Appropriations, bill (H. R. No. 122) making, || Appropriations-Continued. for the naval service for the year ending 30th June, 1867.806, 807, 1068, 1445, 1509, 1801, 1810, 1843, 1926, 1961 bill (H. R. No. 86) making additional, and to supply deficiencies in the, for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1866, and for other purposes... .1132, 1147,
1376, 1416, 1439, 1449, 1588, 1775, 1801 bill (H. R. No. 127) making, for the support of the Army for the year ending 30th of June, 1867. .1201, 1202, 1664, 1775,
2340, 3254, 3409, 3426, 8474, 8575, 3613 || bill (H. R. No. 37) making, for the support of the Military Academy for the year end- ing the 30th of June, 1867.....1203, 1507,
2647, 2888, 2889, 2957, 2983, 3008 bill making, for the construction, preserva- tion, and repairs of certain fortifications, and other works of defense for the year ending June 30, 1867.....1378, 1386, 2303,
2651, 2715, 2888, 2890, 3026, 3042, 3075 bill (H. R. No. 213) making, for the legis lative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the year ending the 30th of June, 1867........1537, 1543, 2443,
3100, 3127, 3759, 3760, 3866, 3868, 3922 bill (H. R. No. 280) making, for the service of the Post Office Department during the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1867, and for other purposes....... .1537,
1543, 1664, 2016, 2108, 2109, 2233, 2274, 2805, 2835, 2358, 2367, 2417, 2447, 2485, 2522, 2550, 2589, 2618 bill (H. R. No. 261) making, for the consu- lar and diplomatic expenses of the Gov- ernment for the year ending 30th June, 1867, and for other purposes...... 1561,
2131, 2596, 2612, 2614, 2638, 8734, 3741, 3825, 3952, 4025
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Chandler.........
2016, 2617 .2644 .2622 .2644, 8956, 3957 .3958 ..2615 ..2614, 2615, 2616, 2617, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2623, 2638, 2639, 2640, 2641, 2642, 2643, 2645, 2646, 3954, 8957, 3958 .2616, 2019, 2623, 2639, 2645 Mr. Guthrie........ 2639 Mr. Harris....... .2621 Mr. Hendricks...2621, 2638, 3955, 3956 Mr. Howard...
Mr. Howe......... Mr. Johnson.....
Mr. Nesmith...... Mr. Poland....
.2641, 3954, 8955, 3956, 3957 3958, 3959 ...2639, 2646, 3952, 3953, 3954 2621 2614, 2615
Mr. Sherman............................................................ .2618, 2644 ....2615,
2617, 2618, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2623, 2638, 2639, 2641, 2642, 2643, 2644, 2645, 2646, 3952, 3953, 3954 Mr. Trumbull.. .2638, 2640, 2642, 2643, 2646 Mr. Wade.......... .2618, 2619, 3954 yeas and nays on the....... .2620,
2643, 2644, 2645, 2647 bill (H. R. No. 456) to extend the benefits of section four of an act making, for the support of the Army for the year ending June 30, 1866...1798, 3379, 3475, 3734, 8785 bill (H. R. No. 500) making, to supply defi- ciencies in the, for the public printing for the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1866..... .2066, 2132 joint resolution (S. No. 75) making, for the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs........ ......2192, 2304, 2335, 2414 bill (H. R. No. 492) making, for the repair, preservation, and completion of certain public works heretofore commenced under the authority of law, and for other pur- poses..... ...... 2303, 2305, 2760, 3098, 3154, 8179. 3237, 3255, 3310
bill (H. R. No. 545) making, for the uses of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for the fiscal year com- mencing January 1, 1866.........2303, 2305 bill (H. R. No. 612) to amend an act making, for sundry civil expenses of the Govern- ment for the year ending 30th of June, .2736, 2737, 4298, 4301 bill (H. R. No. 654) making, to supply de- ficiencies in the, for contingent expenses of the House of Representatives of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1866....... .3008, 3026. joint resolution (S. No. 106) to reimburse the State of Massachusetts for money ex- pended in the purchase of guns and ammu- nition, for procuring plans for coast defense and harbor obstruction, and for the erec- tion of works of coast defense...3071, 3362 bill (S. No. 230) to reimburse the State of West Virginia for moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, equipping, and paying military forces to aid in sup- pressing the rebellion..... ....... 1664,
2356, 3222, 3223, 3255, 3379 bill (H. R. No. 387) making, for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian de- partment, and for fulfilling treaty stipula- tions with various Indian tribes for the year ending 30th of June, 1867........3407,
3450, 3505, 3552, 3842, 3858, 4066, 4117 bill (H. R. No. 737) making, for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1867, and for other pur- poses .3804, 3893, 3927, 3959, 4027, 4046, 4072, 4079, 4118, 4129, 4223, 4237, 4245, 4246, 4248, 4288, 4298 bill (H. R. No. 791) to supply deficiencies in the, for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1866, and for other pur- poses ...4079,
4128, 4171, 4228, 4230, 4237, 4242, 4293 bill (H. R. No. 815) supplemental to the act to appropriate money for postal services, 4228, 4230, 4245, 4248 Arkansas, motion to take from the files the credentials of the Senators-elect from, 1025 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Lane, of Kansas....1025, 1026, 1027 Mr. Trumbull..... 1026 yeas and nays on the.... ..1027 Armes, Josiah O., bill (S. No. 16) for the re-
lief of...7, 134, 147, 162, 1380, 3873 Armory, joint resolution (H. R. No. 96) in rela-
tion to the public lands appertaining to the, at Springfield........1512, 1664, 1665, 1707 bill (S. No. 330) making further provision
for the establishment of an, and arsenal of construction, deposit, and repair on Rock Island, in the State of Illinois, 2706, 2738, 3337, 3349, 3382, 3454 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Trumbull
Mr. Wilson....
