| William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 578 páginas
...wide tor Nepeune's Hips; how Chances mock And Changes fill the Cup of Alteration With divers Liquors. Tis not ten years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together ; and in two years after, Were they at Wars. It is but eight years lince, This Percy... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 558 páginas
...progrefi through, What perils paft, what crones to enltie, Wou'd {hut the bobk, ftttd fit him dbwn and die\ *Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland^ great Friend$j Did feaft together j atld in two years a'fter ; ' Were they at wars. It is but dight years... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 492 páginas
...viewing his progrefs through, What perils paft, what crolfes to enfue, Wou'd fhut the book, and fit him down and die. , 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince, This Percy... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1745 - 574 páginas
...fhut the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten years fince Richard and Northumherland Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince This Percy was the man neareft my foul, Who like a brother toil'd in my affairs, And laid his... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 páginas
...fupplied from the Edition of 1600. [ (a] Will, Mr. Tbttbald Vu'g. All. ]. Wou'd fhut the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together j and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince, This Percy... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 540 páginas
...fupplied from the Edition of 1600. [(«) Will, Mr. Theobald.. — Vu'g. All.} Wou'd fhut the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince, This Percy... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 páginas
...the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten years fince Richard and JNorthiniaker!iuid Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince This Percy was the man neareft my foul, Who like a brother toil'd in my attain, And laid his... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 584 páginas
...viewing his progrefs through, What perils paft, what crofles to enfue, Wou'd fhut the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumherland, great Friends, Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 600 páginas
...cafes. The difference between croffei, dtj'tmftr arid dfecfe, feems to be Wou'd fhut the book, and fit him down and die. 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together •, and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince, This Percy... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1765 - 610 páginas
...«!cs. The difference between inffts. fflrmffr and difeafc. feems to be Wou'd fliut the book, and fit him down and die, 'Tis not ten Years gone, Since Richard and ^Northumberland, great Friends, Did feaft together ; and in two years after Were they at wars. It is but eight years fince, This Percy... | |
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