Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Yeas and nays-


on the concurrent resolution appointing a joint
committee on reconstruction.....28, 29, 30
on adjournment over the holidays........... 78
on the Industrial Exposition at Paris.....188
on the joint resolution relating to non-inter-
course with Great Britain.......243
on the bill enlarging the powers of the Freed-
men's Bureau........ .347, 348, 374, 395,
397, 399, 400, 402, 421, 437, 747, 748, 918
on the civil rights bill...575, 606, 1787, 1809
on the bill to regulate the registering

on motions to adjourn.





1058, 1083, 1681, 2178, 4006
on the joint resolution (H. R. No. 51) to
amend the Constitution

on the credentials of the Senators-elect from

on the concurrent resolution relating to re-
construction..........1140, 1141, 1146, 1147
on enlarging the Winnebago reservation in

on transferring Berkeley and Jefferson coun-
ties to West Virginia...


on the bill extending the time for the with-
drawal of goods from bonded ware-
1325, 1327

on the resolution in relation to the Diction-
ary of Congress.....

on the admission of the State of Colorado
into the Union.......1365, 2179, 2180
on fixing the military peace establishment
of the United States..
3669, 3678, 3679, 3680

on providing for an annual inspection of
Indian affairs..


on the bill providing for the relief of destitute
people in the District of Columbia....1509
on the naval appropriation bill...1511
on establishing a telegraph between New
York city and the West Indies........1522,
1539, 1540
on placing hulks, &c., at the disposal of
commissioners of quarantine 1542


[blocks in formation]

on the joint resolution relative to appoint-
ments in the Military Academy.........2819
on the joint resolution (H. R. No. 127) to
amend the Constitution...


2897, 2899, 2900, 2921, 2942,
2986, 2991, 3040, 8041, 3042
on the bill relating to inter-State communi-
....2870, 2871, 2876
on the legislative, &c., appropriation bill,
3110, 3134
on the tax bill...3315, 3321, 3390, 3391, 3396
on the Kansas and Neosho Valley railroad
.......3126, 3336
on the bill relating to the number and ap-
pointment of officers in the Navy y.....3154 315
on the resolution relating to the French
Industrial Exposition...3184, 3185
on the Army appropriation bill............ 3255
on a motion to postpone the order of busi-



[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Yeas and nays-Continued.

on the Niagara falls ship-canal....3480, 3792
on the printing of the President's message
in relation to Austrian troops for Mex-


on the bill for the relief of J. Judson Bar-

on the purchase of the law library of James
L. Pettigru.


on the Indian appropriation bill.......... 8555
on the bill to extend the time of letters-
patent issued to Thaddeus Hyatt......3667
on the bill to regulate elections for Senators
in Congress.

3730, 3734

on the bill to repeal an act retroceding the
county of Alexandria to the State of Vir-

on the tariff bill.....



on granting the right of way to the Union
Pacific railroad.


on Northern Pacific railroad bill...3793, 3867
on codifying the laws relating to the cus-

[blocks in formation]

on the general bankrupt bill.
on the bill to protect the revenue.... 4068,
4070, 4072

on miscellaneous appropriation bill.....4027,
4028, 4030, 4083, 4088, 4091, 4119,
4142, 4143, 4144, 4145, 4242, 4248

on the motion to refer the credentials of
David T. Patterson to the Committee on
the Judiciary

on the deficiency bill for 1866.............4180
on the admission of the State of Nebraska,
4205, 4222
on admitting David T. Patterson to a seat in
the Senate....
...4219, 4245

on the motion to take a recess

[blocks in formation]

York, Elizabeth, bill (H. R. No. 443) granting
a pension to... 1729, 1730, 1877, 1934, 1961
Youley, Charles, bill (H. R. No. 218) for the
relief of
641, 952, 1930, 1961
Young, Captain John J., bill (H. R. No. 682)
for the relief of...
3222, 3223
Young, Munroe, bill (H. R. No. 516) for the
relief of


[blocks in formation]

Adjournment, resolution in relation to, over Adjournment, concurrent resolutions in rela-
the holidays-Continued.

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Johnson

Mr. Kelley

Mr. Spalding.

Mr. Stevens.

yeas and nays on the...

tion to the, of Congress-Continued.

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Orth...........3982, 3983, 8984



Mr. Shellabarger


Mr. Stevens


yeas and nays on the


concurrent resolutions in relation to the, of
Congress, 1495, 3025, 3043, 3682, 8912,
3933, 3934, 3981, 4009, 4017, 4156, 4262

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Dawes.

