THE CLERK'S MANUAL OF RULES, FORMS AND LAWS FOR THE REGULATION OF BUSINESS IN THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK PUBLISHED Pursuant to SECTION 15 OF THe Legislative Law JAMES S. WHIPPLE, Clerk of the Senate. A. E. BAXTER. Clerk of the Assembly. ALBANY: THE JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1900, INTRODUCTION. The Clerk's Manual was first issued in 1855 by Hon. Richard U. Sherman, clerk of the Assembly. Section 15 of the Legislative Law provides for its continuance from year to year. The changes made at various times have rendered necessary a revision of the work to meet present requirements, which has been done pursuant to a resolution of the Assembly of 1899. In this revision an effort has been made to combine Croswell's Manual, originally compiled by Sherman Croswell and revised from time to time by L. B. Gleason, journal clerk of the Senate; the Appendix originally compiled by E. M. Johnson and revised by L. B. Gleason; the Committee Clerk's Manual compiled by Henry L. Gates and the Clerk's Manual so-called under the one head of Clerk's Manual. In this compilation much obsolete matter has been expunged and new matter added. In this way everything relating to a given subject has been grouped under the proper head, rendering it unnecessary to hunt through several manuals to find the same. In addition, the Constitution has been annotated, the Legislative Law revised and printed entire with forms. It is confidently believed that the Clerk's Manual in this form will prove much more useful than former editions. This revision has been |