48. For the purpose of securing the attendance of Senators, a call of the Senate may be ordered at any time, but such call shall not be in order after the voting on any question has begun, nor after the third reading of a bill has been completed, nor after the motion to close debate has been ordered pursuant to Rule 33, unless it shall appear upon an actual count by the President that a quorum is not present. 49. Persons not members of the Senate, or officers or employes thereof, shall be admitted to the floor of the Senate only as follows: 1. The Governor, his secretary and messenger. 2. The members and Clerk of the Assembly, and clerks and messengers of the Assembly in the exercise of an official duty directly connected with the business of the Senate. 3. The elected State officers, heads of departments and their deputies. 4. Reporters of the Senate and of the Assembly designated under the rules. 5. Ladies, and members of a Senator's family, or of the family of the President of the Senate, on the card of a Senator, or of the President of the Senate. 6. Any person not hereinbefore named may be admitted to the parlor of the Senate. 50. An officer or employe of the Senate shall not solicit subscriptions, for any purpose, from any other officer or employe thereof, nor from any Senator. Adjournment, motion for, always in order, and to be Admission within the bar, who entitled to.... to Assembly bills made in Senate... amendments to, in committee of the whole, to be clerk to announce title of, when reached in regular in committee of the whole, to be read by sections. introduction of...... 17 310 motions to rise and report progress on, when in com- may be recommitted prior to final reading... 20 311 not to be amended or committed until twice read.... 19 311 printed..... 23 312 not to be read a third time out of its regular order.. 19 311 or resolutions amending the Constitution... Bills (Continued). ........ proceedings, where constitutional quorum is not pres- questions on final passage of, to be taken by ayes and noes.... reported by committee of the whole.. requiring the concurrence or two-thirds of the Sena- 41 rules concerning, appropriating public moneys.. 24, RULE. PACE. ..6, 48 304, 521 37 312, 317 318 319 1 301 to be printed in the order in which reported when declared lost.. 22 812 when final vote on, may not be reconsidered.. to retain place on general orders, etc........ not to be taken from Senate chamber, except by cer- to present bills to Governor and enter same upon Closing debate. Committee of the whole, amendments made to bills in, to be reported to Senate.... bills committed to, shall be read in, by sections...... question on agreeing to report of.. rules of the Senate to be observed in. 15 309 808 16 809 18 311 14 309 31, 32 314, 315 Senate to go into, when bills have been moved. Committees to be appointed by the president unless otherwise ordered Communications from State officers in order at any time. D. Debate, order of to close.. Divisions Documents, superintendent of, to place on file... Doorkeepers, president to assign duties and stations of.. Engrossed bills, duty of committee on report from, always in order.... Executive session, nomination in, to whom referred..... 41 president to direct certain persons to withdraw from Senate chamber during.... Floor of the Senate, clerk to designate what persons are entitled to admission to, as reporters... |