Army-see Militia.
.2739 .2740 ......2739 .2739, 2740
bill (S. No. 31) to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for the United States.... .......35,
849, 1187, 1202, 1906, 1928, 2052 joint resolution (S. No. 20) requesting the President to suspend any order mustering out the officers of the Veteran Reserve corps until Congrèss shall take some legis- lative action in regard to the corps......38, 43, 3893 bill (S. No. 48) amending the act of Congress to restrict the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims, and to provide for the payment of certain demands for quartermasters' stores and subsistence supplies furnished to the, of the United States, approved July 4, 1864 ...77, 471
bill (S. No. 67) to increase and fix the mili- tary peace establishment of the United States.....161, 225, 242, 265, 266, 806, 1289 joint resolution respecting the three months' extra pay to officers of volunteers when mustered out of service............184, 3782
bill (S. No. 54) to amend an act to incor- porate a national military and naval asy- lum for the relief of the totally disabled officers and men of the volunteer forces of the United States...... 225, 232 bill (S. No. 77) to provide for the examina- tion of certain officers of the.....226, 3893 joint resolution (S. No. 19) for the benefit
of certain volunteer troops of Missouri who served during the war...288, 312, 3522 bill (S. No. 87) for the relief of certain volunteer officers appointed by the Presi- dent..... .312, 3893
bill (S. No. 88) to restrict the expenses of collecting soldiers' claims against the Government..... .......................312, 414, 472 remarks on the, by- Mr. Clark...... Mr. Doolittle.. Mr. Hendricks Mr. Saulsbury.. Mr. Wilson.... yeas and nays on the....... resolution instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the justice and expediency of making provision for the claims of loyal citizens of the States lately in rebellion for stores or subsistence fur- nished to the, and receipted for by the proper officers, or taken by such officers without such receipt, so as to place said claims on an equal footing with those of loyal citizens of States not in rebellion......... .....671 bill (S. No. 136) to repeal the act authoriz- ing the settlement of claims against the United States by the quartermaster's de- partment for property used or destroyed by the, and Navy..... .734
bill (S. No. 138) to increase and fix the mili- tary peace establishment of the United States... .806, 849, 851, 852, 1365, 1378, 4228, 4230, 4246, 4293, 4296 remarks on the, by-
bill (S. No. 207) to provide for the equaliza- tion of the bounties to soldiers in the late war of rebellion.......1484, 1706, 2107 bill (S. No. 213) to provide for the payment of quartermasters' stores and subsist- ence supplies furnished to the, of the United States...... .1561,
2381, 3307, 3379, 3581, 3613 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Clark...2381, 3380, 3613, 3614, 3620 Mr. Edmunds..
Mr. Lane, of Indiana.....
Mr. Fessenden....3308, 3309, 3614, 3623
Mr. Wilson........ yeas and nays on the...... bill (S. No. 226) to repeal section ten of an act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for enrolling and calling out the national forees, and for other pur- poses. .....1588, 3549 bill (H. R. No. 360) to reimburse the State of Pennsylvania for moneys advanced Government for war purposes........1602, 1663, 1844, 1863, 1880, 1883 joint resolution (H. R. No. 101) for the relief of certain officers of the.........1602, 1663, 1706, 2138, 2415, 3664, 3922, 3950, 4079, 4113, 4118 joint resolution (H. R. No. 105) giving con- struction to the law in relation to bon- ties payable to soldiers discharged for wounds... ......1775, 1798, 1844, 1883 bill (H. R. No. 456) to extend the benefits of section four of an act making appro- priations for the support of the, for the year ending June 30, 1866..... .1798,
3379, 8475, 8734, 3785 bill (H. R. No. 471) to provide that the Sol- diers' Individual Memorial shall be car- ried through the mails at the usual rate of printed matter......1880, 1882, 1906, 1928 bill (H. R. No. 475) to facilitate the settle- ment of the accounts of paymasters of the......... ...2200, 2215, 2265 joint resolution (8. No. 77) respecting brevet
rank of officers of the....... .2233 bill (H. R. No. 3) to revive the grade of gen- eral in the United States...... ....2415,
2416, 3855, 3893, 3922, 3952 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Yates... .3855, 3856, 8857, 3858 bill (S. No. 323) to fix the military peace establishment of the United States...2613 joint resolution (S. No. 97) to authorize cer- tain medals to be distributed to veteran soldiers free of postage...........2665, 2723 bill (H. R. No. 450) to reduce and estab- lish the pay of officers and to regulate the pay of soldiers of the, of the United States...... bill (H. R. No. 156) to amend the ninth sec- ..2983, 2984 tion of the act to increase the diers in the United States, and for other pay of sol- purposes.... .83222, 3223
bill (H. R. No. 861) to reorganize and estab- lish the, of the United States...3337, 3849 bill (S. No. 401) to increase and fix the mil- itary peace establishment of the United States.......3474, 8548, 8581, 3650, 3667 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Wade....... Mr. Wilson.......
