Imágenes de páginas

of him we mourn is not confined to its immediate and most apparent results. Its influence lives on, inspiring other men to lives of nobleness and duty. It is the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day that safely guides us in our weary wanderings. Let us mark it well, so that when to us the last dread summons comes we each may

"Go, not like the quarry slave at night

Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach our graves
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
I submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That, as a further mark of respect for the deceased, the House do now adjourn.

Mr. BANKS then pronounced a eulogy on Senator Foor. [It will be published in the Appendix.]

Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, on becoming a member of the House of Representatives in the Thirty-Third Congress in the month of December, 1853, I first made the acquaintance of SOLOMON FOOT, then a Senator in the Congress of the United States from the State of Vermont. I had known something of his previous political history and was aware that he had enjoyed, in a high degree, the respect and confidence of the people of his native State. To possess the confidence and receive the support of the citizens of Vermont is no meager or indifferent compliment. No State has ever guarded more carefully the selection of its representatives in the national councils; for within my recollection no man in either branch of Congress from that State has ever proved faithless to liberty, or has ever had the stain of dishonor or venality upon his gar


It is in the Green Mountain State that there is to be found the type of the truest democracy, resting upon the immutable basis of universal intelligence and public virtue. In no State can be found a loftier patriotism, a more ardent love of liberty, and a more undying hatred of slavery than among the constituents of the late distinguished Senator from Vermont. When maddened treason raised its parricidal hand to tear down the fabric of our Government, and the torch of civil war was lighted, the people of no State rallied with greater alacrity and enthusiasm than the people of the State of Vermont. Her brave and hardy sons filled all her highways and by-ways; they came forth from her hills and valleys, and from all the gorges of her ever-green mountains, and marched with the rapidity of the eagle to the defense of their imperiled country, and to vindicate the honor and the glory and the unity of the Republic.

I say, sir, to have been honored and trusted by such a people to the extent that Mr. Foor was honored and trusted, is one of the highest compliments that could have been paid to a public man. As has been stated, he entered the Senate in 1850, and being twice reelected, served continuously till the time of his death. Hence, he served through the most exciting and turbulent period of our whole legislative history, and was a participant in the revolutionary scenes which, to the philosophic observer, were the omens of that terrible civil war that has drenched our country in blood. I saw him in the Senate in the Thirty-Third Congress, one of the little band of courageous and patriotic men who resisted with unsurpassed ability and eloquence the repeal of the Missouri compro


and the sentiments and convictions of his own
liberty-loving constituents.

that he would be enabled to go with me the next morning to call on the distinguished citizen who delivered the eulogy and to convey to him the resolution of Congress requesting a copy of the same for publication. He was not, however, able to go, but sent his colleague in the Senate, Judge POLAND, in his place.

On the next day, Friday the 16th day of February, the late Senator from Vermont ap

From his long association and thorough acquaintance with the southern Senators, Mr. Foor early fathomed their wicked designs and their treasonable purposes, and from the moment those purposes found an utterance in the hostile cannon that opened upon Fort Sumter, his heart and soul, his thoughts, and his energies were all given to his country. With a loy-peared in the Senate for the last time and made alty so devoted and uncompromising, with a love of country amounting to a passion, he everywhere denounced treason and its aiders and abettors with the most vehement indig


his final report as chairman of the joint committee of arrangements, and his last motion was, that "the report and accompanying papers be printed." He continued to take a deep interest in the publication of the Eulogy and the proceedings connected therewith, and the last official act of his life was to approve a por trait of Mr. Lincoln, which is to be the frontispiece to the volume of the published proceedings.

At the time of his death he was the oldest member of the Senate in consecutive service. Every year increased his reputation and confirmed his character as a steadfast friend to his country, an enlightened statesman, and a wise and incorruptible legislator. He was a man of Mr. Speaker, when we contemplate the great education and intelligence, of a vigorous intel- changes that have taken place among the publect and an enlightened understanding; of giant || lic men who were associated with Mr. Foor strength and an imposing presence, he was a when he first entered the Senate, and since the genuine specimen of a Vermonter. As Presiding time when you and I first entered these Halls, Officer of the Senate for a long period he dis- we are admonished how fleeting and evanescent tinguished himself by his promptness, dignity, are all things human. How few are left to urbanity, and fairness. He brought to the dis- struggle on but yet a little longer, to buffet the charge of all his duties a conscientious devotion waves and encounter the storms and the temto the best interests of the nation. Active, inpests of political life: dustrious, vigilant, no duty to his constituents and the country was ever left unperformed, and so prompt and regular was he in attendance upon the daily sessions of the Senate that it could be said of him as the historian says of the younger Cato, "he was always first at the Senate and went out last."

Mr. Foot bore a prominent part in all our legislation during the war for the Union, and his influence and vote were always given to the most energetic measures, and those best calculated to strengthen the hands of the Government in its gigantic task of saving the country. To the Administration of Mr. Lincoln he gave a warm and even an enthusiastic support. I had occasion to know of the strength of his attachment to that distinguished man, and to know how gratefully his friendship was reciprocated. Mr. Lincoln had not, in the whole length and breadth of the land, a more earnest and sincere friend; and no man stood by him, through all the perils and difficulties of his Administration, with more unflinching devotion; and the people of Illinois will cherish this remembrance with gratitude.

"Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto." Vermont mourns the loss of her faithful and devoted public servant, and the nation shares in her grief. He followed, alas! too soon, him who had so lately been his colleague. The mournful accents of eulogy pronounced in this Chamber upon the illustrious Collamer had scarcely died away before we were called upon to follow to the grave his companion, adviser, friend, so long associated with him in the service of the country.