Mr. Delano

Mr. Finck

Mr. Garfield........

Mr. Johnson

Mr. Kasson.........




3983, 3984


.........3984, 3985


3025, 3912, 3913, 3985, 4017, 4156

Agricultural college, joint resolution (H. R.
No. 180) extending the time for the com-
pletion of the, of Iowa...


Agricultural colleges: bill (H. R. No. 50) to
amend the fifth section of the act donating
public lands to the several States and Ter-
ritories which may provide colleges for
the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic
arts, approved July 2, 1862......70, 299,778,
1550, 1574, 1875, 1897, 3742, 8909, 8988

[blocks in formation]

bill to provide military instruction in, estab-
lished under the act of July 2, 1862.....2038
bill (H. R. No. 498) to amend section two
of an act donating public lands to the
several States and Territories which may
provide colleges for the benefit of agricult-
ure and the mechanic arts.......2344, 3510
bill to amend an act donating public land to
the several States and Territories which
may provide colleges for the benefit of
agricultural and mechanic arts.........2571
Agricultural implements and machinery, bill for
the admission, free of duty, of steam, for the
manufacture of flax and beet sugar for the
period of one year... 1681, 1682
Agricultural Report, resolution providing for
printing 25,000 copies of the, of 1864....3562
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Johnson........

Mr. Laflin.........
Mr. Miller.....


...3563, 3564

Agriculture, bill (H. R. No. 10) to develop and
reclaim public lands requiring irrigation,
and to encourage, in the Territories of Ida-
ho, Colorado, Arizona, and Montana, and
the State of Nevada... .......18, 1067
bill (H. R. No. 350) to encourage education
in, and the mechanic arts...1162, 1550
joint resolution (S. No. 74) providing for
the acceptance of a collection of plants
tendered to the United States by Frederick
2203, 2374, 2807
essays and reports from the annual report
for 1865 of the Department of.........3326
joint resolution authorizing the purchase of
a certain collection or museum and the
transfer of certain funds therefor by the
Commissioner of.....


[blocks in formation]

instructions to.......188, 287, 460, 2119, 2430
reports from, 299, 1550, 1725, 1875, 2807, 4189
adverse reports from...
discharged from subjects.



1550, 2344, 2772, 2807
Alley, John B., a Representative from Massa-

64, 65, 75, 100, 115, 233, 242, 512,
616, 781, 836, 837, 838, 839, 854, 855,
1099, 1130, 1200, 1214, 1251, 1343, 1349,
1507, 1534, 1578, 1579, 1610, 1611, 1614,
1653, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661,
1662, 1693, 1703, 1861, 1866, 1867, 2246,
2264, 2375, 2547, 2579, 2675, 2679, 2732,
3043, 3150, 3194, 3203, 3204, 3205, 3352,
3414, 3496, 3513, 3601, 3604, 3605, 3744,
3745, 3746, 3747, 3767, 8768, 3769, 3770,
3803, 3811, 3812, 3813, 8814, 8815, 3816,
3817, 3818, 3885, 3886, 3907, 3908, 3909,
3932, 3934, 4020, 4054, 4055, 4147, 4153,
4157, 4161, 4200, 4203, 4261, 4262, 4278

the postal laws....


1657, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661
remarks on the bill to carry soldiers' memo-
rials through the mails as printed mat-



remarks in relation to bridges over the Mis-
3769, 3811, 3812, 3813, 3816, 3817
remarks on the tax bill.
remarks on the bill for the relief of John
..3203, 3204
remarks on the tariff bill..
remarks on telegraph lines to be used for
Government purposes......3744, 8745, 3746
remarks on the assault case of Beveridge
and Painter...
4054, 4055

