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under the command of commodore Barney, in June, 1814, which was sunk in the river Patuxent, to prevent her and the property on board from falling into the hand of the enemy, as stated in the petition; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Turner,

Ordered, That it be referred to the committtee on military affairs, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise.

Mr. Tait, from the committee on naval affairs, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act for the relief of George S. Wise, reported it without amendment.

Mr. Tait, from the committee on naval affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas I, Allen, on the subject, reported a bill to reward the officers and crew of the late United States brig Argus; and the bill was read.

Ordered, That it pass to the second reading. On request, Mr. Sanford had leave of absence, for two weeks.

Mr. Fromentin, from the committee, reported the bill authorizing the sale of public lands, correctly engrossed.

On motion by Mr. Morrow,

Resolved, That it be referred to a select committee, to consider and report thereon.

Ordered, That Mr. Williams, Mr. Hunter, and Mr. Ruggles, be the committee.

Mr. Bibb, from the committee to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to regulate the

commerce between the United States and the territories of his britannic majesty, according to the convention concluded the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and the ratifications of which were exchanged on the twenty-second day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen," reported it without amendment.

The Senate resumed, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill entitled "An act to authorize the discharge of William Jewett from his imprisonment," together with the amendment reported thereto by the select committee. On motion by Mr. Taylor,

Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until Monday next.

On motion by Mr. Taylor,

Ordered, That the petition of James Jewett, together with the accompanying documents, be referred to the Secretary of the Treasury, to consider and report thereon to the Senate.

The Senate resumed, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill to fix the compensations of the officers of the Senate therein mentioned.

On motion of Mr. Tait,

Resolved, That it be re-committed to a select committee, further to consider and report thereon. Ordered, That Mr. Lacock, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Varnum, be the committee.

Mr. Horsey, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of Charles King, and others, reported a bill to authorize a lottery in Georgetown, District of Columbia; and the bill was read. Ordered, That it pass to the second reading.

Mr. King presented the petition of Cornelia Livingston, and Peter V. B. Livingston, of the city of New-York, in behalf of themselves and of the infant children of Philip Livingston, deceased, and the heirs of his father, praying further time may be allowed them for perfecting their titles and establishing their claims to certain lands in the Mississippi Territory, as stated in the petition; which was read.

On motion by Mr. King,

Ordered, That it be referred to the committee appointed, the 7th December, on the memorial of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Mississippi Territory, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise.

After the consideration of executive business, the Senate adjourned to eleven o'clock to-morrow morning.


Mr. Taylor presented the memorial of James Levins, of South-Carolina, praying compensation for vanquishing and bringing into the United States, as prisoners of war, one midshipman and four seamen, of the navy of Great-Britain, alone and unassisted, as stated in the memorial; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Taylor,

Ordered, That it be referred to the committee on naval affairs, to consider and report thereon by bill or otherwise.

Mr. Lacock, from the committee to whom was re-committed the bill fixing the compensations of the officers of the Senate therein mentioned, reported it with an amendment.

The bill to reward the officers and crew of the United States' brig Argus, was read a second time.

The bill to authorize a lottery in Georgetown, District of Columbia, was read the second time.

The Senate resumed, as in committee of the whole, the consideration of the bill entitled "An act to regulate the commerce between the United States and the territories of his britannic majesty, according to the convention concluded the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and the ratifications of which were exchanged, on the 22d day of December, 1815;" and no amendment having been proposed thereto, the President reported the bill to the House; and

On the question, "Shall this bill be read a third time?"

On motion by Mr. Roberts,

It was agreed to take the question by yeas and


And, after debate,

On motion by Mr. Roberts,

The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1816.

Mr. Roberts reported from the committee that, on the 17th instant, they laid before the President of the United States, the three enrolled bills lastreported to have been examined.

Mr. Williams presented the petition of William Garrett, of the State of Tennessee, praying payment for a quantity of beef and pork lost on its passage in the Mississippi to New-Orleans, for the use of the navy of the United States, as stated in the petition; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Williams,

Ordered, That it be referred to the Secretary for the Department of Navy, to consider and report thereon to the Senate.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dougherty, their Clerk:

Mr. President-The President of the United States, on the 17th instant, approved and signed "An act to enlarge the time for ascertaining the annual transfers and changes of property subject to the direct tax, and for other purposes;" "An act for the relief of Henry Fanning;" also, "An act for the relief of Jonathan B. Eastman."

The House of Representatives have passed the bill which originated in the Senate, entitled "An act for the relief of Joseph Anderson."

They have passed a bill entitled “An act for the relief of John Redman Coxe;" a bill entitled

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