These two great American Senators, both alike eminent for their Christian virtues, their eminent statesmanship, their devoted patriotism, their long and useful public services, and their unsullied integrity, have passed away, and the places on earth that have known them will know them no more forever. They have gone, but they have left to the country the richest legacy in the recollection of their well-spent and honored lives.

Mr. DAWSON. I rise, Mr. Speaker, to second the resolution of the gentleman from Vermont.


And when the time came for the representatives of a great and heartstricken people to In the discharge of public duty the paths of pay the last tribute of respect and affection to the Senator and the Representative of necesthe memory of their martyr President, it was sity lie measurably apart. Most of Mr. Foor's fitting and proper that Mr. Foor, the Pater Sen-political convictions were not mine. atus, should, as the chairman of the joint committee of the two Houses, be charged with the management of the proceedings. Profoundly anxious that the ceremonies should be worthy the august occasion, he entered on his duties with zeal and enthusiasm.

He devoted himself with untiring energy to the accomplishment of the purpose. No man understood better than he did what belonged to such an occasion, and he gave his personal || attention to all the details and saw for himself that nothing which was necessary to be done was left undone. The day was cold, stormy, cheerless. At an early hour Mr. Foor's duties commenced. The crowd was great and the pressure for admittance was tremendous, and he had to exert himself to the utmost to see that order was preserved and that the arrangements were properly carried out. And all who were present know how admirably and satisfactorily everything passed off.

I saw him when the slaveholders, in the pride and insolence of their power, undertook toerush out" in the Senate every aspiration for liberty and every noble and elevated sentiment of freedom; when treason, upheld by a perfidious and treacherous Executive, stalked through the Senate Hall with brazen impudence, and when the galleries howled their applause of traitors. Undaunted and undismayed, while all the political elements were lashed into fury around him, he bore himself in a manner becoming an American Senator, at his rooms two days after he was taken sick, and courageously vindicated his own opinions and he then believed himself so far recovered

Though it was my fortune to be associated with him in that duty, it is but just to say that all the credit of the successful management of the ceremonies belonged to him. After the proceedings were over, exhausted and overcome with fatigue, Mr. Foor went to his lodg ings, and that night was attacked with the disease which terminated his life. I saw him

such obstacles in the way of intimate relations, either private or official, I cannot, of course, reveal those finer and higher qualities of his nature, which great spirits like his never parade before the world, and display only upon impulse to the most sincere and affectionate of friends. But I know of him what all men knew of him, and I esteem it a privilege, which any just man might seek, to add my voice to the universal exclamations of sorrow which his death has wrung from every part of the land.

It is unnecessary to repeat here Mr. Foor's long and arduous services in public place. The country is familiar with his record. It is enough that his own State kept him so long

in the Senate that at the close of his life he was regarded as the father of the body-the oldest of all in continuous service. He mingled in those debates of the Senate which the common judgment of mankind assigns a place beside the grandest specimens of classic oratory, when they were conducted by statesmen who were the rivals of Chatham, Burke, and Fox.

He sat under the impetuous eloquence of Clay, the terse and severe logic of Calhoun, the rich and luminous periods of Webster. He was there amid those portentous scenes which preceded the late civil war, when all hearts were oppressed with the deep dread of coming disaster, when the friends of free institutiong

in the Old World, and many in the New, feared The grave Senator ever with emotion and pride that the American Union was crumbling into spoke of the rural town of Cornwall, Vermont, fragments It was the mightiest conflict that where he was born. Its population is not a ever shook the earth. He saw from that high thousand souls, and less than at the begintheater as well of contention as of observa-ning of this century, yet has the distinguishing vation the rise, career, and downfall of several political parties. Of such long experience, full of years and full of honors, wise and prudent, pure and upright, brave but philosophic, surely SOLOMON FOOT was the Nestor among his official peers.

Few men's opinions were ever sought with more respect or received with more reverence than his. In the midst of a revolution second only to the "reign of terror" which drenched France with blood, and filled her beautiful cities and gardens with the graves of her people, when all our fiercest passions were aroused, his counsels to the ends of moderation and justice, soothing and subduing the vengeful feelings of the time, fell like the voice of that "old man eloquent" under the gates of Troy.

Though he was gifted with remarkable firmness of purpose, and his mind had a sort of Roman vigor, he was eminently a good and eminently a mild man. It may be said that he combined the modesty of a woman with the constant integrity of Cato. Of Mr. Foot's moral character I need only say that it was without and above reproach. He was fearless and determined in the assertion of a right, but he was equally careful of the rights of others. No lure and no force could seduce or drive him to the perpetration of that which he knew to be wrong. He had that judicial cast of mind which constrains its possessor to analyze thoroughly with patience and perseverance whatever is submitted for decision, and to eliminate with unerring precision all the elements of evil. If he had not been a great Senator he would have been a great judge.

The circumstances of Mr. Foor's departure from this life were of too sacred and hallowed a nature to be detailed here. Conscious that dissolution was rapidly approaching he showed the high qualities of his character in the religious fervor and the steadfast hope which grew warmer and stronger as he died. To the very latest moment he shed upon all who entered his presence the inspirations of a large and enlightened soul.

The last parting glance of the expiring Senator was turned to the dome of this Capitol. He begged to be lifted that he might see it once more-the scene of his long labors, the spot where he had well earned the veneration of his countrymen-and then closed his eyes on the earth forever. It was the exhibition of the same patriotic fervor so eloquently expressed by Webster in his reply to Hayne. He rejoiced to see that the flag was still there, "full high advanced," the emblem of our nationality and the Union of the States.

