Imágenes de páginas

advantages of education, some coercion, like that ratus or special instruction in this department. contemplated in the general statutes, may proper- With the manuals and journals on this subject at ly be employed; although compulsion should be hand, every teacher in fair health can, by a little used with caution and only as a last resort, in study and practice, be prepared to conduct these those comparatively rare cases where all other exercises. Some of the best illustrations of phymeans have failed. Wise as are the provisions of sical training which I have witnessed, have been the statutes on this subject, earnest individual ef- introduced by teachers who have been self-taught forts will effect far more than any and all laws can in this department. This remark is made not to do; while the existence of such a law, when sanc- disparage any system of gymnastics, but for the tioned and sustained by a public sentiment alive to encouragement of that large proportion of teachthe importance of the subject, will add weight and ers who hesitate to introduce these exercises in authority to personal persuasions. school, because they have had no opportunity to drill under a master of the art.


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are by no means found in all towns where the gen- The influence of school gymnastics is obviously eral statutes require them to be maintained; while favorable to physical development. Many boys other towns, exempt from any legal necessity by have increased their "chest measurement two reason of their more limited population, volunteer inches by these drills during the last year. Many to support them. There is manifestly an increas- more have regained the "lost art" of infancying appreciation of those already in operation. In that of deep and full breathing-a habit as consome cases, where the High School was established ducive to mental activity as to physical vigor. It with great difficulty, its practical working has so is painful to observe how common in the schoolfully demonstrated its value and necessity as to room is a cramped and stooping posture, contractdisarm all opposition and convert opponents to ing the chest, impeding the free action of the heart warm supporters. This fact is encouraging, when and lungs, and frequently inviting pulmonary diit is remembered how positively it was announced sease. Teachers need literally to straighten their in a neighboring State four years since that the pupils and emphatically to reiterate the direction, High Schools of even Massachusetts had failed to "sit up." School gymnastics, recurring at fremeet the expectations of their projectors, and that quent intervals, even though occupying three or serious apprehensions were entertained of their four minutes at a time, favor an upright posture ultimate success. It is largely due to the influence in the seats, aud a manly and graceful bearing at of these High Schools and the prevalence of juster all times. views as to the wisdom and economy of educating These gymnastic drills form a fit preparation for the children of all classes, rich and poor, side by study, not only by recreating and invigorating the side in the public schools, that the number of physical system, but by exhilarating and stimulatMassachusetts children attending private schools ing the mind. Indeed, in this respect all vigorous and academies is steadily diminishing. Some of play and athletic sports help to educate the intelthe most flourishing of these institutions receive a lectual powers. But these concert drills are spelarge share of their patronage from other States, cially fitted to wake up mind, and habituate youth and from those towns where the population is sup-to exact and prompt obedience. Such an amuseposed to be too small or sparse to support High ment demanding the utmost force and promptness Schools. There are endowed academies well sup- in simultaneous movements responsive to the muplied with facilities for scientific instruction and sic of the piano, accordion or drum, or if no infinished classical culture, which merit and receive strument is available, to the simple "air-beat" of liberal support. It is characteristic of the disin- the teacher's "baton," is often found one of the terestedness and public spirit of teachers, that the best expedients to stimulate and conciliate the principals of these institutions, whose private in- lazy, the stupid or the sullen. terests may ultimately suffer by the general eleva- Success in study depends mainly on the culture tion of public schools and the multiplication of of the will, or the power to control and concenHigh Schools, have been found, with very few ex-trate all one's faculties at pleasure. Such disciceptions, among the most earnest advocates of our pline of the muscles as will enable one to summon public school system.


every nerve and fibre into fullest exertion at any moment will aid in the command of the mental faculties.

