TU SCHEDULE G. AgricuTLE Gprod- evaporated, or prepared in any manner, not specially provided for ucts and provisions- in this section, two cents per pound; comfits, sweetmeats, and fruits Continued. Figs, raisins, olives, etc. Grapes. Lemons, oranges, etc. Orange peel, etc. Pineapples. Almonds, etc. Filberts and walnuts. Peanuts. Nuts, not specified. Bacon and hams. Preserved meat. Extract of meat. Lard. Tallow, etc. of all kinds preserved or packed in sugar, or having sugar added thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices, if containing no alcohol, or containing not over ten per centum of alcohol, one cent per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem; if containing over ten per centum of alcohol and not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem and in addition two dollars and fifty cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein in excess of ten per centum; jellies of all kinds, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; pineapples preserved in their own juice, not having sugar, spirits, or molasses added thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 275. Figs, two and one-half cents per pound; plums, prunes, and prunelles, two cents per pound; raisins and other dried grapes, two and one-half cents per pound; dates, one cent per pound; currants, Zante or other, two cents per pound; olives, in bottles, jars, kegs, tins, or other packages, containing less than five gallons each, twenty-five cents per gallon; otherwise, fifteen cents per gallon. 276. Grapes in barrels or other packages, twenty-five cents per cubic foot of capacity of barrels or packages. 277. Lemons, one and one-half cents per pound; oranges, limes, grape fruit, shaddocks, or pomelos, one cent per pound. 278. Orange peel or lemon peel, preserved, candied, or dried, and cocoanut meat or copra desiccated, shredded, cut, or similarly prepared, two cents per pound; citron or citron peel, preserved, candied, or dried, four cents per pound. 279. Pineapples, in barrels and other packages, eight cents per cubic foot of the capacity of barrels or packages; in bulk, eight dollars per thousand. 280. Almonds, not shelled, four cents per pound; clear almonds, shelled, six cents per pound; apricot and peach kernels, four cents per pound. 281. Filberts and walnuts of all kinds, not shelled, three cents per pound; shelled, five cents per pound. 282. Peanuts or ground beans, unshelled, one-half of one cent per pound; shelled, one cent per pound. 283. Nuts of all kinds, shelled or unshelled, not specially provided for in this section, one cent per pound; but no allowance shall be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind, shelled or unshelled. 284. Bacon and hams, four cents per pound. 285. Fresh beef, veal, mutton, lamb, pork, and venison and other game, except birds, one and one-half cents per pound. 286. Meats of all kinds, prepared or preserved, not specially provided for in this section, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 287. Extract of meat, not specially provided for in this section, thirty-five cents per pound; fluid extract of meat, fifteen cents per pound, but the dutiable weight of the extract of meat and of the fluid extract of meat shall not include the weight of the packages in which the same is imported. 288. Lard, one and one-half cents per pound. 289. Poultry, live, three cents per pound; dead, five cents per pound. 290. Tallow, one-half of one cent per pound; wool grease, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease, crude and not refined, or improved in value or condition, one-fourth of one cent per pound; refined, or improved in value or condition, and not specially provided for in this section, one-half of one cent per pound. 291. Chicory root, raw, dried, or undried, but unground, one and one-half cents per pound; chicory root, burnt or roasted, ground or granulated, or in rolls, or otherwise prepared, and not specially provided for in this section, three cents per pound. 292. Chocolate and cocoa, prepared or manufactured, not specially provided for in this section, valued at not over fifteen cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound; valued above fifteen and not above twenty-four cents per pound, two and one-half cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above twenty-four and not above thirty-five cents per pound, five cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem; valued above thirty-five cents per pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. The weight and value of all coverings, other than plain wooden, shall be included in the dutiable weight and value of the foregoing merchandise; powdered cocoa, unsweetened, five cents per pound. 293. Cocoa butter or cocoa butterine, refined deodorized cocoanut oil, and all substitutes for cocoa butter, three and one-half cents per pound. 294. Dandelion root and acorns prepared, and articles used as coffee, or as substitutes for coffee not specially provided for in this section, two and one-half cents per pound. SCHEDULE G. Agricultural prod ucts and provisionsChicory root. Continued. Chocolate and cocoa. Cocoa butter. Coffee substitutes. Salt. Provisos. Remission of duty, 295. Salt in bags, sacks, barrels, or other packages, eleven cents per one hundred pounds; in bulk, seven cents per one hundred pounds: Provided, That imported salt in bond may be used in curing fish taken by vessels licensed to engage in the fisheries and in curing fish on the if used in curing fish. shores of the navigable waters of the United States under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; and upon proof that the salt has been used for either of the purposes stated in Drawback, used on this proviso, the duties on the same shall be remitted: Provided exported meats. further, That exporters of meats, whether packed or smoked, which have been cured in the United States with imported salt, shall, upon satisfactory proof, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such meats have been cured with imported salt, have refunded to them from the Treasury the duties paid on the salt so used in curing such exported meats, in amounts not less than one hundred dollars. 296. Starch, made from potatoes, one and one-half cents per pound; Starch. all other starch, including all preparations, from whatever substance produced, fit for use as starch, one cent per pound. 