Mr. Foor has gone to his grave in the same soil with that other pure and honored Senator of Vermont who preceded him but a few months. It is said that amid the mighty mountains freedom loves to rear her brave and sturdy children. But no mountains on the globe, not even those of Scotland which overlook the grave of Bruce, or those of Switzerland which cast their shadows over that of William Tell, have ever kept sentry over the tombs of two nobler men or hardier patriots than do the Green mountains of Vermont.

Mr. GRINNELL. Mr. Speaker, the words of affection are few, and only those shall I utter. It is a pleasing reflection that my early years were spent near the mountain home of the lamented Senator. He gave me assurance of his friendship, and that he cherished the memory of my dearest deceased kindred furnishes me an occasion to pay a brief and sorrowful tribute to his character and virtues.

That biography which follows the eulogistic sketches in the forum will place the deceased in the front rank of our truly Americanized gentlemen and statesmen, the measure of whose success should be unseparated from the associations and means by which it was attained.

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Mr. MORRILL. Mr. Speaker, never before in the history of our Government has a State been called upon to mourn the loss of both its Senators at a single session of Congress. Vermont weeps, for her Senators are not. Only a few days since and our tributes of sorrow bedewed the grave and wreathed the memory of greatly respected Senator Collamer, whose unblemished career had conferred honor, not only upon his State, but upon our whole country. Then the Senator whose decease we now mourn spoke, in unbroken health and strength, of the ciate in terms of great fullness and rare beauty; but how remote from him was the suspicion that in so brief a time his survivors would be called upon to delineate his own character, his private worth and public services, not less conspicuous, and though much unlike, moving in orbits widely apart, equally meritorious. Seldom has any State been represented by the same Senators for so long a time, and still more seldom so fittingly represented by those of so much eminence and unquestioned integrity and ability.

honor, in addition to an intelligent yeomanry, that of furnishing thirty-six educated clergymen, eighteen lawyers, twenty-three physicians, and fourteen professional teachers. Its town institutions were the church, the lyceum, and the school. In the church young Solomon was baptized; at the lyceum he spoke to give promise of future eminence; and the school helife and many virtues of his late illustrious assoleft to become a teacher and college graduate, later tutor, and founder and head of an institution of learning. He honored the vocation of the schoolmaster and never wearied in giving this humble profession credit for its devotion to a refined civilization and the general welfare. With truly American simplicity he taught our youth self-reliance, and for himself, who owed nothing to wealth, the partiality of friends, or the issue of campaigns, he regarded it as fortunate that he was called in discipline to tread the hard, rough paths of life. He was proud of his origin; and that filial affection of a fatherless boy for a doting and devoted mother was an augury of future fidelity and devotion to the national weal most fortunately realized in more than a quarter of a century of service, and ending with one of the most glorious tributes on record to the worth of parental instruction and the reality and value of the Christian religion.

As husband and father he was doting and beloved; a scholar without pedantry; a gentleman free from the arts of the courtier; brave in action without bravado; matchless in volume and sweetness of voice; persuasive in eloquence, yet abstemious in speech; genial as a companion, unwavering in friendship; in society "Pliant as reeds where streams of freedom glide;" A Senator and statesman,

"Firm as the hills to stem oppression's tide." Wheeling in eddies on life's stream, he could not prevent the gaze of the multitude, and ever in the presence of the claims of honor, mercy, and justice, his noble heart was so moved that this is its fitting accord and representation: "His life was gentle, and the elements

So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, this was a man!" Bereaved and gallant people of Vermont, millions are in mourning with you to-day. Memorable in history and conspicuous by the service of your public servants, it has been your fortune to furnish a noble exemplar for the nation, reflecting in character the grandeur of your ever-green mountains and the clear waters distilled in the rugged cliffs by the purity and beneficence of his memorable life now ended.

In the shadow of the shaft of the purest marble which will be reared to commemorate his virtues in the chosen place of his burial, he shall sleep with more than the honors of a martial hero, for here he met a mightier than earth's mailed soldier, the "king of terrors," and with a smile. With a premonition of an early dissolution, he was raised from his pillow to gaze once more upon this Capitol, and then, with mortal vision ended, to behold in its brightness the city of the living God, the

home of the ransomed soul.

Sol crescentes

Mr. Speaker, the effort to enforce the lessons of such a life illumined by divine smiles would be almost a profane attempt. It has more than the award of the gods. decedens duplicat umbras, and by so far as eternity is unmeasured by time, will his setting sun add to the lengthened shadows. I would accept it as a high honor to have recognized the proffer of the service, which I would make, by the thousands in the West who claim paternity with the sons of the mountains who have left the old house-tree, in being their honored servant in bearing the flowers of affection from the prairies, the valley, and the mountains, moistened with their tears in memory of a friend who now sleeps in sepulture among the people whom he faithfully served, and by whom he was so ardently loved.

My colleague [Mr. WOODBRIDGE] has so happily and eloquently portrayed the history of Senator Foor, while others have so generously acknowledged his worth, that little more remains for me to contribute. Like many men who have risen to distinction in after life, (to copy his own language applied to another,) "he owed nothing at all to the factitious aids or the accidental circumstances of birth or fortune or family patronage.' Having lost his father at the early age of seven years, he was indebted to an excellent and pious mother for his early training and instruction, and for the foundation of those high-toned principles of honor and integrity which always guided him as a private citizen and distinguished him as a public man. Not born to affluence, he was while yet a boy taught the lesson of earning his bread by the sweat of his brow. An incident at this time shows that his ambition had early been touched by the ethereal fire.