.3670, 3676, 3677|| Asylum, bill (S. No. 54) to amend an act to incorporate an, for the relief of the totally disabled officers and men of the volun- teer forces of the United States.........225, 232, 243 joint resolution (H. R. No. 108) appointing managers for the, for disabled volunteer soldiers.....1880, 1882, 1953, 2016, 2050 bill (H. R. No. 726) to extend to certain persons the privilege of admission, in cer- tain cases, to the United States Govern- ment, for the insane.... ...3414,
3668, 3672, 3673, 3679 ....3671 .3676, 3677, 3679 .8668, 3670 .3670, 3671, 3672, 3675, 3676, 3677, 3678 yeas and nays on the, 3669, 3678, 3679, 3680 joint resolution (H. R. No. 181) to enable discharged soldiers to change the location of their homestead selection in certain .....3509, 3522 joint resolution (S. No. 120) restoring the allowance of double rations to the Adju- tant General and Quartermaster General of the.......... ....3548 joint resolution (S. No. 128) in regard to contracts in the quartermaster's depart- .8726, 3782 joint resolution (S. No. 77) respecting brevet rank to officers of the...... 3893 bill (H. R. No. 792) to authorize the Secre- tary of War to furnish transportation to discharged soldiers to whom artificial limbs are furnished by the Government.....4025, 4026, 4116, 4224, 4242 joint resolution (H. R. No. 201) for the re- lief of the officers of the thirteenth regi- ment of the United States colored heavy artillery........ .4177, 4181, 4224 joint resolution (H. R. No. 202) in relation to brevet appointments and commissions in the United States...............4177, 4181 joint resolution (S. No. 142) respecting the,
of the United States......... .4177, 4224 remarks on the, by- Mr. Harris
4224, 4225|| Mr. Trumbull.............................4224 Mr. Wilson.... ........ 4224 joint resolution (H. R. No. 155) to prevent the further enforcement of the joint reso- lution No. 77, approved July 4, 1864, against officers and soldiers of the United States who have been honorably dis- charged, so as to relieve them from the further payment of the special five per cent. income tax imposed thereby....4242, 4291, 4295, 4298 Arsenal, joint resolution (S. No. 67) to provide for the erection of fire-proof buildings at the Schuylkill, near Philadelphia...1982, 2050 bili (S. No. 211) to improve and enlarge the, grounds at St. Louis.... .....1537, 3663 Art Union, joint resolution (H. R. No. 45) to change the name of the ship, to the name of George M. Barnard..... ..289, 313, 699, 1517, 1537 Assay, bill (H. R. No. 674) to establish addi- tional offices for the, of gold and silver, and for other purposes.3178, 8179, 3750 bill (S. No. 266) to establish additional offices
for the, of gold and silver, and for other purposes.... 1954 Associated Press, resolution instructing the Committee on the Library to inquire what action is necessary to secure more accurate reports of the proceedings of the Senate by the......... .35 remarks on the, by-
.3671 .3677, 3679 ....3671
Mr. Grimes........3670, 3671, 8672, 3678
Mr. Saulsbury.. Mr. Sumner...... Mr. Wilson
Babbitt, Almon W., bill (H. B. No. 150) for the relief of the administrators and securi- ties of..... ......1438, 1449, 1908, 1928 Bacon, Sarah, bill (S. No. 403) to place the name of, on the pension-list............ 8474, 3574, 3626 Bail, clerks and commissioners of-see Courts. Baldwin, Robert, bill (H. R. No. 693) for the
relief of.......4181, 4206, 4223, 4288, 4298 Balzer, Gustavus A., joint resolution (S. No. 12) to refer the claim of, to the Court of Claims. .184, 591 Bankruptcy, bill (H. R. No. 598) to establish a uniform system of, throughout the United States.. .2760, 3804, 4025
No. 45) to change the name of the ship Art Union to......289, 313, 699, 1517, 1587 Barton, Miss Clara, joint resolution (H. R. No. 36) providing for expenses incurred by, in searching for missing soldiers of the Army of the United States, and for the further prosecution of the same .1289, 1321 Bawden, James, bill (S. No. 129) for the relief of the heirs of.. ...641, 671 Bawdin, James, bill (S. No. 142) for the relief .849, 875, 1147, 1178, 1273 Beach, Jonathan W., bill (H. R. No. 741) granting pension to... .....3480, 3490, 8574, 8626, 3785, 3825 Beals & Dixon, joint resolution (S. No. 56) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to adjust the claim of, against the United States... .1730, 1778, 2232, 2335 Bence, Charlotte, bill (H. R. No. 33) for the relief of..... .184, 187, 436, 770, 830 Berlin, Frederick, bill (H. R. No. 556) to au thorize the issuing of a military land-war- rant to, assignee of the heirs of Peter Hess, . 2388, 3150 deceased...
Berry, Major General Hiram G., bill (S. No. 375) to amend an act granting a pension to the widow of the late... .3221, 3277, 3337, 3382, 3454 Berryman, O. H., deceased, bill (S. No. 284) for the relief of the children of, 2162, 2740 Bestor, George C., and Charles W. McCord, joint resolution (S. No. 145) for the relief of.. Bigelow, Hopestill, bill (S. No. 359) for the relief of... .....3026, 3624 Blake, C. M., joint resolution (H. R. No. 162) for the relief of......3222, 3223, 3379, 3382 joint resolution (S. No. 117) for the relief of............... 3503, 3549, 4170, 4180, 4230 Bonds-see Currency.