During the last year there has been a marked increase of interest in physical training, and some As facts are more influential than theories, I forms of gymnastics are now practiced in a large would name one of many similar schools where it number of our schools. Committees and teachers is evident these gymnastic exercises have been as need only to understand their simplicity and prac- favorable for mental improvement as for physical tical usefulness to welcome them more generally to education. I refer to the Eliot school, in Boston. the school-room. The common objection as to Considering the history of this school, and the earexpense is purely imaginary. They can be and ly training and circumstances of the boys-many are widely introduced without any cost for appa- of them poor, and nearly all children of foreigners


-the manifest results of the admirable drills here W. C. Peckham, No. 11, Burrillville.......
daily practiced demonstrate the value and useful- Miss S. J. Bates, Primary, No. 11, do......
ness of such exercises in schoois. Much is now Miss E. P. Cunliffe, Dist. No. 1, Warwick.
very properly said of the necessity of providing East District, Warren,.....
military education for our youth. Now here, with- H. M. Rice, High School, Woonsocket....
out cost for instruction or equipments, is the best Perley Verry, Grammar School, do........
possible preparation for the special military drill, Miss A. Peck, Intermediate
if it be not the most available substitute therefor Miss B. J. Brown, Primary
in our public schools. This view accords with the Miss E. Paine,
plan set forth in the able communication of Col. Miss M. R. Brown,
Harrison Ritchie to the legislature, "On Popular Miss Lucy
Military Instruction," from which I quote a single N. W. DeMunn, Principal Benefit Street

"The point to be impressed upon all members of the militia is that the mere manual and tactics, however important, and absolutely necessary to be acquired at some period, can be easily learned in a comparatively short time, and are of secondary importance as compared with a knowledge of the use of the rifle, and such a physical training as will fit the men for the requirements of the service."


THE following contributions have been received in compliance with a resolution passed at a recent meeting of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, held at Carolina Mills, for the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers:

John J. Ladd, Classical Department High
School, Providence......
Wm. A. Mowry, English Department, do.. 8 10
Samuel Thurber, Junior Department, do... 5 00
Miss E. B. Barnes, Carpenter Street Pri-
mary, Providence.......
F. B. C. Davis, Public School, Westerly...
S. A. Briggs, Public School, E. Greenwich,


Charles E. Howes, Public School, District

No. 9, Westerly...

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1 16

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Grammar School, Providence,......... 3.06 Mary W. Armington, Graham Street Intermediate School, Providence,

Mary E. Anthony, Benefit Street Interme-
diate School, (one room,) Providence,.
Lizzie A. Davis and Susan R. Joslyn, Ben-


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efit Street Primary School, Providence,
J. H. Arnold, Portsmouth, District No. 5.. 500
William L. Chace, Chepachet............. 2.00
Miss Fanny Padelford, Elmwood Primary,.
Mr. H. H. Brown, Glocester............
Intermediate and Primary, Hammond St.,
Miss Mary E. Barber, Kingstown,.........
Mr. J. H. Tefft, Kingstown,.....
Miss Mary M. Shelley, Primary, Ring St.,



Miss Maria Essex, Prinary, Potter's Aven-
ue, Providence

Miss Elizabeth B. Carpenter, Intermediate,
Walling Street, Providence,.......
Mr. I. F. Cady, High School, Warren,.....
300 Misses H. P. Martin and G. Buffinton, Pri-
mary, Warren,................


Miss Davol's Private School, Warren......

P. T. Coggshall, Public School, Portsmouth 1 25 Miss A. W. Jackson, Primary, Summer St.,

J. W. Gorton, Public School, Peacedale...
H. E. Miner, Public School, Charlestown..
Miss I. F. Dixon, Public School, S. Kings-


Mr. G. M. Bently, Pub. School. Hopkinton,
Miss S. M. Lillibridge, Public School, Rich-

Mr. A. A.
F. B. Snow, Bridgham School, Providence.
M. A. Maynard, Dist. No. 2, Burrillville...
George W. Spalding, Natick,.........
Miss Kate Pendleton, No. 11, Watch Hill,

F. B. Smith, Valley Falls, Dist. No. 33....
Second Primary, Elmwood........

H. H. Gorton, Dist. No. 15, Warwick,....
Miss E. A. Pierce, Summer Street Interme-

diate, Providence.......

