Imágenes de páginas

1. That the disturbances in St. Thomasin-the-East had their immediate origin in a planned resistance to lawful authority. 2. That the causes leading to the determination to offer that resistance were manifold:

(1.) That a principal object of the disturbers of order was the obtaining of land free from the payment of rent.

(2.) That an additional incentive to the violation of the law arose from the want of confidence generally felt by the labouring class in the tribunals before which most of the disputes affecting their interests were carried for adjudication.

(3.) That some, moreover, were animated by feelings of hostility towards political and personal opponents, while not a few contemplated the attainment of their ends by the death or expulsion of the white inhabitants of the Island.

3. That though the original design for the overthrow of constituted authority was confined to a small portion of the parish of St. Thomas-in-the-East, yet that the disorder in fact spread with singular rapidity over an extensive tract of country, and that such was the state of excitement prevailing in other parts of the Island that had more than a momentary success been obtained by the insurgents, their ultimate overthrow would have been attended with a still more fearful loss of life and property.

4. That praise is due to Governor Eyre for the skill, promptitude, and vigour which he manifested during the early stages of the insurrection; to the exercise of which qualities its speedy termination is in a great degree to be attributed.

5. That the Military and Naval operations appear to us to have been prompt and judicious.

6. That by the continuance of Martiallaw in its full force to the extreme limit of its statutory operation the people were deprived for a longer than the necessary period of the great constitutional privileges by which the security of life and property is provided for.

Lastly. That the punishments inflicted were excessive.

(1.) That the punishment of death was unnecessarily frequent.

(2.) That the floggings were reckless, and at Bath positively barbarous.

(3.) That the burning of 1000 houses was wanton and cruel.

All which we humbly submit to Your Majesty's gracious consideration.

(Signed) H. K. STORKS, Lieut.-Gen. RUSSELL GURNEY. J. B. MAULE.

CHARLES S. ROUNDELL, Secretary, King's House, Spanish Town, April 9th, 1866.



"Bank of England, May 11, 1866. "Sir,-We consider it to be our duty to lay before the Government the facts relating to the extraordinary demands for assistance which have been made upon the Bank of England to-day, in consequence of the failure of Messrs. Overend, Gurney, and Co.

"We have advanced to the bankers, billbrokers, and merchants in London, during the day, upwards of four millions sterling, upon the security of Government Stock and bills of exchange-an unprecedented sum to lend in one day, and which,

therefore, we suppose, would be sufficient to meet all their requirements; although the proportion of this sum which may have been sent to the country must materially affect the question.

"We commenced this morning with a Reserve of 5,727,000l., which has been drawn upon so largely that we cannot calculate upon having so much as 3,000,000l. this evening, making a fair allowance for what may be remaining at the branches.

"We have not refused any legitimate application for assistance, and, unless the money taken from the Bank is entirely


withdrawn from circulation, there is no reason to suppose that this Reserve is insufficient.

"We have the honour to be, Sir,

"Your obedient servants, "H. L. HOLLAND, Governor. "THOS. NEWMAN HUNT, Deputy-Governor.

"The Right Hon. the Chancellor of the Exchequer, M.P. &c."

"To the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England.

"Gentlemen,-We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this day to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in which you state the course of action at the Bank of England under the circumstances of sudden anxiety which have arisen since the stoppage of Messrs. Overend, Gurney, and Co. (Limited) yesterday.

"We learn with regret that the Bank Reserve, which stood so recently as last night at a sum of about five millions and three quarters, has been reduced in a single day, by the liberal answer of the Bank to the demands of commerce during the hours of business, and by its just anxiety to avert disaster, to little more than one-half of that amount, or a sum (actual for London and estimated for the branches) not greatly exceeding three millions.

"The accounts and representations which have reached Her Majesty's Government during the day exhibit the state of things in the city as one of extraordinary distress and apprehension. Indeed, deputations, composed of persons of the greatest weight and influence, and representing alike the private and jointstock banks of London, have presented themselves in Downing-street, and have urged with unanimity and with earnestness the necessity of some intervention on the part of the State to allay the anxiety which prevails, and which appears to have amounted through great part of the day to absolute panic.

"There are some important points in which the present crisis differs from those of 1847 and 1857. Those periods were periods of mercantile distress, but the vital consideration of banking credit does not appear to have been involved in them, as it is in the present crisis.