Bouligny, John E., bill (S. No. 438) for the relief of the heirs of...... ..8855 Bounties, bill (S. No. 41) explanatory of cer- tain joint resolutions therein named, giv- ing, to persons enlisting in the regular or volunteer service....... ........67, 3782 bill (S. No. 207) to provide for the equaliza- tion of the, to soldiers in the late war of rebellion.......... 1484, 1706, 2107, 2734 joint resolution (S. No. 51) respecting, to
colored soldiers, and the pensions, boun- ties, and allowances to their heirs, 1588, 1706, 1774, 8126, 3135, 3223||
remarks on the, by- Mr. Wilson..... ..1774, 1775 joint resolution (H. R. No. 105) giving con- struction to the law in relation to, payable to soldiers discharged for wounds....1775, 1798, 1844, 1883 bill (H. R. No. 602) to equalize the, of sol- diers, sailors, and marines who served in the late war for the Union.................. .2852,
2855, 3605, 3803, 3903, 3923, 3959 joint resolution (H. R. No. 176) amendatory of a joint resolution respecting, to colored soldiers, and the pensions, bounties, and allowances to their heirs, approved June 15, 1866... ....3407,
3548, 3803, 3824, 4065, 4079, 4118 Bounty, joint resolution (S. No. 87) to provide for the payment of, to certain Indian regi- ments...2560, 2804, 3178, 3190, 3279 joint resolution (H. R. No. 149) declaratory
of the law of.........8026, 3071, 3575, 3613 Bounty lands, bill (S. No. 170) to amend an act passed March 3, 1865, in addition to certain acts granting, to officers and sol- diers who have been engaged in the military service of the United States.....1037, 1407 Boyce, Henry, a Senator-elect from Louis- iana......
credentials of, presented.... Boynton, Rev. C. B., joint resolution (H. R.
No. 210) to authorize the payment of, as Chaplain of the House of Representatives of the Thirty-Ninth Congress...........4303 Brent, Jane D., bill (S. No. 298) granting a pension to.....2331, 2673, 3337, 3382, 3454 Brewer, Charles, & Co., bill (H. R. No. 555) for the relief of......2383, 2635, 3523, 3529 remarks on the, by-
Bridge, bill (S. No. 38) to authorize the con- struction of a, across the Mississippi river at the city of St. Louis....... 67, 849, 1507, 1547, 1563 remarks on the, by- Mr. Brown... .1563, 1564 Mr. Trumbull.... ..1564 bill (S. No. 163) to authorize the Milwaukee and Prairie Du Chien Railway Company to construct a, across the Mississippi river, and establish a post route.........979, 1252 bill (S. No. 263) to authorize the Winona
and St. Peter Railroad Company to con- struct a, across the Mississippi river and to establish a post route.............. 1906, 2192, 2303, 2562, 2665, 2760, 2866 remarks on the, by- Mr. Conness... .2764 ..2763 2 ....2562, 2563
2665, 2666, 2760, 2761, 2866 .2867, 2868 .2867 ..2763, 2764 ...2761
Mr. Ramsey... Mr. Sumner...
yeas and nays on the.. joint resolution (H. R. No. 143) making an appropriation for the repair of the Poto- ...2852, 2855, 2980, 3178 joint resolution (S. No. 113) for the con- struction of a railroad, across the Cuya- hoga river, over and upon the Government piers at Cleveland, Ohio.................3406, 3432, 3474, 3612 bill (S. No. 421) to authorize the construc- tion of a submerged tubular, across the Mississippi river at St. Louis............3758 Bridges, bill (S. No. 236) to authorize the con- struction of certain, and to establish them as post roads........1665, 2033, 2163, 2266, 3825, 3854, 3898, 3987, 4025, 4169 joint resolution (S. No. 64) for the appoint- ment of a commission to consist of engi- neers of the Army upon the subject of the construction of railroad, across the Mississippi river....... 1954 Broome, John M., joint resolution (H. R. No. 172) for the relief of, and others......3379, Brown, B. Gratz, a Senator from the State of Missouri... .2, 17, 35, 36, 50, 65, 66, 67, 360, 390, 494, 495, 518, 566, 591, 699,713, 806, 807, 883, 849, 931, 979, 980, 1031, 1069, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1132, 1140, 1144, 1147, 1177, 1178, 1187, 1188, 1201, 1202, 1233, 1234, 1273, 1284, 1507, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1537, 1538, 1547, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1588, 1708, 1711, 1728, 1729, 1732, 1778, 1787, 1799, 1804, 1862, 1906, 1907, 1910, 1928, 1940, 1980, 1982, 2009, 3256, 3258, 3264, 3313, 3340, 3390, 3407, 3408, 8409, 3428, 8429, 3430, 3432, 3433, 3434, 3450, 3454, 3474, 3481, 3483, 3486, 8487, 3489, 3503, 3504, 3522, 3549, 8573, 8574, 3577, 3663, 3665, 3666, 3667, 3678, 3679, 3680, 3710, 3758, 3825, 3829, 3896, 3899, 3902, 3903, 3951, 3988, 3989, 3995, 4002, 4003, 4007, 4023, 4024, 4027, 4040, 4083, 4090, 4130, 4135, 4140, 4169 resolutions by...50, 494, 566, 807, 3407, 3450 remarks in relation to the reports of the Associated Press....... ...36 remarks relating to telegraph lines on mail .........979, 980
routes......... remarks on a telegraph between New York city and the West Indies... 1519, 1521, 1522 remarks on the bill authorizing the erection of a bridge at St. Louis.......1563, 1564 remarks on the District of Columbia canal bill....... .............. 1732 remarks on the President's veto of the civil rights bill..... ....1804
remarks on the death of Senator Foot...1910 remarks on admitting the State of Colorado into the Union...... .......1982 remarks on telegraph lines for military pur- poses. .....3428, 3429 remarks on suffrage in the District of Colum- || bia........... .8432
remarks in relation to printing the Presi- dent's message in regard to Austrian troops for Mexico.....
