No. 121, An act authorizing county treasurers in counties of less than 25,000 inhabitants to deposit county money in a bank or banks..
No. 122, An act making officers and directors of corporations other than rail- way, religious and charitable corporations liable to employees for wages due from corporations in the first instance.
No. 123, An act to compel corporations to file a copy of their charter and the names of all officers and shareholders in the office of register of deeds of their home county......
No. 124, An act rejecting the admission of judgments as evidence during the pendency of an appeal from the judgment....
No. 125, An act to remove the political disabilities of Sidney C. Summers, of Sedgwick county
No. 126, An act entitled "An act to amend chapter 92 of the laws of the state of Kansas and repeal the original section 170".
No. 127, An act authorizing the secretary of state to purchase a certain num- ber of copies of the general statutes of 1897, and to make distribution thereof.
No. 128, An act amendatory to section 4972 of the statutes of 1889, and re- pealing said original section.....
No. 129, An act amendatory to sections 5327 and 5328 of the general statutes of 1889..
No. 130, An act relating to crimes and punishments, and amendatory to sec- tion 2237 of the general statutes of 1889..
No. 131, An act concerning railroads and other common carriers, and to re- peal an act entitled "An act concerning railroads and other common carriers," approved March 6, 1883, and acts amendatory thereof.....
No. 132, An act relating to the state penitentiary coal-mine, at Lansing, Kas.. No. 133, An act to change the boundaries and to vacate a part of the town site of Rosalia, Butler county, Kansas.
No. 136, An act creating a board of control for penal institutions of the state and prescribing its duties, for the management and control of the state penitentiary, the Kansas state industrial reformatory, and the state reform school, to abolish the board of directors of the state peni- tentiary, the board of managers of the Kansas state industrial re- formatory, and the board of pardons, to provide for the transportation of prisoners confined in the state penitentiary, for their description and conditional liberation, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act..
No. 137, An act to regulate the price of telegraph messages..
No. 138, An act providing that full credit shall be given for the payment of taxes upon mortgaged property in proportion to the ratio the mort- gage holds to the assessed valuation of the mortgaged property.
No. 139, An act fixing the compensation of judges and clerks of an election. No. 140, An act relating to elections and salaries of officers in cities of the first class having a population of 35,000 or over, as shown by the United States census of 1890, repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith.........
No. 141, An act relating to the meetings of the board of county commission- ers in counties having more than 25,000 inhabitants, and also provid- ing for the payment of all claims and accounts against the county, including claims for the salaries of the county officers.
No. 142, An act to remove the political disabilities of Simon B. Yeukey. No. 143, An act relating to persons assuming names other than their lawful or real names, and providing a punishment therefor.. No. 141, An act to change the boundaries of the city of El Dorado, to vacate a part of the town site of El Dorado, Butler county, Kansas.
No. 145, An act to repeal poll taxes in the cities of this state.
No. 146, An act to repeal paragraphs 3942, 3943, 3944, 3946, and 3947, being sec- tions 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of chapter 72, general statutes of 1889.
No. 147, An act limiting the power of counties, townships and cities to bor- row money or create indebtedness..
No. 148, An act relating to sheriffs' and stenographers' fees, and amendatory of section 27 of chapter 109 of session laws of 1893, being an act en- titled "An act to regulate the sale of real estate under execution, order of sale, or other judicial process, and providing for the redemp- sion of such real estate from sale, and the terms thereof," and repeal- ing said section 27 of said chapter 109..
No. 149, An act concerning the soldiers' reunion grounds at Ellsworth, Kas... No. 150, An act relating to judicial districts, defining the boundary of the twentieth and twenty-fourth judicial districts, for holding the terms of court therein, and abolishing the ninth judicial district, and re- pealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act.
No. 151, An act making appropriations for the current expenses for the uni- versity of Kansas, and for the erection and equipment of certain buildings for said university.
No. 152, An act relating to fire insurance in the state of Kansas.
No. 153, An act to establish and permanently locate a state normal school at Concordia, Kas., and making an appropriation therefor.
No. 154, An act for the purchase of the site of the ancient Pawnee village in Republic county, Kansas, and for the maintaining of a state park therein.
No. 155, An act for the protection of birds, and providing at what seasons game may be shot, to prohibit hunting on certain lands without the consent of owners, to prohibit the sale and shipment of game from the state, and prescribing a punishment for the violations of this act, and to repeal chapter 97 of the laws of 1893..
No. 156, An act prohibiting the blacklisting of employees, and providing pen- alties for the violation of this act..
No. 157, An act to prevent the discrimination of corporations and individuals against members of labor organizations, and to provide penalties for the violation of this act......
No. 158, An act to prohibit and punish the giving, granting, sending, or issu- ing, or the acceptance and using within the state of Kansas, of any pass, frank, concession, deduction, reduction, accommodation, rebate, facility, or favor, not openly given the general public within the state, by any person, company or corporation engaged in the transportation of passengers, freight, or express matter, or engaged in the sending or delivery of messages by telegraph, telephone, or otherwise, except to officers or employees then upon the business of the employer furnish- ing the same, and regulating the rate charged for transportation of passengers, it being the object and purpose of this act to promote the enactment of laws just to the entire state, a fair administration of the great concerns of the state, and the protection of all classes and con- ditions of people and property within the state, and to give the entire public equal opportunities, with favoritism to none.
No. 159, An act to remove the political disabilities of W. G. Cleveland.
No. 160, An act relating to appellate courts, and amendatory to section 3, chapter 96, of the laws of 1895.
No. 161, An act relating to judicial districts, defining boundaries of the thirty-third judicial district, and providing for holding terms of court therein, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act..
No. 162, An act to establish trial by jury in cases of contempt of court, and re- stricting the powers of judges and courts in contempt proceedings... 84 No. 163, An act in relation to the mining of coal at the Kansas penitentiary, the disposition thereof, and the repairing of the wagon road from the state penitentiary to the limits of the city of Leavenworth.
No. 164, An act making appropriation for instruction and current expenses at the Kansas state agricultural college, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899..
No. 165, An act making appropriation for buildings, improvements and ap- paratus at the Kansas state agricultural college, for the years ending June 30, 1898, and June 30, 1899.
No. 166, An act to prohibit the giving of free railway transportation to certain officers, or the furnishing of such transportation to such officers for the carrying or transporting of any person over railways in Kansas, and to prohibit such officers from accepting the same, or from riding over such railways for a less amount than the rate per mile estab- lished or charged for the carrying of passengers generally, and pro- viding a penalty for its violation.
No. 167, An act to provide for the construction of a bridge across the Kansas river between Douglas and Jefferson counties, from a point near the ferry landing, at Lecompton, Douglas county, Kansas, to a point at or near the foot of the Leamer road, in Kentucky township, Jefferson county, Kansas, and authorizing the board of county commissioners of Douglas county, Kansas, to issue bonds in payment therefor, and also authorizing the board of county commissioners of Jefferson county, Kansas, to issue bouds in part payment therefor..
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