A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. The report of the Committee on Employees submitted yesterday, was read and is as follows: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Employees, to whom was referred Senate resolution No. 48; also, motion of Senator Shaffer, and motion of Senator Lupfer, and resolution No. 49, by Senator Benson, have had the same under consideration, and instruct me to report as follows: That your committee finds that it is not necessary to add any assistant journal clerks, but recommend that the stenographer at large be required to do the typewriting for the secretary of the Senate, and when not so occupied to do such other work as the Senators may require, as far as practicable. The sergeant-at-arms informs your committee that he is unable to keep a page at the telephone, and according to resolution No. 49, your committee have employed Miss Cora Repperton to fill that position. JOHN ARMSTRONG, Chairman. Senator Farrelly moved to strike out that portion relating to the duties of stenographer at large. The motion did not prevail. Senator Householder moved to strike out that part of the report employing Miss Cora Repperton at the telephone. The motion prevailed. The question being, Shall the report of the Committee on Employees be adopted as amended? The roll was called with the following result: Yeas 25, nays 12; absent or not voting, 3. Senators voting in favor of the adoption of the report were: Messrs. Battey, Braddock, Caldwell, Campbell, Cooke, Crossan, Field, Forney, Harris, Hart, Helm, Helmick, Johnson, Jumper, King. Lupfer, Mosher, Pritchard, Reser, Ryan, Shaffer, Sheldon, Sterne, Titus, and Young. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Coleman, Farrelly, Fulton, Hanna, Hessin, Householder, Lamb, Morrow, Stocks, Wallack, and Zimmer. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Benson, Lewelling, and Matthews. The report was adopted. Senate resolution No. 53 was then read, and is as follows: To the Senate: At the request of R. R. Beam, docket clerk, I hereby offer his resignation as said clerk. I hereby move the election of his assistant, Mr. L. Shamleffer, as docket clerk, and that the Committee on Employees be instructed to employ A. B. Huffman as assistant docket clerk. A. J. TITUS. February 1, 1897. To the Senate: I hereby resign my position as docket clerk on account of important business at home which requires my personal attention. R. R. BEAM. A vote being taken, the resolution was adopted. By unanimous consent, Senator Forney introduced Senate resolution No. 55, and moved its adoption. The resolution was read, and is as follows: WHEREAS, It has been asserted by the attorney of the Santa Fe railroad that the alien land law, supposed to have been passed by the Kansas legislature in 1891, did not in fact pass the legislature in proper manner, and is therefore void and of no effect: therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate, That the attorney-general of the state is hereby requested to inform this body whether, in his opinion, the law did pass, or whether further action will be necessary by this legislature to secure an alien land law. The resolution was adopted. Senate joint resolution No. 2 was then read the second time, and is as follows: Senate joint resolution No. 2, Proposing a convention to revise or amend the constitution of this state, and recommending to the electors to vote for or against such convention as they shall deem best for the public good. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. By unanimous consent. Senator Jumper, chairman of the Committee on Correction of the Journal, submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: Your Committee on Correction of the Journal, to whom was referred the Senate journal of Friday, January 29, 1897, recommend that on page 1, under "Presentation of Petitions," second line, the word "of " be changed to the word "in." On page 4, last paragraph, under Senate bill No. 351, said “351” be changed to "251." On page 8, under "Consideration of Messages from the House of Representatives," the sentence, "House bills Nos. 110, also 112 and 45, were then read the first time, as above," be added after the signature of the chief clerk of the House. On page 12, under Chairman Titus' report of Committee on Education and Educational Institutions, second paragraph, Senate bill 299, the words "being entitled" be added after "299"; in the same report, “being” be added after "257" in the next paragraph; in the same paragraph, second line, “Marion” be changed to "Norton." On page 20, immediately after Chairman Hessin's report of the committee of the whole, the paragraph, "Senator Hessin moved the report of the committee of the whole be agreed to," the motion prevailed, be added in the next paragraph; section 1 be added after substitute. In the paragraph immediately after the second part of the governor's message, third line, "bell" be changed to ball. On page 22, last paragraph, fourth line, "sanitary" be added after live stock. On page 23, under "senators absent or not voting," Senator Hanna's name be added: on the same page, in Senate concurrent resolution No. 11, in the last line, "made" be added after “propositions." H. G. JUMPER, Chairman. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Senator Lewelling moved that the Senate go into committee of the whole for the consideration of bills on the calender under the head of "General Orders." A vote being had, the motion prevailed. The Senate went into committee of the whole, with Senator Helm in the chair. After some time spent therein the committee rose, and through the chairman submitted the following report: MR. PRESIDENT: The committee of the whole Senate has had under consideration bills on the calendar under the head of "General Orders," and I am directed to report as follows: Recommend that Senate bill No. 121, An act authorizing county treasurers in counties of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants to deposit county money in a bank or banks, the substitute for section 1 be printed, and the bill lay over and retain its place on the calendar. Also, Senate bill No. 15, An act for the establishment of a state normal school at the city of Wichita, moved that it retain its place on the calendar under "General Orders" for further consideration, and that a committee of three be appointed by the president of the Senate, authorized, empowered and directed to employ a competent architect to aid them, and proceed to the city of Wichita, and there carefully inspect, appraise and estimate the present cash value and cost of reproducing the building known as the Garfield university at present prices of labor and material, and also the value of the campus of 14.67 acres upon which said building is situated, and also the value of the library, furniture and apparatus in said building, and report back such estimates to the Senate on or before February 9, 1897. The expenses of said committee and architect, and the fees of said architect, shall be paid by the citizens of Wichita, and the receipt of such payment attached to such report before filing same with the Senate. Also, Senate bill No. 153, An act to establish and permanently locate a state normal school at Concordia, Kas., and making an appropriation therefor; Also, Senate bill No. 100, An act to provide for the establishment of a state normal school at Fort Scott, Kas., and to provide for the purchase of the property of the Kansas normal college at said place: Also, Senate bill No. 86, An act in relation to the collection of delinquent taxes on real estate bid off by counties at tax sales, and providing for a sale of such real estate, be laid over and retain their places on the calendar. Also, Senate bill No. 156, An act prohibiting blacklisting of employees, and providing penalties for violation of this act, be laid over and retain its place on the calendar. Also, Senate bill No. 157, An act to prevent the discrimination of corporations or individuals against members of labor organizations, and providing penalties for the violation of this act, be passed. Also, substitute for Senate bill No. 128, An act to amend paragraph 4972 of the general statutes of 1889, relating to the code of civil procedure before justice of the peace, and to repeal said paragraph 4972, be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 34, An act regulating the rate of interest upon the loan or forbearance of money, goods or things in action, prohibiting usury, and providing penalties therefor, and repealing sections 1, 2, 3 and 5, of chapter 51, general statutes of 1889, be laid over and retain its place on the calendar. Also, Senate bill No. 95, An act changing the name of Seth Howard Carson to Seth Howard Nation, be passed. Also, Senate bill No. 67, an act to repeal article 14, chapter 99, general statutes of 1889, being paragraphs 6097, 6098, 6099, 6100, and 6101, the enacting clause be stricken out. Also, Senate bill No. 109, An act to amend section 55 of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of civil procedure," paragraph 4134 of the general statutes of 1889, and repealing said paragraph 4134, be passed. W. B. HELM, Chairman. The sergeant-at-arms announced a message from the governor. The governor's executive clerk submitted a message in writing. Senator Helm moved the report of the committee of the whole be agreed to. Senator Hessin moved to amend the report of the committee of the whole by striking out the enacting clause of Senate bill No. 109. The ayes and nays were demanded, and the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 6, nays 29; absent or not voting, 5. Senators voting in favor of the amendment of the bill were: Messrs. Battey, Fulton, Hessin, Lamb, Morrow, and Stocks. Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Armstrong, Benson, Braddock, Caldwell, Campbell, Coleman, Cooke, Crossan, Farrelly, Field, Forney, Hanna, Harris, Hart, Helm, Helmick, Householder, Jumper, King, Lupfer, Pritchard, Reser, Ryan, Shaffer. Sheldon, Sterne. Titus, Wallack, and Young. Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Johnson, Lewelling, Matthews, Mosher, and Zimmer. The amendment was not adopted. A vote being taken on the motion of Senator Helm, the motion prevailed. Senator Householder asked unanimous consent for the consideration of the message from the governor. Consent was granted and the message was read, and is as follows: STATE OF KANSAS, EXECUTIVE Department. To the Senate: I have appointed, and herewith submit for your confirmation, as member of the board of trustees of charitable institutions, for the unexpired term of Frank Lockard, ending April 1st, 1897, P. H. Dolan, of Salina; for the full term beginning April 1st, 1897, P. H. Dolan, of Salina; for the unexpired term of Dr. Thomas Blakesly, ending April 1st, 1899, S. C. Wheeler, of Cloud county. J. W. LEEDY, Governor. TOPEKA, February 2, 1897. Senator Householder moved the rules be suspended and the appointments be confirmed now, in open session. The motion prevailed. The question being. Shall the appointment of P. H. |