remarks on the bill to extend the time of patent to Thaddeus Hyatt..............3665 remarks on the bill (S. No. 236) to establish certain post roads.... .....3902 remarks on the joint resolution restoring Ten- nessee to her relations to the Union...4007 remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation bill.......... .4135
Bryant, Colonel R. E., bill (H. R. No. 214) for the benefit of......641, 1862, 2380, 2417 Buckalew, Charles R., a Senator from Penn- sylvania.......287, 288, 471, 735, 915, 954,
956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 1224, 1253, 1254, 1278, 1364, 1413, 1439, 1490, 1542, 1566, 1571, 1778, 1980, 2037, 2066, 2565, 2645, 2646, 2771, 3222, 3223, 3406, 3411, 3412, 3430, 3476, 3477, 3504, 3509, 3549, 3825, 3826, 3827, 3868, 3871, 3893, 3916, 3919, 3920, 3921, 3959, 8970, 3973, 3989, 3993, 3994, 3999, 4003, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4032, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4039, 4070, 4071, 4072, 4073, 4083, 4116, 4126, 4127, 4134, 4141, 4142, 4212, 4213, 4221, 4244, 4245, 4246, 4298, 4303 resolutions by...... ..288, 4116, 4298, 4303 remarks on the joint resolution (H. R. No. 51) to amend the Constitution...........957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965 remarks on the bill to continue the Freed- men's Bureau...... ...........3411, 3412 remarks on the resolution for the relief of Elizabeth Woodward, &c.................3430 remarks on erecting Montana Territory into a surveying district.... .3826, 3827 remarks on the bill for the relief of sufferers by the fire at Portland.............. .3919 remarks on the bill to annul a part of the Maryland declaration of rights in the Dis- trict of Columbia.......... .........3970 remarks on the joint resolution restoring Tennessee to her relations to the Union, 3989, 8993, 3994, 3999, 4008 remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation bill........ .....4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4072, 4082, 4083, 4126, 4127, 4134, 4141 remarks on the admission of the State of Nebraska........ .4212, 4213 remarks on admitting David T. Patterson to a seat in the Senate.... .4244 Buckingham, Imogene, bill (H. R. No 701) granting a pension to..... ....3337, 3349, 3426, 8893 Burnett, Ward B., bill (S. No. 418) for the relief of.......... ......3726, 4226 Burrall, Thomas D., bill (H. R. No. 591) for the relief of... ..2613, 2614, 3361, 4297 Bush, George W., bill (H. R. No. 705) for the relief of.... .....3337, 3349, 3426, 3474, 3574, 3626, 3664 Business, resolution relating to the continua- tion of, before the Senate to the next ses- sion.. .4205 Buxton, Marion, bill (H. R. No. 800) for the relief of.........4072, 4078, 4115, 4226, 4242 C.
Cain, Barney, bill (S. No. 53) for the relief
Mr. Pomeroy.....3079, 3081, 3082, 3084 Mr. Trumbull.. ..3082, 3083 Campbell, John W., bill (H. R. No. 215) for the benefit of..........641, 1707, 1774, 1801 Canal, bill (S. No. 85) granting to the State of Wisconsin a donation of public lands to aid in the construction of a breakwater and harbor and ship, at the head of Sturgeon bay, in the county of Door, in said State, to connect the waters of Green bay with Lake Michigan, in said State............289, 771, 830, 1729, 1753, 1863 remarks on the, by- Mr. Howe ..831 Mr. Wilson......
bill (S. No. 140) to grant the right of way to the Humboldt, Company through the pub- lic lands of the United States...........829, 913, 1512, 3026, 3075, 3126 bill (S. No. 193) to amend an act granting lands to Michigan to aid in building a harbor and ship, at Portage Lake, Kewee- naw Point, Lake Superior, approved March 3, 1865.....1273, 1436, 1517,
1588, 1982, 2052, 3454, 3480, 3612|| remarks on the, by-
Mr. Chandler. ...1517 bill (S. No. 219) granting certain lands to Michigan to aid in the construction of a ship, to connect the waters of Lake Supe- rior with the lake known as Lac La Belle, 1561, 1773, 1863, 3454, 3480, 3612 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Doolittle.................................................................. ...1864
Mr. Harris...... .1865 Mr. Hendricks.................... 1864, 1865 Mr. Howard ......................................................... 1864 Mr. Pomeroy ... 1864
bill (H. R. No. 344) to incorporate the Niag ara Ship, Company.
2340, 8097, 3408, 3453, 3454, 3477, 8524, 3699, 3760, 3786
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Chandler..