Allison, William B., a Representative from

19, 69, 645, 856, 1006,


1054, 1130, 1297, 1298, 1342, 1456, 1457,
1458, 1460, 1461, 1463, 1502, 1614, 1705,
1719, 1727, 1791, 1875, 1952, 2131, 2147,
2319, 2320, 2321, 2384, 2394, 2479, 2480,
2515, 2517, 2577, 2578, 2606, 2608, 2631,
2632, 2656, 2659, 2660, 2661, 2662, 2680,
2684, 2686, 2725, 2733, 2743, 2788, 2790,
2791, 2792, 2793, 2811, 2812, 2817, 2829,
2832, 2833, 2838, 2841, 2842, 2843, 2844,
2845, 2850, 2860, 2861, 2945, 2979, 3051,
3059, 3060, 3063, 3064, 3086, 3142, 3164,
3165, 3166, 3196, 3198, 3332, 3399, 3406,
3415, 3416, 3423, 3424, 3440, 3495, 3515,
3517, 8519, 3520, 3548, 3571, 3572, 3589,
3605, 3634, 3635, 3636, 3656, 3657, 3658,
3661, 3662, 3682, 3684, 3686, 3692, 3722,
3723, 3769, 3811, 2817, 3848, 3846, 8848,
3851, 3854, 3949, 4014, 4016, 4017, 4022,
4051, 4060, 4108, 4109, 4113, 4157, 4159,
4200, 4248, 4253, 4266, 4267, 4308, 4309
resolutions by........
remarks on regulating trade with British
North America.
1297, 1298
remarks on the loan bill..... 1457, 1458, 1463
remarks on Niagara falls ship-canal....2319,
2320, 2321


remarks on the tax bill.
2517, 2632, 2660, 2680, 2733, 2791, 2792,
2812, 2833, 2842, 2845, 3634, 3635, 3636
remarks on the management of Indian
.....3063, 3064

remarks on the tariff bill........

remarks on the bill to establish branch mints
in Oregon and Idaho......3164, 3165, 3166
remarks on the bill for relief of Iowa volun-
3572, 3657, 3692
remarks on the right of way of railroads
through military reservations............6843
American Forest Tree Propagation and Land
Company, bill donating lands to the, for
conducting experiments respecting forest-
tree culture, calculated to prevent the
destruction and encourage the production
1605, 2772

of forests in America.....

Ames, Oakes, a Representative from Massa-

1162, 1200, 1272,
1435, 2032, 2131, 3207, 3513, 3520, 3692
Amiot, Augustine, bill (H. R. No. 364) to
confirm to, or his legal representatives, a
certain lot of ground in the city of St.
Louis........... 1251, 1451, 1874, 1898, 1945


Ancona, Sydenham E., a Representative from
Pennsylvania, 45, 48, 49, 62, 70, 72, 87, 127,
130, 136, 138, 234, 311, 435, 481, 493, 944,
948, 1005, 1033, 1095, 1130, 1297, 1346,
1349, 1452, 1468, 1495, 1535, 1560, 1602,
1608, 1656, 1681, 1695, 1696, 1699, 1705,
1742, 1743, 1745, 1746, 1791, 1855, 1856,
1857, 1861, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1874,
2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2042, 2067, 2068,
2120, 2201, 2202, 2233, 2235, 2235 2246, 2282,
2286, 2330, 2351, 2853, 2353, 2884, 2884, 2393, 2480,
2545, 2623, 2634, 2725, 2727, 2784, 2741,
2746, 2783, 2786, 2790, 2809, 2825, 2827,
2839, 2840, 2860, 2861, 2887, 2922, 2925,
2945, 2980, 3011, 3012, 3019, 3024, 3025,
3043, 3085, 3086, 3089, 3090, 3095, 3149,
3196, 8239, 3241, 3269, 3270, 3303, 3416,
3417, 3443, 3444, 3447, 3448, 3449, 3538,
3540, 3544, 3562, 3563, 3564, 3601, 3628,
3631, 3723, 8750, 3796, 3802, 8851, 3892,
4017, 4046, 4047, 4048, 4058, 4091, 4093,
4097, 4113, 4156, 4157, 4189, 4193, 4197,
4200, 4204, 4262, 4277, 4286, 4306, 4309

resolutions by.

136, 188, 234, 1495, 1855, 3085, 3241
remarks on the bill for the relief of John C.

remarks on the tax bill.



Anderson, Charles F., (bill H. R. No. 143)
for the relief of......286, 324, 614, 646, 813
Anderson, George W., a Representative from
19, 286, 646,

398, 1032, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1479, 2067,
3426, 3681, 3793, 3843, 4059, 4249, 4309
resolutions by..19, 286, 1032, 4249
remarks on reconstruction..
1477, 1478, 1479
remarks on the right of way of railroads
through military reservations............3843
Anderson, Peter, bill (S. No. 79) for the bon-
efit of.....
......3644, 4107

Andrews, Sally, bill (H. R. No. 462) granting a
pension to....1811, 2688, 2733, 2928, 2949
Anthony, Cyrus A., bill for the relief of.....332
Appropriation, bill (H. R. No. 35) making, for
refurnishing and repairing the President's


.....59, 71, 172
bill (H. R. No. 36) making, for the payment
of invalid and other pensions of the Uni-
ted States, for the year ending June 30,
..........59, 349

(See Pensions.)
bill (H. R. No. 37) making, for the support
of the Military Academy, for the year end-
ing June 30, 1867......59, 325, 1191, 1199,
1206, 1207, 2688, 2877, 2911, 3005, 3089
bill (H. R. No. 40) making, for a custom-
house and warehouse at Jersey City, in the
State of New Jersey.