A man with whom he lived for a short time, when about fourteen years of age, sent him with a team to "drag" in some seed sown the previous day. Along in the middle of the forenoon the team was discovered without a driver, and the work accomplished appeared very inconsiderable. At last young Foor was found in a corner of the fence lying flat on the grass. To the question as to what he was doing there he replied, "I am thinking what I shall say when I get to be a member of Congress.' Thus the child is the father of the man." If any of these field thoughts ever found utterance in Congress, they had not to wait much longer than those said to have been conceived in the early morning on the ramparts of Quebec, and which many years after embellished one of the most memorable speeches of Daniel Webster.


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While yet a young man, Mr. Foor often represented Rutland, the place of his residence, in the Legislature of Vermont, and nearly as often was made Speaker of the House of Representatives; and here he first displayed his extraordinary aptitude for the discharge of the duties of a presiding officer over a legislative assembly. This faculty was soon discovered and early recognized in the Senate of the United States, where he was repeatedly elected to the office of President pro tempore, and where he was perhaps more frequently called to the duties of the chair than any other Senator. It is just to say that much of the dignity ascribed as well as properly pertaining to that branch of Congress may be credited, for the last fifteen years, to Senator Foor's high example of decorum, order, and thorough knowledge of parliamentary routine. He dispatched business with admirable promptness, with equal fairness and grace; and he held at all times both Senate and the galleries under complete control by his commanding presence and his most unmistakable emphasis. His call to order, like the sound of a trumpet, was heard and heeded. From his decisions of parliamentary law there was no appeal asked or desired. His dignified

bearing and urbanity during his service in the chair, as well as in the faithful discharge of all other senatorial duties, his massive features and courtly manners, will cause him to be associated with and long remembered as a prominent figure-a representative man-of the Senate of the United States. He will also be remembered as one of the last of those who entered the field of statesmen while the great men of the last generation-Webster, Clay, and Calhoun-yet lingered on the stage.

His speeches while in this House on the Mexican war, in 1846 and 1847, were able and fearless expositions of its origin and character, and received the hearty approval of a large proportion of the northern people. In the Senate not all of his speeches have been reported in the Globe; certainly one of his best never appeared, for the reason that he retained the report for revision until it was too late to be inserted. His patriotism infolded his whole country, and bidding defiance to all party ties, when the honor and glory of his country seemed imperiled, he roused all the energies of his impassioned nature and rushed to the rescue. This temper appeared in his speech, in 1856, on the Central American question, when England exhibited her traditionary ambition for universal empire, by her pretensions connected with Honduras. He said:

"Standing in opposition as I do to the present national Administration; differing from it as I do most widely and radically upon almost every question of domestic policy, I am the more happy in being able to accord to it the tribute, worthless though it may be, of my sincere and entire approval of the position it has taken upon this question. However we may be divided among ourselves, however we may contend and wrangle upon questions of domestic interest and of local policy, yet, when it comes to a question with a foreign Power, wherein our national honor and our national interest are concerned, as in the present instance, let us exhibit to the world the beautiful and sublime spectacle of a great, a united, a harmonious people; a people having one mind, one heart, and one purpose.

Among the speeches reported, that upon the Kansas constitution, better known as the "Lecompton Swindle," was one of his best, and of marked excellence. The plot to force a proslavery constitution upon a free people was shown up with all its revolting features. Not a frequent speaker in the Senate, he was yet always listened to with attention when he did speak upon any subject; and upon those subjects immediately confided to his charge he possessed its entire confidence. His recent eulogy upon his deceased colleague was not only worthy of the occasion, but was a good specimen of the Senator's matter and manner, and when delivered awakened responsive chords in the hearts of all hearers by its impressive eloquence and chastened beauty.

As a public speaker before a public audience Mr. Foor occupied no mean rank. His noble figure and full-toned voice at once arrested attention. Never begrudging preliminary preparation, his speeches were clear, forcible, and well-sustained to the end. His style never lacked elevation, and without being ornate, was affluent and scholarly. Though admirable in temper, he could yet employ invective at times with crushing effect, and declaimed with the daring impetuosity of a master who felt able to both ride and guide the storm he was creating. But his great strength lay in bis absolute earnestness. His voice gave forth

no uncertain sound. No man ever heard him speak and went away in doubt as to his meaning of as to which side of the argument he had espoused. Having satisfied his own judgment that he was right, he embarked his whole soul and strained every nerve in the effort to bring his audience to the same conclusions with himself. He was both sincere and positive, and utterly incapable of guile or double-dealing. His integrity, moral and political, was as firmly fixed as the mountains beneath whose shadow he was born, and there was never any doubt or speculation upon any question as to where he would be found. When he spoke, therefore, he brought to bear, not only cogent argument, but the influence of a true man, the weight of an experienced legislator.

As chairman of the Committee on Publicing neglect or actual injury. Opponents never Buildings he had for a long period taken a deep interest in the work of the Capitol extension. His ideas were liberal-coextensive with the grandeur of the nation-and he would build well and for all time. He felt a pride in the splendors of the structure, fondly contem-freshing unction. For his friends he was ready plated the time of its completion in all its parts, when all the vacant niches as well as the old Hall of the House of Representatives should be filled with the statues of our fathers, when the surrounding grounds should be enlarged, and believed in the end the world would not be able to show Government buildings and grounds more imposing or so appropriately magnificent. It was the Capitol of a nation of freemen! What wonder, then, that he should in his last hour close the drama by wishing to be so raised in his bed that his eyes might once more behold the rays of the morning sun glittering upon the majestic dome and illumining those Halls wherein he had long been so noted an actor.

He was a modest man and obeyed the Gos

pel precept, "not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think," and esteemed "others" better than himself. Few men who spoke so well have been able to content themselves with speaking so unfrequently. He always appeared to underrate his own performances, and never, I believe, circulated any of his speeches in pamphlet form, but he was generous and hearty in his appreciation and circulation of those made by others.