..3456 ..3459 ......3763, 3764 Mr. Grimes...... ...3457, 3459, 3763 Mr. Guthrie.. ..3456, 3458 Mr. Harris................ .......3786, 3787 Mr. Hendricks...3788, 3789, 3790, 3791 Mr. Howard...... .3456, 3460, 3762 Mr. How.....3455, 3456, 3459, 3460, 3479, 3480, 3764, 3765, 3787, 3788 Mr. Kirkwood.............. ..3480 Mr. McDougall .....3456, 3460 Mr. Morgan.............3760, 3761, 3762 Mr. Sherman.. .3454, 3455, 3761, 3762, 3763 Mr. Stewart... .3458, 3459 Mr. Sumner.. .3458 Mr. Trumbull............3457, 3458, 3479, 3787, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3791, 8792 Mr. Wade...... ...3456 yeas and nays on the......3408, 3480, 3792 bill (H. R. No. 365) granting the right of way to ditch and, owners over the public lands, and for other purposes, 3135, 3751, 3759, 3825, 3916, 3951, 4036, 4072 remarks on the, by- .3951, 3952 .3951, 3952 ..3952
joint resolution (H. R. No. 178) in reference
to the Dismal Swamp, Company...3430, 3431, 3950, 4040, 4046, 4072 ......4046
Mr. Edmunds.... bill (H. R. No. 690) to explain and limit an act to grant the right of way to the Hum boldt, Company through the public lands of the United States......
bill (S. No. 281) to authorize the Chesa- peake Bay and Potomac River Tidewater, Company to enter the District of Colum- bia, and to extend their, to the Anacostia river............2108, 2718, 4066, 4117, 4169 Canals and railroads, interoceanic, resolution, calling upon the Secretary of the Navy for information in relation to................ 1484 remarks on the, by- Mr. Conness..... Capitol, concurrent resolution prohibiting the ........1484, 1485 sale of spirituous and other liquors in the, building and grounds........ ......1877, 1928, 1929, 1961, 1979, 2265
bill (S. No. 147) to modify the act to pre- vent the spread of foreign diseases among the, of the United States.. ......... ......... 874 bill (H. R. No. 321) to amend an act to pre- vent the spread of foreign diseases among the, of the United States, approved De- cember 18, 1865........493, 954, 1103, 1132 resolution that there be printed for the use of the Senate ten thousand copies of a letter of the Commissioner of Agricult- ure communicating information in rela tion to the rinderpest or, plague....2162 remarks on the, by-
.......................2162, 2163 Mr. Sumner.......... ....2162 Cemeteries, bill (H. R. No. 788) to establish and protect national...............4177, 4181 Chandler, Zachariah, a Senator from Michi- 11, 12, 17, 80, 128, 133, 161, 184, 208, 226, 227, 242, 243, 265, 288, 332, 334, 390, 471, 639, 641, 670, 671, 699, 700, 829, 848, 874, 875, 876, 885, 915, 931, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1068, 1131, 1147, 1177, 1252, 1272, 1273, 1376, 1377, 1381, 1382, 1436, 1437, 1483, 1494, 1509, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1521, 1522, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1561, 1588, 1663, 1664, 1728, 1753, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854, 1864, 1865, 1907, 1936, 1953, 1983, 2033, 2066, 2107, 2108, 2131, 2133, 2195, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2215, 2216, 2217, 2265, 2355, 2367, 2378, 2444, 2445, 2481, 2483, 2484, 2520, 2548, 2549, 2550, 2581, 2582, 2584, 2585, 2586, 2587, 2588, 2589, 2594, 2596, 2616, 2617, 2635, 2706, 2734, 2760, 2794, 2852, 2855, 2868, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2888, 2913, 2935, 2980, 3007, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3126, 3179, 3180, 3221, 3223, 3237, 3307, 3314, 3333, 3368, 3369, 3378, 3391, 3392, 3395, 3406, 3407, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3474, 3523, 3529, 3530, 3549, 3559, 3782, 3784, 3916, 3950, 4006, 4008, 4023, 4024, 4031, 4032, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040, 4041, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4070, 4090, 4115, 4116, 4119, 4143, 4144, 4225, 4228, 4236, 4292, 4293 resolutions by...17, 226, 248, 265, 931, 4024 remarks on non-intercourse with Great Brit- ain ......... .226, 227 remarks on the bill to regulate the registering of vessels....... .700
remarks on the joint resolution (H. R. No. 51) to amend the Constitution............885 remarks on the bill for the relief of Thomas F. Wilson......... ....915 remarks on establishing a telegraph between the city of New York and the West India islands 1029, 1030,
1031, 1518, 1519, 1538, 1539, 2216, 2217 remarks on fixing the military peace estab- lishment of the United States.......... 1382 remarks on convict emigration to the United States....... ........... 1493 remarks on the bill in relation to officers em- ployed in the examination of imported merchandise.........1513, 1514, 1515, 1516 remarks on the bill granting lands to the State of Michigan to aid in building a harbor, &c., at Portage Lake, Lake Su- perior....
Chandler, Zachariah, a Senator from Michi- gan-Continued.
remarks on loan bill, 1848, 1850, 1853, 1854 remarks on granting lands to the State of Michigan to aid in the construction of a ship-canal......... .1864, 1865 remarks on the resolution relating to cholera, 2444, 2445, 2483, 2585, 2586, 2587 remarks on the consular appropriation bill, 2616, 2617
remarks on the bill relating to inter-State communication....... remarks on the tax bill.......
