G. General orders, clerks to furnish Senators with printed superintendent of documents to place on files of what constitutes Governor, messages from, in order at any time.. J. Journal, clerk to prepare. reading of....... L. Librarian, duty of M. RULE. PAGE. Mails, duty of post-master relative to... 43 319 26 313 for adjournment, and to lay on table, always in order. relative to filling of blanks.. 30 314 to postpone, for commitment or for reference, to to be reduced to writing when desired by the presi- Papers, petitions, memorials, etc., how presented..................... 1 801 37 817 RULE. PAGE. President, to preserve order and decorum... 2 802 may require motions to be reduced to writing to appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered. to assign doorkeepers, their duties and stations to certify to passage of all bills. 2 302 temporary, to act in absence of the president... Priority of business, questions relating to, to be decided without debate.. Public moneys, bills appropriating Rules of Senate may not be suspended, except, etc.. to be observed in committee of the whole 4 302 .6, 33 304, 315 S. Senators called to order, proceedings relative to how excused from voting.. may not speak more than twice on same subject, must vote in certain cases unless excused presentation of papers, etc., by 996 304 304 304 RULE. PAGE. Superintendent of documents, duty of, in regard to docu ments, etc........ Sergeant-at-arms may be sent for absentees Special orders to take precedence.. Standing committees on engrossed bills on public printing.. State officers, communication and report from, in order Yeas and nays, to be taken on final passage of bills...... to be ontered on journal RULES OF THE ASSEMBLY OF STATE OF NEW YORK. ADOPTED JANUARY 3, 1900, AS FOLLOWS Powers and Duties of Speaker. 1. To take the chair, call to order, and, if a quorum be present, proceed to business. 2. To preserve order, decide questions of order subject to appeal, appoint committees, except where otherwise ordered, substitute any member to perform duties of Chair, and designate reporters. Not required to vote except where his vote would be decisive. In case of disturbance may order galleries and lobly cleared. Ex-officio member and chairman Committee on Rules. Sergeant-at-Arms. 3. Shall enforce rules subject to direction of Speaker. Stenographer. 4. Duties of Order of Business. 5. Reading and correction of Journal; general order of business; not to be departed from, except, etc.; orders of the day specified; order of business after regular orders of any day concluded; orders of the day not finished, acted upon next day. 6. How introduced. Of Bills. 7. Every bill to be printed and placed on files. 9. Bills amending greater New York Charter or Codes or General Statutes must state number of chapter and statute to be amended and quote title and chapter; amendments must be underscored and matter to be omitted bracketed; duty of Speaker to cause bill to be reprinted. 10. From Senate, with accompanying documents, to be referred. 11. After first reading, to be referred to committee; committee may report with or without amendment or adversely; proceedings after report. 12. Bills on second reading subject to debate beforo ordered to third reading to be considered section by section; time allowed in debate. 13. To receive three separate readings. 14. Petitions, memorials and remonstrances, how presented. Of Resolutions. 15. Certain, to lie over one day. 16. Referring to printing extra copies, etc., to be referred to Committee on Public Printing. 17. Calling for or leading to expenditures, to be referred. Committees and their Duties. 18. Standing committees, list of, to be appointed. 19. On Revision; duties; all bills shall be so referred prior to third reading. 20. Reports of committees; what must contain. 21. Committees shall make final reports on all matters on or before April fifth; no bills introduced after that date except messages from Senate. Special Orders. 22. Any matter may be made a special order by assent of two-thirds; similar vote to postpone or rescind. |