[blocks in formation]

England has suffered a diminution without precedent, relatively to the time in which it has been brought about; and, in view especially of this circumstance, Her Majesty's Government cannot doubt that it is their duty to adopt, without delay, the measures which seem to them best calculated to compose the public mind, and to avert the calamities which may threaten trade and industry. If, then, the Directors of the Bank of England, proceeding upon the prudent rules of action by which their administration is usually governed, shall find that, in order to meet the wants of legitimate commerce, it is requisite to extend their discounts and advances upon approved securities so as to require issues of notes beyond the limits fixed by law, Her Majesty's Government recommend that this necessity should be met immediately upon its occurrence, and in that event they will not fail to make application to Parliament for its sanction.

"No such discount or advance, however, should be granted at a rate of interest less than 10 per cent., and Her Majesty's Government reserve it to themselves to recommend, if they should see fit, the imposition of a higher rate.

"After deduction by the Bank of whatever it may consider to be a fair charge for its risk, expense, and trouble, the profits of these advances will accrue to the public.

"We have the honour to be,

"Your obedient servants,



"Downing-street, 11th May, 1866."

The official correspondence is completed by the following letter and accompanying resolutions:

"To the Right Hon. Earl Russell and "the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, "M.P.

"Bank of England, May 12.

"My Lord and Sir,-Having laid before the Court of Directors the letter received from you yesterday, with respect to a further issue of notes, if necessary beyond the limit fixed by the Act of 1844, we have now the honour to enclose a copy of the resolutions of the Court thereupon. "We have the honour to be, "my Lord and Sir,

"Your most obebedient servants,

"H. L. HOLLAND, Governor. "THOS. N. HUNT, Deputy"Governor."

Copy of Resolutions enclosed.

"At a Court of Directors of the Bank on Saturday, the 12th of May, 1866,"Resolved, that the Governors be requested to inform the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer that the Court is prepared to act

in conformity with the letter addressed to them yesterday.

"Resolved,-that the minimum rate of discount on bills not having more than ninety-five days to run be raised from 9 to 10 per cent.

"HAMMOND CHUBB, Secretary."



JANUARY.-The new year was ushered in by a wild tempestuous wind and driving rainfall. The month was remarkable for its high atmospheric temperature. On the 12th, amid showers of sleet and snow, the thermometer sank 12° below freezing, and in a few hours rose to 46°, and during the remainder of the month once only fell so low as 35°. On the night and morning of the 22nd the respective barometric readings were 47 deg. and 50 deg. Fahrenheit. A terrific hurricane raged on the 3rd, and minor gales on the 7th and 8th. There were alternate periods of ozone and antozone. Rainfall occurred on 16 days, and amounted to 4.62 in., which is considerably above the recognized average of the month. There were three cloudless days, and the predominant wind was tropical, W. or S.W.

FEBRUARY.-On the 11th an equatorial cyclone raged, accompanied by frequent flashes of lightning from S.W. At Frant, Sussex, which, as the crow flies, is about 25 miles from the sea, the gale committed great havoc, the pressure being somewhat about 40 lb. to the square foot. Houses were partially unroofed, and at Eridge-park, one of the seats of the Earl of Abergavenny, 3,000 trees were uprooted by the fury of the blast. Spray from the sea was borne nearly 30 miles. Intermittent tropical gales occurred also on five other days, and were preceded or followed by aurora boreales, streams of electric cirrus, lightning, and solar haloes. Diurnal oscillations of the barometer were considerable, and ranged from 29.40 in. to 30-30 in. Rainfall extended over 15 days to the extent of 5.33 in.-upwards of 3 in. above the mean. The prevailing cloud, which almost daily obscured the sky, was the composite or rain cloud, fully developed. Three days alone were cloudless.

MARCH.-The passing of large solar spots gave rise to high magnetic action, and consequent atmospheric perturbations. The prevailing winds were keen and bitter

from N. and E., and the whole month was abnormally unhealthy. During the first three weeks the registered rate of mortality was upwards of 500 above the average. There was not one cloudless day; tropical and polar winds were almost equally balanced; rain fell on 19 days, and amounted to 1.90 in., which is below the acknowledged mean of the month by about the eighteenth of an inch.