.3314, 3369, 3391, 3392, 3895 remarks on the Niagara falls ship-canal, 3456 remarks on the bill for the relief of Charles Brewer & Co............ ........3523 remarks on the compensation of employés of the Senate. ..3784 remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation bill..................... ......4031, 4032, 4119, 4144 remarks on the bill to protect revenue...4070 personal explanation of...... ...... 2265 Chenery, Richard, bill (H. R. No. 588) for the relief of..... .4177, 4181 Cholera, Asiatic, joint resolution (S. No. 38)
providing quarantine regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of the.....1201 joint resolution (H. R. No. 116) to prevent the introduction of the, into the ports of the United States.......2132, 2133, 2444, 2483, 2520, 2548, 2581, 2795, 2807 remarks on the, by- Mr. Chandler..
2445, 2488, 2585, 2586, 2587 .2444, 2445, 2587 ..2446
Mr. Clark.... Mr. Cowan......................................................... Mr. Edmunds
.2484, 2522, 2549 Mr. Grimes, 2445, 2446, 2520, 2521, 2586 Mr. Harris.... .2445, 2521, 2522, 2585 Mr. Henderson... .2585, 2588, 2589 Mr. Howe......... 2445, 2584, 2587, 2588 Mr. Johnson......2549, 2550, 2581, 2582 Mr. Morrill.. .2483, 2484, 2485, 2548, 2549, 2583, 2588 Mr. Sumner..... .2484,
2485, 2548, 2549, 2582, 2583 yeas and nays on the........ .2586, 2589 joint resolution (S. No. 52) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to change the name of the steamboat City of Richmond to City of Portland........1588, 2378, 2715 Civil expenses, bill (H. R. No. 86) making additional appropriations, and to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for sun- dry, of the Government for the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1866, and for other purposes. .1132, 1147, 1376, 1416, 1439, 1449, 1588, 1761, 1775, 1801 remarks on the, by-
1421, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1443 bill (H. R. No. 612) to amend an act making appropriations for sundry, of the Gov- ernment for the year ending 30th of June, 1859...... ..2736, 2787, 4298, 4301, bill (H. R. No. 737) making appropriations for sundry, of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1867.....3804, 3893, 3927, 3960, 4027, 4046, 4072, 4079, 4118, 4129, 4223, 4237, 4245, 4246, 4248, 4288, 4298
Civil rights, bill (S. No. 61) to protect all persons in the United States in their, and furnish the means of their vindica- tion...... 129, 184, 211, 212, 421, 471, 497, 522, 569, 594, 1365, 1376, 1413, 1438, 1679, 1755, 1809, 1863 remarks on the, by-
Mr. Clark...... Mr. Conness.
Mr. Cowan Mr. Creswell, 8964, 3965, 4028,4127,4128 Mr. Davis..... .3963, 8964, 4028, 4076, 4083, 4089 . Mr. Doolittle... .4075, 4081, 4122, 4139, 4144, 4240, 4241 Mr. Edmunds .3928, 8929, 4027, 4028, 4087, 4088, 4090, 4091, 4125, 4126, 4240, 4247, 4248 Mr. Fessenden. .3927, 3928, 3929,
3930, 8931, 8960, 3961, 4122, 4123, 4125, 4127, 4130, 4131, 4132, 4188, 4141, 4239, 4247 Mr. Grimes ..3960, 3963, 4032, 4088, 4120, 4127, 4128, 4130, 4136, 4138 Mr. Guthrie....... .8931, 4079, 4080, 4081 Mr. Harris......... Mr. Henderson...
.4072 .4074, 4075, 4081, 4082, 4126, 4183, 4134, 4135, 4136, 4137, 4139, 4140, 4141, 4247 Mr. Hendricks.. .4030, 4031, 4080,
4088, 4125, 4126, 4134, 4142, 4146 Mr. Howard .4082, 4118, 4125, 4144 Mr. Johnson...... .3963, 4027, 4028, 4074 Mr. Lane........4075, 4076, 4085, 4086 Mr. McDougall...4123, 4126, 4239, 4240 Mr. Morrill. .3930, 8961,
3962, 3963, 4032, 4129, 4130, 4131 .4118, 4119, 4123 ...4124 ...4075, 4123, 4124 ...4074
Mr. Pomeroy....... Mr. Riddle..
Mr. Sherman .......
.....3960, 1961, 3962, 3963, 4029, 4031, 4032, 4079, 4086, 4087, 4119, 4120, 4121, 4122, 4124, 4125, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4130, 4139, 4144, 4237, 4238, 4241, 4246, 4247 Mr. Sprague 4141 Mr. Stewart.. .4076,
4118, 4119, 4123, 4125, 4238 Mr. Sumner......4029, 4030, 4034, 4035, 4072, 4122, 4182, 4133, 4148, 4146 Mr. Trumbull... .4035, 4076, 4077, 4079, 4080, 4081, 4082, 4083, 4136, 4137, 4138, 4145 ,4088,
4131, 4132, 4135, 4136, 4238, 4241
3928, 3961, 4030, 4089, 4121
.3964, 4027, 4081,
4084, 4085, 4089, 4090, 4091, 4120,
.528, 529, 576 ....526 .498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 506, 507, 603, 604 Mr. Davis.... .523, 524, 525, 528, 529, 530, 575, 576, 577, 578, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 1414, 1415, 1416. Mr. Doolittle.. ..571 Mr. Fessenden...... ..501, 502, 505 Mr. Guthrie.......498, 526, 600, 601, 602 Mr. Henderson. .526, 571, 572, 573 Mr. Hendricks...528, 574, 602, 605, 606 Mr. Howard.. Mr. Johnson..
