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Abstracts 4760 - 4765



4760 - L Apr. 11:6/2,3 In a letter to the editor, an anonymous per-
son censures Chief Justice Ryan of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, for
refusing to admit a woman to the bar of his court on the grounds that
the legislature never contemplated such a confusion of the sexes and
that the peculiar qualities of womanhood its gentle grace, its quick
sensibilities, its tender susceptibility, its purity, its delicacy
are not qualifications for forensic strife.

"We have found that the moment a woman invades man's sacred domain, a surprising amount of dormant chivalry is awakened in the masculine breast.... The valor that prompts men to close the door of honest employment upon women, but licenses gilded hells to stand open to receive her body and soul, is like that of Bob Acres, it requires frequent mention that even he who possesses it may be aware of the fact.'

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4761 L Apr. 11:7/3 In a letter to the editor, Mr. J. H. Gerould, secretary of the Dorcas Society, says: "The Dorcas Society has exhausted nearly all its funds...we feel bold to call upon those who from their knowledge of the society feel it to be a good agency through which to reach the suffering, please do not fail to aid us...for our need is great.

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4762 L Apr. 11:7/3 In a letter to the editor, an anonymous person The Women's Foreign Missionary Society will hold many meetings in Cleveland in the next few days.


"If Cleveland is not fully aroused to its duty of sending the Gospel to the perishing heathen, it will not be the fault of its women."

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4763 L Apr. 11:8/2,3 In order to clarify the conception of the new viaduct law we publish section five of the bill.

The bill permits the city council to submit to the people the question as to whether bonds shall be issued for the completion of the work. If the vote is negative, the council will be allowed to submit the question at a later special election. If it is still negative, the council shall be permitted to see that the contract with Ensign is carried out. This will ensure the completion of the stone work on the west side. The bill authorizes the issuance of bonds amounting to $1,600,000.


4764 L Apr. 11:8/3 - A considerable number of citizens assembled in the council hall last night, to discuss the matter of a genuine oldfashioned celebration in this city on the coming Fourth of July. A committee was appointed to map out a program and the president was directed to appoint a finance committee.

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4765 L Apr. 12; ed: 4/4,5 A New York society states that there are 6,000 dealers in this country engaged in distributing obscene literature. "The baleful influences of this work can be readily imagined,







Abstracts 4766 - 4770


and the propriety of establishing in our midst a branch organization of the New York 'Society for the Prevention of Vice' naturally suggests itself.

Of the six thousand dealers in this country there must be a fair proportion in and around this city, and we know of no field in which work could be done to better advantage than in this."

4766 L Apr. 14; ed: 4/2 The question of dredging the Cuyahoga river will probably command much earnest attention during the next few years. It is of vital importance to local business interests, and if properly attended to must contribute to the general prosperity of Cleveland.

The subject demands systematic study and planning. This could be most effectively accomplished by entrusting the whole work to a special officer.

It has been suggested that the public should bear the expense of dredging the main channel, while the owners of abutting property should pay the cost of keeping their own shores in a suitable condition.

"This is a matter, however, for the careful consideration of the new Council, and we hope it will receive the attention it merits."

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4767 L Apr. 14:7/1 - In a letter to the editor, "An Observer" says: A pleasant entertainment was given to the newsboys and bootblacks on Apr. 9 by ladies and gentlemen from Collamer.. "The Collamer friends have the hearty thanks of all interested in the welfare of these homeless boys."

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4768 L Apr. 14:7/2 In a letter to the editor, John Moran says: It
is evident that Father McMahon desires to make me out to be a mean,
idle, worthless fellow. The fact is that I am a hard-working man, and
have never before been in need of charity. Had I been able to sell the
work I made during the winter, I would not have needed it in this case.