He was a man of courage. When he served in this House, belonging to the old Whig party, the great radical abolitionist from the Ohio Ashtabula district was also a member. Antislavery sentiments in those days found little favor anywhere, and here encountered fiercest hate and frequent violence on the part of slaveholding Representatives. Mr. Giddings once told me that upon one occasion, when he had uttered some unwelcome truth about the institution of barbarous memory, one of these chivalric Representatives rushed toward him evidently bent on mischief, and that Foor at once sprang to his side ready to meet the aggressor. The promptness of this action and the firm port of Mr. Foor awed the would-be assassin and he retired to his seat. Nobody, said Mr. Giddings, could doubt the meaning of the one or the other.

The delicate as well as difficult duty of making up of the various committees of the Senate frequently fell to his lot, and it was always performed with great discretion and fairness. Here his modesty was apparent, for he never so carved as to leave the choicest parts to himself.

Mr. Foor was industrious, methodical, punctual to all appointments, and never postponed the work of to-day for the greater leisure of to-morrow. Whatever he aimed to do, he

aimed to do well. He was proud of Vermont, loved her history, and wore her honors worthily. But he was not too proud to labor for the humblest of his constituents, and by his labors he added luster to his State and honor to the


If it be that God loves those who are ready for His coming "in such an hour as ye think not," or those He takes while yet in the full enjoyment of all their strength and hopes, with mind and reputation as well as faith in the grace of God undimmed, then was Senator Foor fortunate as he was happy in the time of his death. Life was at its acme, and he filled as large a space in the world as his highest ambition had ever coveted. He had not tired himself, nor was the world tired by his presence, but he seemed to see, as with a heavenly vision, a welcome awaiting him in the new world to which he was hastening, and exclaimed, "I see it! I see it! The gates are wide open! Beautiful! Beautiful!"

Senator Foor was preeminently a largehearted man, nursing no ill-natured jealousies in himself nor in others; far less did he indulge in any malice, and was the readiest man I have ever known to forget and forgive a seem

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found his tongue lubricated by the serpent's poison, nor did friends ever find themselves "damned by faint praise," for he was lukewarm in nothing, but distributed praise and blame openly, manfully, and with a most reto make any sacrifices, and he obeyed their behests with a cordial alacrity never to be forgotten by those whom his position, official or other, enabled him to assist. Our volunteer soldiers and officers, so suddenly called from industrial avocations to put down the great rebellion, received his homage and tenderest solicitude. Of these he felt that the dead were all martyrs, the living all heroes, and his gratitude was unbounded. In his own State no pub lic man ever possessed more of the affection of the people, as was sufficiently shown by his almost unanimous election by the Vermont Legislature for a third term to the Senate of the United States. He always met his colleagues with the most cordial salutations; no ill-wind ever rippled over the surface of their intercourse, and the most genial and affectionate relations were maintained up to the latest moments of his life. His loss to his family is irreparable, and so profound is their grief as to find no solace save in the contemplation of the sublimity of the dying Senator's Christian faith. The last utterances of great men are often treasured up and serve to prove the strength of some ruling, possibly petty, passion of the deceased, but rarely have the last words of any man been so fit to be reported to the world, or such as to be more likely to be for ever engraven on the hearts of his friends, than those of the lamented Senator Foor. Without an enemy in the world, loving God and glowing with affection for all, and especially for those who visited him in his last hours, with eyes still beaming with all their wonted brilliancy, his unimpassioned words, so clearly articulated, so lovingly tendered, were well calculated to touch every heart by their wonderful pathos.

Honored Senator! true patriot! faithful friend! farewell!

The resolution was adopted; and the House accordingly (at four o'clock and forty minutes p. m.) adjourned.


The following petitions, &c., were presented under the rule and referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr. BAXTER: The petition of H. Miller, and 40 others, citizens of Westfield, Orleans county, Vermont, praying for an increased duty on foreign wool. Also, the petition of Stephen L. Leavitt, and 39 others, citizens of Albany, Orleans county, Vermont, praying for an increased duty on wool.

Also, the memorial of P. T. Lunt, and 9 others, of Burlington, Vermont, asking relief from unreasonable taxation on iron manufactures.

By Mr. DARLING: The petition of brewers, for reduction in duty on barley imported from Canada. By Mr. DAVIS: The petition of John Crause, Jaycox Grier, and 70 others, citizens of Onondaga county, New York, asking legislation to regulate inter-State insurance.

By Mr. DONNELLY: The petition of certain citizens of the State of Minnesota, asking for an increase of the tariff upon wool.

By Mr. DRIGGS: The petition of Hon. N. B. Bradley, and 55 others, citizens of Bay City, Michigan, for a law regulating insurance in the States.

By Mr. FARQUHAR: The petition of John W. Keely, and others, of Brookville, Indiana, praying the enactment of just and equal laws for the regulation of inter-State insurances of all kinds.

By Mr. GARFIELD: The petition of Cleveland and Mahoning railroad, and citizens of Pittsburg, asking Congress to restore the right to build that portion of the Cleveland and Mahoning railroad within the State of Pennsylvania, which right had been taken away by legislation of the State of Pennsylvania, thus impairing vested rights of the citizens of the State of Ohio.

Also, the petition of J. H. Chamberlain, and 171 others, citizens of Mahoning county, Ohio, praying for an increased protective tariff.

By Mr. HOTCHKISS: The petition of citizens of Schuyler county, New York, for additional duties upon foreign wools.

By Mr. HUBBELL, of Ohio: The petition of Norman Penfut, and 77 others, citizens and wool-growers of Delaware county, Ohio, praying for increased duties on foreign wools.