1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1779, 1780, 1781, 1803, 1806, 1807 Mr. Wade..... .1785, 1786, 1801, 1802 Mr. Yates 1780 bill (S. No. 106) to protect citizens of the United States in their civil and political rights. Civil service, resolution instructing the Com- mittee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for such a reorganization of the, as shall assimilate it more nearly to those conditions which gov- ern the enlistment and officering of the Army and Navy, and which have success- fully precluded the latter from being used as reservoirs of political patronage...3450 remarks on the, by-
bill (S. No. 430) to regulate the, of the Uni- ted States, and promote the efficiency thereof....... ....3285 Claims, bill (S. No. 25) to provide for the ad- justment and satisfaction of, of American citizens for spoliations committed by the French prior to the 81st day of July, ...17
bill (S. No. 88) to restrict the expenses of collecting soldiers', against the Govern- ..312, 361 bill (S. No. 288) to provide for the payment of certain, against the United States, 2192 joint resolution (S. No. 84) authorizing the payment of certain, against the late Terri- tory of Nevada......2414, 3649, 4078, 4117
joint resolution (S. No. 93) for the appoint- ment of a commission to examine and re- port upon certain, of the State of Iowa, 2613, 3221, 8524, 4064, 4113, 4169 bill (S. No. 368) declaratory of the act ap- proved March 3, 1863, being an act to amend an act to establish a court for the investigation of, against the United States, approved February 24, 1865.....3072, 3649 bill (H. R. No. 540) in relation to, for horses turned over to the Government.......3222, 3223, 3605 joint resolution (S. No. 143) respecting cer- tain, of Massachusetts and Maine, 4204,
Claims, the Committee on............... reports from.........
519, 591, 641, 829, 913, 1132, 1273, 1588, 1664, 1707, 1798, 1926, 2050, 2378, 2443, 2664, 3042, 3178, 3221, 3251, 3307, 3333, 3474, 3605, 3664, 3782, 3824, 3825, 3855, 3870, 3950, 3951, 4248, 4297 adverse reports from...... 129, 591, 641, 874,
913, 952, 1036, 1037, 1201, 1221, 1320, 1436, 1481, 1588, 1664, 1729, 1753, 1798, 1026, 1980, 2131, 2192, 2217, 2265, 2303, 2331, 2378, 2379, 2519, 2612, 2635, 2664, 8178, 3221, 3307, 3333, 3782, 3868, 3950 discharged from subjects.1131, 1178,
2050, 2580, 2664, 3042, 3097, 3333, 4024, 4072 Clark, Daniel, a Senator from New Hamp- shire...... .2, 12, 23, 34, 38,
68, 76, 80, 90, 97, 129, 133, 134, 146, 147, 160, 161, 162, 184, 186, 187, 210, 212, 244, 265, 287, 288, 293, 299, 812, 313, 323, 338, 339, 349, 372, 375, 414, 415, 436, 472, 473, 474, 496, 497, 502, 519, 520, 528, 529, 530, 575, 576, 640, ·641, 642, 643, 644, 672, 673, 699, 784, 798, 810, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 850, 852, 853, 874, 882, 913, 931, 956, 957, 1026, 1027, 1030, 1031, 1082, 1083, 1114, 1115, 1140, 1178, 1180, 1203, 1204, 1221, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1238, 1252, 1254, 1258, 1284, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1489, 1542, 1513, 1544, 1545, 1560, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1570, 1571, 1588, 1589, 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1641, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1677, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1711, 1718, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718, 1730, 1732, 1783, 1734, 1735, 1788, 1739, 1741, 1758, 1763, 1774, 1798, 1803, 1809, 1843, 1847, 1865, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1906, 1907, 1926, 1961; 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2035, 2037, 2050, 2052, 2058, 2054, 2056, 2062, 2063, 2066, 2108, 2109, 2131, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2163, 2192, 2217, 2221, 2222, 2223, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2230, 2232, 2275, 2277, 2308, 2311, 2881, 2878, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2414, 2422, 2444, 2445, 2448, 2456, 2457, 2481, 2521, 2550, 2562, 2567, 2569, 2571, 2587, 2588, 2592, 2609, 2610, 2612, 2613, 2636, 2637, 2644, 2645, 2648, 2649, 2664, 2706, 2717, 2718, 2734, 2736, 2737, 2738, 2767, 2768, 2770, 2771, 2795, 2856, 2857, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2872, 2895, 2913, 2986, 2991, 2992, 2998, 3010, 3011, 3025, 3026, 3028, 3031, 3040, 3041, 3333, 3335, 3336, 3362, 3368, 3380, 3427, 3428, 3453, 3458, 3459, 3474, 3522, 3523, 3525, 3529, 3530, 3548, 3560, 3561, 3585, 3605, 3606, 3612, 3613, 3614, 3619, 3620, 3622, 8664, 3667, 3680, 3696, 3727,3729, 3731, 3732, 3734, 3735, 3757, 3759, 3807, 3808, 3824, 3825, 3868, 3869, 3870, 3871 3872, 3995, 4026, 4031, 4039, 4065, 4066, 4076, 4077, 4078, 4080, 4081, 4082, 4083, 4181, 4215, 4216, 4225, 4236 resolutions by.. .288, 3825 remarks on the bill to prevent the spread of the cattle disease...... ..38 remarks on the Industrial Exposition at Paris.......... ..... 161, 187 remarks on the bill relating to qualifications ....338 of jurors....... remarks on the bill restricting expenses of collecting soldiers' claims............414, 473
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