polished, etc. coated with tin or lead.. galvanized or coated. rails, flat, punched. railway bars.... rods, cold rolled, etc.... 22 on free list... 76 25-29 Japan Matting, duty on.. 49 24 Japan Varnish, 24 duty on. 15 23 Japanese Isinglass, 23 duty on.. 14 23 Japanned Leather, 25 duty on. 68 scrap... 23 Jasmine or Jasimine, 25 on free list, oil... 22 Jellies, 21. duty on.. 38 duty on, not specially provided for.. 21 49 50 "Line of Hemp, duty on. Linen (see also Flax), duty on, shirt collars and cuffs. Linen Cloth, on free list, machines for weaving, from Linings, duty on woolen coat, cotton, etc., warp... Linoleum, duty on, floor coverings mats. Linotype Machines, duty on. Linseed, duty on. oil, raw, boiled, or oxidized.. Liqueurs, duty on. Liquors, Spirituous, duty on; determination of proof.......... Literacy, census inquiries as to....... deficiency appropriation for extra services. 127 duty on medicinal, etc., drugs in......... 16 Ludwig, Edwin F., deficiency appropriation for extra services. duty on, planed or finished, on one side... on three sides. on two sides and tongued and grooved. sawed whitewood, sycamore, and bass- not specially provided for. on free list for two years, sawed, etc., in 127 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 |