60, 1463


bill to amend the act to pay officers and sol-
diers for horses lost in the service......116
bill making, for the improvement of the har-
bor of Chester Chester, Pennsylvania...
bill extending the benefits of section four of
the Army, bill, approved March 3, 1865, so
as to give all officers of volunteers below
the rank of brigadier general, who were
mustered out of the service at their own
request, or otherwise honorably discharged
after the 19th of April, 1865, three months'
pay proper, the same as if they had been
mustered out with their respective regi-
joint resolution (H. R. No. 92) authorizing
the Secretary of the Treasury to pay cer-
tain claims out of the balance of an, for
the payment of necessary expenditures in
the service of the United States for Indian
tribes in the Territory of Utah..1494, 4190
joint resolution (S. No. 69) making, to ena-
ble the President to negotiate treaties with
certain Indian tribes.

3007, 3012, 3086, 3115
joint resolution making, for the repair of the
Potomac bridge......2838, 3166, 3201, 3298
bill making, for the enlargement and re-
pair of the custom-house and post office
building at Bangor, Maine..
bill (S. No. 408) making, for the erection of
a military hospital at Yokohama, in Japan,
and for other purposes...8846, 4109


Appropriations; bill to reimburse the State of
Pennsylvania for expenses incurred for the
pay of the soldiers of that State to repel
the rebel invasion of 1863....
bill (H. R. No. 86) making, to supply defi-
ciencies in the, for sundry civil expenses
of the Government for the fiscal year end-
ing 30th June, 1866, and for other pur-
poses..........135, 508,855, 861, 1096, 1099,

1125, 1496, 1550, 1580, 1605, 1790, 1812
bill (H. R. No. 122) making, for the naval
service for the year ending 30th June,
1867....................170, 325, 720, 750, 775,

1550, 1577, 1797, 1856, 1943, 1945, 1970
bill (H. R. No. 127) making, for the support
of the Army for the year ending 30th of
June, 1867..

3298, 3306, 3404, 34 3440, 3589, 3590, 3598
joint resolution relating to the unexpended
balances of the $10,000 appropriated for
the protection of emigration on the route
from the Missouri river to Gallatin, in
Montana, by act of March 3, 1863......350
bill (H. R. No. 213) making, for the legis-
lative, executive, and judicial expenses of
the Government, for the year ending June
30, 1867..
616, 1502, 1504,


1522, 8166, 8742, 3766, 3796, 3886, 3933
bill making, for public buildings in the Terri-
tory of Idaho...
bill (H. R. No. 36) making, for the payment
of invalid and other pensions of the Uni-
ted States, for the year ending June 30,
..........646, 654, 813
bill (H. R. No. 225) making, for the con-
struction, preservation, and repairs of cer-
tain fortifications and other works of de-
fense, for the year ending June 30, 1867,688,
1346, 1348, 1349, 1368, 2727, 2734,
2877, 2911, 3051, 8055, 3086, 3144
bill (H. R. No. 261) making, for the con-
sular and diplomatic expenses of the Gov-
ernment for the year ending 30th June,
1867, and for other purposes....714, 1533,
1535, 1547, 2688, 3741,
3771, 3818, 3943, 4047
resolution that the Commissioner of Public
Buildings be directed to cause to be painted
in the square panels of glass in the ceiling
of the House of Representatives the es-
cutcheons of the States of West Virginia
and Nevada, and that the necessary, be
made therefor......


bill (H. R. No. 280) making, for the service
of the Post Office Department during the
fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1867,
and for other purposes.....853, 1584, 1535,
2871, 2374, 2573, 2575, 2597, 2664, 2727
bill making, for improving the harbors of
Sandusky City, Huron, and Vermillion,
and the navigation of the Sandusky river
and the head of Sandusky bay............
bill to appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the
completion of the capitol in the Territory
of New Mexico...



bill (H. R. No. 387) making, for the current
and contingent expenses of the Indian de-
partment, and for fulfilling treaty stipula-
tions with the various Indian tribes, for the
year ending June 30, 1867......1423, 3357,
3360, 3590, 3626, 3845,
joint resolution extending the operation of
3892, 4102, 4104, 4161
section four of an act making, for the sup-
port of the Army for the year ending June
80, 1866, passed March 3, 1865......... 1450
bill (H. R. No. 456) to extend the benefits
of section four of an act making, for the
support of the Army for the year end-
ing June 30, 1866, approved March 3,
.1788, 3501, 3684, 3798


remarks on the, by-

Mr. Farnsworth

Mr. Kasson

Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio......
Mr. Schenck....