Also, the petion of D. H. Peters, and 62 others, citizens of Delaware county, Ohio, praying for increased duties on foreign wools.

Also, the petition of John Johnson, and 30 others,

citizens and wool-growers of Union county, Ohio, praying for increased duties upon foreign wools,

By Mr. INGERSOLL: The petition of citizens of Stark county, Illinois, for a tax on dogs.

Also, the petition of citizens of Stark county, Illinois, for an increased duty on foreign wool.

By Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio: Three petitions of soldiers of Logan, Auglaise, and Darke counties, in Ohio, in favor of an equalization of bounties.

By Mr. LYNCH: The petition of trustees of Gorham Seminary, for grant of land to aid in providing for the education of children of soldiers and sailors who have died or become disabled in the service of the country,

By Mr. MORRIS: The petition of J. S. Beecher, Esq., and a large number of others, asking for an increase of duty on foreign wool.

By Mr. MOULTON: The petition of the United States assessor of the tenth district of Illinois, praying for increased compensation for services.

By Mr. ROLLINS: The petition of J. B. Walker, and others, officers of the New Hampshire Savings Bank, in Concord, praying that all savings institutions having no capital stock, &c., be released from the tax of five per cent. now imposed upon their dividends.

By Mr. SCOFIELD: The petition of the members of the bar of Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, asking that the pay of United States district judges be increased.

By Mr. WARD: The petition of G. W. Frank, C. W. Bailey, and others, prominent citizens of Wyoming county, New York, in favor of increasing the duty on wool.

By Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois: The petition of a large number of Illinois volunteer soldiers, in favor of an equalization of bounties..

By Mr. WENTWORTH: The petition of citizens of Chicago, and others, for legislation respecting inter-State insurances.

By Mr. WILLIAMS: The memorial of wool-growers of Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, praying for an increase of duty on foreign wools.


FRIDAY, April 13, 1866.

Prayer by Rev. RICHARD S. JAMES, of New Jersey.

The Journal of yesterday was read and approved.


The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before

the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in answer to a resolution of the Senate of the 3d instant, information in relation to the appointment of persons to office in that Department without taking the oath prescribed by law; which, on motion of Mr. SUMNER, was ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.

The PRESIDENT pro tempore also laid before the Senate a message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 27th ultimo, a report of the Secretary of State in relation to the seizure and detention at New York of the steamship Meteor; which was ordered to lie on the table, and be printed.


The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, asking Congress to assent to the route of the landgrant railroad from Portage to Bayfield, and thence to Superior; which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

He also presented a memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, asking Congress for a grant of lands to aid in the construction of so much of the Portage and Superior railroad as extends from Fond du Lac to Ripon, in that State; which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

He also presented a memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, for the establishment of a mail route from Sumner Post Office to Menomonee, in that State; which was referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. NORTON presented a memorial of citizens of Mankato, Minnesota, praying for the enactment of just and equal laws for the regulation of inter-State insurances of all kinds; which was referred to the Committee on Com

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Mr. DOOLITTLE. I desire to present a joint resolution of the Legislature of Wisconsin, instructing the Senators and requesting the members of Congress from that State to procure the necessary legislation to change the route of a land-grant railroad from Portage to Superior. I present, also, another joint resolution of the Legislature of Wisconsin, in favor of a grant of land to aid in the construction of the section of the Portage and Superior railroad from Fond du Lac to Ripon. I ask to have these resolutions printed and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. I desire to call the attention of the members of the Committee on Public Lands to the subject. As the landgrant bill for the State of Wisconsin passed Congress it designated alternatively three or four different points of departure, and that led to some difficulties in our State in disposing of the grant by the Legislature. The Legislature, however, have passed a law disposing of the grant, but in order to carry into effect the action of our Legislature it is necessary that Congress should grant them the privilege of making a deviation from the straight line. I call the attention of the gentlemen of the Committee on Public Lands to these resolutions, and hope that we shall get an early and favorable report on the subject.

The resolutions were referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. HOWE presented a petition of citizens of Wisconsin, praying for the enactment of just and equal laws for the regulation of interState insurances of all kinds; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. NYE presented the petition of George E. Payne, of the parish of St. Charles, Louisiana, praying for compensation for losses sustained in the occupation and damage of his

plantation by United States officers, and pay for property taken by troops under the command of General Butler; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.

He also presented the petition of William H. Allen, late colonel of the first and one hundred and forty-fifth regiments of New York volunteers, praying for the payment of expenses incurred by him in raising those regiments, and for compensation for services while in command of the latter; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and the Militia.


Mr. CLARK, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Catharine Ferguson, praying for compensation for injuries occasioned to her son, John Ferguson, on the 18th of November, 1863, in Alexandria, Virginia, by being run over by a United States military train, submitted an adverse report thereon; which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. POMEROY, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred a bill (S. No. 223) to revive and extend the provisions of an act granting the right of way and making a grant of land to the States of Arkansas and Missouri to aid in the construction of a railroad from a point upon the Mississippi opposite the mouth of the Ohio river, via Little Rock, to the Texas boundary, near Fulton, in Arkansas, with branches to Fort Smith and the Mississippi river, approved February 19, 1853, and for other purposes, reported it with an amendment.

Mr. KIRKWOOD, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred a bill (H. R. No. 85) for the disposal of the public lands for homestead actual settlement in the States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida, reported it with amendments.

Mr. NORTON, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred a bill (S. No. 149) for the relief of Daniel Winslow, reported it without amendment.