W. H. Gifford, Middletown, Dist. No. 3,...
D. R. Adams, Public School, Centreville...
A Primary School, Providence,...

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$86 35

Mount Vesuvias is now in a state of active erup50 tion. Ten new craters are reported to be open. 51 The roofs of houses in Naples are covered with ashes from it, and the cinders and soot reach even 1 51 to Sicily.

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Our Book Table.

book to the requirements of the pupil. The community, however, should discriminate between the old series by this author, and the new series, or METHOD OF TEACHERS' INSTITUTES, AND THE the Progressive text-books, by Town and Holbrook THEORY OF EDUCATION. By Samuel P. Bates. Published by A. S. Barnes & Burr, New York. -the latter not containing a single page of readPp. 75.

We welcome to our table this volume from our old friend, Bates, upon Teachers' Institutes, giving a "detailed account of the object, organization and plan of instruction" for an Institute, and "the true theory of education upon which that instruction should be based."

ing matter found in the other series. Publishers in other States are engaged in supplying schools with the old books, which have been long before the public, yet possessing much merit, and very generally used at the West.

The introduction and successful working of the Progressive series has cost the publishers, we are informed, through agency, books given away for

While this little volume will be invaluable to those of our friends who have just been called up- examination, exchanges and book-war, not far on to engage in school institutes, to those who have had much experience in such matters it will be suggestive.

We would particularly call attention to the Theory at the close of the book, when the great outlines of education are finely sketched.

from one hundred thousand dollars; and yet the whole series consists of only seven books, the smallest retailing for thirteen cents, and the higher book of the series at seventy-five cents."

FELLOW TEACHERS, do you ever purchase pictures? If you have an eye to the beautiful, and We received a few days since a copy of Town can spare but little of your hard earnings to gratiand Holbrook's Progressive Primer, translated fy the sight, we would advise you to call on our into the Hawaiian language. It is worthy of praise friend, S. Clough, 32 Weybosset street, up-stairs, to the enterprising publishers, and we would here three blocks above the Post Office. He has a fine insert a notice which caught our eye in the Boston Journal a few days since, entitled, "School Text-Books." The writer remarks:

collection of splendid engravings of all the great men of our country, especially those who are periling their lives for the honor and perpetuity of our once glorious Union. Just think of getting an "Few individuals outside of the book business elegant steel-plate engraving and a very good and the manufacturing of school books have any knowledge of the modus operandi of publishers in writing case for thirty-eight cents! These plates bringing their works into public notice and gener- sold at three dollars per copy. Stationery in packwere formerly published by the Art Union and Good text-books will gradually find their

al use.

way into the school-room; practical teachers will ages, in boxes, &c., &c.

Mr. C. is the agent of

adopt meritorious works, and once thoroughly many of the best publications of New York, Philadelphia and Boston. tested success is sure to follow those who, after years of labor and patient waiting, have given evi- THE NATIONAL SPEAKER.-Containing Exercises, dence of their ability to write, providing perseverOriginal and Selected, in Prose, Poetry and Diaing publishers are at the helm. Our attention has logue, for Declamation and Recitation. Published by Robert S. Davis & Co., Boston. been called to a translation into the Hawaiian lanThis book contains nearly all that is desirable guage, of Town and Holbrook's Progressive Prion the subject of elocution for our public schools. mer, published by Bazin & Ellsworth, of this city. The selections are nearly all new, (which cannot The style of the work throughout is fully equal to be said of the multitude of books of this characthe English version, and we are pleased to learn ter). We have often had occasion to use many of that the entire series is being translated, for the the principles laid down in this work, in our read

ing classes. Teachers, if you are looking for some
good work on elocution, we would suggest that
you place the above work on your list.

