TABLE 26. Showing the value of the property of dispensaries and their indebtedness, September 30, 1880. $1,500 00 $1,500 00 Brooklyn Central Dispensary. 9,000 00 9,000 00 $3,500 00 Brooklyn City Dispensary. $3,500 00 8,000 00 $9,600 00 17,600 00 Brooklyn Eclectic Dispensary.. 550 00 2,476 89 Brooklyn Homoeopathic Hospital Dispensary*. 3,026 89 Brooklyn Orthopedic Infirmary+ Buffalo City Dispensary. Buffalo Eye and Ear Infirmary. Central Dispensary, New York. $122 88 122 88 Demilt Dispensary, New York. 26,000 00 36,659 00 62,659 00 Dispensary of the Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn*. Dispensary of the New York Infirmary for Women and Children*. Dispensary of the New York Medical College and Hospital for Women, N. Y.*.. Homœopathic Dispensary for Women and Children, New York. Homœopathic Medical College Dispensary, New York. Infirmary (Dispensary) of the New York College of Dentistry. |