Mr. GRIMES submitted the following report: The committee of conference on the disagreeing

votes of the two Houses on the amendments to the bill (H. R. No. 122) making appropriations for the

naval service for the year ending 30th June, 1867, having met, after free and full conference have agreed to recommend, and do recommend, to their respective Houses as follows:

That the House of Representatives recede from their disagreement to the amendments of the Senate numbered one, five, six, ten, and eleven, and agree to the same.

That the Senate recede from their fourth amend


That the Senate recede from their disagreement to the amendment of the House to the third amendment of the Senate, and agree to the same.

That the House recede from their disagreement to the seventh amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment, as follows: strike out all of said amendment, and also the clause of the bill to which it was attached,, and insert the following in lieu thereof:

For the preservation and necessary repairs of the property of the United States at the Pensacola navyyard, $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. That the Senate agree to so much of the amendment of the House to the eighth amendment of the Senate as proposes to strike out of said amendment the following words: the same as those rates received at Boston, New York, and Washington," and agree to the matter proposed to be inserted by the House, and the House agree to the same as so modified.

That the House recede from so much of their amendment to the ninth amendment of the Senate as proposes to strike out the second clause of said amendment; and that the Senate agree to so much of the amendment of the House to said Senate amendment as proposes to strike out the words, "foundery and," in the fourth clause of said amendment.

That the Senate recede from their disagreement to the amendment of the House to the twelfth amendment of the Senate and agree to the same.

That the House recede from their amendment to the sixth section of the bill in the following words: "if approved by the Secretary of the Navy."



THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, Managers on the part of the Senate,


J. F. FARNSWORTH, CHARLES E. PHELPS, Managers on the part of the House.

Mr. GRIMES. I will state to the Senate that the bill as agreed upon by the committees of conference is substantially as it passed the Sen

ate, with the exception of two particulars. These are, first, an appropriation of $5,000 that was inserted by the House of Representatives, at the instance of the Navy Department, for the purpose of testing petroleum as a fuel, to which the committee of conference on the part of the Senate agree; and the other is the fourth amendment of the Senate, in regard to the purchase of Oakman & Eldridge's wharves, at Charlestown, Massachusetts, for which the Senate proposed to pay the sum of $105,000. From this amendment the committee of conference have recommended the Senate to recede. I desire to say in justice to myself and my colleagues on the committee, that we were unanimous in the conviction that the public interests really require that this purchase should be made. For myself I may say that I have not only examined the subject so far as it could be examined here in the Senate upon several former occasions, but I have personally examined the ground. I concur fully in the statement that was made the other day by the Senator from Kentucky [Mr. GUTHRIE] and by the Senator from Maine, Mr. FESSENDEN,] that the purchase ought to be made. Such is the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy, the chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, and of every Navy officer, so far as I know or am informed, who has been stationed at the Charlestown navy-yard during the last five years. The eminent officer now in command of that yard is very decided and emphatic on this behalf, and has never hesitated in expressing his conviction that the best interests of the service require that the purchase be at once made.

I believe that if an attempt shall be made to improve the yard, as it is proposed by those who oppose this purchase that it shall be improved, by building wharves out at the lower end of the ground now owned by the Govern ment, which is near the delta created by the confluence of the waters of the Mystic and Charles rivers, it will have a tendency to destroy the harbor of Boston; and not only that, but it will cause the sediment to settle above ing or wharves we now have. those wharves, and destroy the only good landBut from the fact that a portion of the people of Charlestown are severely hostile to the purchase, and that

the committee on the part of the House of Representatives, at the head of whom was the immediate representative of that locality, were unwilling to agree to it, the Senate committee thought that it was better not to jeopardize the passage of this bill on account of this purchase alone. All I have to say now is, that so far as I am concerned, if the people of Charlestown, or of Massachusetts, are not disposed to allow the Government to own the ground that it is necessary for it to have in order to carry on the public business, and to establish such a yard as the necessities of a great commercial and maritime nation require, I shall be willing, and shall recommend to the Senate, upon some future occasion, to remove the yard, to dispose of the property there, and to establish a yard at some point where we can get the necessary facilities.

The report was concurred in.


Mr. MORRILL asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to introduce a bill (S. No. 264) to grant certain privileges to the Alexandria and Washington Railroad Company, in the District of Columbia; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

He also asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to introduce a bill (S. No. 265) to protect the manufacturers of mineral waters in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. ANTHONY asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to introduce joint resolution (S. R. No. 63) to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to exchange or dispose of certain odd volumes of congressional documents, and other odd volumes; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Printing.


A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. MOORE, his Secretary, announced that the President had approved and signed on the 10th instant the following acts:

An act (S. No. 105) to grant the right of way to the Cascade Railroad Company through a military reserve in Washington Territory; An act (S. No. 115) for the relief of Jane W. Nethaway;

An act (S. No. 117) for the relief of F. A. Patterson, late captain of the third Virginia cavalry; and

An act (S. No. 181) for the relief of Emma

J. Hall.

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Mr. ANTHONY. I ask the Senate to take Senate bill No. 172.

Mr. LANE, of Indiana. If it will lead to debate, I must object to it.

Mr. ANTHONY. I do not think it will lead to debate.

The motion was agreed to; and the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill (S. No. 172) authorizing certain public documents to be distributed to the district and territorial judges of the United


and to insert the words "hereafter printed;" so that the section will read:

That in addition to the books and documents now required by law to be furnished to the district judges and the judges of the territorial courts of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior shall mail, free of postage, to each of them one copy of the Congressional Globe hereafter printed.

Mr. FESSENDEN. I should like to hear some explanation of this bill.

Mr. ANTHONY. I will explain it. It is a bill to distribute to the district judges and judges of the territorial courts a copy of the Congressional Globe to be kept among the books and papers of their offices.