Mr. Washburn, of Indiana..


bill (H. R. No. 500) making, to supply defi-
ciencies in the, for the public printing for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1866...2038,
2069, 2147, 2156, 2316
joint resolution (S. No. 75) making, for ex-
penses of the collection of revenues from
.2215, 2313, 2345
bill (H. R. No. 545) making, for the uses of
the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and
Abandoned Lands, for the fiscal year com-
mencing January 1, 1866...2287, 2316, 2344
bill (S. No. 230) to reimburse the State of
West Virginia for moneys expended for the
United States in enrolling, equipping, and
paying military forces to aid in suppress-
ing the rebellion.....2377, 2597, 3240, 3275
bill (H. R. No. 612) to amend an act making,
for sundry civil expenses of the Govern-
ment for the year ending the 30th of June,
...2741, 4308

bill to reimburse the States which have fur-
nished troops to the Union Army for ad-
vances made and expenses incurred in
raising the same.


joint resolution (S. No. 94) providing for
the payment of certain Kentucky military


bill (H. R. No. 654) making, to supply defi-
ciencies in the appropriations for the con-
tingent expenses of the House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1865......3006,
3044, 3089

bill amendatory of the act of April 17, 1866,
making, for the naval service for the year
ending June 30, 1867....... .......3112
bill (H. R. No. 787) making, for sundry
civil expenses of the Government for the
year ending June 30, 1867, and for other
3793, 3796, 4189, 4193, 4253, 4265,
4280, 4282, 4286, 4307, 4308, 4309

bill (H. R. No. 791) to supply deficiencies
in the, for the service of the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1866, and for other pur-
4009, 4056,
4096, 4249, 4263, 4277, 4278, 4303
bill (H. R. No. 761) to authorize the reim-
bursement to the Territory of Nebraska
of certain expenses incurred in repelling
Indian hostilities.....

4102, 4249
bill (H. R. No. 815) supplemental to the act
to appropriate money for the postal ser-


Appropriations, the Committee on......34

instructions to........

.......34, 214,

898, 1550, 1788, 2946, 2947, 3326, 4193
reports from
59, 170, 195, 615,

616, 688, 713,853, 1238, 1333, 1550, 1685,
1797, 1920, 2038, 2287, 2313, 2597, 2838,
2877, 3006, 3007, 3142, 3404, 3424, 3490,
3650, 8741, 3818, 3845, 4009, 4253, 4263



adverse reports from....
discharged from subjects...1941, 1945, 2235,

2313, 3112, 3194, 3440, 3650, 3770, 4248
Armes, Josiah O., bill (S. No. 16) for the re-

lief of...

148, 3907, 4110

Armory, joint resolution (H. R. No. 96) in
relation to the public lands appertaining
to the, at Springfield....
1700, 1720, 1767

bill (S. No. 330) making further provision
for the establishment of an, and an arse-
nal of construction, deposit, and repair
on Rock Island, in the State of Illinois,
2780, 2839, 3351, 3375

remarks on the, by-
Mr. Grinnell........
Mr. Schenck.

3351, 3352

Mr. Washburne, of Illinois...3351, 8852
Army: bill (H. R. No. 3) to revive the grade
15, 255,

Mr. Deming......2387, 2388, 2389, 2390


of general in the...


1869, 2387, 3886, 3905, 3974


remarks on the, by-

..........1788, 1789

Mr. Delano...

2392, 2393


Mr. Finck.


