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No. 338, An act relating to road districts and authorizing and compelling
persons between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years to work
thereon, and repealing chapter 64, session laws of 1893, state of Kan-
sas, entitled an "Act to repeal subdivision thirty-four (34), section
eleven (11), of article three (3) of the charter of the cities of the first
class, published in the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, relating to
road districts and authorizing and compelling persons between the
ages of twenty-one and forty-five years to work thereon.

No. 339, An act authorizing the county treasurer in counties of less than

twenty-five thousand inhabitants to deposit all public moneys in a
bank or banks; to authorize the boards of county commissioners of
said counties to contract for the payment of interest to said counties
on said deposits, and to require bond for the security and repayment
of said public moneys, and to repeal chapter 131 of the laws of 1887,
chapter 189 of the laws of 1889, and chapter 116 of the laws of 1895.

No. 310, An act providing for a text-book board, for the adoption of one or
more series of text-books for use in the common schools in the state,
and a maximum price upon the same, and for state publication.

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No. 341, An act to amend paragraph No. 4135 of the general statutes of 1889..


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No. 312, An act to provide for the dismissal of the public schools whenever a
legal holiday comes on a school day during the term, and providing
for the payment of the teachers for the same.....

No. 343, An act in relation to garnishment and attachment for wages.

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No. 344, An act authorizing and empowering the county commissioners of
Butler county, Kansas, to invest the county railroad sinking funds or
any county sinking funds, in school, township, bridge or county bonds
of Butler county, Kansas.

No. 345, An act amending paragraph 1626 of the general statutes of 1889, being
section 1 of chapter 112 of the session laws of 1877..

No. 346, An act to promote medical sciences and repealing sections 3758, 3759
and 3760 of the general statutes of 1889.

No. 347, An act to provide for the appointment of a commissioner of elections
in cities of the first class, and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.

No. 348, An act to protect persons, associations or unions of workingmen in
their labels, trade-marks, terms, designs, devices, and forms of adver-
tising, and repealing sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of chapter 213 of the
laws of 1891..

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No. 349, An act concerning railroads and other common carriers, to provide
for making maximum rates for the transportation of freight, and to
repeal chapter 104 of the laws of 1883, chapter 133 and 139 of the laws
of 1886, chapters 184 and 185 of the laws of 1887, chapters 192 and 193
of the laws of 1889, chapter 100 of the laws of 1893, and chapter 195 of
the laws of 1895.

No. 350, An act to vacate certain lots, blocks, streets, alleys and public
grounds in Bond's addition to the city of Salina, Saline county, Kan-
sas, to exclude the same from the limits of said city and to make the
same a part of Smoky Hill township in said county and state

No. 351, An act authorizing the board of trustees of the state charitable in-
stitutions to contract for fuel for heating the charitable institutions
and amending section 4, chapter 87, of the laws of Kansas of 1879, en-
titled "An act authorizing the sinking of a shaft and mining coal at
the state penitentiary, and making appropriation for the same'

No. 352, An act to vacate certain streets and alleys in the city of Oskaloosa,
Jefferson county, Kansas.....

No. 353, An act in relation to public printing, and supplementary to chapter
132 of the laws of 1876 and subsequent acts relating to printing for the
state, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof....

No. 354, An act disorganizing all municipal townships and voting precincts
in Wichita county, Kansas, and providing for the organization of a
less number in lieu thereof, and for the payments of judgments and
outstanding warrants of townships disorganized.

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No. 355, An act to vacate College addition to the city of Lindsborg, McPher-
son county, Kansas.

No. 356, An act to change the name of persons named therein.

No. 357, An act to authorize the establishment and maintenance of county
high schools and being supplemental to chapter 147 of the laws of
1886, being an act to authorize the establishment and maintenance of
county high schools.

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No. 358, An act regulating the fees and salaries and prescribing certain duties
of the county officers of Russell county, Kansas..

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No. 359, An act to legalize sales and disposition of real property of minors in
Ellsworth county, Kansas....




No. 360, An act to authorize the board of commissioners of Montgomery
county, Kansas, to appropriate money to build a bridge over Elk river
in Montgomery county

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No. 361, An act providing for the maintenance of county normal institutes..
No. 362, An act authorizing the attorney-general and the executive council of
the state of Kansas to compromise the bonded indebtedness of the
city of Cimarron, Gray county, Kansas, and the city of Anthony, Har-
per county, Kansas, to the permanent school fund and the Kansas
state agricultural college fund, and authorizing the commissioners of
the school fund to deliver certain bonds to the attorney-general for
such purposes.

No. 363, An act to authorize and empower the attorney-general to collect the
interest and principal of all bonds and interest coupons now due the
permanent school fund and to authorize said attorney-general by
and with the consent of the executive council to compromise the
past due bonds and interest coupons due the permanent school fund..

No. 364, An act relating to the payment of the warrants of the counties,
cities, townships, school districts and boards of education, and to
amend section 7 of chapter 249 of the laws of 1891, and to repeal said
original section.

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