Mr. FESSENDEN. Why should that be done?

Mr. ANTHONY. So that the judges in administering the laws may have all the light that may be thrown upon them by the debates in Congress. It seems to me there is no class

Mr. SHERMAN. I will ask my friend if the Delegates from the Territories do not get their portion of the Congressional Globe.

Mr. ANTHONY. Yes, sir.

Mr. SHERMAN. That is generally a very large number in proportion to their population. Mr. ANTHONY. This is not merely for the territorial judges, but for the district judges. The district judges have not, by any provision of law, in the libraries belonging to them the Congressional Globe. The bill originally as it was referred to the committee provided for the furnishing to these judges a copy of all the books and documents of a general nature printed by Congress; but the committee have amended it by restricting it to the Congressional Globe.

Mr. FESSENDEN. I do not see what is the use of giving them that.

Mr. ANTHONY. I do not see of what use the Congressional Globe is to anybody, if it is not of use to the judges of the courts; and as the Congressional Globe has been printed lately, as I understand, with a number of speeches omitted and others altered, I do not know that there is a great deal of use in print ing it at all. But if it is of use to anybody it is of use to the judges.

Mr. CONNESS. The Congressional Globe is an accessible book. There are a great many of them published, and I suppose they get such a distribution by all Senators and members of Congress that it is one of the most accessible books in all the libraries. I suppose there is scarcely a leading library in the country that does not contain it. In my State, young as it is, I have a list of fifty-three libraries, which run into nearly all the villages of the State, and I serve that list first, giving each a copy of the Congressional Globe, before I send it to anybody else. I apprehend that some such distribution is made, if not by all Senators, by some, and members of Congress; so that there is no book more easily obtained by the judges than the Congressional Globe. The State library of my State, which is located at the capital and is accessible to the courts, always contains more than one copy of it; and really I do not see the necessity for this bill.

Mr. ANTHONY. Undoubtedly the Globe is distributed to almost all the judges, but the copy they now receive belongs to them individually, and is not transmitted with the papers of their offices to their successors. The case is a very simple one. I have no desire about the


Mr. WILLIAMS. I hope this bill will pass. I remember when I was one of the territorial judges of the Territory of Oregon that questions arose there under the donation law to that

Territory, and it was necessary, in order to understand that law, to refer to the CongresThe Committee on Printing reported the bill sional Globe and the debates that occurred with two amendments. The first amendment upon the passage of the law, and at that time was in section one, line seven, after the word "Globe" to strike out the words, "and one there was but one copy of the Congressional Globe in the Territory, and that was in the poscopy of all books and documents on subjects session of the widow of the late Mr. Thurston, of a general nature which may be printed by formerly a Delegate from that Territory to Conorder of Congress, or of either House thereof,"gress. The necessity of having the Congres

sional Globe there at that time became evident, and I think the same necessity exists in all the Territories. If there is any officer of the Gov. ernment who needs a copy of the Congressional Globe it seems to me it is the judge of the United States district court or of a court of a Territory, because in the interpretation of the laws passed by Congress it is necessary and advisable to refer to the debates which were had at the time the laws were passed. I think the judge should be furnished with a copy so that he can have it as a part of his library. The practice has been heretofore to send to these territorial judges large boxes of public documents, executive documents, Senate documents, and House documents that are of little or no value to him. One copy of the Con. gressional Globe would be of more value to a judge of a court than all the other public documents that are sent to him relating to the proceedings of Congress. I know from my own experience that a copy of the Congressional Globe will be of value to a judge in a Territory, and I hope that the bill will be adopted. It certainly will not involve any considerable expense, and I am sure it will be a great convenience to those who have the laws to admin


The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment of the Committee on Printing to strike out the first section of the bill.

The amendment was agreed to.

The next amendment of the committee was in section two, line one, to strike out the words "and documents ;"so that the section will read:

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said books shall be the property of the United States, for the use of said judges and their successors.

Mr. FESSENDEN. I do not see any more propriety in furnishing the Congressional Globe to the district judges than I do of furnishing any law-book. They usually purchase their own libraries, and they can very easily purchase the Globes-there are plenty of them in the States at a small expense if they want them. This idea of furnishing libraries, or giving books of any kind to the district judges, it strikes me is the beginning of a system-I do not suppose it would amount to much nowthat may be abused and that ought not to be commenced. I have distributed large numbers of the Globe since I have been in Congress. I do not know whether I gave it to the district judge or not. If he wanted one he could have had it by intimating to me that he desired it. This proposition, like all others of the same sort, is merely an attempt to send something out, and we shall have to buy these copies at the public expense of the publisher, If you are going to begin this system, you might as well go back and do the whole thing at once, for the Globe does not cover a very large portion of the laws, and take the Annals of Congress, Gales & Seaton's Register, and then the Congressional Globe, and give them the whole, so that they may have them all from the commencement. If you intend to commence this system you might as well put them all in. I doubt very much the expediency or the propriety of it. I shall vote against it myself.

Mr. ANTHONY. I think the Senator misapprehends the bill in one respect. The bill, as it is amended, only proposes to give them the Congressional Globe hereafter printed. It is not intended to give them full sets.

Mr. FESSENDEN. If they want the Globes hereafter printed, each Senator receives something like ninety copies every sessionMr. CONNESS. Ninety-four.

Mr. FESSENDEN. Each Senator receives

ninety-four copies, and each Representative gets twenty or thirty copies

Mr. SHERMAN. Twenty-four.

Mr. FESSENDEN. And it is perfectly easy for members of Congress to furnish both the territorial and district judges with all the copies of the Globe that may be wanted. They will be glad to find somebody that will take them. Mr. ANTHONY. I will not object to hav

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