297. Dextrine, dextrine substitutes, soluble starch or chemically Dextrine, etc. treated starch, burnt starch, gum substitute, or British gum, one and one-half cents per pound. 298. Spices: Mustard, ground or prepared, in bottles or otherwise, ten cents per pound; capsicum or red pepper, or cayenne pepper, two and one-half cents per pound; sage, one cent per pound; spices not specially provided for in this section, three cents per pound. 299. Vinegar, seven and one-half cents per proof gallon. The standard proof for vinegar shall be taken to be that strength which requires thirty-five grains of bicarbonate of potash to neutralize one ounce troy of vinegar. Spices. Vinegar. SCHEDULE H. Spirits, wines, and other beverages. SCHEDULE H. SPIRITS, WINES, AND OTHER BEVERAGES. 300. Brandy and other spirits manufactured or distilled from Spirits. grain or other materials, and not specially provided for in this section, two dollars and sixty cents per proof gallon. Determining proof, 301. Each and every gauge or wine gallon of measurement shall ete. be counted as at least one proof gallon; and the standard for determining the proof of brandy and other spirits or liquors of any kind imported shall be the same as that which is defined in the laws 1 H. SpiCHEDULE and relating to internal revenue: Provided, That it shall be lawful for other beverages-Con- the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to authorize the tinued. Provisos. ascertainment of the proof of wines, cordials, or other liquors, by Ascertaining proof distillation or otherwise, in cases where it is impracticable to ascer by distillation, ete. Forfeitures. Minimum size. Compounds. Cordials, ete. Minimum rate. Proportionate crease. Bay rum. Sparkling wines. Still wines. Provisos. breakage, etc. tain such proof by the means prescribed by existing law or regulations: And provided further, That any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquors imported in any sized cask, bottle, jug, or other packages, of or from any country, dependency, or province under whose laws similar sized casks, bottles, jugs, or other packages of distilled spirits, wine, or other beverage put up or filled in the United States are denied entrance into such country, dependency, or province, shall be forfeited to the United States; and any brandy or other spirituous or distilled liquor imported in a cask of less capacity than ten gallons from any country shall be forfeited to the United States. 302. On all compounds or preparations of which distilled spirits are a component part of chief value there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits. 303. Cordials, liqueurs, arrack, absinthe, kirschwasser, ratafia, and other spirituous beverages or bitters of all kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this section, two dollars and sixty cents per proof gallon. 304. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that in- fixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names whatever shall be subject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intended to be represented, and in no case less than one dollar and seventy-five cents per gallon. 305. Bay rum or bay water, whether distilled or compounded, of first proof, and in proportion for any greater strength than first proof, one dollar and seventy-five cents per gallon. 306. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, nine dollars and sixty cents per dozen; containing not more than one.pint each and more than one-half pint, four dollars and eighty cents per dozen; containing one-half pint each or less, two dollars and forty 'cents per dozen; in bottles or other vessels containing more than one quart each, in addition to nine dollars and sixty cents per dozen bottles, on the quantity in excess of one quart, at the rate of three dollars per gallon; but no separate or additional duty shall be levied on the bottles. 307. Still wines, including ginger wine or ginger cordial, vermuth, and rice wine or sake, and similar beverages not specially provided for in this section, in casks or packages other than bottles or jugs, if containing fourteen per centum or less of absolute alcohol, forty-five cents per gallon; if containing more than fourteen per centum of absolute alcohol, sixty cents per gallon. In bottles or jugs, per case of one dozen bottles or jugs, containing each not more than one quart and more than one pint, or twenty-four bottles or jugs containing each not more than one pint, one dollar and eighty-five cents per case; and any excess beyond these quantities found in such bottles or jugs shall be subject to a duty of six cents per pint or fractional part thereof, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs: Provided, That any wines, ginger cordial, or vermuth imported containing more than twenty-four per centum of alcohol shall be classed as spirits and pay duty accordingly: And provided No allowance for further, That there shall be no constructive or other allowance for breakage, leakage, or damage on wines, liquors, cordials, or distilled spirits. Wines, cordials, brandy, and other spirituous liquors, Spirits, wines, and Packages. including bitters of all kinds, and bay rum or bay water, imported in SCHEDULE H. bottles or jugs, shall be packed in packages containing not less than other beverages-Conone dozen bottles or jugs in each package, or duty shall be paid as if timeke such package contained at least one dozen bottles or jugs, and in addition thereto, duty shall be collected on the bottles or jugs at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. The percentage of alcohol in wines and fruit juices shall be determined in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall by regulation prescribe. 308. Ale, porter, stout, and beer, in bottles or jugs, forty-five cents per gallon, but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles or jugs; otherwise than in bottles or jugs, twenty-three cents per gallon. 309. Malt extract, fluid, in casks, twenty-three cents per gallon; in bottles or jugs, forty-five cents per gallon; solid or condensed, forty-five per centum ad valorem. 310. Cherry juice and prune juice, or prune wine, and other fruit juices, and fruit sirup, not specially provided for in this section, containing no alcohol or not more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, seventy cents per gallon; if containing more than eighteen per centum of alcohol, seventy cents per gallon and in addition thereto two dollars and seven cents per proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein. 311. Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, soda water, and other similar beverages containing no alcohol, in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, containing each not more than three-fourths of a pint, eighteen cents per dozen; containing more than three-fourths of a pint each and not more than one and one-half pints, twenty-eight cents per dozen; but no separate or additional duty shall be assessed on the bottles; if imported otherwise than in plain green or colored, molded or pressed, glass bottles, or in such bottles containing more than one and one-half pints each, fifty cents per gallon, and in addition thereto duty shall be collected on the bottles, or other coverings, at the rates which would be chargeable thereon if imported empty. Beverages not specially provided for containing not more than two per centum of alcohol shall be assessed for duty under this paragraph. 312. All mineral waters and all imitations of natural mineral waters, and all artificial mineral waters not specially, provided for in this section, in bottles or jugs containing not more than one pint, twenty cents per dozen bottles; if containing more than one pint and not more than one quart, thirty cents per dozen bottles; if imported in bottles or in jugs containing more than one quart, twenty-four cents per gallon; if imported otherwise than in bottles or jugs, eight cents per gallon; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, duty shall be collected upon the bottles or other containers at one-third of the rates that would be charged thereon if imported empty or separately. SCHEDULE I. - COTTON MANUFACTURES. Ale, beer, etc. Malt extract. Fruit juices. Nonalcoholic bev erages. Mineral waters. SCHEDULE I. 313. Cotton thread and carded yarn, warps or warp yarn, in singles, whether on beams or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, hereinafter provided for, not colored, bleached, dyed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, two and one-half cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number fifteen, one-sixth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding number fifteen and up to and including number thirty, and one-fifth of a cent per number per pound on all numbers exceeding number thirty: Provided, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum bleached, etc. Provisos. un SCHEDULE I. Cotton manufactures-Continued. ad valorem; colored, bleached, dyed, combed, or advanced beyond the condition of singles by grouping or twisting two or more single yarns together, whether on beams, or in bundles, skeins, or cops, or in any other form, except spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, hereinafter provided for, six cents per pound on all numbers up to and including number twenty-four, and on all numbers exceeding number twenty-four and up to number eighty, one-fourth of one cent per number per pound; on number eighty and up to number two hundred, three-tenths of one cent per number per pound; on number two hundred and above, sixty cents per pound, and one-tenth of one cent per number per pound additional for every number in excess of number two hundred; cable-laid yarns or threads, made by grouping or twisting two or more grouped or twisted yarns or threads together, not colored, bleached, or dyed, four-tenths of one cent per number per pound; colored, bleached, or dyed, nine-twentieths of one cent per number Minimum, bleached, per pound: Provided further, That said threads and yarns, colored, bleached, dyed, combed, advanced beyond the condition of singles, and cable-laid yarns or threads, as hereinbefore provided, except those (other than cable-laid threads and yarns) finer than number one hundred and forty shall not pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem: And provided further, That all the foregoing threads and yarns as hereinbefore provided, when mer etc. Mercerized. Waste and flocks. Spool thread, etc. Provisos. Minimum. Cloth. Not exceeding 50 threads to the inch. threads to the inch. cerized or subjected to any similar process, shall pay, in addition to the foregoing specific rates of duty, one-fortieth of one cent per number per pound; cotton card laps, roping, sliver, or roving, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Cotton waste and flocks, manufactured or otherwise advanced in value, twenty per centum ad valorem. 314. Spool thread of cotton, crochet, darning, and embroidery cottons, on spools, reels, or balls, containing on each spool, reel, or ball, not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, six cents per dozen; exceeding one hundred yards on each spool, reel, or ball, for every additional hundred yards or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred, six cents per dozen spools, reels, or balls; if in skeins, cones or tubes, containing less than six hundred yards each, one-half of one cent for each one hundred yards or fractional part thereof: Provided, That in no case shall the duty be assessed upon a less number of yards than is marked on the spools, reels, cones, tubes, skeins, or balls: And provided further, That none of the foregoing shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem. 315. Cotton cloth, valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding fifty threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, one cent per square yard; if bleached, and valued at not over nine cents per square yard, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and valued at not over Not exceeding 100 twelve cents per square yard, two cents per square yard; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, exceeding fifty and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and valued at not over seven cents per square yard, not exceeding six square yards to the pound, one and one-fourth cents per square yard; exceeding six and not exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and one-half cents per square yard; exceeding nine square yards to the pound, one and three-fourths cents per square yard; cotton cloth, not bleached, dyed, colored, stained, painted, or printed, not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and valued at over seven and not over nine cents per square yard, two and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over nine and not over ten cents per square yard, two and three-fourths cents per square yard; valued at over ten and not over twelve and one-half cents per square yard, four cents per square yard; |