Amendments - (Continued). conventions to propose. effect, when amendments relating to Appeals, court of. (See Court of appeals.) subject to review by courts. 3 3 3 Hamilton and Fulton to have but 3 one ...... ratio of apportionment. apportionment of 3 5 91 compensation of civil appointments of, void. 3 7, 8 96-97 when speaker of, to act as governor... 4 96 has power of impeachment. 6 to judge of qualifications. 3 to choose its own officers. 3 98 to sit with open doors, except, etc. 3 11 98 members not to be questioned elsewhere for speech or debate. majority of, necessary to pass bills.. (See Legislature.) Attorney-general: when chosen term of, to be two years.. compensation of, not to be increased or diminished not to receive fees to own use... term of, elected in 1895, to be three years to be commissioner of land office, of Attorney, district. (See District attorney.) necessary on passage of bills. on tax and appropriation bills. to be taken, on removal of judicial to be taken on bill creating debt. on bills returned by governor, with ob- Bail: excessive, not to be required.. Ballot: elections to be by, except for town offi . cers, or where legislature prescribes Banking: Legislature not to pass special acts for.. Betting: on elections, persons excluded from vot- Bills: may originate or be amended in either enacting clause of. to be on desks three days before pass- majority vote necessary to passage. not to enact existing law, without in- private or local bills, certain, prohibited, passage after veto by governor. thirty days bills must be approved.... relating to cities, manner of passage of. Black River canal, not to be sold, etc.. prohibited Borrowing money: state may borrow for casual deficit and, otherwise only with assent of people.. 37 766 62 159 160 160 173 Canal board: of whom to consist... powers and duties of. not to allow claim barred by time. may cancel contract.. Canal fund commissioners. (See Commis sioners of canal fund.) 655 140 140 140 Canals: legislature not to sell certain canals.... funds derived from sale of, to be applied to improvement of. no tolls on... Circuit courts: abolished after 1895...... actions, etc., in, to be transferred to su payments by, to eleemosynary, etc., institutions may be authorized.. credit or money not to be loaned to de- ......... legislature to provide for organization of legislature to restrict power of taxation, etc classification of laws relative to, general and special.... 12 |