[blocks in formation]

bill (H. R. No. 492) making, for the repair,

preservation, and completion of certain

public works, and for other purposes, 1994,

2287, 3142, 3149, 3207, 3269, 3325, 3401

[blocks in formation]

bill to amend an act to restrict the jurisdic-
tion of the Court of Claims, and provide
for the payment of certain demands for
quartermasters' stores and subsistence sup-
plies furnished to the, of the United States,
approved July 4, 1864..
bill (H. R. No. 74) to amend the act to pay
officers and soldiers for horses lost in the
116, 255, 3196
bill to prevent courts-martial, military and
naval, from depriving non-commissioned
officers, privates, petty officers, musicians,
seamen, and marines, having families, of
their pay, by way of punishment........135
bill (H. R. No. 94) to provide for ascertain-
ing and adjusting claims against the Gov-
ernment for injury or destruction of prop-
erty by the, of the United States or by
military authority during the late rebel-
135, 1149

resolution that, in order to the maintenance
of the national authority and the protec-
tion of the loyal citizens of the seceding
States, the military forces of the Gov-
ernment should not be withdrawn from
those States until Congress shall have
ascertained and declared their further
presence there no longer necessary, 137
yeas and nays on the.....


joint resolution that all loyal persons in any
part of the United States who hold quar-
ter master or commissary receipts or cer-
tificates for articles of food or raiment
used by the, of the United States, or os-
tensibly taken for their use, shall be enti-
tled to have the same audited and paid
under the direction of the Secretary of

bill (H. R. No. 127) making appropriations
for the support of the, for the year end-
ing 30th of June, 1867...195, 1193, 3298,
3306, 3404, 3440, 3589, 3590, 3598

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


bill (S. No. 88) to restrict the expenses of

Mr. Farquhar


719, 1259, 1367

Mr. Garfield...

2154, 3275, 3276, 3331

remarks on the, by-

2006, 2028, 2029, 2045, 2046,

Mr. Cobb.....


2074, 2075, 2347, 2349, 2350

Mr. Farnsworth


Mr. Hale

1950, 1951, 1952, 1972,

Mr. Ingersoll..


Mr. Schenck...


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Ingersoll

Mr. Wentworth


Mr. Le Blond...

Mr. Wilson, of Iowa

1260, 1261

Mr. Mercur

yeas and nays on the.


Mr. Niblack.

bill to perpetuate testimony in cases of claims

Mr. O'Neill.

against the quartermaster's and commis-
sary departments........


bill extending the benefits of section four of
the, appropriation bill approved March 3,
1865, so as to give all officers of volunteers
below the rank of brigadier general, who
were mustered out of the service at their
own request, or otherwise honorably dis-
charged after the 19th of April, 1865, three
months' pay proper, the same as if they
had been mustered out with their respect-
ive regiments.

Mr. Ross

joint resolution in relation to brevet appoint-
ments and commissions in the United


bill for the relief of paymasters in the, of the
United States...



bill to reimburse the State of Missouri for
moneys expended for the United States,


[blocks in formation]

2002, 2003, 2006, 2029, 2030, 2044,
2045, 2125, 3278, 3330, 3331, 3332
Mr. Rogers............ 1975, 1976, 2003
Mr. Rollins

Mr. Schenck



1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1972, 1973,
1974, 1975, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2004, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2041,
2042, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048,
2049, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073,
2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2078, 2121,
2122, 2123, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2128,
2129, 2149, 2150, 2154, 2155, 2345,
2346, 2347, 2348, 2349, 2350, 2351,
2352, 8270, 8271, 3272, 3273, 8274,
3275, 3329, 3330, 3331, 3650, 3684
Mr. Shellabarger 1998, 1999
Mr. Smith
Mr. Stevens.......

[blocks in formation]

2126, 2127, 2129, 2149, 3272
...2347, 2348, 2351

Mr. Wright
yeas and nays on the...
1977, 2004, 2007, 2030, 2031,-2043, 2046,
2073, 2075, 2126, 2345, 2352, 3332, 3684
bill (H. R. No. 369) concerning the set-
tlement of accounts of paymasters of
1290, 1871


bill granting lands to the State of Minnesota
for the establishment of an asylum for the
relief of disabled soldiers and sailors, 1887
joint resolution extending the operation
section four of an act making appropria-.
tions for the support of the, for the year
ending June 30, 1866, passed March 3,



bill (S. No. 188) to increase and fix the mili-
tary peace establishment of the United
1456, 3683,

4151, 4158, 4261, 4264, 4281, 4303
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Farnsworth........

4281, 4282

Mr. Schenck. 4261, 4262, 4282
bill further to provide for the payment of
certain claims for quartermasters' stores,
subsistence supplies, &c., furnished to the,
of the United States......


bill to extend the provisions of an act to
authorize the employment of volunteers
to aid in enforcing the laws and protect-
ing public property to the fifteenth and
sixteenth regiments of Missouri volunteer


bill (H. R. No. 411) to secure pay under
certain circumstances to, volunteer nurses,
1585, 1787

bill to equalize the bounties of soldiers and
sailors who served the United States dur-
ing the late rebellion..
joint resolution (S. No. 34) expressive of
the gratitude of the nation to the offi-
cers, soldiers, and seamen of the United
..1577, 2315, 2345

joint resolution (H. R. No. 100) ordering the
names of First Lieutenant Edward Crouse,
First Lieutenant Jesse W. Dungan, and
Second Lieutenant Joseph Parker to be
placed and borne upon the muster-rolls of
the, of the United States... 1602, 3195, 3207
joint resolution (H. R. No. 101) for the relief
of certain officers of the.....