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4769 L Apr. 14:7/2 The annual meeting of the Cincinnati branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the M. E. church was opened yesterday in the First M. E. church, Mrs. Bishop Clark of Cincinnati presiding. Addresses of welcome were given by Rev. J. N. Fradenburg, pastor of the First M. E. church, and Rev. C. H. Stocking of the East End M. E. church.

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4770 L Apr. 15; ed: 4/1 The CATHOLIC UNIVERSE says that the church will continue to train its youth.

"Yes, there is needed just now in Norwalk some one to train the youth of the Catholic school there since its recent teacher, after debauching twelve young girl pupils, has slipped away with the aid and advice of Father Eilert, the priest of the village."








Abstracts 4771 - 4777


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4771 - L Apr. 15:4/6 L. A. Heard, George Willey, and James D. Cleveland, the committee appointed by Superintendent Rickoff to examine the drawings made by public school pupils, report that they examined 32 drawings of certain designated public buildings. They say that the drawings are remarkable for excellence and are extremely creditable to all the competitors and to Frank Aborn, the drawing teacher.

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4772 L Apr. 15:7/2,3 The Cincinnati branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the M. E. church met yesterday at the First M. E. church for its second day's sessions.

A substitute resolution in regard to the branch society's opposition to a proposed change in the constitution of the main body was adopted. The society considered the questions of life membership certificates and the publication of the annual report. The report of the ways and means committee was adopted. Delegates to the meeting of the general executive committee, which assembles at Washington on May 10, were elected. Officers for the ensuing year were elected by acclamation.


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4773 L Apr. 15:8/1 A magnificent oriental bazaar was held at the First Methodist Episcopalian church last night. The funds realized are to be donated to the Kiu Klang hospital in China; this will be a considerable amount as nearly everything was sold at good round figures. Mary Andrews, a missionary to north China, gave a short talk on eastern countries.

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4774 L Apr. 17; ed: 4/1 - Don Pedro and his wife, the empress of Brazil
arrived in New York on Apr. 15 and were given a fine welcome. The
Brazilian monarch is an intelligent man who travels with his eyes open
and understands what he sees. "He comes to the United States to see
for himself what a republican Government can do for a people. He will
have no doubt a pleasant and profitable summer. Pedro, here's 'how!'"

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4775 L Apr. 17:7/1 In a letter to the editor, "West Side" says:
"The dropping of Superintendent Kerr from The Infirmary Department is
an outrage upon the citizens of Cleveland. No more faithful and kind
officer was ever in that Department.... The poor are already crying
out against his removal. Politics should have nothing to do with his

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4776 L Apr. 17:7/3 Easter services were held in all of the Episcopal
churches of the city yesterday, and were very impressive. At all the
churches large congregations were in attendance, while the singing
at several was unusually fine, programs having been arranged especially
for the occasion.

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4777 L Apr. 17:8/2 Rev. C. W. Cushing lectured before a large audience. at Case hall last night. His talk was an explanation of the wonderful picture THE PRODIGAL SON, which will remain on exhibition in this city only this week.




Abstracts 4778- 4784


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4778 L Apr. 17:8/2 A large number of ladies and gentlemen visited the Cleveland Bethel Union on Apr. 15, for the purpose of inspecting the property and the work of the society. Superintendent Samuel Job and Mr. Braggins, superintendent of the eating room, were complimented highly for their work at the union. The principal subject of discussion was the $16,000 debt. An effort to raise funds will be made to cancel it, and it is hoped that the effort will be a success.

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4779 L Apr. 18:8/1 Father Eilert, the Catholic priest involved in the Norwalk scandal, visited Cleveland yesterday to confer with Vicar General Boff, his superior in office, for the purpose of obtaining counsel from that gentleman. "But if he expected to obtain anything from him, (Vicar General Boff) anything which would persuade the people of Norwalk, or of Ohio, that Father Eilert acted on the square when the news of the crime first came to him, his mission will have been in vain."

