agreeable solvent in nature is the application of the saliva with the finNever pick it off ger before opening the eye. with the finger nail, but wash it off with the ball of the fingers in quite warm water.-Hall's Journal of Health.

The R. J. Schoolmaster.


OCTOBER, 1862.


From the Pennsylvania School Journal. Standard of Qualification of Teachers, and the Means of Rendering it Uniform Throughout the State.



ally and legitimately suggests some of those leading and essential acquirements which characterize the true teacher, those points of culture which distinguish him from the mere scholar. The other will introduce a few thoughts concerning a uniformity of qualification among the instructors of the youth of our State, so far THE topic assigned to your committee for as the same may be considered practicable and this report embraces a wide field. It will be worthy the attention of the examining corps of impossible, even were it desirable, to search out the school department. This latter topic emand explore all its parts. Let it suffice if we braces the truly practical part of the subject, partially define its boundaries, and assign limits and will, therefore, command special attention. to that portion known as the departinent of the The elevation of the standard of qualification COMMON SCHOOL. among teachers, as a body of professional men Neither will it be pertinent to the occasion and women, is the great object which should and circumstances which have called us togeth- be constantly kept in view in all our efforts for er, to enter into a minute and extended detail the improvement of our system of public inof those items of knowledge essential or desira-struction. The system of examinations instible to be possessed by those who assume the tuted by the law of 1854, has done much totraining and education of the youth of our ward the accomplishment of this end. The State. These will merit, at most, but a casual first series of these examinations held in the notice. We are here to deal with general truths several counties of the State, exhibited to paand principles bearing upon the administration rents and teachers the fact, that the qualificaof our great and beneficent system of educations, intellectual (and in many cases, moral), tion. It will be of little importance, as respects of those assuming the exalted vocation of the our present purpose, to dwell upon technicali- teacher, had, through some agency, reached a ties and forms, or to animadvert upon those standard which could be designated only as minutiæ of science which, though of very great very low. The indifference of the influential importance to us individually, cannot enlighten classes in many of our most cultivated comwhile in search of those principles of thought munities, had contributed greatly to this end. that underlie every valuable acquirement of Failing to recognize the claims of our common the teacher. system, they seemed content to see the law exeOur theme arranges itself, naturally, in two cuted in form and not in spirit—to know that divisions, and presents two distinct considera- teaching for namesake existed rather than the tions. The first, viz.: "The standard of quali reality. fication of teachers," is general; the second. The loose and well-nigh disjointed parts of a viz., "The means of rendering them uniform system, wisely conceived, were brought togeththroughout the State," is special. One natur- er and rendered compact by the act of the legis»

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