[blocks in formation]

1856, 1894, 2906, 2925, 2928, 2950, 2970
joint resolution (S. No. 58) respecting the
burial of soldiers who died in the military
service of the United States during the
1753, 1772, 1874, 1900

bill (H. R. No. 450) in regard to the pay of

bill (H. R. No. 456) to extend the benefits
of section four of an act making appro-
priations for the support of the, for the
year ending June 30, 1866, approved March
3, 1865......
1788, 3501, 3684, 3793
joint resolution (H. R. No. 105) giving con-
struction to the law in relation to boun-
ties payable to soldiers discharged for
1861, 1868, 1945
bill (H. R. No. 471) to provide that soldiers'
individual memorials shall be carried
the mails at the usual rate of
nted matter...
1867, 1922, 1941
joint resolution (H. R. No. 21) for the relief
of certain commissaries of subsistence in
the, of the United States...

bill (H. R. No. 475) for the relief of pay-
masters of the....... 1872, 1894, 2201, 2202
resolution requesting the Paymaster Gen-
eral of the, to furnish the House with the
names of the paymasters and additional
paymasters against whom stoppages are
now standing, and the nature and cause
of the same....

[blocks in formation]


joint resolution (H. R. No. 155) to prevent
the further enforcement of joint resolu-
tion No. 77, approved July 4, 1864, against
officers and soldiers of the United States,
who have been honorably discharged, so
as to relieve them from the further pay-
ment of the special five per cent. income
tax imposed thereby, 3088, 4277, 4307, 4308
joint resolution to amend the act of March
3, 1865, in relation to calling out the na-
tional forces so as to make it apply to a
particular officer....
bill for the relief of certain officers in the
volunteer service who failed to make proper
returns of stores and other public prop-

bill (H. R. No. 156) to amend the ninth sec-
tion of the act to increase the pay of sol-
diers of the United States, and for other
purposes, approved June 20, 1864.....3196
bill (S. No. 401) to increase and fix the mil-
itary establishment of the United States,
3723, 4108

bill (H. R. No. 792) to authorize the Secre-
tary of War to furnish transportation to
discharged soldiers to whom artificial limbs
are furnished by the Government.....4020,
4264, 4278

joint resolution for the relief of the officers
of the thirteenth regiment United States
colored heavy artillery............ ..4192
joint resolution in relation to brevet appoint-
ments and commissions in the United

bill to establish a system of education for the,
of the United States, and to provide that
all promotions therein shall be from the


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Garfield.............4276, 4277
Mr. Schenck.



Arsenal, communications from the command-
ant of the Washington, in relation to the
sufferers by the late explosion... 3055, 3085
Art Union, joint resolution (H. R. No. 45) to
change the name of the ship, to George M.
286, 1533, 1548
Ashley, Delos R., a Representative from Ne-
vada...645, 919, 951, 978, 1006, 1099, 1162,
1200, 1314, 1315, 1316, 2285, 2370, 3237,
3270, 3566, 3567, 4021, 4022, 4053, 4062
credentials of, presented.
remarks on reconstruction... 1314, 1815, 1316
remarks on the bill relating to the boundaries
of Nevada.



remarks on the bill to quiet land titles in Cali-


remarks on the bill granting right right of way over
public lands to ditch and canal owners,
4021, 4053

remarks on the bill granting aid to A. Sutroin
constructing a tunnel for mining purposes
in Nevada.