4780 L Apr. 19:7/1

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The trustees of Union chapel, Methodist Episcopal church, authorize their pastor, Rev. A. A. Price, to solicit funds and receive contributions for paying off the $600 debt of the church, and for current expenses.

4781 L Apr. 19:7/1 - At a regular meeting of The Young Mens' Jewish association on April 5, resolutions were adopted expressing thanks to Rev. T. B. Forbush for his lectures and advice on behalf of the association and voicing regret at his intended departure.

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4782 L Apr. 19:7/2 The delegates of the Cleveland local conference of Congregational churches met yesterday in semi-annual session in Plymouth church on Perry st.




The afternoon meeting was called to order by Rev. J. W. Torry, of Collamer. After a roll call which indicated that two-thirds of the churches of the conference were represented, the question of the "Brooklyn Council" was discussed at length, chiefly by Rev. Samuel Wolcott and Professor Mead of Oberlin. In the evening session a devotional meeting was held. Rev. S. H. Lee, of the Detroit st. Congregational church preached an able sermon on the "Fellowship of the Churches." At the conclusion of the sermon brief remarks were made by several, when the meeting adjourned.

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4783 L Apr. 19:8/1 W. F. Swift, city editor of the HERALD, has resigned his position, for the purpose of engaging in newspaper work in some larger city. He will carry with him the wishes of a large number of newspaper and other friends in Cleveland. He will remain until his successor is decided upon.

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4784 L Apr. 19:8/1 Royalty has attractions even in America. A large crowd assembled at the A. & G. W. depot last evening to get a glimpse of Dom Pedro II.





Abstracts 4785 - 4791


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4785 L April 19:8/3 - Last night the royal train over the Erie and
Atlantic and Great Western railroad, brought to this city Dom Pedro II,
Emperor of Brazil, who is now visiting this country. The Emperor is
about six feet, three inches in height, and large in proportion. He
is 51 years of age. The Emperor evidenced a lively interest in nearly
everything he saw in Cleveland, particularly the manner in which we

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4786 L Apr. 20; ed: 4/1 Dom Pedro the Emperor of Brazil, visited the
Youngstown residence of the late U.S. minister to Brazil.
"Pedro seems to be a

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very buman sort of a man for a tropical monarch."

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4787 L Apr. 20; ed: 4/1 The retired editor of the New York TIMES, Louis J. Jennings, has six libel suits against him.

"The trouble with Mr. Jennings as an editor was that he used the TIMES as a weapon with which to fight his personal quarrels."

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4788 L Apr. 20; ed: 4/2 The Cleveland viaduct bill will be submitted to a vote of the people at a special election on May 4. The questions to be voted upon are: Shall the viaduct be completed? Shall toll be charged?

"The first proposition is the principal one. There can be but one rational answer to it. The viaduct must be completed. The people want it. They need it and are willing to pay the interest on the money required to build it. They have said this once by their votes. They will say it again on the 4th of May."

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4789 L Apr. 20; ed: 4/4 On the same day that a new library was opened in Rome, the Pope made a speech in which he said, "Convents and monasteries deserted; teaching rendered a monopoly."

(L) "Teaching has not been made a monopoly, as the Pope states. On the contrary, monopoly has been wrenched from the bigots who had so long enjoyed it, and while it has been given into the hands of men who will elevate and ennoble it, the monastic libraries have been gathered in a few large cities, where they will be at the disposition of all.... He calls it lawless revolution. Its right name is light, liberty, order and progress.

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4790 L Apr. 20:7/3,4 The second meeting of the Cleveland local conference of Congregational churches was held in Plymouth church yester. day. The morning session was spent in receiving reports from 23 churches. Rev. James Brand, of Akron read a paper on "The Means of Promoting Revivals."

Rev. J. R. Clark, Rev. 0. D. Fisher, and Rev. Q. M. Bosworth read religious papers at the afternoon session.

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4791 L Apr. 20:7/4 The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the Congregational church was held yesterday in Plymouth



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