APRIL. Three consecutive days were cloudless, when the sun shone with full vigour, and a cold and detrimental E.N.E. wind prevailed. Barometric readings were high, and ranged from 29.00 in. to 30.00 in. The wind in combination touched the N. and E. on 15 days, and on the remainder it was complicated with S. and W., so that the balance was nearly equalized. The mean temperature of the month was considerably lower than that of last year; the range by day was from 40° to 62°, and by night from 34° to 55°. On the 26th, at 2 p.m., the thermometer in full sun rose to 111°; in shade, N. aspect, it stood at 70°. On the 29th it had fallen full 30°. Rain fell on 19 days, and amounted to 2:41 in.; from the 2nd to the 4th inclusive, it was mingled with snow and sleet. From the 1st to the 30th, de die in diem, the ozonoscopes registered 10°, or the maximum of ozone.

MAY.-The weather of this month was marked by extreme unhealthiness. Towards the latter portion the wind became established in the N.E., and sometimes blew with the fitful violence of a gale; hoar-frost frequently covered the ground, and vegetation was greatly retarded. The mean temperature was little above 51°, which is 8° lower than that of last year. The variation was from 40° to 61°, thus making the range of morning temperature 21°. Hail fell on the 3rd and 4th, and rain on ten days, amounting in the aggregate to 106 in., which is considerably less than the acknowledged monthly mean. Cloud predominated on 21 days; the modification was that of the composite or

thunder cloud, either fully formed, or the elements existed isolated in their respective wind currents. The diurnal oscillations of the barometer were limited, and the entire range was below an inch. As in last month, so in this, ozone manifested a consecutive daily maximum, and notwithstanding the full development of this allotropic condition of atmosphere, the rate of mortality was excessively high, and diseases raged which are supposed to be specially controlled by its sanitary influence. The hygrometric state of the air was very low, amounting sometimes to 50 per cent. only of moisture; telluric evaporation was consequently rapid, but was speedily carried off by the stirring winds that prevailed.

JUNE.-We have the recorded rate of mortality again this month unusually high, the aggregate, corrected for increase of population, having amounted to little short of 1000 beyond the estimated average. The rainfall, though not excessive, was somewhat above the mean, and was spread over 14 days. The temperature represented less, certainly, than the average of past years; but, nevertheless, it maintained a considerable elevation. There was during the month but one purely cloudless day, and thunder clouds, or their elements in antagonistic currents, existed perpetually. The winds at the commencement and for nearly three consecutive weeks were tropical concomitants of thunderstorms, and were generally paroxysmal or squally. Atmospheric pressure underwent but slight variations, and the diurual oscillations were comparatively inconsiderable. The range of the thermometer was 20°. The highest night temperature 63° and the lowest 47°. The maximum reading occurred on the 28th under the influence of a N.E. wind, and the lowest on the 6th, beneath a tropical and gusty S.W. wind. Ozone was very largely developed, the maximum, or 10°, having been reached on 24 days. The hygrometer registered a fair balance of atmospheric humidity, varying from 15 to 50 per cent.

JULY.-The whole of this month was also marked by great unhealthiness, and the temperature manifested strange fluctuations. During the first week the morning register ranged from 56° to 60°; and the night from 40° to 56°, and rainfall occurred every day. On the 9th the weather became dry and sultry, and on the following day the thermometer rose to 71°, at a later hour to 80°, and in the sun to 114°, marking within a brief period a difference of temperature amounting to some 35°. The predominant cloud modification was the composite, or raincloud, which occurred on 22 days, and frequently

Four days

entirely obscured the sun. were free from cloud, and rainfall, with very unequal distribution, extended over 11 days, and amounted in the aggregate to 3.05 in., which exceeds the accustomed mean by nearly one inch. From the 8th to the 28th no rain fell-or rather during that time there was no appreciable gauge. Tropical winds predominated, and occasionally they were high and squally, but once only, at the end of the month, attained the force of a gale. The estimated average temperature of July is 6107°; this year it exceeded that amount by 3°. The maximum of ozone was registered on every day but one.

AUGUST.-But one solitary cloudless day during the month. The predominant modification was the cirro-cumulo-stratus, or thunder cloud. On the 17th, masses in two strata and adverse wind currents formed rack and scud, and undulating waves of cirro-cumulus frequently overspread the sky. On the 6th and 7th, 8th and 9th, cold, high, tempestuous winds blew from S.W., sometimes with the force of a hurricane. On the 16th and 17th equatorial gales again prevailed, and produced considerable damage on our coasts. Barometric oscillations were frequent, but limited in range; the highest point attained was 29-72 in., the lowest 29-00 in., so that the entire variation was scarcely three-fourths of an inch. Up to the date of the 20th, the mean temperature was considerably below the standard, but on that day a change occurred, and the thermometer rose and registered consecutively above the average until the 29th. The highest morning reading, at 10 a.m. on the 24th, was 75°, and the lowest, on the 4th, 59°; the range, therefore, was 11°. The maximum divergence between day and night temperature was 27°. Rain fell on 18 days, and was below the average by 0.15 in. Lightning and thunder, electric cirri, haloes, and other meteors were frequent, and ozone began to decline. The 10th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and 30th were periods of antozone.

