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*** For Remarkable Passages in the Criticisms, Extracts, Ecclesiastical and
other Intelligence, see the Index at the end of the Volume.

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Acesius, a Novatian Bishop, anecdote of,
272, note.

Eschylus's tragedies, general observations

on, 380-382-particularly on his Pro-
metheus, 383, 584-character of Pot-
ter's version of his tragedies, 378-
specimens of Mr. Medwin's translation
of that tragedy, 384-notice of Giaco-
melli's Italian translation of it, 377-
character of Dr. Harford's translation
of his Agamemnon, 378, 379-and of
Mr. Medwin's version, 380-observa-
tions on the Prometheus, 383-386-
specimens of Mr. Medwin's translation
of it, 584, 385-comparison between
Eschylus and Sophocles, 386, 387.
Appian Way, description of, 222-and of
the tomb of the Scipios there, 223—


Arch, triumphal, of Titus, observations on,

Arian System, difficulty in disputing against
-first, from the belief of the first Chris-
tians concerning the nature and dignity
of the Son of God, 265, 266—secondly,
from the flexible nature of this system,

Augustine, the father of the doctrine now

termed Calvinistic, 504- the tenets
avowed by him not known to preceding
fathers, 305.

the art of printing by mechanism, 144,
145-on a mode of engraving copper-
plates by pressure, 146-148-on the
advantages of the division of labour in
the manufacture of pins, 149, 150—
account of his calculating machine, 150
-153-on the influence of national
character in producing commercial con-
fidence, 153, 154-on the possibility
of applying machinery to the convey-
ance of letters, 154, 155-aud on the
triumphs of science, 156, 157.
Begum Sumroo, biographical anecdotes of,
413, 414.

Birch's (Dr.), Life of Milton, character of,
43, 44.

Burgess (Rev. Richard), advantages en-
joyed by, for composing his Treatise
on the Antiquities of Rome, 201-
character and plan of his work, ib.
202-his description of Rome and its
environs, as seen from the Capitoline
Hill, 204-208-his account of the
true situation of the capitol of Rome,
213, 214-and of the temple of Jupiter
Optimus Maximus, 214-216-descrip-
tion of the external appearance of the
recently discovered temple of Venus
and Rome, 217-220-philological il-
lustration of ancient heathen temples,
220-222-on the prospects of futu-
rity entertained by the Ancients, 224,



Babbage (Charles, Esq.), observations of,
on the addition made by machinery and
manufactures to human power, 143-
in the economy of time, ib. 144-and
the conversion of apparently worthless
substances into valuable products, 144
-his account of the improvements in


Calculating Machine, account of the prin-
ciples of, 150-153.

Calendar of the Egyptians, observations
on, 132-141.

Cali Yuga, an astronomical epoch of the
Hindoos, notice of, 120, 121.
Cambridge University, number of the


members of, 256-degrees conferred,
251, 252. 493, 494 - miscellaneous
university intelligence, 253, 254. 494
-496-prize offered, 254-previous
examinations-Lent Term, 1832, 235,


Canaanites, observations on the destruction
of, 159-161.

Capital, power of, for the maintenance of
a people, 315-317-effects of an ac-
cumulation of capital, 318, 319.
Capitol of Rome, probable site of, 213,


Carmeli's translation of Euripides, cha-
racter of, 376.

Catechumens, observations on the instruc-
tions anciently given to, 282.
Chalmers (Rev. Dr.) character of his
writings on political economy, 348—
his illustration of the principle that the
last or worst description of soil under
cultivation is generally unprofitable,
though it may in many cases be pro-
fitably entered upon, 309-312-ihat
labourers in the present day are better
off than their forefathers, 313-con-
siderations on the power of capital for
the maintenance of a people, 315-319
-on the possibility of over production,
321, 322-cause of his error in as-
cribing too little to trade and manu-
factures, 324, 325-exposition of his
mistake in concluding that taxes fall
entirely upon the land, 325-329-his
opinion on the operation of tithes, 331
-recommends an alteration in the pre-
sent tithe system, 332-remarks on his
theory of unproductive labour, 334,
335-and of the national debt, 336-
his illustration of the nature and value
of food, 346, 347--his plan of pro-
viding for the poor of Glasgow, 451-
its beneficial results, 451-453-re-
marks thereon, 453, 454.
Champollions' calculations of the era of
Sesostris, examined and refuted, 124-
130-remarks on their discoveries in
Egyptian hieroglyphics, 138, 139.
Channing (Dr.) strictures on the conduct
of, in the Socinian controversy, 299,

Character, influence of, in producing com-
mercial confidence, 155, 156.
Chartres (Bishop of), character of, 13,

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ceived, 163, 164-duties of a Christian
teacher, 165-opinion of the first Chris-
tians on the nature and dignity of the
Son of God, 265.
Chronology, ancient, causes of the obscu-
rity of, 120-extravagant claims of the
Egyptians and Chaldeans to antiquity,
exposed, ib. 121-the Sothiacal period,
122-account of the Julian period, 123.
Church-Establishment, importance of, 345.
Clement of Alexandria, testimony of, to the
worship of Christ, 276.

Clergymen of the Church of England, lists
of, preferred, 232-236. 483-487—
ordained, 236-238-married, 490—
deceased, 239-242. 488-490-can-
didates for orders, recommended to
serve a sort of apprenticeship to their
senior clergy, 180-182.

Clerical Education, observations on, 180—


Colonization, ancient and modern, con-
trasted, 478-defects of the present
system of colonization, 479, 480—
scheme for the formation of new colo-
nies, 480-482.
Constantinople, siege and capture of, by
the French crusaders and the Venetians,

Consubstantial, observations on the intro-
duction of the term, 269, 270.
Convicts, strictures on the transportation
of, 469, 470-suggestions for the em-
ployment of, 475-477.
Copper-plates, the process of engraving of,
by pressure, described, 146-148.
Cotton (Sir Robert), harsh treatment of,

by the privy council, 104-account of
his collection of manuscripts, 105.
Courts, Christian, design and beneficial
Influence of, 465, 466.
Couches, oriental, notice of, 98.
Cowper's translations from Milton's Latin
Poems, remarks on, 46, 47.
Creation of the world, philosophical view
of, 77-83-strictures on Mr. Turner's
history of, 64-70.

Creeds, origin of, 265-of the Nicene

creed, 268-testimonies of the ancient
creeds to the Trinitarian doctrine, 278,
279-notice of one of the Ariau creeds,
298, note.

Criminals, observations on the transporta-
tion of, 469, 470-on the treatment of
juvenile criminals, 470--472-and of
criminal lunatics, 473, 474.
Crusaders of France, embassy of, to the
Doge and Senate of Venice, 419, 420

their voyage to, and capture of Con-
stantinople, described, 420-428.

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