sugar of.. Mill Shafting, duty on steel.. Millinery Ornaments, duty on feathers, artificial flowers, etc..... Millstones, duty on burrstones manufactured into..... provided for for... sale. for.. on free list. tions.. Minimum Tariff', duty on, immersed in alcohol, not specially Mineral Salts, on free list, evaporated; certificate required duty on articles of, not specially provided Mineral Substances, Metallic, duty on crude, not specially provided for. Mineral Waters, duty on..... artificial or imitation. Mineral Wax, on free list.... Mineralogy, Specimens of, on free list, for public collections, not for Minerals, on free list, crude, not specially provided Miners' Diamonds, on free list, not set.... Miners' Rescue Appliances, on free list... Miners' Safety Lamps, Mines of the United States, census of, to be taken in 1910, etc... confined to active. officials to correctly answer census ques- punishment for failure.... deficiency appropriation for securing in- paying no export bounty. Mining Fuses, duty on, not composed of cotton.......... may bridge Mississippi River............ County, Minn..... 9 Mosses, deficiency appropriation for rent, etc., new 12 quarters for. 123 Models of Inventions, etc., 77 on free list; restrictions... 77 duty on, manufactured or dyed. 17 duty on, drugs. 13 9 on free list, crude, not edible, not specially provided for. 75 Mother-of-Pearl, 119 duty on manufactures of, not specially pro- vided for.. 70 |