ROUND THE WORLD. By W. H. G. Kingston.
Crosby & Nichols.

use of the schools of the Sandwich Islands, into which the English series was introduced about a year since. We have no little pride in recording the fact that already these books in English may be found in many of the schools of the missionary stations in Asia, Africa, on the coast of Greenland, and among our own Indian settlements in the The true way to teach boys is to blend amuseWest. The name of Town has given a sufficient ment with instruction. Amusement they will guaranty throughout New England, and to-day have, and they are fortunate who can instruct by the publishers of the new series - the Progressive amusing. This is the great secret of making good text-books-record two-thirds of all New England books for children, and the author of "Round the towns in which this series may be found in general World" seems to have understood it, for he has use. The great success, however, in this branch given the boys a rare chance for entertainment in of business, has been in employing practical teach- his new book. Read it, boys, and you will learn ers in the compilation of books for the use of child-more of geography than in a hundred recitations ren-men who know their wants and adapt each at school.

We have received the forty-second and forty- been provided for the forthcoming numbers, and third numbers of Chamber's Encyclopædia. We the conductors will always seek to present in the cannot say too much in favor of this beautiful pages of the Atlantic the best and freshest thought work. We have often called the attention of our upon all topics.

fellow-teachers to its excellence, and our only wonder is that any can afford to be without it. We select only one from among the many truthful testimonies of its value:


THE attractive table of contents of the March

Atlantic is:-The Fruits of Free Labor in the Smaller Islands of the British West Indies, by C. L. Brace; A Story of To-day, by the author of Those world-renowned benefactors to the Re-Life in the Iron Mills "; Mountain Pictures, by public of letters, William and Robert Chambers, J. G. Whittier; The Use of the Rifle, by H. W. S. not satisfied with the wholesale distribution of Cleveland; Agnes of Sorrento, by Mrs. Stowe; works upon many subjects admirably suited for the Methods of Study in Natural History, by Prof. education of the public mind, have achieved a Agassiz; The Southern Cross, by Mrs. A, D. T. crowning triumph in their Encyclopædia, or Dic- Whitney; Concerning the Sorrows of Childhood, tionary of Universal Knowledge for the people. by the "Country Parson "; The Rehabilitation of Although constructed on the basis of the later edi- Spain, by C. C. Hazewell; A Raft that No Man tion of the famous Conversations-Lexicon, (which, Made, by R. T. S. Lowell; Fremont's Hundred by-the-bye, was also the basis of the Encyclopædia Days in Missouri, by W. Dorsheimer; Birdofredum Americana,) this Encyclopædia is not to be con- Sawin, Esq., to Mr. Hosea Biglow, by J. R. Lowsidered a mere translation of that popular work. ell; Taxation, by Edward Everett; Voyage of the While the latter is placed under tribute where the Good Ship Union, by Dr. Holmes; Reviews and treasure is likely to reward the trouble of transferLiterary Notices. ence, special contributors have aided in the illustration of those branches to which they had long directed their attention, and the geographical, statistical and other information respecting Great Britain and her colonies, the United States, etc., have been drawn from independent sources. Next to the fullness of this Encyclopædia, its remarkable cheapness will attract the attention of book buyers."-S. AUSTIN ALLIBONE, Author of Dictionary of Authors.

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY.-This magazine has not shared the unfavorable influence which the war has had upon literature generally. Since the beginning of the year more than 10,000 copies have been added to its circulation,-a result at once highly satisfactory to its conductors and gratifying to the lovers of literature.

HARPERS' MAGAZINE FOR MARCH has been received. In addition to the attractions of Thackery and Trollope, the present number is rich in variety. Read its table of contents:-Turkey and Russia, by J. S. C. Abbott; A Summer Reminiscence; How the Dutch are Taking Holland Cured; Orley Farm; An Orthopterian Defence; A Drawn Game; A Soldier's Letters; William Cullen Bryant; Early Secessionists; The Bronze Statue; Adventures of Philip; Mistress and Maid; Fish Culture; The Artillerist.

Isn't that a variety for one month? To all purchasers of periodicals and papers, we take pleasure in recommending the store of N. B. Williams, where is to be found at the earliest season anything desirable.