Ashley, James M., a Representative from
.6, 10,

18, 22, 33, 69, 75, 116, 150, 183, 264,
275, 276, 277, 349, 350, 385, 411, 412, 452,
481,482, 512, 750, 784,811,919, 921, 969,
1024, 1032, 1035, 1188, 1189, 1331, 1349,
1874, 1376, 1406, 1433, 1452, 1456, 1480,
1495, 1496, 1502, 1503, 1522, 1535, 1552,
1553, 1560, 1575, 1576, 1579, 1602, 1613,
1634, 1705, 1723, 1787, 1815, 1823, 1861,
1898, 1905, 1940, 2148, 2203, 2210, 2316,
2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2873, 2374,

2377, 2413, 2430, 2433, 2545, 2546, 2576,
2578, 2579, 2597, 2600, 2601, 2602, 2603,
2688, 2772, 2858, 2878, 2879, 2880, 2881,
2882, 2883, 2965, 2966, 3043, 3089, 3141,
3142, 3149, 3360, 3406, 3465, 3511, 3513,
8724, 3742, 3747, 3812, 3813, 3845, 3850,
3851, 3885, 3912, 3913, 3985, 4048, 4051

resolations by.


512, 1189, 1331, 1602, 1723, 2858, 4048
the bill relating to the boundaries
2368, 2369, 2370

remarks on
of Nevada..
remarks on the resolution to facilitate com-
munication with certain Territories...2871

[blocks in formation]

Assault upon a committee clerk.....3885, 3908
resolution in relation to......


resolution directing the Sergeant-at-Arms to
deliver into the custody of the civil au-
thorities Benjamin F. Beveridge, and to
prosecute the said Beveridge before the
criminal court in the District of Colum-
bia for an, upon the person of Uriah
H. Painter within the walls of the Cap-

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Alley.........

Mr. Farnsworth

[blocks in formation]

bill (H. R. No. 150) for the relief of the
administrators of the estate of...........300,

1451, 1941
Backus, F. W., bill to change the name of the
propeller, to Metacomet......185, 533
Bail, clerks and commissioners of-see Courts.
Baker, Jehu, a Representative from Illinois, 69,
115, 149, 276, 332, 376, 383, 384, 385,
386, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 991,
1022, 1148, 1199, 1293, 1366, 1463,
1494, 1529, 1687, 1696, 2367, 2945,
2949, 3683, 3845, 3949, 4058, 4113
1148, 1696, 3845

resolutions by.......
remarks on the homestead bill...276
remarks on the basis of representation...885
remarks on reconstruction.....

[blocks in formation]

remarks on the loan bill.
1463, 1464
Baldwin, Augustus C., of Michigan, claiming
the seat for the fifth congressional district
of Michigan, now occupied by Hon. R. E.
823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 839
resolution that, be entitled to the privilege
of the floor pending the decision of his



remarks on the Michigan contested-election
.823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828
Baldwin, John D., a Representative from Mas-

..84, 100,

147, 148, 149, 381, 862, 886, 1068, 1099,
- 1150, 1162, 1189, 1319, 1368, 1507, 1578,
1579, 1586, 1659, 1745, 1772, 1825, 1826,
1827, 1828, 1861, 1920, 2387, 2627, 2675,
2676, 2727, 2728, 2782, 3238, 3326, 3398
886, 3238
remarks on the resolution in relation to House

resolutions by..

remarks on the personal explanation of Mr.
Washburne, of Illinois......148, 149
remarks on the deficiency bill. ........862
remarks on telegraph to the West Indies, 1578
remarks on the bill (H. R. No. 281) to amend


the postal laws.........


remarks on reconstruction..

4054, 4055



1826, 1827, 1828


remarks on the reform school for boys in the


District of Columbia...
remarks on the tax bill....

2675, 2676

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Thomas, J. L..................
Mr. Trimble.

select committee to investigate the........3836
report from.......

...3908, 4054

Assay, bill to establish additional offices for
the, of gold and silver, and for other pur-


bill (No. 674) to establish additional offices
for the, of gold and silver.....3142, 3164
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Allison.........

...3164, 3165, 3166
Mr. Henderson...3142, 8143, 3144, 3165
Mr. Morrill.

yeas and nays on the...


Asylum, joint resolution (No. 108) appointing
managers for the National, for Disabled
Volunteer Soldiers. 1871, 2041, 2121
bill (H. R. No. 726) to extend to certain per-
sons the privilege of admission, in certain
cases, to the United States Government,
for the insane 3416, 3723, 3793
bill (H. R. No. 382) granting lands to the
State of Minnesota for the establishment
of an, for the relief of disabled soldiers
and sailors of that State and of the Uni-

ted States......


bill (S. No. 54) to amend an act to incorporate
a National Military and Naval......581, 978

Baldwin, Robert, bill (H. R. No. 693) for the

Ball, Jonathan, bill (H. R. No. 550) for the
.........2342, 3140, 3198

relief of....

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Davis...........

Mr. Dawes..

Mr. Jenckes..

Mr. Johnson.

8140, 3200


3199, 8200

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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