SEPTEMBER.-This month was characterized by the prevalence of wild, tempes tuous gales, and excessive rainfall. The wind on 25 days blew from W. and S.W., and on the remaining days came in complication with N. and E. Tropical gales from S.W., extending throughout England, raged on the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 11th, and with somewhat mitigated force on other occasions. On the 24th, at 11 p.m., a cold atmospheric wave passed over Frant, Sussex, and produced transient condensation, and sent down the thermometer several degrees. The mean temperature of the month was 7·06° lower than that of

last year, thus bringing it into close proximity with the general average of the season. The variation of the barometer was 0.10 within the inch. Rain fell every day from the 1st to the 27th, and amounted to upwards of 6.50 inches, which is more than 4 inches above the mean. Ozone continued to decline, and was below the average, but there was no apparent period of antozone. Fogs, light mists, and abundant dews occurred throughout the month, sometimes producing complete atmospheric saturation, when external objects streamed with their accumulated condensation. Lightning and thunder visited the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire on the 16th, and slight shocks of an earthquake are reported to have occurred in Devonshire.

OCTOBER. A month of cloud and gloom and sunless days. On five or six occasions the hygrometer denoted complete saturation. The predominant combination of winds was E. and N.E. On the 18th a tropical gale occurred, but on the whole the action of winds was very moderate. The diurnal oscillations of the barometer were considerable, but limited in extent. A lunar rainbow, succeeded by a dim gray halo, appeared on the night of the 23rd. They were followed on the succeeding day by copious rainfall and heavy radii of cirro-stratus from N.W. Rain fell on seven days, and amounted, in gross, to 1.90 in., which was below the average by 0.18 in. Ozone again fell below the mean, and there were several wellmarked periods of antozone.


NOVEMBER.-Mensis marvellous epoch of meteors. This month was marked by destructive gales, disastrous floods, and other signs of violent atmospheric perturbation. The rainfall was of very unequal distribution, and some of the northern counties were deluged by successive torrents, while others were visited by scarcely their normal average. One day alone was free from cloud, the prevailing type was the composite, or rain cloud, often in varied and beautiful modifications. The complications of wind from W. greatly preponderated, and the gales were generally equatorial. The first frost of the season occurred in Yorkshire, on the night of the 10th, of sufficient severity

to blacken or destroy the tender annuals; but generally the month was marked by unusually high temperature. The night register, on several occasions, was 50°, and twice only, on the 20th and 21st, it fell below freezing. Ozone continued to exhibit a deficiency, and there were several periods of antozone.

DECEMBER. The past month was ushered in by a cold S.E. gale, and such depression of atmospheric temperature as gave promise that Christmas this year would assume his ancient prerogative, but the wind having lulled, the thermometer rose upwards of 20°, and the frost of the previous night was followed by a warm equatorial wind from S.W. Several minor gales occurred during the month, and high and squally winds, which committed considerable damage. There were two cloudless days, and 22 days on which a canopy of rain cloud overspread the sky. The highest reading of the barometer was 30-45 in., and the lowest 29-35 in., thus denoting a range of 1.10 in. Atmospheric temperature attained its maximum on the 4th, when it registered 55° in the morning, and 54° by night. The lowest was on the night and morning of the 2nd, when the respective readings were 28° and 31°; during the remainder of the month the temperature, with one exception (on the 31st), never sank below freezing. Rain fell on 22 days, and amounted to two inches, which is fractionally below the average. Ozone was very scantily developed, and there were nine periods of antozone, when the tests, after due exposure, remained pure and uncoloured. The hygrometric condition of the air was tolerably uniform, and one day only denoted saturation. The rate of mortality was below the average.

Thus has passed away this memorable year; leaving in indelible characters traces, upon living witnesses, of its wonderful phenomena and antagonistic manifestations. No theory has yet been propounded of the dynamics of atmospheric combinations, but the day may not be far distant when even these recondite mysteries shall he solved by the human mind.

Weymouth, Jan. 1.


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