The conductors of the Atlantic accept this fact, THE BEAR HUNTERS OF THE ROCKY MOUNas well as the unanimous verdict of the press for TAINS.-This is the title of a new book by Anne three months past, as an assurance that their mag- Bowman, published by Crosby & Nichols, of Bosazine has reached a point of excellence which it ton. We have not been able to examine it carehas never before attained. They will not, howev- fully, but from what we have seen we pronounce it er, pause in their efforts on this account, but will just the book for boys, giving them the healthy constantly strive to advance the standard already excitement of the chase, and introducing them to established. To this end they will go on in the the wildness and grandeur of our Western territosame path which has lately been followed, and ries. through which the Atlantic has been led to such general acceptance. The same thoughtful and patriotic political papers, from the best prose writers, will continue to lend power and dignity to its pages; and favorite poets will evolve from the ever-shifting phases of our national affairs the lessons of the hour. The two great serial features which have so firmly fixed public attention-Pro- best speeches of our best speakers. fessor Agassiz's popular expositions of the science of Natural History, and James Russell Lowell's "Biglow Papers"-will be continued each month. Still other features of extraordinary interest have

THE PULPIT AND THE ROSTRUM. No. 29 contains an Oration by George Bancroft, on the 22nd of February, 1862. To which is added Washington's Farewell Address. Published by E. Ď. Barker, 135 Grand street, New York. Price, 10


We can think of no better way to preserve the

WE will furnish THE SCHOOLMASTER and the Atlantic Monthly or Harpers' Magazine for the subscription price ($3.00) of either monthly.

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I think it has hardly escaped the observation this: The mind comprehends the work to be of any thinking person, that very few of all accomplished, arouses the will, which, in turn, those who pass through our private or public compels the muscles to move when and in what schools, even our graded and annual schools, manner the mind directs; at first and usually acquire even a respectable, not to say elegant, after a pattern or model. And the perfection hand-writing. And it is often asked, why is of the work consists in the exact imitation of this, when writing is almost a daily exercise for the pattern, which requires a close mental apmany years? Tons of pens are used, seas of plication. Only a few original minds rise suink shed, and a world of innocent paper spoil-perior to examples and invent for themselves. ed, to no purpose except to show how not to do And the mechanical art becomes higher just in it. proportion as there is more mental application required.

There are those who maintain that a good or ill hand-writing, like good or ill fortune, is born with an individual, and that no amount of persevering effort can attain the one, nor any indolence or indifference forfeit the other. Indeed, this is a very popular idea in many places. So strong is it that it prevents any attempt to disprove it by experiment.

If these statements are true, let us apply the principles to the art of writing.

The ultimate object in learning to write is to be able to convey our thoughts to others through the medium of pen, ink and paper. But while taking lessons in writing, this should not be the prevailing thought. Indeed it should scarcely, if at all, enter into the pupil's mind. But the whole attention should be directed to making a complete and exact copy of the model given.

Learning to write is no more nor less than learning to engrave letters. The only difference is, in the one case the lines are on paper and on the surface, and in the other the lines are made

Again, some contend that penmanship is wholly mechanical, and that the muscles cannot be trained to any new movement in connection with chirography. This is not true in principle nor in fact. There are very few exercises which are purely mechanical. The moving a pump handle, the running a saw, or turning a crank, may be so; but in what is termed by incisions in the surface of some hard matethe mechanic arts, even in their lower forms, there is more or less of mental activity connected with the manual movement.

rial, as wood, steel, silver or gold. But the thing to be done is the same in both cases, that is, to form lines precisely in accordance with a Of the thousands who engage in the more or- pattern. And it is no part of the learner's busdinary forms of mechanical pursuits, perhaps iness to attempt to be original. The designs are not one in ten had any special aptness for that all made, the models are cast, the patterns are particular branch of industry. Yet by contin- before him, and he is simply to reproduce them. ued effort in one direction a majority become Let the student in penmanship observe the

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