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Manufactures in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana.
By Charles Babbage, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. London and
Edinburgh, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the
University of Cambridge. Chapter I. published in
Part XXII.-Chapter II. and in Part XXXIII. of
the Encyclopædia Metropolitana
VIII. The Consistency of the whole Scheme of Revelation with
itself and with human Reason. By Philip Nicholas
Shuttleworth, D.D., Warden of New College, Oxford,
and Rector of Foxley, Wilts.
IX. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Tenbury,
Worcestershire, on Wednesday, March 21, 1832;
being the day appointed by his Majesty for a General
Fast. By the Rev. George Hall, M.A. Vicar of Ten-
bury, Worcestershire; Rector of Rochford, Hereford-
shire; and Chaplain to Lord Brougham and Vaux
X. Christus Crucifixus; or Our Lord's conduct with Re-
ference to his Crucifixion, considered as an Evidence of
the Truth of his Religion. By the Rev. Arthur John-
son, M.A.
XI. A word for God against certain Blasphemies reported to
have been recently uttered in the House of Commons-
A Sermon preached before the Right Hon. the Lord
Mayor, &c. &c. &c., on Sunday, February 26, 1832,
at the Parish Church of the Holy Sepulchre, London.
By Thomas Mortimer, B.D., Minister of St. Mark's,
Myddleton Square; and Lecturer of St. Leonard's,
XII. The Sabbath: a Sermon. By the Rev. William Wood,
B.D., Rector of Coulsdon, and Vicar of Fulham
XIII. Self-Delusion; a Sermon addressed to the Visible Church
of Christ; to which are added some Forms of Prayer
suitable to the present Time. By the Rev. Frederick
Dusautoy, B.M., Fellow of Queen's College, Cam-
bridge, &c. .
. . 178
XIV. 1. On Clerical Education: a Letter, addressed to the
Right Rev. Father in God, Edward, Lord Bishop of
Llandaff. By a Clergyman.
2. On the Office of Deacon: a Second Letter, addressed
to the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward,
Lord Bishop of Llandaff. By a Clergyman . . . 180
XV. Account of the Edinburgh Sessional School, and the other
Parochial Institutions for Education established in that
city in the year 1812; with Strictures on Education
in General. By John Wood, Esq..
XVI. The Topography and Antiquities of Rome; including the
Recent Discoveries made about the Forum and the
Via Sacra. By the Rev. Richard Burgess, Chaplain
to the Church of England Congregation at Rome, and
Domestic Chaplain to Lieutenant-General the Right
Honourable Lord Aylmer
ART. I. The Apostolicity of Trinitarianism. By the Rev. G. S.
II. On Political Economy, in Connexion with the Moral State
and Moral Prospects of Society. By Thomas Chalmers,
D.D. Professor of Divinity in the University of Edin-
III. Death-Bed Scenes and Pastoral Conversations.
Series. By the late John Warton, D.D. Edited by his Sons
. 306
IV. 1. The Agamemnon of Eschylus, translated from the
Greek, illustrated with a Dissertation on Grecian Tra-
gedy. By John S. Harford, Esq. D.C.L. F.R.S.
2. The Agamemnon, translated by J. Medwin, Esq.
3. The Prometheus, by the same.
4. Chorusses of Sophocles
V. 1. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India; descriptive
of their Manners, Customs, Habits, and Religious Opi-
nions. Made during a Twelve Years' Residence in
their immediate Society. By Mrs. Meer Hassan Ali.
2. Pen and Pencil Sketches; being the Journal of a Tour
in India. By Captain Mundy, late Aide-de-Camp to
Lord Combermere
. 371
. 397
. 416
VII. 1. Essays, Moral and Political. By Robert Southey, Esq.
LL.D. Poet Laureate, &c.
2. Observations on the Nature, Extent and Effects of
Pauperism, and on the Means of Reducing it. By
Thomas Walker, M.A. Barrister at Law, and one of
the Police Magistrates of the Metropolis.
3. Statement in regard to the Pauperism of Glasgow,
from the Experience of the last Eight Years. By
Thomas Chalmers, D.D. Minister of St. John's Church,
4. The Eighth Report of the Committee of the Society
for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, and for the
Reformation of Juvenile Offenders. With an Appendix.
5. Thoughts on Secondary Punishments, in a Letter to
Earl Grey. By Richard Whately, D.D. Archbishop
of Dublin. To which are appended two Articles, on
Transportation to New South Wales, and on Secondary
Punishments; and some Observations on Colonization 428